An aluminogermanate, Na2Al2Ge3O10·2H2O (NaAlGe-NAT), possessing the natrolite topology has been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions at 423 K from sodium- and tetramethylammonium-containing gels. Room temperature . NaAlGe-NAT displays complete disorder of aluminium and germanium in the framework, with Ge/Al = 1.5. The substitution of germanium for silicon in the framework leads to a larger unit cell volume for NaAlGe-NAT compared with Na8Al8Si12O40·8H2O (NaAlSi-NAT) and Na8Ga8Si12O40·8H2O (NaGaSi-NAT) framework structures. The mean rotation angle Ψ of the chains (composed of 4=1 secondary building units) relative to the a and b cell axes is 20.4°, compared with 21.7 and 22.9° calculated for NaGaSi-NAT and NaAlSi-NAT, respectively. Elliptical channels along the c-axis host well-ordered