Beatriz G.
de la Torre
*bce and
aUnitat de Polimorfisme i Calorimetria, Centres Científics i Tecnològics, Universitat de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac 10, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: rafel_prohens@ub.edu
bCIBER-BBN, Networking Centre on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine, and Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Martí i Franqués 1-11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
cInstitute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), 08034 Barcelona, Spain
dKwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP), School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4041, South Africa
ePeptide Science Laboratory, School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, KwaZulu-Natal 4000, South Africa
fDepartament de Química, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Crta. de Valldemossa km 7.5, 07122 Palma, Spain
gLaboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona, Avda. Joan XXIII, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
First published on 20th September 2023
We report the crystal structure of the anhydrous form of Oxyma-B, a relevant racemization suppressor for peptide synthesis, solved by direct space methodologies with X-Ray Powder Diffraction data. The structure had remained elusive since only monohydrate crystals are readily obtained from slow crystal growth experiments. An extensive combined experimental and computational study has allowed us to obtain deeper insight into the solid-state landscape of Oxyma-B and its tendency for hydration. The singular network of H-bonds and energetically relevant O⋯π interactions formed by the two symmetrically independent molecules of anhydrous Oxyma-B has been analysed by using the quantum theory of “atoms-in-molecules” (QTAIM) and the noncovalent interaction plot (NCIplot).
In the context of polymorphism, hydrogen bonding (HB)10 can be considered the most studied interaction, but it has been demonstrated that lone-pair⋯π (LP⋯π) interactions, defined as non-covalent interactions between a neutral electron-rich molecule and an electron-poor aromatic ring, can play a major role as a cohesive force of organic compounds in the solid-state. Since Egli and Gessner11 suggested that LP(O)⋯π interactions play a relevant role in the stabilization of Z-DNA, there has been evidence in many other biological systems of the interaction stabilizing DNA and protein structures, and participating in the formation of DNA–protein complexes.12
Moreover, some studies describing O⋯π interactions in pharmaceutical cocrystals like caffeine with citric acid13 and bosentan with succinic acid14 have been recently reported.
Oxyma-B contains an interesting combination of an electron-poor π ring surrounded by very good hydrogen bond donor and acceptor groups, which provides a versatile scaffold potentially able of a variety of aromatic interactions.
Herein, we report experimental evidence for the polymorphism of the anhydrous Oxyma-B deduced from alternating thermal analysis and the crystal structure solved by direct space approaches with the X-Ray Powder Diffraction data of its only isolable polymorph under normal conditions. The strong tendency to hydrate formation of Oxyma-B has been studied experimentally, and a computational analysis of the intermolecular interactions shown by both the monohydrate and the anhydrous forms provides a rationalization based on DFT calculations, the quantum theory of atoms-in-molecules (QTAIM), molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surfaces and the noncovalent interaction plot (NCIPlot) computational tools.
T = T0 + βt + AT![]() | (1) |
For the DFT calculations of the supramolecular assemblies, we have used the PBE0-D3/def2-TZVP level of theory and the Gaussian-16 program.25–27 This combination of functional and basis set has been used successfully in previous studies of noncovalent interactions in the solid state, including π-stacking and lone pair–π interactions.28 The binding energies were computed as the difference between the energy of the assembly and the sum of the energies of the isolated monomers. The energies have been corrected for the basis set superposition error.29 The MEP surfaces were generated using the 0.001 isosurface to emulate the van der Waals envelope. The QTAIM30 and NCIPlot31 analyses were performed and represented at the same level using the AIMAll program.32 The NCIplot method31 is convenient to use for revealing interactions in real space. It uses the reduced density gradient isosurfaces and a colour code (based on the sign of the second eigenvalue of ρ, λ2) to identify the attractive or repulsive nature of the interactions. Blue and green colours are used here to identify the strongly and moderately attractive interactions, respectively.
On the other hand, thermogravimetric analysis of the synthesis product showed a weight loss between 30 and 112 °C of 2.2%, which is lower than the calculated amount of water of the pure monohydrate (8.9%), which suggested that the synthesis product is a mixture of the monohydrate and an anhydrous phase. The DSC analysis shows the expected endotherm corresponding to the evaporation of the crystallization water followed by the melting of the anhydrous form at 146 °C, (see the ESI† for further details, Fig. S1 and S2). When analyzed in detail, an additional and small endothermic phenomenon was observed (Fig. 1b), suggesting the presence of polymorphism in the anhydrous form.
Thus, in order to obtain deeper insight into it, a DSC analysis of the synthesis product was carried out at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 until 100 °C followed by a heating rate of 1 °C min−1 until 160 °C. Fig. 2 shows the DSC thermogram displaying a change in heat capacity process at 113 °C (ΔCp: 4.9 J g−1 K−1) followed by melting-crystallization-melting overlapped and consecutive phenomena at 142 °C (see ESI† for further details, Fig. S5).
Moreover, a modulated DSC experiment was performed with the ADSC method implemented in the Mettler STARe software. Modulation of the temperature program generates periodic curves, which allows the separation of superimposed effects and the discrimination between reversing and non-reversing heat flows. Fig. 3 shows the total, reversing and non-reversing curves at an underlying heating rate of 1 °C min−1. Interestingly, the change in heat capacity at 107 °C is observed in the non-reversing component of the heat flow (point 1, Fig. 3) and no cold crystallization is observed prior to the first melting point, which suggests that a thermal solid phase rearrangement occurs after the material is dehydrated (the same phenomenon observed in conventional DSC at a heating rate of 1 °C min−1). Moreover, the melting phenomenon can be seen now as a consecutive collection of endotherms, which confirms the presence of polymorphism. It is accepted that when running ADSC experiments at low mean heating rates, close events can be better separated as it is the case.
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Fig. 3 Different curves that can be derived from the ADSC modulated heat flow curve (see the ESI† for further details, Fig. S6). Enlargement is also included for clarity. |
However, attempts for the isolation of the non-identified solid form by means of a battery of crystallizations in 30 solvents at 25 °C were unsuccessful (a list of tested solvents can be found in the ESI†), yielding in all cases either single crystals of the monohydrate form or polycrystalline mixtures.
DVS was used to obtain additional data about the dehydration process. Fig. 4 shows the two cycles of sorption and desorption at 25 °C conducted with the synthesis product. They revealed on one hand that the fully dehydrated sample at 0% RH absorbed the required amount of water to transform into the monohydrate form just by increasing the relative humidity from 0 to 60%, and on the other hand, a postulated dihydrate is produced when the relative humidity is increased up to 90%. Both hydration processes are reversible, (Fig. 4) and this phenomenon provides an explanation for why all the crystallization experiments always produced the monohydrate form in our laboratory. A closer look at the first sorption curve revealed that first a small amount of water (∼1%) is absorbed between 0 and 30% (step 1, Fig. 4) and then the remaining humidity required to form the monohydrate is absorbed between 40 and 60% RH (step 2). This is consistent with the fact that the synthesis product is a mixture of the monohydrate and anhydrous forms and with the TGA analysis, which showed only 2.2% weight loss and suggests that the monohydrate is converted into an amorphous form upon dehydration at 0% RH and then it is readily converted again into the monohydrate at low relative humidity values. This is followed by the hydration of the remaining anhydrous crystalline form at higher relative humidity. Finally, a dihydrate is presumably formed between 70 and 90% RH (step 3). The first desorption curve shows the conversion back into the monohydrate (step 4) and subsequently into the amorphous form (step 5). Finally, the second sorption curve shows the full formation into the monohydrate in one single step between 10 and 30% RH (step 6), confirming our initial hypothesis.
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Fig. 4 DVS isotherms of Oxyma-B (synthesis product) showing the formation of the monohydrate form (theoretical water sorption: 8.9%) and dihydrate form (theoretical water sorption: 16.3%). |
Thus, since no decomposition was observed we heated up the synthesis product in a TGA furnace under a nitrogen flow until 125 °C for 10 minutes and cooled down to 30 °C. Then, the sample was removed from the alumina crucible and transferred quickly to a vial, purged intensively with dry nitrogen to avoid hydration and immediately measured by XRPD in transmission configuration with the sample isolated from air during measurement.
The XRPD analysis and subsequent indexation of the diffractogram allowed us to determine that a single solid form, although impurified by traces of the monohydrate and other crystalline forms, was obtained. Fig. 5a shows comparative diffractograms of the new solid form and the synthesis product showing the characteristic peaks of monohydrate Oxyma-B (green stars). An enlargement from 6 to 19° in 2θ (Fig. 5b) shows peaks assigned to postulated form B (blue star) and form C (red star) initially present in the synthesis product powder that disappeared after heating in the TGA furnace.
The structure determination of anhydrous Oxyma-B from powder X-ray diffraction data was carried out using high statistics and good resolution transmission powder diffraction data. Since the presence of some impurities in the diffractogram could potentially hinder the indexing procedure, the powder diffractogram was indexed out without selecting the impurity peaks mentioned above to a monoclinic cell of about 1554 Å3 by means of Dicvol04,34,35 (figures of merit: M = 62, F = 179) and validated with a Le Bail fit of the data using FullProf36 (goodness of fit: Rwp: 6.89, Rexp: 1.69; χ2 = 16.6) (see the ESI† for further details, Fig. S9). The space group was deduced as P21/c from the systematic absences and confirmed with the SGAid program of the DAJUST37 software. According to the estimated density value (1.51 Mg m−3) (the value reported in WOWFUL), the asymmetric unit was assumed to contain two molecules of Oxyma-B (Z = 8). The structure solution was carried out by direct space methodologies starting from a molecular model optimized by DFT with SPARTAN38 by means of the program FOX39 with the parallel tempering algorithm. The used background (estimated from a set of experimentally read points and interpolated) and the resulting cell, zero error and shape parameters of the Le Bail fit were used in the structure solution procedure with FOX. Several trials of 20 million runs were performed. The best solution (based on the Rwp value) was refined by the Rietveld method using FullProf,36 in combination with DFT calculations (see the ESI† for further details, Fig. S10 and S11) in order to improve through geometry optimization of the planarity of the aromatic rings and to locate the hydrogen atomic coordinates. Fig. 6 depicts the final Rietveld plot. A summary of the crystal data with relevant refinement parameters is given in Table 1. Finally, the atomic coordinates (together with the cell parameters) were subjected to optimization by DFT calculations, aiming to validate the crystal structure (see the ESI† for RMSD values).
Crystal form | Anhydrous Oxyma-B |
T (K) | 298 |
System | Monoclinic |
Space group | P21/c |
a (Å), b (Å), c (Å) | 15.9305(5), 7.0439(2), 15.4405(6) |
α (°), β (°), γ (°) | 90, 116.292(3), 90 |
Volume (Å3) | 1553.37(10) |
Z | 8 |
R (%) | 11.9 |
We have analyzed the most relevant intermolecular interactions in the structure by means of the Hirshfeld surface calculation40 and the associated fingerprint plot41,42 by using the CrystalExplorer software.43Fig. 8 highlights the intermolecular hydrogen bonds for each symmetrically independent molecule on the Hirshfeld surface as red areas, together with the reciprocal H⋯O and O⋯H contacts as sharp spikes on the fingerprint plots. Weaker interactions are shaded in the figure but they reveal a very different packing environment for each molecule.
A search of structures related to Oxyma-B in the Cambridge Structural Database (Version 5.43, 2022) revealed that only 8 structures show the R11(6) interaction motif and 6 structures show the R21(5) supramolecular synthon out of the 28 crystal structures found (see ESI,† Table S1 for search details and CCDC refcodes). Thus, the crystal structure was subjected to a specific computational analysis of intermolecular interactions of both synthons as described in the following sections.
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Fig. 9 Partial view of the X-ray structure of Oxyma-B with the indication of the different O⋯π binding modes. Distances are in Å. |
At this point, it seems to be convenient to compare the structure of Oxyma-B to those of the hydrated forms available in the CCDC (refcodes LEFLIV and WOWFUL). Fig. 10 shows partial views of the X-ray structures of LEFLIV (oxonium salt) and WOWFUL (hydrated) forms. In case of LEFLIV, 1D infinite supramolecular assemblies are formed in the solid state where the rings are stacked in a displaced parallel manner, where the O-atom of the deprotonated oxime group is located over one C-atom of the ring (3.211 Å). In LEFLIV, likely due to the anionic nature of the ring, the propensity to establish O⋯π interactions is reduced in comparison to the one reported herein. In the case of the monohydrated form WOWFUL, each ring establishes two concurrent O⋯π interactions, one with the O-atom of the water molecule and the other one with a carbonyl O-atom of an adjacent Oxyma-B ring, at the opposite site. The distances of the O⋯π contacts in WOWFUL are very similar to those found in the one reported herein. This confirms the ability of the ring to participate in this type of interaction. A more comprehensive analysis of the O⋯π interactions in WOWFUL can be found in the original publication.9
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Fig. 10 Partial views of the X-ray structures of CSD refcodes LEFLIV (left) and WOWFUL (right). Distances are given in Å. |
The MEP surfaces of both optimized molecules of Oxyma-B (molecule 1 and molecule 2) have been initially determined, to investigate how the H-bond influences the acidity of the ring and the nucleophilicity of the O-atoms. The MEP plots are shown in Fig. 11, evidencing that the MEP value over the center of the ring is more positive for molecule 1 likely due to the electron transfer from the O-atom to the H-atom. In fact, the MEP maximum in molecule 1 is located over the ring center (33.9 kcal mol−1). In the molecule where the intramolecular H-bond is not formed, the MEP maximum is obviously located at the H-atom of the oxime group (59 kcal mol−1). The MEP minimum is located in both molecules at O2 due to the presence of an adjacent N-atom (both N and O lone pairs converge to the same spatial region). The MEP value at O4 is very different in both molecules (−12.5 and −33.3 kcal mol−1) due to the presence/absence of the intramolecular H-bonding interaction. The MEP value at O3 is also similar in both molecules. This analysis agrees well with the long O⋯π distance observed in (O⋯π)1 due to the poor nucleophilicity of the O4A atom. The energy difference between both conformers is also indicated (7.1 kcal mol−1), which can be understood as the energetic contribution of the intramolecular OH⋯O H-bond.
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Fig. 11 MEP surfaces of molecule 1 (a) and molecule 2 (b) of Oxyma-B at the PBE0-D3/def2-TZVP level of theory. The values are indicated in kcal mol−1. |
As indicated above, the anhydrous form of Oxyma-B is very difficult to obtain in pure form by crystallization. To rationalize this issue, we have optimized the intermolecular complex formed with Oxyma-B and water to compare the strength of the intermolecular OH⋯OH2 H-bond with the intramolecular one (estimated by the energy difference between both conformers). The result is indicated in Fig. 12a along with the QTAIM and NCIplot analyses. It can be observed the presence of a strong OH⋯O H-bond characterized by a bond critical point, a bond path and dark blue reduced density gradient (RDG) isosurface. In this work, green and blue are used for attractive (weak and strong, respectively) interactions and red and yellow for repulsive. The NCIPlot analysis also reveals a secondary H⋯N interaction between one H-atom of water and the N-atom of the oxime group, characterized by a green RDG isosurface. Moreover, some O⋯N repulsion is also evidenced by the color of the RDG isosurface. The interaction energy is −10.9 kcal mol−1, which is lower than that of the intramolecular H-bond (−7.1 kcal mol−1) and can be related with the tendency of Oxyma-B to hydrate. Moreover, we have also computed, using the X-ray geometry, the intermolecular OH⋯O H-bonding complex that is formed between both symmetrically independent molecules (see Fig. 12b). Interestingly, the H-bonding energy is slightly smaller (−10.6 kcal mol−1) than that of the water complex. The combined QTAIM/NCIplot analysis confirms the strong nature of the OH⋯O H-bond (dark blue RDG isosurface) and also the existence of a secondary (weak) OH⋯N interaction characterized by a green RDG isosurface.
The three O⋯π binding modes have been evaluated using dimeric models of the assemblies and characterized using a combination of QTAIM and NCIplot computational tools. The results are shown in Fig. 13, showing the dimerization energies ranging from −6.7 kcal mol−1 for (O⋯π)1 to −8.6 kcal mol−1 for (O⋯π)2. Moreover, the energetic results show that (O⋯π)2 and (O⋯π)3 binding modes are almost isoenergetic. The combined QTAIM/NCIPlot analysis confirms the existence of the O⋯π(CO) interactions in the three dimers, characterized by one bond critical point (BCP) and bond path (dashed bonds) connecting the carbonyl O-atom to one C/N atom of the six membered ring in (O⋯π)1 and (O⋯π)2 binding modes. For the (O⋯π)3 binding mode, the O-atom is connected to three C/N-atoms of the ring by BCPs and bond paths. The reduced density gradient (RDG) isosurfaces are useful for revealing the interactions in real space. In all cases, green (attractive) RDG isosurfaces exist, embracing most of the region between the ring and the interacting O-atom. This type of isosurface is typical in π-based interactions like ion–π, CH⋯π, π⋯π, etc. The QTAIM/NCIPlot analysis also discloses the presence of ancillary contacts in all dimers. Most of them are weak CH⋯O/N contacts involving the H-atoms of the methyl groups and characterized by the corresponding BCPs, bond paths and green RDG isosurfaces connecting the H atoms to the heteroatoms. In the case of the (O⋯π)1 dimer, an additional BCP and bond path connect the hydroxyl O-atom to the N-atom of the ring, thus revealing the formation of an extra O⋯π contact.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Characterization of the synthesis product of Oxyma-B, structure determination by direct space methods and CCDC search. CCDC 2271338. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ce00741c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |