Andrey A.
Ekaterina V.
Elena S.
b and
Sofia S.
aComputational and Soft Matter Physics, University of Vienna, Kollingasse 14-16, 1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail:
bInstitute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University, Lenin av. 51, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Russia
cResearch Platform MMM Mathematics-Magnetism-Material, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria
First published on 7th June 2023
The necessity to improve magnetic building blocks in magnetic nano-structured soft materials stems from a fascinating potential these materials have in bio-medical applications and nanofluidics. Along with practical reasons, the interplay of magnetic and steric interactions on one hand, and entropy, on the other, makes magnetic soft matter fundamentally challenging. Recently, in order to tailor magnetic response of the magnetic particle suspensions, the idea arose to replace standard single-core nanoparticles with nano-sized clusters of single-domain nanoparticles (grains) rigidly bound together by solid polymer matrix – multicore magnetic nanoparticles (MMNPs). To pursue this idea, a profound understanding of the MMNP interactions and self-assembly is required. In this work we present a computational study of the MMNP suspensions and elucidate their self-assembly and magnetic susceptibility. We show that depending on the magnetic moment of individual grains the suspensions exhibit qualitatively distinct regimes. Firstly, if the grains are moderately interacting, they contribute to a significant decrease of the remanent magnetisation of MMNPs and as such to a decrease of the magnetic susceptibility, this way confirming previous findings. If the grains are strongly interacting, instead, they serve as anchor points and support formation of grain clusters that span through several MMNPs, leading to MMNP cluster formation and a drastic increase of the initial magnetic response. Both the topology of the clusters and their size distribution in MMNP suspensions is found to be notably different from those formed in conventional magnetic fluids or magnetorheological suspensions.
Despite such a wide range of promising applications, the underlying mechanisms, intrinsic and field-induced interactions of the MMNPs in suspensions are far from being understood. There are several theoretical works elucidating the impact of magnetic interactions (dipole–dipole and/or exchange ones) between grains on equilibrium49–52 and magnetodynamic53–55 response of a MMNP to an applied field. These works indicated fundamental similarities and profound differences between MMNPs and droplets in ferrofluid emulsions.56–58 The similarities stem from the demagnetising effects, while the differences arise due to the spatial constraints. The latter is related to the fact that the MMNP grains are fixed in space and can only move together with the MMNP in contrast to ferroparticles in droplets that can freely diffuse inside. What remains unclear up to now is how the MMNPs self-assemble and what are the main parameters to alter, if one aims to control the clustering in these systems.
In this work, we will employ Langevin dynamics simulations and analytical theory in order to elucidate (i) MMNPs self-assembly in a wide range of magnetic interactions; (ii) the impact of MMNP self-assembly on the static magnetic susceptibility; in thermodynamic equilibrium.
Both questions raised above are particularly interesting as multicore magnetic particles appear to be similar to colloids with multiple patches,59–63 but due to the possibility of the granular dipoles to reorient, multicores might exhibit a certain proximity to particles with mobile patches.64–66 Moreover, recent experimental studies revealed a difference in self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles and complex multicore colloids obtained by oil phase evaporation-induced self-assembly of hydrophobic nanoparticles.67
The manuscript is organised as follows. Firstly, we analyse the initial susceptibility and find that, depending on the magnetic interactions between the grains, there are two distinct regimes: the system is dominated by demagnitising effects within individual MMNPs and remains very weakly susceptible; the system exhibits a steep increase in the initial susceptibility. Secondly, we show that this steep increase is caused by the MMNPs self-assembly. Within the clusters, MMNPs magnetise each other and become more correlated, albeit not as much as one could expect if the MMNPs were forming chains similar to their single-domain counterparts. Finally, we show that the reason for the grains to not form linear highly correlated structures is the formation of bridges between the MMNPs – clusters of correlated grains that go cross neighbouring MMNPs. Through bridges a MMNP might connect to more than two nearest neighbours. As a result, the clusters formed in the suspensions of MMNPs are more compact than those made by single-domain nanoparticles on the one hand, but, on the other, they are less compact than the bundle-like structures formed by magnetisable non-composite micron-sized magnetic particles.
Their volume fraction in the dispersion is
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Each MMNP is filled with ng spherical magnetic grains of diameter d (see Fig. 1). Positions of grains inside MMNPs are rigidly fixed. Grains are placed randomly and uniformly, without overlapping. Volume fraction of grains within each MMNP is
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The system is thermostated and has a constant temperature T, the external magnetic field is absent.
Grains are assumed to be single-domain. Each grain carries a magnetic moment of constant magnitude. We will make a simplifying assumption that the internal magnetic anisotropy energy of grains is negligible compared to thermal energy kBT (kB is the Boltzmann constant), and that magnetic moments can freely rotate under a combined effect of thermal fluctuations and a total dipolar field created by all other grains in the system. However, it is important to note that zero-field equilibrium properties of immobilized single-domain particles do not depend on the anisotropy energy, if the orientation distribution of their easy axes is random and uniform.68–70 Such superparamagnetic systems sometimes referred to as “non-textured”.71 Therefore, the results obtained here for isotropic grains can also be extrapolated to non-textured MMNPs with anisotropic grains.
We account for the magnetic intergrain interactions by means of the conventional dipole–dipole pair potential
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In experiment, the number of grains per MMNP can vary from tens to hundreds.48 In this work we will consider ng = 20. This specific value was chosen as a practical compromise. On the one hand, it is big enough so that ensemble-averaged properties of the system can be analysed within a continuum-like approach.51 On the other, it is small enough so that we can simulate a suspension within a reasonable time frame. The grain packing fraction within MMNPs will be fixed to φg = 0.2. According to our packing fraction definition, eqn(2), it corresponds to a MMNP diameter of D ≃ 4.64d. For a typical value of d = 10 nm, D ≃ 46 nm. Thus, both the number of grains and the nanoparticle linear size lie within experimentally realistic ranges.72 It is worth noting, that for such MMNP configuration the majority of grains are actually positioned close to the nanoparticle surface. The fraction of near-surface grains can roughly be estimated as vsurf/v = 1 − (1 − 2d/D)3 ≃ 0.8, where vsurf is the volume of an MMNP outermost spherical shell of thickness d. This fact further strengthens the analogy between our system and patchy colloids pointed out in Section 1. An additional discussion on the potential importance of ng and φg will be given in Section 3.2.2.
Notice, that in our model the grains are basically close-packed inside the multicore colloid and are not separated by any significant steric layers, similarly to the experimental realisation in ref. 73. In general the presence of the layers between the grains can lead to a decrease of the integrain interactions and as a result affect strongly the magnetic response of such particles to an applied magnetic field, as reported in the experimental study.74
The main variables of the work are dipolar coupling constant 0 ≤ λ ≤ 10 and MMNP concentration 0.02 ≤ Φ ≤ 0.2. Langevin dynamics simulations will be used to determine equilibrium properties of MMNP suspensions within these parameter ranges. All the technical details of the method are given in Appendix A.
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Simulation results for susceptibilities at different ferrofluid concentrations Φ are shown in Fig. 2. Values of χ are plotted against corresponding Langevin values χL (note the logarithmic scales). Using this representation it is easy to demonstrate the qualitative effect of dipole–dipole interactions on the system. If the susceptibility lies below the diagonal χ = χL, then the dipoles on average will try to prevent each other from aligning with an applied field, the overall magnetic response of the system will decrease. On the contrary, susceptibility values χ > χL indicate a reinforcing role of dipolar interactions. From this standpoint, simulation susceptibility curves in Fig. 2 demonstrate a non-trivial behaviour. In general, the Langevin ideal gas approximation only works in the limit χL ≪ 1 for all investigated samples. After that the susceptibility growth slows down and all the simulation curves fall below the diagonal. This behaviour is well captured by eqn (8) and (10). The predictions from two equations are close, the difference only becomes noticeable for the most concentrated samples. For Φ = 0.2, eqn (10) gives 25% larger susceptibilities than eqn (8), and it is actually much closer to simulation data up to χL ∼ 1. It indicates that at least for intermediate χL values the interactions between MMNPs are being taken into account correctly by eqn (10). However, both theories predict the susceptibility saturation at χL ≫ 1, which is mainly due to demagnetization effect within individual MMNPs.51,52 Simulation curves, instead of reaching saturation, demonstrate a steep increase. This rapid change is happening at different χL for different samples. The inset in Fig. 2 shows the same susceptibility data plotted against dipolar coupling parameter λ. From these plots it is clear that the susceptibility increase is almost exclusively governed by an increase in λ. For our systems, it is always happening at λ ≳ 6, regardless the concentration value. The last important observation from Fig. 2 is that at λ ∼ 10 the susceptibility of concentrated samples with Φ ≥ 0.1 can actually reach values above Langevin ones. It means that the overall influence of magnetic interactions can switch from the suppression of the effective field–dipole coupling to its amplification.
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Fig. 2 Initial magnetic susceptibility of a multicore-based ferrofluid vs. the corresponding Langevin susceptibility χL. Different colors correspond to different volume fractions of MMNPs (see colorbar). Circles show simulation results for ng = 20 and φg = 0.2 (filled regions indicate 95% confidence intervals), dotted lines – theoretical predictions from eqn (8), Theory I, solid lines – theoretical predictions from eqn (10), Theory II. The dashed line corresponds to the susceptibility of an ideal superparamagnet with χ = χL. In the inset the same susceptibility values are plotted against the grain–grain dipolar coupling parameter λ. |
We already know that at least in the presence of a strong applied field an anomalous increase in the magnetic response of MMNP ensembles is accompanied by a pronounced self-assembly.52 To understand whether the same is true in a zero-field case, a detailed cluster analysis was performed for one of the investigated concentration values, namely for a ferrofluid with Φ = 0.02. As the increase in susceptibility is mainly related to the change of λ, it is more important to vary the latter, rather than unnecessarily increase the set of sampling parameters by considering multiple concentrations and multiple magnetic coupling parameters at the same time.
First, assuming each MMNP centre of mass to be a vertex of a graph, we identify the graph of connected components, meaning the clusters of MMNPs. The choice of a connected component is based on the definition of the edge connecting the two vertices in the graph. We consider two MMNPs as connected by an edge if the distance between their centres does not exceed 21/6D, and the total magnetic interaction between the two MMNPs is attractive, Udd ≤ 0.
Second, we increase the resolution and look at the arrangement of individual grains in the previously defined clusters. We analyse how the grains of two adjacent MMNPs orient their magnetic dipoles in order to form the bond.
As previously mentioned, not only the cluster size distributions, but also the topology of clusters formed by MMNPs seems to deviate from that of the dipolar hard or soft sphere particles. In order to verify this, for each MMNP, we calculate the number of nearest neighbours, i.e. the degree of each graph vertex. The histogram of MMNP degrees is shown in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5 Fraction of MMNPs having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 neighbours. Values of dipole–dipole interactions are given in the legend. |
Here, the same colour code as in Fig. 4 is used, although the results for λ = 6.25 are not provided as the majority of MMNPs are non-clustered. For λ = 7.5, only one per cent of MMNPs has two and more neighbours, meaning that only dimers form. For λ = 10, instead, more than 35 per cent of MMNPs have two and more neighbours, 30 per cent are having no neighbours. The remaining 35 per cent have one neighbour. The latter value shows that the number of open ends (vertices with degree one) typical for chain-like structures, or linear segments of branched clusters increases with magnetic interaction energy.
Even clearer picture of the cluster distribution and their topology can be obtained looking at Fig. 6. Here, typical graph representations of two simulation snapshots in equilibrium are presented. If λ = 6.25, Fig. 6(a), we observe one trimer, and seven dimers, all other MMNPs are nonaggregated. The system looks very different for λ = 10, Fig. 6(b). Here, we find several big connected components with vertices in them with degree two and higher. One should not be confused by stretched systems, as the representation of the graphs is simply optimised to occupy as few space as possible. In reality, those large clusters are 3D and rather compact, as the snapshot in Fig. 6(c) indicates. Here, for λ = 10, we show representative 3D structures of large clusters together with their graph representations, in order to avoid being confused by seemingly linear graphs.
Previously, it was shown that the chain formation in single-core systems leads to the increase of the system magnetic response,79 while the formation of rings reduces the susceptibility.80 Below, we investigate how the new cluster topologies manifest themselves in the MMNP suspension magnetic properties.
χ = χs + χc + Δχ. | (11) |
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Fig. 7(a) shows how χs and χc change with growing λ for Φ = 0.02. For reference, in the same figure we also provide the total susceptibility χ – both numerical and analytical – repeating the data from the inset of Fig. 2. Values of the correlation term are of the order of |Δχ| ∼ 10−3–10−2 and are not shown. It is seen that up to the point where eqn (10) is still working, the susceptibility is mostly determined by single MMNPs, while the contribution of clusters is negligible (as well as their fraction in the system). After that, as the dipolar coupling parameter λ increases from 6.25 to 10, χs drops approximately by the factor of two and a half, that agrees well with Fig. 4, where the actual number of single particles drops from almost 200 at λ = 6.25 to approximately 80 at λ = 10.
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Fig. 7 Zero-field magnetic characteristics of a multicore-based ferrofluid versus grain–grain dipolar coupling parameter λ. Φ = 0.02. Circles are simulation results averaged over the whole system, triangles correspond only to non-clustered (soliraty) MMNPs and squares correspond to clustered MMNPs. (a) Initial magnetic susceptibility, solid line is from eqn (10); (b) average normalized magnetic moment of a MMNP; (c) effective parameter of dipolar coupling between a pair of MMNPs. |
In contrast to the susceptibility of single particles, the value of χc grows rapidly and at λ = 10 is twice as high as the theoretical saturation value χ ≃ 0.061 (as predicted by eqn (10)).
Another quantity that, along with susceptibility, can provide insights into magnetic properties of our system is the average magnetic moment of a MMNP. We calculate it as
![]() | (15) |
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In Fig. 7(b) we plot dependencies of magnetic moments m, ms and mc on λ. Considering that the MMNPs form a statistically relevant number of clusters only for λ ≥ 5, at lower coupling constants the number of clustered particles Nc is too small to reliably estimate mc from eqn (18). Initially, magnetic moments are decreasing with λ. This is the result of the demagnetisation effect – for a localised collection of interacting dipoles surrounded by a non-magnetic medium it is always energetically more favorable to minimise its total magnetic moment.81 However, while for single particles this decrease continues up to λ = 10, the dependence of m is found to be non-monotonic. At λ ≳ 6, as the fraction and the average size of clusters start to grow, the magnetic moment of clustered particles turns into an increasing function as well. MMNPs within clusters, therefore, help each other to overcome the demagnetisation effect and become more susceptible to the applied field.
Finally, knowing numerical values for MMNPs magnetic moments, we can draw a comparison with dipolar spheres, which are used for modelling of traditional single-core-based ferrofluids. For each value of λ, instead of an ensemble of MMNPs, let us consider an equivalent ensemble of dipolar spheres of diameter D with a point-like dipole in its center. The magnitude of this magnetic moment is constant and equals to where m is calculated from eqn (15). Then similarly to eqn (4) we can introduce an effective dipolar coupling parameter for a pair of MMNPs as
![]() | (19) |
Values of Λ for ng = 20 and φg = 0.02 are shown in Fig. 7(c). We can see that it actually remains quite low, Λ < 1. If we estimate the coupling parameter independently for two particle subgroups (Λs = λngφgms2 and Λc = λngφgmc2), it will be somewhat larger for clustered particles and can reach Λc = 1.2. But we know that for real dipolar spheres a pronounced self-assembly in the absence of a field only takes place at Λ ≥ 477,82! Therefore, the crude analogy with dipolar spheres is insufficient to explain the self-assembly mechanism in multicore-based ferrofluids. An obvious difference between two systems is that the total magnetic moment of a multicore particle is not point-like, it is distributed across the particle volume. Presumably, correlations between individual grains within interacting MMNPs must be explicitly taken into account in order to explain the observed behavior. In fact, below we reveal the mechanism that keeps MMNPs together even though the effective Λ between them is very low.
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Fig. 8 Snapshot of a MMNP cluster. Grains on the borders between different MMNPs, forming bridges, are encircled. |
In order to analyze the structure and number of bridges, we once again carried out a cluster analysis. Firstly, we localize all MMNP clusters as connected components (see, explanations above) and sort them into groups according to the number of MMNPs in them. Secondly, for each such element of each subgroup, we construct a graph whose vertices are the individual grains and find connected components within these new structures using two conditions (i) two grains are connected if the distance between them is smaller than 21/6d and the dipolar interaction between them is negative; (ii) the connected component is a cluster of interest if it contains vertices from different MMNPs. Finally, any property of bridges that is calculated is averaged over the MMNP clusters of a given size.
In Fig. 9, we present the probability of finding a certain number of bridges within the cluster of two (a), three (b) and four (c) MMNPs. If λ = 7.5 the only reliable statistics can be obtained for dimers. Here, half of the clusters have at least one bridge, approximately 12 per cent have two bridges holding the particles together. We believe, that 35 per cent of clusters without bridges is related to a very restrictive distance criteria that we apply to detect clusters. In fact, with growing dipolar coupling one sees that the number of dimers without connecting bridges vanishes, while the probability of finding two bridges is increasing. Three particle clusters are normally connected with two-three bridges. Four-particle clusters are forming frequently enough only for λ = 10. Here within the 10 per cent margin one can find up to five bridges.
In Fig. 10 one can see that the bridges are rather long. With only slightly decreasing probability, one can find bridges with length from two to seven particles in dimers Fig. 10(a). Interestingly enough, comparing Fig. 10(b) and (c), where the bridge length distributions are plotted for three- and four-particle clusters respectively, to the histogram for dimers in (a), one concludes that the difference is barely to be found. In other words, the length of the bridges is cluster-size independent and it is only weakly affected by λ. This suggests that the bridges that we find reach their limiting length determined by spatial constraints of the MMNP size. In fact, if grains follow MMNP diameter, only 4 of them can fit inside. Taking this into account, it is particularly curious to elucidate what is a typical bridge topology and if it depends on the bridge length.
The first step to define the topology of the bridges is to calculate the degree of the grains in bridges. The results are collected in Fig. 11. Had the bridges been chains, there would have been only grains with degrees one and two. If, for example, the chain-like bridge was built of six grains, roughly 33 per cent would have degree one and 67 per cent degree two. The longer the chain, the lower the fraction of free ends in comparison to the grains with degree two. Here, however independently from the values of λ and the cluster size, 35–40 per cent of grains have degree one, 40–45 per cent degree two, around 15 per cent of grains in bridges have degree of three and five per cent of grains have four different neighbours.
Fig. 12(a)–(c) show the total magnetic moment of the bridge, normalized by the magnitude of the grain magnetic moment and bridge length. It can be seen that for all values of λ and cluster sizes, there is a bimodal distribution of the magnetic moment: the first peak in the region of 0.2–0.3 and there is a main maximum near unity. The latter corresponds to the linear structure of the bridge, whereas the peak at 0.2 indicates some bend, possibly branched or closed, configuration. Importantly, the bend structures are not ideal rings, as the magnetisation is not that low as one would expect for a mildly perturbed ring. Fig. 12(d) shows the dependence of the average bridge magnetic moment on the bridge length. It confirms the presence of long banded or nearly closed structures: short bridges have a very high magnetic moment, while the second histogram maximum in Fig. 12(a)–(c), shown by a vertical line, corresponds to the bridges longer than 10. It means that grains with degrees three and four are the bending points. Long banded bridges often start and end in the same MMNP, while the part in the fold belongs to the neighbouring MMNP in the cluster. Only few very long non-banded bridges were found in simulations that would percolate through three or more grains.
The formation of various bridges allows to increase the number of nearest neighbours a MMNP can have, making it similar to colloids with mobile multiple patches.83
Self-assembly of MMNPs and its impact on the zero-field magnetostatic response of the MMNPs suspensions were addressed at two different scales.
Firstly, it was shown that MMNPs started forming clusters at the values of saturation magnetisation much higher than their point-dipolar counterparts. Instead of forming inherent to dipolar spheres chains or rings whose size distribution decays exponentially with the cluster size, for higher interaction strength, the clusters formed by MMNPs are more compact, and their sizes are not distributed exponentially. In fact, the total average magnetic moment of a particle is rather small, and for the conditions in which self-assembly does not take place, the static susceptibility of MMNP suspensions is found to be below Langevin one and to increase only slightly with growing magnetic coupling parameter. At the value of λ at which the self-assembly ushers in, the susceptibility of the system qualitatively changes, starting growing very fast and going above the susceptibility of an ideal superparamagnetic gas predicted by Langevin theory.
Secondly, in order to understand the structure of the clusters formed by MMNPs, we looked at the interactions of the individual grains in neighbouring MMNPs. We discovered that clustering occurs by means of building grain bridges: grains of kissing MMNPs reorient so that they can form clusters. The length of those clusters (bridges) is found to be only weakly dependent on the magnetic interaction strength if the latter is high enough. One can find bridges whose length varies between 3–4 grains to 7–11 of them. Short bridges are mainly linear and have a relatively large magnetic moment. Long bridges instead have banded, u-like shape that is nearly closed with rather small total magnetic moment compensated by their folded structure.
Bridge formations is responsible for the multiple bonds that MMNPs can form, attaching more than two nearest neighbours.
This study reveals a mechanism of MMNPs self-assembly that makes this system clearly different from both single-domain nanoparticles and magnetisable micron-sized colloids. As the next step, we would address the dynamics of MMNPs.
Even though, the direct discussion of the dynamical properties of multicore suspensions cannot be based on the results presented in this paper, we cannot but mention the potential impact of structural transitions on the dynamic susceptibility of these systems. We assume that the formation of bridges as a mean for multicore particles to self-assemble will lead to a significant broadening of the dynamic spectra. At the moment we are working on the generalisation of our approach to capture off-equilibrium dynamics.
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While the “virtual sites” feature is used to calculate the positions of superparamagnetic grains, the equilibrium orientations of their magnetic moments are determined independently from Langevin equations identical in form to eqn (21):
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To simulate the steric repulsion between MMNPs, the Weeks–Chandler–Andersen (WCA) pair potential is used:87
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All simulations are performed for N = 200 MMNPs placed inside a cubic box with a side length of . 3D periodic boundary conditions are imposed on a box. The torques due to long-range dipole–dipole interactions are computed using the dipolar P3M algorithm.88 Other simulation parameters are P* = Ng = 20, J* = 0.1P*(D/d)2 ≃ 43,
. The simulation time step is Δt* = 0.002. Typically, the first 5 × 105 time steps are used for the system equilibration, and the subsequent production run lasts for at least another 10 × 105 time steps. For every combination of Φ and λ at least five independent runs are performed.
Albeit high efficiency, the choice of such dimensionless parameters imposes a certain “limitation”: the dynamics of our system is not realistic, and we cannot extract any off-equilibrium properties of the system. Although very interesting, the life-time of the clusters and dynamic response of the multicores lay beyond the scope of this study and require more frequent sampling with a smaller time-step, not compatible with reaching equilibrium in a feasible time.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |