Issue 15, 2006

Total synthesis of myxothiazols, novel bis-thiazole β-methoxyacrylate-based anti-fungal compounds from myxobacteria


Convergent total syntheses of myxothiazols A and Z are described. The syntheses are based on elaboration of the (S)-E,E-diene thioamide 22, conversion of 22 into the bis-thiazole 27 and Wittig reactions between 27c and the aldehyde 30. The substituted β-methoxyacrylate aldehyde 30 was produced via an Evans asymmetric aldol protocol or via the 2H-pyran-2-one 31. An E-selective Wittig reaction between the ylide derived from the phosphonium salt 27c and the (+)-aldehyde 30 led to (+)-myxothiazol Z (1b), and a corresponding reaction with the (±)-acrylamide aldehyde 44 gave (±)-myxothiazol A (1a). Complementary studies led to synthesis of the ester 47b, corresponding to myxothiazol R and myxothiazol S.

Graphical abstract: Total synthesis of myxothiazols, novel bis-thiazole β-methoxyacrylate-based anti-fungal compounds from myxobacteria

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Article information

Article type
07 Mar 2006
09 Jun 2006
First published
29 Jun 2006

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2006,4, 2906-2911

Total synthesis of myxothiazols, novel bis-thiazole β-methoxyacrylate-based anti-fungal compounds from myxobacteria

J. M. Clough, H. Dube, B. J. Martin, G. Pattenden, K. S. Reddy and I. R. Waldron, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2006, 4, 2906 DOI: 10.1039/B603433K

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