Issue 18, 2013

On the mechanochemical activation by ultrasound


Chemists have discovered, and recently actively exploited, the fact that subjecting certain molecules to ultrasound waves can bring about transformations that give insight into the correlation between classical tribological processes and the mechanical action caused by collapsing microbubbles when sonic waves propagate through a liquid medium. Chemical transformations induced by ultrasound take place in solution via mechanisms that are markedly different from those associated with molecular activation in the solid state. Both fields, however, share some striking similarities and numerous sonochemical reactions can be rationalized in purely mechanical terms. This tutorial review examines the tribochemical interpretation of sonochemical reactivity and how the multifaceted action of cavitational phenomena determines molecular evolution. A series of case studies involving solids, crystals, and polymers illustrate the mechanical properties of sound waves.

Graphical abstract: On the mechanochemical activation by ultrasound

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
07 Nov 2012
First published
15 Jan 2013

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,42, 7521-7534

On the mechanochemical activation by ultrasound

G. Cravotto, E. C. Gaudino and P. Cintas, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 7521 DOI: 10.1039/C2CS35456J

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