Issue 21, 2007

Multiporphyrin coordination arrays based on complexation of magnesium(ii) porphyrins with porphyrinylphosphine oxides


Di- and triporphyrin arrays consisting of 5,15-diphenylporphyrinatomagnesium(II) (MgDPP) coordinated to free-base and Ni(II) porphyrinyl mono- and bis-phosphine oxides, as well as the self-coordinating diphenyl[10,20-diphenylporphyrinatomagnesium(II)-5-yl]phosphine oxide [MgDPP(Ph2PO)], were synthesised in excellent yields and characterised by various spectroscopic techniques. Phosphine oxides stabilise Mg(II) coordination to porphyrins and the resulting complexes have convenient solubilities, while the Ni(II) complexes exhibit interesting intramolecular fluorescence quenching behaviour. The binding constant of MgDPP to triphenylphosphine oxide (5.3 ± 0.1 × 105 M−1) and the very high self-association constant of [MgDPP(Ph2PO)] (5.5 ± 0.5 × 108 M−1) demonstrate the strong affinity of phosphine oxides towards Mg(II) porphyrins. These complexes are the first strongly bound synthetic Mg(II) multiporphyrin complexes and could potentially mimic the “special pair” in the photosynthetic reaction centre.

Graphical abstract: Multiporphyrin coordination arrays based on complexation of magnesium(ii) porphyrins with porphyrinylphosphine oxides

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2007
10 Apr 2007
First published
19 Apr 2007

Dalton Trans., 2007, 2163-2170

Multiporphyrin coordination arrays based on complexation of magnesium(II) porphyrins with porphyrinylphosphine oxides

F. Atefi, J. C. McMurtrie and D. P. Arnold, Dalton Trans., 2007, 2163 DOI: 10.1039/B703589F

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