Issue 11, 1995

Computer simulation of enclosed inductively coupled plasma discharges. Part 2. Molecular gases


The thermodynamic and fluid flow fields within hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen enclosed inductively coupled plasma (EICP) discharges are calculated using a novel computer simulation. Nitrogen and oxygen discharges give easily convergent results and are more stable than a hydrogen discharge calculation. The maximum calculated plasma temperatures in 700 W, 40 MHz EICP discharges are 10 500 K for hydrogen, 10 200 K for oxygen, 8300 K for argon and 6500 K for nitrogen. The corresponding maximum axial velocities are 48 m s–1 for hydrogen, 9.2 m s–1 for oxygen, 1.2 m s–1 for argon and 0.36 m s–1 for nitrogen. The hydrogen discharge simulation exhibits higher temperature and velocity gradients than oxygen, argon or nitrogen.

Article information

Article type

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1995,10, 941-946

Computer simulation of enclosed inductively coupled plasma discharges. Part 2. Molecular gases

A. Gaillat, R. M. Barnes, P. Proulx and M. I. Boulos, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1995, 10, 941 DOI: 10.1039/JA9951000941

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