Issue 12, 2009

Novel transparent nanocomposite films based on chitosan and bacterial cellulose


New nanocomposite films based on different chitosan matrices (two chitosans with different DPs and one water soluble derivative) and bacterial cellulose were prepared by a fully green procedure by casting a water based suspension of chitosan and bacterial cellulose nanofibrils. The films were characterized by several techniques, namely SEM, AFM, X-ray diffraction, TGA, tensile assays and visible spectroscopy. They were highly transparent, flexible and displayed better mechanical properties than the corresponding unfilled chitosan films. These new renewable nanocomposite materials also presented reasonable thermal stability and low O2 permeability.

Graphical abstract: Novel transparent nanocomposite films based on chitosan and bacterial cellulose

Article information

Article type
05 May 2009
09 Sep 2009
First published
22 Oct 2009

Green Chem., 2009,11, 2023-2029

Novel transparent nanocomposite films based on chitosan and bacterial cellulose

S. C. M. Fernandes, L. Oliveira, C. S. R. Freire, A. J. D. Silvestre, C. P. Neto, A. Gandini and J. Desbriéres, Green Chem., 2009, 11, 2023 DOI: 10.1039/B919112G

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