Issue 17, 1999

Structure determination of a steroid directly from powder diffraction data†


We report the determination of the crystal structure of a new polymorph of the pharmaceutical material fluticasone propionate, which is obtained as a microcrystalline powder by a supercritical crystallization procedure; the structure was solved directly from powder diffraction data using our Genetic Algorithm technique (in which a population of trial structures evolves through well-defined procedures for mating, mutation and natural selection) and refined using Rietveld refinement techniques.

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Article information

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Chem. Commun., 1999, 1677-1678

Structure determination of a steroid directly from powder diffraction data†

B. M. Kariuki, K. Psallidas, K. D. M. Harris, R. L. Johnston, R. W. Lancaster, S. E. Staniforth and S. M. Cooper, Chem. Commun., 1999, 1677 DOI: 10.1039/A904702F

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