Michelle E.
Erin R.
Garrett F.
ab and
Robert B.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA. E-mail: rbmoore3@vt.edu
bMacromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA
First published on 20th January 2024
In this work, the post-polymerization bromination of poly(ether ketone ketone) (PEKK, KEPSTAN 8001, T/I = 80/20) with N-bromosuccinimide is reported for the first time. Two microstructures are synthesized – a random microstructure through functionalization in the homogeneous solution state and a blocky microstructure through functionalization in the heterogeneous gel state from a benign solvent, diphenyl acetone. The resultant gel exhibits a nanoscale fibrillar-network morphology with porosity and surface areas of 85.5% ± 3 and 152 ± 12 m2 g−1, respectively. Degrees of bromination between 12–62 mol% were obtained for both the random and blocky brominated PEKK. At similar degrees of bromination, blocky brominated PEKK exhibited increased glass transition temperatures, greater crystallizability, higher melting temperatures and faster crystallization kinetics as compared to the randomly brominated analogs. The crystallization kinetics were analyzed over a range of isothermal crystallization temperatures (210 °C–290 °C) utilizing fast scanning calorimetry. For the random microstructure, the isothermal crystallization temperature resulting in the fastest crystallization kinetics decreased to lower temperatures with increasing mol% bromination, attributed to a comonomer confinement effect. In contrast, the temperature of fastest crystallization for the blocky microstructures remained relatively constant with increasing mol% bromination and similar to that of pure, unfunctionalized PEKK. This behavior was attributed to the longer runs of pristine PEKK units between brominated monomers compared to the random analogs, resulting in a negligible confinement effect. SAXS/WAXS analysis showed that the electron density of the amorphous phase is affected by the copolymer microstructure. It is shown that blocky functionalization of PEKK in the gel state preserves crystallizability and high melting temperatures with minor decreases in crystallization rates. This finding further demonstrates blocky functionalization in the gel state is a facile way to effectively block up functionality while preserving long runs of crystallizable segments along the chains.
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Fig. 1 The molecular structure of poly(ether ketone ketone) copolymer repeat unit comprising of terephthalic, “T” and isophthalic, “I” monomers. X = 80 and Y = 20 for PEKK 80/20. |
In addition to the property control imparted by the T/I ratio, it may be advantageous to chemically modify the structure of PEKK by post-polymerization functionalization to further tune Tg, Tm, crystallization kinetics, chemical compatibility, solubility, and other physical and chemical properties. However, due to limited solubility of PEKK in solvents conventionally used for functionalization chemistry, it is not surprising that little attention has been given to the post-polymerization modification of PEKK and subsequent analysis of the effect of functionality on thermo-physical properties. Functionalization chemistries that have been explored are generally limited to reactions that facilitate dissolution by chemically modifying the polymer backbone (e.g., sulfonation for membrane applications,8–10 biocompatibility11 and improved mechanical properties12 as well as reversible dithiolation13 to improve solubility for fiber fabrication). Clearly, new solvents for PEKK must be explored to realize the potential advantages of functionalized PEKK.
Due to the high melting temperature of PEKK (Tm = 300 °C to 360 °C, depending on T/I), high boiling point solvents must be used in order to break down the semi-crystalline structure of PEKK during dissolution. To date, solvents reported for PEKK include: dichloroacetic acid (DCA),14 4-phenylphenol,15–17 and 9-fluorenone.17 These solvents require dissolution temperatures ranging from 180 °C for DCA to over 230 °C for 4-phenylphenol and 9-fluorenone. While these solvents are all generally hazardous, they do provide some valuable attributes. For example, we have found that DCA is an ideal solvent for quantitative NMR analysis of pure PEKK.14 Moreover, solutions of PEKK in 4-phenylphenol and 9-fluorenone have been shown to form semi-crystalline foams or gels upon cooling via a thermally-induced phase separation (TIPS) process.17 These semi-crystalline gels are defined as substantially dilute continuous polymer networks that exhibit solid-like behavior while physically retaining liquids within the amorphous domains of the 3D macromolecular framework.18 These attributes are particularly relevant to our current approach to synthesize and characterize blocky, semicrystalline copolymers formed by post-polymerization functionalization in the heterogeneous gel state.19–22
Halogenation is a particularly useful functionalization of poly(aryl ether ketones) that provides a synthetic pathway for further functionalization and structure modifications including nitration, amination, oxidation, and a variety of other coupling reactions. Using our new solvents for PEKK (i.e., DCA and DPA), we are now able to synthesize random and blocky brominated PEKK with accurate characterization of the degree of bromination by NMR.
In this work, we demonstrate for the first time the efficient post-polymerization bromination of PEKK by two methods (1) halogenation performed in the heterogeneous gel state to create blocky microstructures, and (2) halogenation in the homogeneous solution state to create random copolymers. The purpose of this work is to quantitatively compare matched sets of blocky and random brominated PEKK to assess the influence of microstructure on a range of thermal properties including: the glass transition temperature, Tg, melting behavior, crystallinity, and crystallization kinetics. Additionally, a novel NMR technique to analyze functionalized PEKK is presented due to the discovery of a solvent that allows for room temperature NMR analysis. Finally, in depth analysis of the crystallization kinetics of the BrPEKK copolymers is probed by fast scanning calorimetry (FSC) over a wide range of crystallization temperatures.
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The crystallization kinetics of rBrPEKK40 were analyzed by standard differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Isothermal crystallization experiments were performed by heating rBrPEKK40 samples at 10 °C min−1 to 400 °C, isothermally holding for 3 minutes, rapid cooling (100 °C min−1) to the desired Tc (210 °C–280 °C, Δ 10 °C), isothermally holding at the desired Tc for 30–120 minutes, rapid cooling (100 °C min−1) to 30 °C, and finally heating to 400 °C at 10 °C min−1.
Our previous work demonstrated that the critical cooling rate needed to prevent crystallization upon cooling from the melt for PEKK 80/20 is 10 K s−1.14 Cooling rates of 500 K s−1 were utilized for all experiments. Previous work also determined the time in the melt to completely remove thermal history for PEKK. The minimum time required to remove thermal history at 400 °C is 0.1 s for PEKK.14 Thus, a reasonable melt time of 1 s was utilized for all experiments.
The crystallization kinetics for rBrPEKK32, bBrPEKK31, bBrPEKK40, rBrPEKK52 and bBrPEKK52 were analyzed utilizing an interrupted isothermal crystallization (IIC) method.14,24,25 The time temperature profile for the IIC method is shown in Fig. 2. Select isothermal crystallization temperatures (Tiso) between 200 °C to 310 °C were analyzed by this method. After removing the thermal history at 400 °C for a minimum 1 s, the sample was quenched at 500 K s−1 to the respective Tiso and held for varying amounts of time (0.1 s–12000 s). The sample was quenched at −500 K s−1 to below the Tg to arrest any further crystallization. The partially crystallized sample was then heated to 400 °C at a heating rate of 500 K s−1 to measure degree of crystallinity as observed by the integration of the melting endotherm upon heating. The maximum isothermal crystallization time (tiso) was determined when the melting enthalpy remained at a constant value with increasing tiso. The maximum isothermal crystallization time was dependent on Tiso. The observed melting enthalpy versus tiso was used to calculate fractional crystallinity and the crystallization half-time (t1/2) over a range of isothermal crystallization temperatures.
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Fig. 2 The time–temperature profile for the Flash DSC interrupted isothermal crystallization (IIC) method used to determine the t1/2 of BrPEKK copolymers at a range of Tiso. |
The SAXS, MAXS, WAXS/D experiments were performed on the solid samples using a Xenocs Xeuss 3.0 SAXS/WAXS system equipped with a GeniX 3D Cu HFVLF microfocus X-ray source utilizing Cu K-α radiation (λ = 0.154 nm). The sample-to-detector distance was 900 mm for SAXS, 370 mm for MAXS, and 43 mm for WAXD. The q-range was calibrated using a silver behenate standard for SAXS and MAXS, and a lanthanum hexaboride standard for WAXD. The exposure times were 2 h, 1 h, and 30 min for SAXS, MAXS, and WAXD, respectively. The two dimensional scattering patterns were collected using a Dectris EIGER 4M detector in an evacuated chamber and reduced using the XSACT software to obtain azimuthally integrated intensity versus scattering vector q profiles, where q = (4π/λ)sin(θ), θ is one half of the scattering angle and λ is the X-ray wavelength. The data were normalized for background, thickness, and absolute intensity, and the SAXS/MAXS/WAXD profiles were merged into a single dataset for visualization purposes.
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Random and blocky microstructures were synthesized by bromination of PEKK in the random and gel state as shown in the reaction scheme in Fig. 4. The bromination of PEKK utilized N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) dissolved in dichloroacetic acid. This reagent system is discussed in detail in previous blocky functionalization work.19 When combined with strong acids such as dichloroacetic acid, NBS is protonated, which promotes the release of a bromonium ion,28 thus becoming a strong brominating reagent.29 This bromonium ion is highly electrophilic, facilitating efficient electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reactions on the deactivated aromatic rings of PEKK that are proximal to the ether linkage, thus dictating the regiochemistry of the bromination reaction. There are 4 available sites for the EAS reaction to occur on the PEKK backbone, including the protons adjacent to the ether linkage in both the isophthalate and terephthalate monomer, as shown in Fig. 4. Due to these multiple reaction sites available for bromination, degrees of bromination greater than 100 mol% are possible. This allows for high degrees of bromination while retaining blocks of unfunctionalized monomers in the gel state bromination process.
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Fig. 4 Schematic demonstrating synthesis of (A) random versus (B) blocky brominated microstructure of PEKK. |
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Fig. 5 1H NMR of random (left) and blocky (right) brominated PEKK up to 62 mol% bromination and the corresponding chemical structures of (a) pristine PEKK, (b) monosubstituted BrPEKK, and (c) disubstituted BrPEKK. Assignments are further verified by 2D NMR in the ESI.† Spectra are referenced to CDCl3. The asterisk (*) refers to reference solvent resonance. |
Using eqn (5), the range of calculated mol% Br of the random and blocky microstructures are shown in Table 1. Compared to previous work19 with PEEK, the maximum degree of bromination is much lower (62% vs. 175%). This is because PEKK has a maximum of two bromine functionalities per monomer, while PEEK has a maximum of four bromine functionalities per monomer, resulting in a higher achievable mol% bromination.
Calculated mol% bromination | |
Random | Blocky |
19% | 12% |
32% | 31% |
42% | 40% |
52% | 52% |
62% | 62% |
Upon bromination, new resonance peaks appear at approximately 7.05 (d), 7.16 (d), 7.85 (m), and 8.20 (m). The peaks at 7.19 ppm to 7.22 ppm, associated with H1a–d, decrease in intensity with increasing degree of bromination due to replacement of H1a–b by the bromine functionality. The new resonance peaks at 7.16 ppm and 7.05 ppm are attributed to shifting of H1a–d protons of monosubstituted (H1c′) and disubstituted (H1a′′,c′′) PEKK monomers, respectively. The systematic shifting upfield is due to increased shielding from the electron dense bromine functionality. The peaks appearing at 7.85 ppm and 8.20 ppm are associated with changes in chemical environment of protons H2a–d where protons H2a′, which are ortho to the bromine functionality, shift upfield due to shielding, and protons H2b′, which are para to the bromine functionality, shift downfield, due to the electronegativity of bromine pulling electron density away from the aromatic ring. Further verification of the 1H and 13C assignments, peak correlations, and monosubstituted versus disubstituted peak assignments of PEKK and BrPEKK are provided by heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) correlation experiments (Fig. S3†).
From Fig. 5, the amount of unsubstituted (a), monosubstituted (b), and disubstituted (c) PEKK monomers can be determined from analysis of the H1a–d resonance peaks. As previously discussed, H1a–d resonance peaks shift upfield upon monosubstitution (H1c′) or disubstitution (H1a′′,c′′) of the terephthalate or isophthalate monomer. The integration values of the H1a–d, H1c′ and H1a′′,c′′ resonance peaks for PEKK, rBrPEKK and bBrPEKK are shown in Fig. 6a and b. As can be seen in Fig. 6a, the integration value for H1c′ is larger for the random versus the blocky microstructure and H1a′′,c′′ remains at an integration value of 0 for the random but is non-zero for the blocky microstructure. These results can be explained by the confinement effect of blocky functionalization in which the fraction of unfunctionalized monomers is preserved in the crystal regions of the gel. Additionally, the lower number of accessible functionalizable monomers in the amorphous region leads to higher frequency of multiple substitutions. In Fig. 6b the H1a–d peak integration is lower for the random microstructure versus the blocky microstructure indicating more protons are being substituted from pristine monomers at the same degree of functionalization for the random microstructure versus the blocky microstructure.
The integration value of H1a–d can be thought of as the fraction of crystallizable units of the polymer where the blocky microstructure retains a higher fraction of crystallizable units compared to the random microstructure. It is acknowledged that the ratio of the bromination of the isophthalate unit to the terephthalate unit is higher for the blocky versus the random due to the preference of terephthalate units to crystallize and minimal inclusion of the isophthalate units in the crystal structure.7 When taking into account the crystallizability of the terephthalate monomer compared to the isophthalate monomer and the amount of crystallizable terephthalate monomers preserved in the blocky microstructure, the fraction of crystallizable units for blocky BrPEKK is assumed to be higher than what was calculated from NMR and shown in Fig. 6. Future work will explore utilizing 2D NMR to determine the number of functionalized terephthalate versus isophthalate units to show differences in the comparative amounts of bromination of these units between the random and blocky microstructures.
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Sample | T c (°C) | T cc (°C) | T m (°C) | X c (%) | T g (°C) |
a %Xc determined from first heat for the aerogel. %Xc determined for rBrPEKK and bBrPEKK from second heat after cooling from 400 °C at 10 °C min−1. b T g by midpoint of amorphous samples. | |||||
PEKK | 310 | — | 352 | 53 | 163.5 |
rBrPEKK19 | 290 | — | 345 | 26 | 163.9 |
bBrPEKK12 | 292 | — | 351 | 38.7 | 164.5 |
rBrPEKK31 | 250 | — | 333 | 22 | 164.7 |
bBrPEKK32 | 280 | — | 345 | 28 | 164.9 |
rBrPEKK42 | 220 | 241 | 316 | 12.4 | 165.8 |
bBrPEKK40 | 281 | — | 343 | 22 | 166.4 |
rBrPEKK52 | — | 261 | 309 | 1 | 166.4 |
bBrPEKK52 | 271 | — | 341 | 18 | 167.2 |
rBrPEKK62 | — | — | — | 0 | 166.6 |
bBrPEKK62 | 266 | — | 338 | 11 | 169.7 |
All samples were heated into the melt, cooled, and subsequently heated to determine the effect of microstructure on Tm, Tc, Tcc, %Xc, Tg and crystallizability. After removal of thermal history, the cooling and second heat thermograms are shown in Fig. 7a and b, respectively. Upon cooling (Fig. 7a), all blocky materials exhibit a pronounced crystallization exotherm and the Tc decreases with increasing degree of bromination. In contrast, the crystallization exotherm for the random materials diminishes profoundly above 31 mol% bromination and is totally absent above 52 mol%. Relative to the blocky brominated samples, a significantly greater depression in Tc is observed for the random samples. As discussed previously, this difference in crystallization behavior upon cooling is attributed to a retention of long runs of pristine crystallizable PEKK units during heterogeneous bromination in the gel state. Since bromination in the random state yields a statistically shorter average run length of pristine crystallizable PEKK units, the probability of a crystallizable segment approaching the crystal growth surface diminishes (relative to the blocky microstructure), which consequently decreases crystallizability and the rate of crystallization.
Upon heating (Fig. 7b), the blocky materials all exhibit distinct melting endotherms with a minimal melting point depression. In contrast, the melting endotherms for the random materials show a decrease in intensity, profound broadening at degrees of bromination greater than 31 mol%, and a significantly greater melting point depression. While the blocky bBrPEKK62% remains crystallizable, the rBrPEKK62% sample remains amorphous. It is also observed that cold crystallization occurs in the rBrPEKK42% and rBrPEKK52% materials, indicating a significant decrease in crystallization kinetics compared to the blocky analogs. No cold crystallization is observed for the blocky materials indicating that all crystallization occurred quickly (during the cooling cycle) for the blocky microstructures and slowed significantly for the random microstructures. This behavior is again attributed to the long runs of pristine PEKK in the blocky microstructure facilitating the ability to quickly form thicker crystals with higher melting temperatures.
The Tc, Tm and Xc determined from the data in Fig. 7 are plotted in Fig. 8a–c as a function of mol% bromination. The random and blocky materials exhibit a decrease in Tc, Tm, and Xc as compared to pristine PEKK due to the introduction of the bromine functionality acting as a defect along crystallizable segments of PEKK. The introduction of these defects shortens the runs of pristine PEKK monomers between brominated units, resulting in slower crystallization kinetics, thinner crystallites, and decreased crystallizability. However, the random copolymers exhibit a larger decrease in Tc, Tm, and Xc with increasing mol% bromination compared to the blocky microstructure. Fig. 8a compares the Tc upon cooling for the blocky and random analogs. For the blocky samples, the Tc decreases from 310 °C for pristine PEKK to 271 °C for bBrPEKK62. For the random samples, the Tc decreases more rapidly from 310 °C for pristine PEKK to 220 °C for rBrPEKK42, with no crystallization upon cooling observed for rBrPEKK52 or rBrPEKK62. Fig. 8b compares the Tm upon cooling for the blocky and random analogs. For the blocky samples, the Tm decreases from 352 °C for pristine PEKK to 338 °C for bBrPEKK62. For the random samples, the Tm decreases more rapidly from 352 °C for pristine PEKK to 309 °C for rBrPEKK52 with no melting observed upon heating for rBrPEKK62. Additionally, Fig. 8c compares the Xc of the blocky and random analogs. For the blocky samples, the Xc decreases from 53% for pristine PEKK to 11% for bBrPEKK62. For the random samples, the Xc decreases more rapidly from 53% for pristine PEKK to only 1% for rBrPEK52 with no crystallinity observed for rBrPEKK62.
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Fig. 8 The (a) Tc, (b) Tm, and (c) Xc as a function of degree of bromination for blocky (red, circles) and random (black, squares) BrPEKK. Dashed lines are to guide the eye. |
DSC heating scans from melt quenched samples (i.e., 100% amorphous, Fig. S5†) reveal an increase in Tg for both the blocky and random microstructures with increasing degree of bromination, and these Tg data are plotted in Fig. 9. The blocky microstructure exhibits a higher Tg compared to the random microstructure for all degrees of bromination with an increase in Tg from 163.5 °C for pristine PEKK to 169.7 °C for bBrPEKK62 and 166.6 °C for rBrPEKK62. Similar behavior was previously observed in PEEK19 and is attributed to the addition of the bromine functionality on the backbone which increases the Tg due to the steric hindrance of torsional rotation of the phenyl rings due to the bulkiness of the bromine groups.34,35 The blocking up of the bromine functionality leads to an increase in the steric hindrance of the torsional rotation in the blocky microstructure compared to the random microstructure. Additionally, the NMR data above indicates that the blocky microstructures above 40% bromination contain disubstituted monomers while the random microstructure contains only monosubstituted monomers. Thus, it is hypothesized that the increased density of bromine functionalities on the blocky microstructure further increases the barrier to torsional rotation leading to an increase in the Tg for the blocky microstructure as compared to the random microstructure.
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Fig. 9 Glass transition temperatures (Tg) of random (black squares) and blocky (red circles) amorphous BrPEKK determined from the midpoint of amorphous samples. |
The crystallization kinetics of rBrPEKK32, bBrPEKK31, bBrPEKK40, rBrPEKK52 and bBrPEKK52 are too fast to analyze by standard DSC but too slow for traditional analysis by direct evaluation from the isothermal step by FSC (due to such small sample size). Due to this phenomenon, the crystallization kinetics were analyzed utilizing the previously described interrupted isothermal crystallization (IIC) method. This method utilizes the melting enthalpy upon heating after isothermal crystallization to calculate the degree of crystallinity instead of heat flow during crystallization for traditional isothermal crystallization.24,25 The crystallization kinetics of rBrPEKK40 were slow enough for traditional analysis by direct evaluation from the isothermal step. The degree of crystallinity of rBrPEKK52 was too low for traditional isothermal crystallization by standard DSC and so it was analyzed by the IIC method. The crystallization kinetics of the PEKK homopolymer were previously collected14 utilizing the IIC method.
The crystallization half-time, t1/2, or time when fractional crystallinity reaches 50% of maximum crystallinity during the isothermal crystallization process (i.e., Φ = 0.5), was extracted from the fractional crystallinity versus time data collected from the IIC experiments on the Flash DSC and the heat flow versus time experiments on the standard DSC and plotted in Fig. 10a as a function of isothermal crystallization temperature, Tiso. The t1/2 of PEKK is replotted from previous work and shown in Fig. 10a. The crystallization kinetics of BrPEKK exhibits parabolic behavior due to the balance of nucleation and diffusion-controlled crystallization with limits between the Tg and . Compared to pure PEKK, the bulk crystallization rate decreases (i.e., t1/2 increases) for the random and blocky analogs with an increase in mol% bromination. The inclusion of Br-functionalized units (i.e., defects) on the backbone of the crystallizable polymer creates non-crystallizable segments that must be relegated to the amorphous fraction. With an increase in the number of structural defects along the chains, the probability of a non-crystallizable segment approaching the crystal growth surface increases, thus decreasing the rate of crystallization and the overall crystallizability. For all comparable degrees of bromination, the blocky copolymers crystallize significantly faster than the random analogs. The blocky copolymers exhibit kinetics on time scales similar to the pristine PEKK 80/20 polymer, while the random analogs exhibit vastly slower kinetics with the shortest t1/2 ranging from 100 s for rBrPEKK32 up to 1500 s for rBrPEKK52. The difference in kinetics between the blocky and random microstructure as a function of degree of bromination is clearly exhibited in the plot of the t1/2versus degree of bromination at Tiso of 240 °C (Fig. 10b). With increasing degree of bromination, the random microstructure exhibits an exponential increase in t1/2 as compared to the blocky microstructure. The vastly different kinetics are attributed to the microstructure. Due to the semi-crystalline, gel-state functionalization process, the blocky copolymers contain long, uninterrupted segments of crystallizable PEKK units that are preserved in the functionalized microstructure. These defect-free segments facilitate rapid crystallization compared to the random microstructures that contain statistically shorter runs of defect-free segments.
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Fig. 10 (a) Crystallization half time (t1/2) for PEKK14 (black diamonds), bBrPEKK31 (blue circles), rBrPEKK32 (blue open circles), bBrPEKK40 (green triangles), rBrPEKK42 (green open triangles), bBrPEKK52 (red squares), rBrPEKK52 (red open squares) and bBrPEKK62 (orange stars) over a wide range of temperatures. (b) Crystallization half time (t1/2) versus degree of bromination of random (black squares) and blocky (red circles) BrPEKK isothermally crystallized at 240 °C. Dashed lines are to guide the eye. |
Due to the rapid cooling capabilities of the Flash DSC, isothermal crystallization of the BrPEKK copolymers at high degrees of supercooling (i.e., temperatures far below the ) is achievable, allowing for comparisons of the parabolic minimum of the t1/2versus Tiso profiles. For each of the brominated copolymers, the Tiso corresponding to the fastest crystallization kinetics (shortest t1/2) shifts to lower temperatures with increasing mol% bromination, compared to pure PEKK. This behavior is more prominent for the random copolymers compared to the blocky copolymers. The copolymer Tiso shifts from 260 °C for pristine PEKK to only 250 °C for bBrPEKK52 but shifts to 230 °C for rBrPEKK52. This shifting of Tiso to lower temperatures is attributed to the comonomer confinement effect also known as the chemical confinement effect. The comonomer confinement effect refers to the phenomenon in which non-crystallizable (e.g., functionalized) comonomers interrupt the chain folding capabilities of the crystallizable segments of the copolymer.37 Consequently, homogeneous nucleation at high degrees of supercooling becomes more difficult and thus heterogeneous nucleation dominates at lower temperatures compared to the homopolymer. Thus, the parabolic minimum of the t1/2versus Tiso shifts to lower Tiso. Similar trends have been observed in other semi-crystalline copolymer systems including isotactic polypropylene-co-1-butene,38 isotactic polypropylene-co-1-octene,39 amide 6-co-amide 6,6,40 and PEKK 60/40 and 70/30.2,41 The random copolymers exhibit a larger shift of the parabolic curve to lower Tiso due to the statistically random distribution of brominated monomers along the polymer chains (i.e., greater confinement of crystallizable PEKK segments). The blocky microstructure has longer uninterrupted runs of pure PEKK, resulting in a reduced influence of the comonomer confinement effect on the t1/2 parabolic minimum.
In the small-angle region (0.1 < q < 1 nm−1) of the scattering profiles (Fig. 11), the characteristic interlamellar long period peak is observed in neat PEKK at q = 0.38 nm−1.32 The same feature is observed in random BrPEKK copolymers only up to 42 mol% (Fig. 11a), since this feature is only observed in samples that contain crystallinity. In the SAXS patterns of the blocky BrPEKK copolymers (Fig. 11b), the absolute intensity of the interlamellar long period feature decreases with increasing degree of bromination. This reduction in intensity is attributed to the blocky microstructure afforded by functionalizing in the semicrystalline gel state. Significant crystallization in the blocky brominated PEKK samples effectively concentrates the electron-rich bromine atoms into the amorphous phase, thus increasing the average electron density of the amorphous phase. This results in lower contrast between the crystalline and amorphous phases, leading to a reduction in absolute scattering intensity of the long period peak. Calculated estimations of electron density contrast in these systems support this proposed origin of a reduction in scattering contrast for the blocky microstructures, as detailed in the ESI.†
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3py01338c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |