Issue 17, 1999

Towards the Loewenstein limit (Si/Al=1) in thermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates


The use of complexing agents to generate polynuclear precursor species containing both Al and Si allows the synthesis of thermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates including solely tetrahedrally coordinated aluminium, in which the Si/Al ratio can be modulated down to a minimum Si/Al value of 1.06(4).

Article information

Article type

Chem. Commun., 1999, 1679-1680

Towards the Loewenstein limit (Si/Al=1) in thermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates

S. Cabrera, J. El Haskouri, C. Guillem, J. Latorre, A. Beltrán-Porter, D. Beltrán-Porter, M. Dolores Marcos, P. Amorós and S. Mendioroz, Chem. Commun., 1999, 1679 DOI: 10.1039/A904762J

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