The formation of alkylplatinum carbonyl chlorides by treatment of a tetrachloroplatinate with olefins and formic acid
Several members of a new class of organometallic compound having stoicheiometry CnH2n+ 1PtCOCl were prepared by the reaction of lithium tetrachloroplatinate(II) with a terminal olefin and formic acid in dimethylformamide solution. There was little difference in the thermal stabilities of the higher and lower members of the series. These compounds, which probably have a dimeric structure, gave monomeric derivatives with acetylacetone and aniline in which the alkyl–platinum and carbon monoxide–platinum groups are retained, but with phosphines displacement of carbon monoxide occurs together with the formation of acyl–platinum derivatives.
Butadiene reacted with the above reaction mixture to give crystals of composition Li2[PtCl3·C4H6PtCl3], 6HCONMe2.