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Tuning water chemistry for the recovery of greener products: pragmatic and sustainable approaches

A. O. Adeeyo*af, J. A. Oyetadeb, M. A. Alabic, R. O. Adeeyoa, A. Samied and R. Makungoe
aEcology and Resource Management Unit, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, University of Venda, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa. E-mail:
bMaterial Science and Engineering, School of Materials, Water, Energy and Environmental Science, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tanzania
cDepartment of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
dDepartment of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, University of Venda, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa
eDepartment of Earth Science, University of Venda, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa
fAqua Plantae Research Group, University of Venda, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa

Received 19th October 2022 , Accepted 17th February 2023

First published on 28th February 2023


The environmental impact and denaturing propensity of organic solvents in the extraction of plant bioactives pose great challenges in extraction systems. As a result, proactive consideration of procedures and evidence for tuning water properties for better recovery and positive influence on the green synthesis of products become pivotal. The conventional maceration approach takes a longer duration (1–72 h) for product recovery while percolation, distillation, and Soxhlet extractions take about 1 to 6 h. An intensified modern hydro-extraction process was identified for tuning water properties with an appreciable yield similar to organic solvents within 10–15 min. The percentage yield of tuned hydro-solvents achieved close to 90% recovery of active metabolites. The additional advantage of using tuned water over organic solvents is in the preservation of the bio-activities and forestalling the possibility of contamination of the bio-matrices during extractions with an organic solvent. This advantage is based on the fast extraction rate and selectivity of the tuned solvent when compared to the traditional approach. This review uniquely approaches the study of biometabolite recovery through insights from the chemistry of water under different extraction techniques for the very first time. Current challenges and prospects from the study are further presented.

1. Introduction

The early techniques for recovery of bioactive metabolites involve conventional cold or hot solvent extraction.1 The choice is a function of the nature of the bioactive compound of interest.2 The adverse effect of organic solvents (Table 1) which are mostly preferred extraction techniques has warranted the search for greener alternatives. One of the ways green extractions is described involves the isolation of medicinally active portions from a bio-material,3 with the simultaneous use of eco-friendly solvents and optimal use of energy.4–9 Prospecting for green solvents has brought water to the fore of extraction technology.10 Water is affirmatively described as the “greenest solvent” imaginable, with its availability at the required purity, it is cost-effective, readily recycled, non-toxic, non-flammable, and eco-friendly.10–13 Based on the green chemistry precept, water is considered a green chemical per excellence.14–16 Water is useful in the recovery of various phytochemicals including alcohols, sugars, proteins, and organic acids with natural water-soluble properties.12,16–21 However, water as a solvent has some physical and chemical property disadvantages when compared to organic solvent.21–23 The polar nature of water in its natural form reduces its efficacy and acceptability when compared with organic solvents for some kinds of extractions. Organic solvents are extensively desirable since they exhibit better recovery than water at ambient conditions.3 Further setbacks experienced when using conventional hydro-extraction include time and energy consumption, thermal decomposition of thermo-sensitive metabolites and low recovery of hydro-solvent in its natural form.
Table 1 Some selected organic solvents and their toxicological effects24–27
Solvents Toxicological effects
Toluene Appreciably fatal if it penetrates the airways or is swallowed. Has the potential of damaging the fetus. Prolonged exposure may warrant the damaging of organs
Dichloromethane (DCM) Suspected of causing cancer
Chloroform Suspected of causing cancer
Dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylacetamide (DMA) and N-methyl pyrrolidinone (NMP) May damage fertility or affect the unborn child
1,2,3-Trichloropropane and trichloroethylene and 1,2-dichloroethane May reduce fertility or affect the unborn child
2-Methoxyethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethyl acetate May damage fertility or affect the unborn child
Benzene Low flash point (−11 °C), carcinogenic. It has a high toxicological impact on man and its immediate environment, hence, strongly regulated in the US (HAP) and the EU
n-Hexane(s) Very low flash point (−23 °C), toxic, carcinogenic, pollutant
Pyridine Has reprotoxic and carcinogenic effects on long exposure
n-Pentane Classified as a hazardous airborne

There exists the need to investigate water properties that can be improved to complement its natural advantage and eradicate its attendant limitations as a solvent for extraction.5,8,10,28,29 have indicated that improving traditional extraction must entail decreased energy input, sustainability and a non-toxic final product. Improving water to own variable chemistry will aid the extraction of a broad range of polar and non-polar biomolecules from sustainable natural products with non-toxic quality and eco-friendliness.10,21,29 This approach will prevent the use of organic solvents, fossil energy, chemical waste and risks of extraction. It is known that water existing in its tunable form satisfies the conditions of green solvents.11–13 Recently, the usage of water for extraction has been considered based on its negligible environmental impact.30,31 To date, processes developed imply extraction with water could proffer net benefits concerning eco-friendliness, reduced process time, improved selectivity, preservation of heat-sensitive compounds and reduced energy input.7

2. Methods

This review is centered on the tunable chemistry of water. The search methodology adopted was according to Feli et al.32 The study investigates the tunable properties of water with a positive influence on green synthesis. Data mining and processing of secondary information in literature engaged procedures as described in Fig. 1a and involve the review of 268 publications. About 125 articles reviewed comprehensively covered conventional and non-conventional techniques studied, 35 discussed the challenges of the green extraction techniques and 45 presented possibilities of tunable technology of water as an alternative extraction process.
image file: d2ra06596g-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Flow chart for the article selection process (a) and yearly distribution of articles used for extracting data (b).

Cumulatively, 183 articles were selected based on the extensive and quantifiable information and their systematic mode of data presentation on the alternative extraction processes. Various cogent keywords such as properties of water, tunable water, hydro extraction, merits of hydro solvent extraction and development of aqueous solvents and systems were typed and searched on notable databases such as Google scholar, science direct, pub med and web of science. Articles within the year of publication ranging from 1997 to 2021 were studied for review (Fig. 1b).

3. Hydro extraction and mechanism of tuned water

3.1 Water and extraction processes

The water molecule is very small with a hard-sphere diameter of 2.75 Å. The small size of the molecule is of vital importance in solute hydration. The dipole moment (1.85 D) of water molecules is a result of the two partial positive charges on the hydrogen [H+] atoms and the only single zone of negative charge on the oxygen [O]. The contribution of the total electron density of the water molecule in the H–O–H plane makes it spherical one.33,34 Also, one of the most essential parameters use in categorizing the polarity of the medium and the control exerted over the ionic dissociation of salts is the macroscopic dielectric constant of a solvent (εr). The high polarity of water can be attributed to dipole orientations of the hydrogen-bond network which gives it a dielectric constant value of 78.3. At higher temperatures and pressures, the polarity of water is significantly reduced as the hydrogen bond network is disintegrated.35,36 Hence, using water as a solvent in extraction processes might be energy-demanding in those cases where water needs to be removed by evaporation. Furthermore, the energy demand to heat liquid water (25 °C to 250 °C, 5 MPa) is almost three times less than needed to vaporize the water to create steam (25 °C to 250 °C, 0.1 MPa).37

The chemical and physical properties of water are largely affected by temperature variation.38 This possibility of change in the properties of water gives it variable characteristics which could be harnessed during the extraction of plant metabolites. One of the most dramatic changes for liquid water at saturation pressure is the static permittivity (εr), going from 78 at 25 °C to 14 at 350 °C.39 Studies show that the property of water at near-critical conditions dissolves hydrophobic organic compounds.38,40 At this point, inorganic solute such as NaCl becomes insoluble in water which is the attribute of organic solvents. The increasing temperature at a critical point diminishes electrostatic interactions within water molecules, as well as between water molecules and surrounding ions or molecules (i.e., both εr and π* (polarizability) decrease with increasing temperature). At higher temperatures, there is an observed increase in the movement/rotation of water molecules. Hence, the use of liquid water at higher temperature and pressure allows the dissolving of less polar bioactive compounds. Intermolecular interactions involving hydrogen bonding become less pronounced; thereby favoring dispersion forces (induced dipole-induced dipole forces). In other words, liquid water at elevated temperature (and pressure) becomes less polar of a solvent. Liquid water at temperatures of 200–275 °C and saturation pressure has εr similar to that of methanol and ethanol at ambient conditions.41 The notable properties of water include a strong hydrogen bond, which results in a very high specific heat capacity (Cp, m, 75.3 J mol−1 K−1, isobaric, molar, at 25 °C), high heat of vaporization (Hv, 40.7 kJ mol−1 at 100 °C) and extremely high relative static permittivity (εr, also referred to as the dielectric constant) of 76–80 at 20 °C. This implies that water creates electrostatic bonds with other molecules, thereby decreasing or eliminating intermolecular interaction between surrounding ions.42 Water is non-toxic and non-flammable, it is cheap and readily available. Thus, it provides opportunities for clean processing and pollution prevention.

3.2 Mechanisms of tuned water extraction

Generally, water can exist in three different states based on temperature change. These states include liquid water, solid water (ice) and gaseous water (steam or vapour).43 The physicochemical properties of water subjected to various tunable effects includes surface tension, dielectric constant and viscosity. These properties are tuned under external influences such as temperature, pressure, ultrasound, and the incorporation of some other bio-based solubilizing compounds and hydrotropes. Mottaleb and Sarker44 affirmed that at high temperature and pressure, the viscosity of solvent is lowered, surface tension reduces and the rate of the penetration of hydro-solvent into the pores of the sample matrix may increase (Fig. 2).44 In addition to this, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, water is a highly polar solvent with a high dielectric constant based on the presence of hydrogen-bonded structure.42 Dielectric constant points to the strength of the polarity of water. When heat and pressure are applied to water, a drastic change is observed in the properties of the water as the hydrogen-bonded lattice is disrupted with increasing thermal motion and a fall in the value of the dielectric constant with the resultant lesser polarity of water.45,46 Hence, water begins to exhibit similar properties of organic solvents with no environmental concerns.47–49 The tuning effect also speeds up the rate of molecular diffusion and interaction of the liquid phase (hydro-solvents) with the material. The ease of diffusion and penetration of matrices observed in the tuned hydro-solvent is an appreciable attribute predominantly known in many extraction systems that use organic solvent.50
image file: d2ra06596g-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Mechanism of movement of tuned water into the plant sample: Source:

Brignole,51 Smith,46 and Carr et al.41 in their studies revealed that under conditions of high temperature (250 °C) and sufficient pressure (25 bar) water remains in its liquid state. Though the dielectric constant of water is 80 at 25 °C; however, at elevated temperature, the dielectric constant drops to 25, which falls between those of methanol (ε = 33) and ethanol (ε = 24) at 25 °C. Under such conditions, water exhibits properties that mimic some organic solvents, dissolving compounds with low polarity.33,36,42,52–56 In addition, it has been reported that intensified techniques are faster when compared to the conventional extraction technique.57

4. Extraction processes

4.1 Conventional extraction processes

There are diverse traditional extraction methods such as described in Table 2. However, these methods are generally challenged with contamination of extracted bio-actives resulting from prolonged exposure to organic solvents and other disadvantages. Solvents may penetrate through the cell, move into the cytoplasm containing neutral lipids, and form a solvent–lipid interaction by van der Waals forces. During this process, lipids may be extracted from the cell matrix which may contaminate extracellular metabolites of interest and bioactivities (Fig. 3).
Table 2 Convectional/traditional extraction methods
Methods Process Advantages Disadvantages References
Squeezing The techniques involve the application of pressure on moistened plant samples via pestle, mortars, mullers, presses, etc., on the plant samples to get the extrudate Simple Possibility of contamination of bio-actives 59–61
Little or no solvent required
Requires no thermal degradation
Low extraction efficiency
Maceration Powdered plant samples are added to the solvent already in a stoppered container with frequent agitation. The aqueous extracting solvent is then drained off followed by pressing and centrifugation to remove the remaining miscella from the plant material Can be used for a large amount of sample Long extraction duration 39, 62 and 63
A limited solvent is required
Long extraction time Only useful for soluble or thermolabile bio-actives
Low extraction efficiency
Decoction The plant matrix comes in contact with the aqueous solvent at boiling point for a maximum duration of 30 min. The liquid is then filtered at end of the extraction. Then the liquid is filtered, and the squeezed liquid of the extracted matrix impregnated with the aqueous solvent is added to it Use predominantly for phenolics Only useful for thermoresistant bioactive 64–66
Requires moderate heat Limited validity
Long extraction time Extracts have a short shelf life
Low extraction efficiency  
Infusion Extraction in this regard involves soaking the solid plant powder in cold or boiling water for a short time Long extraction time Easily altered extract 4 and 67
Low extraction efficiency Limited validity
Percolation The method makes use of narrow shaped percolator which holds the moistened plant samples. The plant material is then rinsed with the solvent several times until the active ingredient is extracted Easy to operate Good grinding required 68–70
Very fast Requires preliminary humidification
Not exhaustive

image file: d2ra06596g-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of extraction processes of bioactives in cell. Source: Halim et al.58

4.2 Intensified modern hydro-extraction processes

The intensified modern extraction processes include microwave-assisted, supercritical or pressurized liquid water, ultrasound-enhanced, water–oil-based solvents and enhanced hydrotropic extraction which is summarized in Table 3. These extraction systems make use of water as their solvent for extraction under critically controlled conditions and is commonly called “green solvent”.9,11,12,71 The extraction principles alongside the representations of conventional and intensified processes are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 4 respectively.
Table 3 Non-conventional/intensified water extraction techniques
Techniques Mechanism Advantage (s) Limitations References
Enhanced hydro-accelerated extraction Water is subjected to elevated temperatures above the boiling point and pressures while maintaining its liquid state (i.e., liquid water). The tuned aqueous solvent accelerates selective desorption of the analytes thus, giving room for selective extraction by solubilizing the analytes from plant samples High solvent strength Expensive 73 and 74
Fast extraction rate Requires extraction clean up
No phase change of liquids
Microwave-enhanced hydro-extraction/microwave-assisted hydro distillation The dielectric of water is tuned under non-ionizing electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. The supplied electromagnetic energy is converted to heat following ionic conduction and dipole rotation mechanisms of the hydro-solvent. This leads to the separation of solutes from active sites of the sample matrix High selectivity Formation of free radicals 75–78
Lower extraction time Possibility of thermal degradation
Enhanced bio-active recovery
Pressurized or subcritical hydro-extraction Water is tuned at critical pressure (1–22.1 MPa) and critical temperature (between 100–374 °C) while maintaining its liquid state. Under this condition, properties such as dielectric constant and viscosity are tuned which consequently decreases the surface tension of the water and increases its diffusivity Possibility of dielectric variation over a wide range Expensive 57, 79–84
Efficient mass transfer and diffusion. Fast extraction rate
Aqueous ultrasonic hydro-extraction The properties of water are tuned under ultrasound from 20 kHz to 2000 kHz. The ultrasound enhances the propagation of mechanical waves, formed compressions and rarefactions, respectively. Thus, in contact with a bio-matrix, the cell of the material is damaged by the principle of acoustic cavitation favouring the release of bioactive compounds High extraction efficiency and faster extraction rate 4, 77, 85–89
Enhanced hydrotropic extraction The solubility of water is enhanced by the incorporation of hydrotropes. These compounds consist of a hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic part in the similitude of surfactants. However, they act as coupling agents to tune the polar property of water and aid its extraction Simplicity   90–94
Eco-friendly nature
High solubilization and selectivity capacity
Water–oil biosurfactant extraction This involves the dispersion of thermodynamically stable micelles in water. These micelles consist of the polar head which attracts the aqueous core (water) and the non-polar part of the hydrocarbon chain is attracted by the organic phase which points outside. The coupling is known as water–oil surfactant. During the extraction, water and hydrophilic plant metabolites are solubilized inside the cores High selectivity   95–100
Bioactivities protection
Shorter phase separation time
Thermodynamically stable, low costs, energy savings, ease of operation at a continuous steady-state

image file: d2ra06596g-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Comparative mechanism of conventional (A) and selected intensified methods (B and C).72

5. Results and discussion

5.1 Effect of extraction techniques on yield of biometabolites

From Tables 4 and 5, the extracted bio-actives can be categorized into phenolics and polyphenolics, essential oils, alkaloids and carotenoids, terpenes, carbohydrates, proteins pigments and vitamins.
Table 4 Some selected extraction of plant metabolites using different approaches
Methods Sample Desired product Experiment temp. (°C) Optimum time (min) Yields Sources
Maceration Brassica oleracea var. italica Essential oil 4 1440 82.2 mg GAE/100 g DW 122 and 123
Solanum scabrum leaves Essential oil 4320 34.2 g GAE/100 g 124
Lepidium sativum Essential oil 50 1440 25 mg RuE/g DW 125
Artocarpus heterophyllus wastes 25 4320 871.4 mg QuE/g DW 126
Quercus robur L. Phenolic compounds 40 412 mg CE/g bark 127
Percolation Artocarpus heterophyllus wastes Essential oil 25 60 511.6 mg QuE/g DW 128
Infusion Moroccan Acacia mollissima bark Phenolic compounds 20 120 258.4 mg GAE/g bark 129
Soxhlet Artocarpus heterophyllus wastes Essential oil 10 300 381.4 mg QuE/g DW 128
Vernonia cinerea leaves Essential oil 120 26.22 mg QuE/g DW 130
Pinus radiata bark Essential oil 82 60, 120, 180, and 360 622.40 mg GAE/g 131
Morus nigra (dried) Essential oil 50 180 58.94% of flavonoid yield 132
Steam distillation Lavandula flowers Essential oil 100 90 8.75% 133
Hydro distillation Thymus vulgaris Essential oil 240 134
Pinus pinaster Polyphenols 100 180 14.3 mg GAE/g bark 135
Pressurized hydro-extraction Gossypium herbaceum seed Oil 180–280 270 30% 136
Solanum tuberosum peel Glucose 140–240 240 15% 137
Pinus densiflora Organic acid product 270 10% 123
M. chamomilla Essential oils 100–175 150 120% 138
Zea mays stalk Fermentable hexose 180–392 280 27% 139
Triticum aestivum L. straw Fermentable hexose 280 54% 139
Cellulose Oligosaccharides 380 16% 140
Triticum aestivum L. straw Reducing sugars 170–210 190 30% 136
Fish proteins Amino acid 180–320 260 30% 141
Thymus vulgaris Essential oils 100–175 150 150% 138
Gramineae Saccharum officinarum L. waste Reducing sugars 200–240 240 2% 142
Defatted rice bran Sugars and proteins 200–260 200 5% 143
Simmondsia chinensis seed Oil 180–260 240 30% 144
Rosmarinic acid Terpenes 60–100   25% 145
Microwave enhanced hydro solvent Lavandula flowers Essential oil 100 10 8.86% 133
Thymus vulgaris Essential oil 75 134
Ultrasound-assisted hydro solvent Artocarpus heterophyllus Pectin 90 10 146
Camellia sinensis leaves Polyphenols, amino acid and caffeine 65 15 147
Solid–liquid extraction Pinus nuts Inositol 60 120 3.7 mg g−1 148

Table 5 Comparative extraction of some plant's bio-actives using pressurized hydro-solvent and conventional techniques
Analytes Matrix and yield Reference methods and conditions Temp. (°C) Pressure Mode Flow rate (ml min−1) Extraction time (min) References
Stevioside, rebaudioside A Stevia rebaudiana, 91.8% Reflux 60 °C, 1–1.5 h, 84.3% 100 11–13 bar Dynamic 1.5 15 149 and 150
Gastrodin, vanillyl alcohol Gastrodia elata, 8.6% Reflux with 95% methanol, 2 h and 70 °C and 0.075% 100 8–10 bar Dynamic 1.5 20 151
Phenolics and polyphenolic compounds Momordica charantia, 29.8% Soxhlet extraction, 180 °C, 30 ml methanol, 0.4% 150–200 10 Mpa Dynamic 2.0 320 152
Pinus radiata bark Hydrodistillation ethanol[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]water 3[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]1 w/w, 0.55 g GAE/g extract 120 1.01 bar Nil Nil   153
Quercus petraea Heat reflux with water, 11.7 GAE/g extract 100 1.01 bar Nil Nil 120 154
Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Hydrosolvent extraction with water and ethanol, 5.0–13.4 mg GAE/g DW   1.01 bar Nil Nil 360 154
Phyllanthus amarus, 52.97 mg g−1 Reflux, 17.67 mg g−1 192.4 110 bar Static 1.0 15 155
85       30
Essential oil Fructus amomi, >12% Steam distillation, 40 min, 12% 150 60 bar Dynamic 1.0 5 156
Borneol, terpinen-4-ol, carvacrol Origanum Onites, 5.05% Steam distillation, Soxhlet extraction, 50 ml n-hexane, 150 °C, 12 h, 3.16% 100, 125, 150, 175 60 bar   2.0 30 157
Volatile oil Cuminum cyminum L., 16.2% Hydro distillation, Soxhlet extraction, 175 °C, 3 h, 3.16% 100–175 20 bar Dynamic 2.0, 4.0 Nil 113
Catechins, proanthocyanidins Grape seed, 95% Extraction with 75% methanol, 4.6%, 200 ml n-hexane, 12 h 50, 100, 150 1500 psi Static Nil 30 112
Capsaicin dihydrocapsaicin Peppers Nil 50–200 100 atm Static Nil Nil 158
Anthocyanins phenolics Dried red grape skin, 45% Nil 100–160 Nil Static Nil 40 s 159 and 160
Rosmaric acid Salvia rosmarinus Reflux with water 78 1.01 bar Nil Nil 30 161
Inositols Pinus pinea L. Pressurized hydrosolvent, 5.7 mg g−1 50 10 mpa Dynamic   18 148
Solid–liquid extraction, 3.7 mg g−1 60 120
Anthocyanin and phenolic P. cauliflora skin, 18.7% Low-pressure solvent extraction (LPSE) with ethanol, 22–33 °C at 120 min 13.0% 80 50 bar Static 9 162
Rubus fruticosus, 12.10% and 14.27% Soxhlet extraction with ethanol and mixture, at 300 min and 5.02% 80 3.0–3.8 30 163
Polysaccharide Grossularia, pressurized hydro-solvent extraction with water, 11.68% 52 16 bar 51 163
Capsaicinoids Capsicum annuum, pressurized hydro-solvent extraction with water, higher than Soxhlet extraction at 20 min Soxhlet extraction, 80 °C with ethanol at 300 min and 5.243 mg g−1 120–240 200 bar 20 164
Protein Prunus cerasus Soxhlet extraction with n-hexane, 80.48% 60 165

a Essential oils. Table 4 presents the extraction conditions and yield of selected compounds from the plant using conventional and intensified techniques. With regards to time and temperature, the data presented showed that tuned solvents and intensified techniques have lower extraction time. It was observed that essential oil extracted from lavender flowers via microwave-enhanced extraction and the traditional method gives the yield of 8.86% and 8.75% at 10 and 90 min, respectively. Essential oil from Thymus vulgaris was extracted in 75 min using the intensified approach as against 240 min in the traditional method. The faster extraction rate observed for microwave extraction may be attributed to the transformation of the hydro-solvent used into an organic mimic at elevated temperature during extraction. This makes it easy for cell wall disruption and easy extraction of the plant's product.101–103,166–170

Generally, from Table 4, the extraction technique with the higher time frame is maceration, although at a lower temperature. However, when compared with extraction of essential oil via pressurized hydro extraction, pressurized technique operates at a lesser time frame for the extraction of oil from M. chamomilla and Thymus vulgaris with yield of 120% and 150% respectively. Similarly, in Table 5 the use of hydro-solvent via steam distillation compared to the pressurized technology has a faster oil extraction rate with a yield of 12% at 40 min and >12% at 5 min respectively.

Although the extraction process in traditional maceration took place at low temperature but disadvantaged with longer extraction time when compared to intensified methods of pressurized hydro-extraction, microwave-enhanced hydro solvent and ultrasound-assisted hydro extraction with lower recovery duration. The longer extraction durations in conventional extractions make extracted bio-products susceptible to deterioration and reduced pharmacological activity.104 Furthermore, it is imperative to add that extracts of organic solvent exhibit toxicological impact in the environment.105,106

b Phenols and polyphenols. The vital study of the green extraction of phenols and polyphenolics as compared to the conventional organic solvent techniques is based on the significant anti-oxidizing activity potential of these bio-actives in pharmacognosy.106–108 From Table 5, the use of tune hydro-solvent and technology shows a higher extraction performance of 29.8 for M. charantia compared to a low value of extract from Soxhlet (0.4%). Furthermore, the extraction of Phyllanthus amarus is reported as 52.97 mg g−1 compared to 17.67 mg g−1 from conventional reflux at a higher time frame of 30 min. The use of tuned ultrasonic hydro-solvent in an ultrasound-assisted extraction system results in fast extraction time of 10 and 15 min respectively for the extraction of pectin from jack fruit and polyphenols, amino acid and caffeine from green tea which helps to conserve its pharmacological attributes.107–109 Hydro-solvent tuned under the influence of this green technology especially the ultrasound exhibits no environmental concern as compared to the toxic organic solvents which can contaminate the activity and quality of the extracts.102,103,107,110
c Alkaloids, volatile oils and terpenes. From Table 5 the yield with pressurized hydro-solvent for stevioside, rebaudioside A extraction was higher (91.8%) with a lesser extraction time of 15 min when compared to the use of traditional reflux method of extraction (84%, 1–1.5 h). Furthermore, extraction of borneol, terpinen-4-ol, carvacrol from Origanum onites and volatile oil from Cuminum cyminum L. equally exhibited greater yield of 5.05% and 16.2% at a lesser time using tuned solvent when compared to the lower yield of 3.16% for both conventional Soxhlet extraction, hydro and steam distillation at longer extraction duration of 12 h. The extraction of anthocyanins phenolics from dried red grape skin with intensified pressurized solvent is approximately 4 times higher (45%) when compared with the traditional method (10.5%).

Similarly, from Table 5, the extraction of capsaicinoids from Capsicum annuum using Soxhlet was reported to have 5.243 mg g−1 of bio-actives at 300 min while the green technology using pressurized hydro-solvent had improved performance compared to the conventional technology at 20 min. These appreciable attributes are connected to the mimicking ability of the tuned hydro-solvent and its ease of disrupting the cell wall of the plant leading to diffusion, transportation and effective mass transfer of the bio-actives at low time duration.111–114 Other bio-actives such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and pigments exhibit similar extraction performance. Apart from the eco-friendliness, Cao et al.115 also showed that the use of pressurized extraction protocol results in significant reduction of extraction time while simultaneously increasing the yield to about four times when compared with the traditional method.116

The extraction capacity of tuned water does not only stand out with greater and greener potential, but it also influences vital properties of other green solvents such as ethanol and methanol.117 Although high selectivity of organic solvents is the reason behind their choice during extraction over water. For instance, water in its natural state, as studied by Carrero-Carralero et al.118 is less selective when compared to alcohol.119 However, the use of intensified technology can effectively alter the polarity, penetration and selectivity of water as solvent for the extraction of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic plant bio-actives.120 Water tuning via ultrasound technology at known frequencies and amplitude generates cavitation bubbles at a non-stable point resulting in the release of high temperature and pressure via imploding. This improves the penetration of the tune hydro-solvent beyond the plant cell wall into the plant matrix thereby releasing the targeted bioactives.117 One of the reported actions of this technology involves the hydrolysis of bio-active compounds such as tricaffeoylquinic acid due to the presence of OH radicals initiated by ultrasonic waves.121 The impact of this technology generates H2O2 which combines with the radical leading to hydrolysis reaction and improved selectivity of the water for extraction of phenolics in Phyllanthus amarus (Table 5) to a notable yield other than the conventional techniques. Also, the variation of the ultrasonic power also accounts for the variation in the yield and purity of carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid from Salvia rosmarinus. The proficient extraction performance of tuned water under microwave-enhanced technology is attributed to the high dielectric constant of the polar molecules. These molecules are characterized with the ability to absorb irradiated energy and to re-emit it for the heating of the extraction system as compared to the commonly used n-hexane with low dielectric constant.41

5.2 Effect of extraction conditions on yields of biometabolites

The data in Table 6 reveals conditions of two intensified methods namely aqueous ultrasonic hydro-extraction and microwave-enhanced hydro-extraction for their potencies. From the Table 6, extraction of polyphenolic from pomegranate peel using the pulse flow aqueous ultrasonic extraction gives a yield of 41.6% at a lesser extraction time of 10 min when compared to the continuous flow techniques in ultrasonic enhanced hydro-extraction with 30 min extraction time. Also, the mild extraction conditions of phenolics in grape and Withania somifera which are 60 °C, 24 Hz and 65 °C, 45 Hz respectively, helped to conserve the pharmacological activities. During the extraction, the penetration of the tuned solvent led to the disruption of cell walls by acoustical cavitation.74,104 Research reveals that at high temperatures and frequencies, the phenolics extracted from plants undergo degradation during extraction which makes the extracted metabolites commercially and industrially unacceptable.104
Table 6 Extraction using some selected hydro-solvents
Samples Desired products Experimental conditions Extraction time (min) Yield Hydro-solvent used Sources
Centella asiatica Triterpene 45 °C; 600 W 1.83 27.10% Microwave enhanced hydro-solvent 171 and 172
Dioscorea hispida Essential oil 75 °C; 100 W 20 85% Microwave enhanced hydro-solvent 173
Chaerophyllum macropodum Essential oil 45 8.10% Microwave enhanced hydro-solvent 174
Oliveira procumbens Essential oil 45 7.91% Microwave enhanced hydro-solvent 174
Vitis vinifera Phenolics 60 °C; 24 kHz 30 24–28% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 175
Cabernet franc grapes Essential oil 60 °C; 24 kHz 15 7% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 176
Punica granatum peel Polypenols 105 W cm−2 (pulse mode) 10 41.6% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 177
105 W cm−2 (continuous mode) 30 45.4%
Withania somnifera Phenolics 65 °C; 45 kHz 15 11.85% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 178
Fresh leaves of Vernonia amygdalina Flavonoids 100 °C 7 87.05 mg Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 130
Uncaria sinensis Flavonoids 100 °C 20 44 mg/100 g Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 179
Tea residues (oolong) Flavonoids 230 °C 2 144.0 mg GAE g−1 Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 180
Genita scabra Bunge stem Polysaccharides 5.8 15.97% Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 120
Ipomoea batatas Chlorogenic acid 500 W, 25 KHz 20 Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 121
Phyllanthus amarus Phenolic compounds 30 W, 19 KHz 7 27.23 mg g−1 Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 155
Camellia sinensis Polysaccharide 127.5–750 W 5 37.0% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 181
25 °C, 100–300 W 5 21.4–29.5% Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent
Salvia rosmarinus Carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid 40 °C 150 W 30 18.1% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 161
70 °C, 1.2 kW 20 25.2% Aqueous ultrasonic solvent
A. melanocarpa Polyphenolics 70 °C, 144 W 60 7.428 g/100 g Aqueous ultrasonic solvent 182
Malus domestica Gallic 100 °C, 1500 W 20 4.77 mg g−1 Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 183
Flavonoids 100 °C, 1500 W 20 17.1 mg g−1 Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent
Ascorbic acid 100 °C, 1500 W 20 36.1 mg g−1 Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent
Pinus radiata bark Phenolic compounds 900 W, 2450 MHz   479 mg CE/g bark Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 153
35 kHz, 85 W   388 mg CE/g bark Aqueous ultrasonic solvent
Moroccan Acacia mollissima bark Phenolic compounds 150 W   279.7 mg GAE/g bark Microwave enhanced hydrosolvent 129

Furthermore, the extraction of essential oil at 75 °C and 100 W gives an excellent yield of 85% in 20 min using microwave-enhanced hydro-extraction when compared to 7% yield of essential oil from cabernet franc grapes in 15 h using ultrasonic enhanced hydro-extraction.

This is because tuned hydro-solvent under the influence of microwaves has a higher penetrating ability making the solvent to easily interact with the biomaterials for extraction purposes.4,77 The extraction of essential oils from plant samples mostly uses microwave-enhanced hydro-solvent than ultrasonic hydro-solvent based on its faster extraction rate.146

6. Current challenges and future prospects

The appreciable environmental advantage of using tunable hydro-solvent for extraction includes improved mass transfer, selectivity, extraction efficiency, higher yield and shortened extraction time. Future progressive research has been channeled on tackling challenges of large-scale operation and the design of industrial equipment that can use the hydro-solvent and extraction processes.80,157,158 The possibility of recovering and reusing spent hydro-solvents to facilitate cost-effectiveness, especially the water–oil-based solvent remains a great challenge. Furthermore, bio-surfactant may bind to proteins and other bio-active molecules to affect the stability or activity of the extracted products.159 In addition to these, the occasional but deleterious effect of ultrasound energy (more than 20 kHz) on the active constituents of medicinal plants exists. This is through the formation of free radicals and consequently undesirable changes in the active molecules.160

7. Conclusion, key report findings and suggestions

The toxicological impact of various organic solvents and the contamination of the bioactive extract necessitate the study and the use of hydro-solvent (water) for extraction. From this review, it is possible to tune the properties of water to enhance its feature similar to organic solvents, increase extraction efficiency and create the possibility of the use of water in the extraction of a broad range of solutes which has been the limitation of hydro extraction. The intensified hydro-solvent system is faster and more selective for metabolite recovery than the traditional approach method. In the light this, the use of tuned solvents with intensified techniques should be employed to forestall the contamination of bio-actives extracted from plants and to enhance the rapid extraction process.

Author contributions

AOA, JAO, ROA conceptualized and wrote the original draft of the study; MAA, RM, SA worked on the methodology, formal analysis and data curation; AOA, JAO, ROA, MAA, RM, SA reviewed and edited the final draft. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


A. O. A acknowledged the contributions of Prof J. O. Odiyo and the WRC and NRF for funding support.


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