L. González-Rodríguez*ab,
S. Pérez-Davilaab,
R. Lamac,
M. López-Álvarezab,
J. Serraab,
B. Novoac,
A. Figuerasc and
P. Gonzálezab
aCINTECX, Universidade de Vigo, Grupo de Novos Materiais, 36310 Vigo, Spain. E-mail: laugonzalez@uvigo.gal
bGalicia Sur Health Research Institute (IIS Galicia Sur), SERGAS-UVIGO, 36213 Vigo, Spain
cInstitute of Marine Reseach (IIM), CSIC, Eduardo Cabello 6, 36208, Vigo, Spain
First published on 30th May 2023
Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted increasing interest for biomedical applications owing to its outstanding properties such as high specific surface area, ability to bind functional molecules for therapeutic purposes and solubility, together with mechanical resistance and good thermal conductivity. The combination of GO with other biomaterials, such as calcium phosphate (CaP) and biodegradable polymers, presents a promising strategy for bone tissue engineering. Presently, the development of these advanced biomaterials benefits from the use of additive manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing. In this study, we develop a 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffold for bone tissue engineering. First, GO was characterised alone by XPS to determine its main bond contributions and C:
O ratio. Secondly, we determined the GO dose which ensures the absence of toxicity, directly exposed in vitro (human osteoblast-like cells MG-63) and in vivo (zebrafish model). In addition, GO was microinjected in the zebrafish to evaluate its effect on immune cells, quantifying the genetic expression of the main markers. Results indicated that the GO tested (C
O of 2.14, 49.50% oxidised, main bonds: C–OH, C–O–C) in a dose ≤0.25 mg mL−1 promoted MG63 cells viability percentages above 70%, and in a dose ≤0.10 mg mL−1 resulted in the absence of toxicity in zebrafish embryos. The immune response evaluation reinforced this result. Finally, the optimised GO dose (0.10 mg mL−1) was combined with polylactic acid (PLA) and CaP to obtain a 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffold. Physicochemical characterisation (SEM/EDS, XRD, FT-Raman, nano-indentation) was performed and in vivo tests confirmed its biocompatibility, enabling a novel approach for bone tissue-related applications.
From each of these potential applications, the enormous relevance of determining the toxicity threshold in terms of the GO dose, sheet size, oxidation state, and route of administration both in vitro and in vivo is evident. To date, numerous in vitro studies have been carried out, mostly using fibroblasts and different cancer cells to evaluate their response when exposed to different doses of GO. The degree of toxicity found was shown to be a function of the physicochemical properties of GO and experimental conditions.7 Different GO forms have been evaluated, including in solution versus immobilised GO, concluding the influence of the oxidation state and a protective role of GO solutions against immobilisation at certain concentrations.1
In vivo studies investigated the effects of different doses, generally quantified in mg of GO per kg of animal body weight, and routes of entry of GO nanoparticles. The most commonly used animals so far have been rodents, and the most tested route of administration has been via intravenous injection, although there are also results from GO exposed by intratracheal, intraperitoneal, or dermal routes. Several authors furthermore concluded that the diameter of GO nanosheets influences the distribution, with generally higher accumulation in different organs for diameters in the range 10–30 nm, although the results of inflammatory response in this case will also depend on the route of administration.10
Apart from the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of GO doses and routes of administration, the GO combination with other biomaterials is likewise of interest to complement its properties and develop advanced biomaterials. Biodegradable polymers (including collagen, chitosan, alginate, polyvinyl alcohol, and polylactic acid [PLA]) and calcium phosphates are among the most interesting for bone tissue applications.11 Several works have obtained 3D porous scaffolds combining PLA and CaP by traditional methodologies, such as solvent-casting or phase-separation, as in the research published by Charles-Harris et al. (2008),12 indicating their biocompatibility in vitro and the relevance of the final architecture on the cell's behaviour. In relation to this last aspect, the advantages provided by the additive manufacturing to fabricate customised 3D structures, controlling the geometry and inner architecture of the structure, has promoted several authors to investigate the obtaining of PLA scaffolds,13 CaP scaffolds14,15 or combination of both16 using this 3D printing technology. Thus, for instance, in the particular case of Nevado et al. (2020) a filament of PLA-CaP composite was obtained by hot-melt extrusion to be then used in a filament printer.17
In the case of GO, it has been recently combined with the biodegradable polymer chitosan and CaP to obtain composite membranes by vacuum filtration and biomimetic mineralisation fabrication methods.18 Moreover, its combination with fish gelatin has also been investigated and the in vivo effects when implanted ectopically.19 Scaffolds of polyethylene oxide with GO were also fabricated by electrospinning and their no inflammatory response was confirmed when implanted in animal model.20 The use of 3D printing to obtain scaffolds based on GO has been recently addressed by Z. Cheng et al. (2020) proposing a bio-ink composite of GO, collagen and chitosan to be used in 3D printing to fabricate cartilage scaffolds.21 However, to our knowledge, the direct combination of PLA, CaP and GO in a pellets printer to obtain at the time 3D scaffolds for bone tissue applications has not yet been investigated.
In present work, the development of a 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds for bone tissue engineering is addressed. Physicochemical characterisation of GO alone (XPS) was first carried out to determine its main bond contributions. Secondly, its biological response was evaluated in vitro (MG-63 cell line) and in vivo in the zebrafish model (embryos and larvae of Danio rerio) when directly bioavailable from the scaffold degradation, in doses from 0.0005 to 0.5 mg mL−1. The inmune response was also evaluated in vivo after being locally microinjected. The resulting GO dose that guarantees the absence of toxicity from the biological evaluation was the one incorporated to the versatile 3D printer of pellets, together with the corresponding amounts of PLA and CaP. Physicochemical (SEM/EDS, XRD, FT-Raman), mechanical (nano-indentation) and preliminar biological characterisation of the 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds is also presented.
All the dilutions were tested with osteoblast-like cell line MG-63 (ECACC, catalogue no.: 86051601), including the 0.5 mg mL−1 suspension in growth medium. To this end, a volume of 100 μL of 7 × 104 cells per mL of supplemented DMEM was initially cultured in 96-microwells and incubated at 37 °C and 5% of CO2 in humidified atmosphere. After 3 days, when the desired confluence was obtained, the supplemented DMEM was replaced by the prepared GO dilutions and incubated for 24 h. A phenol solution at 6.4 mg mL−1 in supplemented DMEM and the supplemented DMEM itself were both incorporated as positive and negative controls of cytotoxicity, respectively. These were also used to validate the healthy stage of cells.
After the incubation time, cell viability was measured with the MTS colorimetric test, based on the reduction of the tetrazolium compound MTS (3-[4,5, dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-5-[3-carboxymethoxy-phenyl]-2-[4-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium) by NAD(P)H-dependent dehydrogenase enzymes in metabolically active mammalian cells. The formazan dye was quantified using a Bio-Rad Model 550 microplate spectrophotometer at 490 nm. The obtained absorbance values are proportional to the cell viability. Four replicates per concentration were used, and the experiment was repeated three times. Wells with the corresponding GO concentration without cells were also tested in same conditions and subjected to the MTS colorimetric test as blank control to avoid false positives. Finally, a quantitative evaluation of the viability percentages was carried out according to the scale of cytotoxicity previously described by Rodríguez-López et al., where no toxicity is considered to exist at >90% of cell viability and severe toxicity occurs at viabilities below 30%, with a mild to severe range in between.22
Embryos and larvae were obtained from IIM-CSIC experimental facilities, where the animals were maintained using established protocols.23,24 Different fish lines were used: wild type (WT) zebrafish and the transgenic lines Tg-(mpx:GFP) and Tg-(mpeg:mCherry), with neutrophils and macrophages labelled, respectively. All experimental procedures were reviewed and approved by the CSIC National Committee of Bioethics under approval number ES360570202001/21/FUN.01/INM06/BNG01.
A corresponding volume of the original 0.5 mg mL−1 aqueous GO suspension was diluted in the zebrafish water, whose composition was previously specified,25 or distilled water, depending on the experiment, to obtain desired final concentrations in the 0.25–0.0005 mg mL−1 range. In the case of PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds, the evaluated extracts were obtained after 30 days at 37 °C under agitation (60 rpm), according to a protocol following the UNE-EN-ISO 10993-13:2009 standard. These were also immersed, in this case, in zebrafish water. Different concentrations were used in each assay depending on the results of previous tests or according to the possibilities of the technique. Both the zebrafish water, necessary for the maintenance of young fish, and distilled water, which simulates the solvent in the GO solution, were incorporated alone as controls. Furthermore, for the extracts assays, a control obtained under the same conditions and from PLA alone was added. This control was already shown to be safe.
The expression of specific genes involved in the immune response after GO exposition was analysed in the aforementioned WT fish. To this end, three biological replicates, five larvae per replicate, were microinjected with defined GO dilution of 0.1 mg mL−1. Total RNA was isolated after 24 hpe using the Maxwell® RSC simplyRNA Tissue kit (Promega) and cDNA synthesised following the supplier's instructions (NZY First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, NZYtech). Subsequently, quantitative analysis was carried using a 7300 Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems). The amplification of cDNA corresponding to interleukin 1-beta (il1β) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (tnfa), two of the most important genes during the inflammatory reaction, as well as tp53, an evolutionarily conserved tumour suppressor, which also regulates innate and adaptive immune responses, were examined based on their specific primers.26,27 Analyses were performed using 0.5 μg of cDNA and the SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific) in a total PCR volume of 25 μL. The temperature cycles were as follows: (1) initial denaturation at 95 °C for 10 min, (2) 40 cycles of denaturation at same temperature for 15 s each, and (3) one hybridisation-elongation at 60 °C for 1 min. The transcription levels of the target genes were normalised using the Pfaffl method,28 and 18S ribosomal RNA (18S) was selected as reference gene.
In order to identify the major type of bonds present at the tested GO sheets, both spectra were deconvoluted. Table 1 summarizes the main bond contributions attributed for binding energy after the deconvolutions of C 1s and O 1s transitions. Going into detail, C 1s spectrum was deconvoluted in two main contributions: an intense peak at 284.80 eV attributed to C–C, C–H bonds, another intense peak at 286.92 eV attributed to C–OH, C–O–C, and a third contribution at 288.6 eV from a deconvoluted peak at the shoulder region attributed to CO. In relative percentage the major contribution was for C–C and C–H bonds (50.5%), followed by C–OH and C–O–C (43.17%) and a minor contribution of double bonds C
O (6.33%). According to the deconvolution of the O 1s high-resolution spectrum three contributions were also identified: the main one with an intense band at 532.80 eV attributed to C–OH, C–O–C bonds (representing the 82.89% in relative percentage) and two less intense ones at 532.10 and 531.38 eV attributed to C
O bonds and oxidised sulphur, respectively.
C 1s | |||
C–C, C–H | C–OH, C–O–C | C![]() |
Binding energy (eV) | 284.80 eV | 286.92 eV | 288.60 eV |
Bond contribution (rel. %) | 50.50% | 43.17% | 6.33% |
![]() |
O 1s | |||
C–OH, C–O–C | C![]() |
Oxidised sulphur | |
Binding energy | 532.80 eV | 532.10 eV | 531.38 eV |
Bond contribution (rel. %) | 82.89% | 10.43% | 6.68% |
These XPS results indicated that almost the 50% of the whole carbon detected was combined with oxygen (49.50%), which confirms that the graphene is oxidised in a great extent. Moreover, carbon to oxygen single bonds (C–OH, C–O–C) were more abundant than carbon to oxygen double bonds (CO). This preference of the single bond conformation under mild oxidation, results in favour of hydroxyl (C–OH) and carbonyl groups (C
O), and is in agreement with a previous work,29 where the increase of biocompatibility of highly oxidised graphene-based materials is likewise demonstrated. In particular hydroxyl (–OH) functional groups, when present on a surface represent a hydrophilic surface,30 particularly reactive and extensively studied for the functionalisation of GO.31 Despite the fact that hydrophilic functionality corresponds in general to a reduced protein bonding, it provides significant inhibition of leukocyte adhesion and macrophage fusion, resulting in decreased cytokine secretion and attenuated inflammatory reactions. Moreover, in relation to bone tissue related applications, –OH functionality has been published to increase the levels of mineralisation of osteoblasts, as opposed to other functional groups.32,33
The GO sheets were also subjected to XRD analysis for structural analysis and again provided as ESI in Fig. S3(a)† with prominent diffraction peak at 2θ = 9.80 ± 0.01°, corresponding to the crystal plane (002).34 Fig. S3(b)† also incorporates the FT-Raman spectrum, where the typical G (1581 cm−1) and D (1342 cm−1) bands are represented.35–37
Following the physicochemical characterisation of the GO nanoparticles, which confirmed their sheet-like appearance and a composition based on carbons mostly together with oxygen groups by single bonds, which brings a certain degree of amorphousness to the GO crystalline structure, its toxicity was also evaluated. For it, GO alone in different doses was directly exposed to both a cell line and zebrafish model to select the concentration which guarantees the biological safety of the PLA:CaP:GO scaffold, given that once the scaffold degrades GO will be fully bioavailable.
GO concentration (mg mL−1) | 0.5 | 0.25 | 0.1 | 0.05 | 5 × 10−3 | 5 × 10−4 |
Viability percentage | 64% | 73% | 76% | 81% | 93% | 99% |
Value on cytotoxicity scale | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
As shown in Fig. 2(a), only the highest concentration of GO (0.25 mg mL−1) was toxic after 24 h in contact with embryos, as none were viable. These lethal consequences of the highest tested GO concentration appear to be consistent with some authors that associate mitochondrial and metabolic damage caused by ROS in the embryonic development of zebrafish after translocation of GO from water to fish.42 Nevertheless, after 72 h of GO exposure by bath, all concentrations that were not toxic to the embryos in the first 24 h (0.1–0.0005 mg mL−1) allow them to hatch completely (Fig. 2(b)). In addition, mortality caused by bath exposure of zebrafish larvae to GO is represented in Fig. 2(c), showing no differences in survival rates between the control group and the GO-exposed groups after seven days of immersion. In this case, the effect of the 0.25 mg mL−1 concentration was no longer evaluated, because it had already been proved toxic to the embryos by bath, but it was considered necessary to assess the response of zebrafish larvae by microinjecting the GO nanosheets. In this respect, the response of larvae to the two highest GO concentrations (0.25 and 0.1 mg mL−1) after being microinjected into the DC is shown in Fig. 2(d), assuming that if both are non-toxic, concentrations below them will not be either. Although a discrete mortality started two days post-exposure (dpe), there were no significant differences in survival rates at the end of the experiment after 72 h, which is the time considered critical for assessing viability in this case, in which the GO was introduced directly into the systemic circulation.
Several researchers evaluated the toxicity ranges of GO after bath exposure in both embryos and larvae reinforcing the toxic effect of GO concentrations close to 0.25 mg mL−1 observed in the present study: 0.4 and 0.2 mg mL−1 affect to hatching rate and larvae viability after 72 hpe.43,44 However, M. D'Amora et al. found lower concentrations of GO to be toxic, between 0.05 and 0.1 mg mL−1.45 With regard to the microinjection method, present results are in line with Gollavelli and Ling, who did not observe toxic effects of GO at concentration 0.1 mg mL−1 or below on larval survivability.46 These findings were quite different from the ones by other authors, who documented similar GO concentrations causing developmental changes,47 although the different microinjection sites and modifications of the GO used must be taken into account.
To study the immune response of zebrafish to GO microinjections at 0.25 and 0.1 mg mL−1 concentrations, we analysed the changes in the number of neutrophils and macrophages and the migration of these cells to the microinjection site in the corresponding transgenic lines. The data shown in Fig. 3 correspond to the quantification of total cells and cells migrated to the anterior region after 2 and 24 h of exposure. Even though no significant differences in the quantity or mobilisation of the neutrophils were observed in the first few hpe (Fig. 3(a)), they did appear at 24 h after incorporating 0.25 mg mL−1 of GO directly via the DC (Fig. 3(b)). The macrophage response was more immediate, showing significant differences for the same GO dose (0.25 mg mL−1) 2 h after microinjection (Fig. 3(c)) that was restabilised after 24 h, returning to a homeostatic state (Fig. 3(d)). The results presented demonstrate a rapid increase of the macrophage and subsequent neutrophil induction caused by injection of the highest applied concentration of GO and, consequently, an influence of GO on the innate immune response of zebrafish during their early embryonic stages that must be considered.
The natural response when a foreign substance is introduced into the body is the generation of an oxidative stress, leading to systemic inflammation. In the zebrafish immune system, neutrophils and macrophages are the essential immune cells that respond in this case.48 Considering that macrophages initiate the inflammatory response, secreting proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines that consequently alert the immune system and promote neutrophil recruitment,49 the findings presented were consistent with this theory, as there was first an increase of total macrophages that was subsequently solved and led to a total increase of neutrophils. Similarly, Chen et al. suggested the presence of an immunomodulatory effect after the exposure to GO, even at lower concentrations, such as 0.01 mg mL−1.48 This macrophage-neutrophil cooperation as an effector mechanism in the regulation of the immune system was already described by other authors.50 The lack of a migratory response towards the GO microinjection site could be explained by the rapid distribution of GO throughout the larval body. Chen et al. shows a broad GO distribution pattern when larvae are exposed by immersion,48 such that by microinjecting GO directly into the bloodstream, we could expect a rapid GO distribution resulting in an increase in the total number of immune cells, but without being recruited to a specific site. Further experimental assays would be needed to determine any type of bioaccumulation using the microinjection exposure, although we can conclude that if there was, it would not be fatal to the larvae according to the mortality tests carried out in this study.
To better understand the influence of GO on immune response in zebrafish, we examined the expression of some genes involved in the response to inflammatory processes. Expression levels of il1b, tnfa and tp53, 24 h after injection of 0.1 mg mL−1 of GO, are shown in Fig. 4. The selected dose of GO, chosen as the maximum concentration with no detrimental effects in the previous in vivo experiments, also did not modify the expression levels of tnfa and tp53. In the case of il1b, although there was a downregulation trend, no significant differences in expression with respect to the control were observed. Illβ and TNF-alpha are cytokines primarily produced during the innate immune response. Although there is still not sufficient knowledge on GO-induced immune toxicity in zebrafish, our results are in contrast with those obtained by Chen et al., who reported a significantly elevated expression of these two molecules, indicating induction of an inflammatory response. This was observed after an exposure to GO by bath and for a prolonged time of 14 days.27 Moreover, with regard to the expression of tp53, an evolutionarily conserved tumour suppressor that also regulates innate and adaptive immune responses,51 Jia et al. found that it was significantly up-regulated after exposure to GO at different sizes.26 This is not in line with our results, which indicate that this gene is not affected, at least by the GO and under the conditions we have specifically set up.
In summary, GO nanoparticles in the shape of nanoscale sheets, oxidised at 32% and with a C/O ratio close to 2, proved to be biocompatible in contact with both MG-63 cells after 24 h under the concentration ≤0.25 mg mL−1, and zebrafish model, after direct contact and being microinjected at the systemic level, at a concentration of 0.10 mg mL−1 and below.
The porous structure of the resulting 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds was first analysed using a stereo microscope and the obtained 3D optical images can be observed in Fig. 5. In this case a scaffold with pores of 1 × 1 mm2 and the 3.4 wt% of CaP and 0.004 wt% of GO is presented Fig. 5(a) and (b). In a general view, the homogeneous pore dimensions and symmetrical pore distribution are clearly visible. In addition, in the transparent interpores PLA-based walls the contributions of CaP granules in aggregates of up to ∼150 μm can be elucidated Fig. 5(b) and (c). Moreover, the morphology of the same scaffold was also evaluated by SEM, and a micrograph is presented in Fig. 5(d) together with the EDS analysis Fig. 5(e). The porosity and morphology of the pore walls can be observed. In addition, differences in the width along each deposited line are clearly detected, related to reological factors. These pore and extruded filament characteristics and deposition pattern, using 3D printing, were similar to those obtained by other authors who mixed PLA and GO52 or PLA and CaP.13,17 This therefore suggests that the introduction of the third material, GO, does not interfere with the structure of the PLA:CaP based polymeric/ceramic scaffolds. The elemental analysis by EDS Fig. 5(e) confirmed the composition of the scaffold with presence of C in an atomic percentage of 77.6%, O of 21.5%, P of 0.33% and Ca of 0.55%, with a Ca:
P ratio of 1.67. These results proved the incorporation of CaP into the scaffolds. Furthermore, the Ca
P ratio of 1.67 has been proven to be the most effective in promoting bone regeneration.53
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Fig. 5 Stereo micrographs in different magnifications (a–c), SEM (d) and corresponding EDS spectrum (e) of the PLA:CaP:GO scaffold with 3.4 wt% of CaP and 0.10 mg mL−1 of GO (0.004 wt%) (d and e). |
The crystalline structure was assessed using XRD and presented at Fig. 6(a) where the diffraction patterns for different compositions of PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds are shown. The two characteristic diffraction peaks in the spectrum of 3D printed PLA alone (named as PLA:0CaP:0GO) were found at positions 16.5° and 21.5°, corresponding to (200)/(110) and (015) crystal planes, respectively.54 When low contributions of CaP and GO are present in the scaffold, differences at the diffraction patterns were observed, as a less intense diffraction peak for the (200)/(110) crystal plane, which suggest lower crystallinity degree. The presence of CaP is clearly detected in the diffraction pattern of the scaffold with the highest contribution, 13.2 at%, with the main peaks at positions 31.8°, 32.2°, 32.9°and 39.9°, which correspond to planes (121), (112), (300) and (310).55,56 The typical diffraction peak of GO is not detected by this technique given probably the low content incorporated. This non-appearance of the characteristic GO peaks in PLA:CaP:GO based structures is a fact previously found by authors such as M. Gong et al.57 Moreover, the PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds were also subjected to FT-Raman spectroscopy to evaluate their bonding configuration and results are presented in Fig. 6(b). The Raman spectrum obtained for the PLA:CaP:GO scaffold revealed the characteristic spectrum of poly(lactic acid)s58,59 with main strong bands registered, taking as reference the spectrum of PLA:0CaP:0GO scaffold, at: 872 cm−1 with an intense and sharp band attributed to C–COO stretching, 1769–1773 cm−1 assigned to CO asymmetric stretching, 1455–1457 cm−1 to asymmetric bending CH3, 1128 cm−1 to asymmetric rocking CH3 and, finally, 1043 cm−1 attributed to skeletal stretching C–CH3. It is also present the band near 960 cm−1 attributed to PO4−3 symmetric stretching mode of calcium phosphates. According to literature60 when this band appears at 970 cm−1 with a shoulder in 961 cm−1 is attributed to tricalcium phosphates (TCP) and other authors56 assigned this vibration at 962 and 956 cm−1 to hydroxyapatite and the one at 972, 958–968 and 948 cm−1 to β-TCP. The position of the peak in this case at 954 cm−1 indicates, as explained above, that we are dealing with a calcium phosphate of the apatitic type. Finally, the Raman spectrum presented two bands at 1596 cm−1 and at 1323 cm−1 which correspond to the typical G (1581 cm−1) and D (1342 cm−1) bands of GO (Fig. S3(b)†). The spectrum of GO alone (Ctr GO) is also incorporated as reference measured under the same conditions and related bands highlighted with pointed squares. These results confirm both the successful contribution of CaP and GO in the 3D printed PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds.
Once the scaffolds were structurally and chemically characterised, the mechanical properties were also analysed. Fig. 7 shows the hardness and Young's Modulus measurements carried out on different PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds, for which the CaP content was kept constant in order to observe the changes associated with the incorporation of GO at different concentrations. For that reason, a PLA:CaP scaffold was also incorporated as control sample, with values of hardness (black bars) 0.19 ± 0.03 GPa and Young's modulus (grey bars) of 3.60 ± 0.30 GPa. In particular, the latter value is consistent with those of PLA:CaP scaffolds from other authors although with different CaP concentrations and demonstrates the increase with respect to PLA values alone.61 When GO is incorporated into the scaffolds (0.01 at% and 0.02 at%) the mean values of both hardness and Young's modulus increased in relation to the control, without GO. Going into detail with the Young's modulus, it was observed a maximum value of 4.24 ± 0.30 GPa obtained at the PLA:CaP:GO scaffold with the highest contribution in GO. This value represents an increase of 16% compared to the sample without GO, implying that the presence of GO improves the mechanical properties of the PLA:CaP scaffolds. This has already been affirmed by other authors such as Pinto et al. who obtained nanocomposites thin films of PLA after incorporating small amounts of GO, observing an increase in the modulus of elasticity value of 115% by adding 0.3 wt% of GO in a PLA matrix.62
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Fig. 7 Young's modulus and hardness of different PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds. In the bar chart means ±standard errors are represented. |
After physicochemical characterisation of the PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds, which demonstrated the successful incorporation of GO into the composite and no influence on the homogeneity of the porous structure of the scaffolds, as well as improved mechanical properties compared to the control PLA:CaP scaffolds, the toxicity of the extracts obtained in contact with zebrafish was evaluated.
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Fig. 8 Toxicity response of zebrafish larvae exposed to extracts obtained from PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds (with 3.4 wt% of CaP and 0.004 wt% of GO) for 30 days: viability rate of WT embryos 7 dpe by bath. |
In summary, the GO used in the present study at nanoscale size and 32% oxidisation, is not toxic to MG-63 bone cells at a concentration ≤0.25 mg mL−1 in contact for 24 h. These results are similar, in terms of the dosage and time, to those obtained by Bengtson et al. who confirmed the non-toxicity of up to 200 μg mL−1 GO in contact with an epithelial tissue cell line for 24 h; however, in this case the GO used was much less oxidised.63 However, for other cell lines (fibroblasts, neuronal or cancer cells), GO, also in the form of nanoscale sheets, is only biocompatible up to 20–80 μg mL−1, although the contact times with the material are longer, 4–5 days.7,64,65
With respect to GO administrated in vivo in suspension both by direct contact and after being systemically injected, the non-toxic concentration was 0.1 mg mL−1. These values agree with previous studies using the same animal model, which concluded no toxicity of GO up to 0.3 mg mL−1 via the same route of exposure, i.e., direct contact.66 However, other researchers observed damage in zebrafish from a dose of 0.05 mg mL−1 of GO administered intraperitoneally.67 Furthermore, taking into account the results obtained using other animal models, several authors demonstrated pathological effects in mice after the intratracheal administration of 1 mg mL−1 of GO.68
Therefore, on the basis of our own results that are supported by some previous comparable research, 0.1 mg L−1 is defined as the ideal GO concentration to incorporate in the PLA:CaP hybrid scaffold, thus ensuring the absence of toxicity. This is not only because it has been validated in an in vivo model, but also because of the gradual degradation of the scaffold that would occur under physiological conditions, implying that the threshold concentration would not appear at any time in the implanted area.
The proven sensitivity and similarity to human biological mechanisms of the in vivo model (Danio rerio) defines this threshold dose as a guarantee of safety of the device that could be developed from the scaffold model studied herein.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ra00981e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |