Issue 15, 1982

Bimetallic iron–rhodium anionic carbonyl clusters [Fe2Rh(CO)x](x= 10 or 11), [FeRh4(CO)15]2–, [Fe2Rh4(CO)16]2–, and [FeRh5(CO)16]


The syntheses and interconversions of mixed iron–rhodium carbonyl clusters are described; a combination of X-ray analysis and multinuclear n.m.r. measurements allowed the structural characterisation of [FeRh4(CO)15]2–, [FeRh5(CO)16], and [Fe2Rh4(CO)16]2–, which can all be obtained from the unstable cluster, [Fe2Rh(CO)x](x= 10 or 11).

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1982, 886-887

Bimetallic iron–rhodium anionic carbonyl clusters [Fe2Rh(CO)x](x= 10 or 11), [FeRh4(CO)15]2–, [Fe2Rh4(CO)16]2–, and [FeRh5(CO)16]

A. Ceriotti, G. Longoni, M. Manassero, M. Sansoni, R. D. Pergola, B. T. Heaton and D. O. Smith, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1982, 886 DOI: 10.1039/C39820000886

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