Issue 7, 2000

A high-performance, tailor-made resolving agent: remarkable enhancement of resolution ability by introducing a naphthyl group into the fundamental skeleton 1


A novel resolving agent, 2-naphthylglycolic acid (2-NGA), was designed for p-substituted 1-arylethylamines on the basis of the consideration that a rigid and large naphthyl group would be favorable for the close packing of supramolecular hydrogen-bond sheets formed between the carboxy groups of 2-NGA and the amino groups of p-substituted 1-arylethylamines. Racemic 2-NGA was readily available from commercially available raw materials, and both enantiopure forms could be obtained by simple diastereomeric resolution with enantiopure 1-phenylethylamine. Thus-prepared enantiopure 2-NGA was found to have an excellent resolution ability not only for p-substituted 1-arylethylamines, but also for a wide variety of chiral primary amines. X-Ray crystallographic analyses of the less- and more-soluble diastereomeric salts revealed that this excellent resolution ability of 2-NGA arose from the formation of a supramolecular hydrogen-bond sheet with the primary amine, as we had expected, and also from the possible achievement of an infinite chain of CH  π interaction between its naphthyl group and the aromatic group of the amine, which was formed in the hydrophobic region of the supramolecular hydrogen-bond sheet.

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
02 Feb 2000
23 May 2000
First published
15 Jun 2000

J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2000, 1339-1348

A high-performance, tailor-made resolving agent: remarkable enhancement of resolution ability by introducing a naphthyl group into the fundamental skeleton

K. Kinbara;, Y. Harada and K. Saigo<img border="0" src="" alt=" " xmlns="" />, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2000, 1339 DOI: 10.1039/B000903M

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