Issue 18, 2013

Mechanochemical reactions and syntheses of oxides


Technological and scientific challenges coupled with environmental considerations have prompted a search for simple and energy-efficient syntheses and processing routes of materials. This tutorial review provides an overview of recent research efforts in non-conventional reactions and syntheses of oxides induced by mechanical action. It starts with a brief account of the history of mechanochemistry. Ensuing discussions will review the progress in homogeneous and heterogeneous mechanochemical reactions in oxides of various structures. The review demonstrates that the event of mechanically induced reactions provides novel opportunities for the non-thermal manipulation of materials and for the tailoring of their properties.

Graphical abstract: Mechanochemical reactions and syntheses of oxides

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
10 Nov 2012
First published
30 Jan 2013

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,42, 7507-7520

Mechanochemical reactions and syntheses of oxides

V. Šepelák, A. Düvel, M. Wilkening, K. Becker and P. Heitjans, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 7507 DOI: 10.1039/C2CS35462D

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