Philipp W.
Leona L.
Sarah L.
James P.
*c and
aCentre for Materials Science, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 2 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia. E-mail:;
bSchool of Chemistry and Physics, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 2 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
cMolecular Physical Chemistry Group, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Fritz-Haber-Weg 2, Geb. 30.44, Karlsruhe 76131, Germany. E-mail:
First published on 14th December 2021
We exploit two reactive chromophores to establish sequence-independent photochemical activation, employing ortho-methyl benzaldehyde (oMBA) and N,N-(dimethylamino)pyrene aryl tetrazole (APAT) with N-(2-hydroxy)ethyl maleimide (NHEM), without any additives. Critically, the order of the irradiation sequence is irrelevant, as the shorter wavelength does not activate the higher wavelength activated species. Therefore, full sequence-independent λ-orthogonality is achieved through differences in both the reaction quantum yields (Φr,oMBA and Φr,APAT) and wavelength-dependent reactivity profiles of the employed chromophores.
Two common types of visible or UV light-activated covalent bond forming reactions are the nitrile imine-mediated tetrazole-ene cycloaddition (NITEC) and the o-quinodimethane-mediated Diels–Alder reaction of o-methyl-benzaldehydes (oMBA). Upon irradiation with visible or UV light, tetrazoles eject molecular nitrogen, forming a highly reactive nitrile imine intermediate that can react with a range of substitutes.27 Upon UV irradiation, ortho-methylbenzaldehydes undergo photoisomerization, generating hydroxy-o-quinodimethanes that are able to perform Diels–Alder cycloadditions with electron-deficient enes. Our group recently introduced a combination of 2,5-diphenyltetrazole and oMBA thioether for sequence-independent ligation with 285 nm and 382 nm light.28 In the presence of water, the reaction quantum yield of the latter is significantly lowered and irradiation with 285 nm light therefore exclusively leads to conversion of the tetrazole, meaning that sequence-independence is achieved through switching solvents prior to changing the colour of light. Reducing this preparative complexity is a matter of priority.
When designing a λ-orthogonal reaction system, not only absorption spectra, but also reaction quantum yields must be taken into account.29 This is especially relevant since the wavelength-dependent reactivity often deviates from the absorption profiles of the respective chromophores.30,31 To study wavelength-dependent reactivity, we employed a wavelength-tuneable ns-pulsed laser system as a monochromatic light source to induce photoreactions at specific wavelengths, offering fine control over parameters such as wavelength, energy, and photon count.30
To determine reaction quantum yields for oMBA and APAT, small molecule ligation reactions were conducted in acetonitrile (MeCN), using N-(2-hydroxy)ethyl maleimide (NHEM) as a ligation partner for both reactions. To obtain a complete picture, we chose a range of wavelengths (Fig. 2a). From previous studies, 320 nm and 450 nm were determined to be among the most efficient wavelengths for triggering the respective photoreactions.32,33 360 nm and 390 nm were chosen as intermediate wavelengths. The reaction products were analysed via liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS). oMBA, APAT, as well as their respective cycloadducts CAoMBA and CAAPAT were quantified by correlating the integrals of the chromatogram peaks to the absorption coefficient ε214 nm of the respective species, where 214 nm is the scanning wavelength of the UV detector (refer to Fig. S1†). NHEM was used as a reaction partner because is it a common dipolarophile, and the hydroxy group provides sufficient separation of all involved species on the column, minimising peak overlap (Fig. 2b and c). Photo-induced NITEC yields pyrazoline-derivatives, which can undergo oxidation, forming aromatic pyrazoles. The degree of re-aromatization varies and is difficult to predict. While in most cases the irradiation experiments exclusively formed the pyrazole–cycloadduct, non-aromatic pyrazoline-species were observed as well (Fig. S2†). Attempts to isolate the cycloadduct led to the fully rearomatized pyrazole species. For analysis of the chromatograms, we therefore treated both species as one.
In Fig. 3, the photoreaction yield is plotted as a function of time. Since output energies were employed at different wavelengths, irradiation time is not the appropriate measure to compare the reaction kinetics. Instead, the top x-axis was adjusted to give the incident photon equivalents in relation to the number of chromophores in the solution. From Fig. 3a, it becomes clear that oMBA and NHEM cleanly form the cycloadduct, yielding 89% after 50 s (ΦoMBA = 0.18 ± 0.02, for a detailed description of the determination of reaction quantum yields, refer to the ESI†). During this time, no detectable amounts of CAAPAT are formed. We therefore assign a wavelength selectivity of at least 89% at 320 nm. The absorption coefficients of both compounds differ by a factor of two (εoMBA320 nm = 3340 ± 20 L mol−1 cm−1, εAPAT320 nm = 6570 ± 30 L mol−1 cm−1), but due to the strongly disparate reaction quantum yields, oMBA reaches high conversion before APAT commences conversion. Similarly, NHEM in 8-fold excess acts as a competing chromophore (εNHEM320 nm = 418 ± 2 L mol−1 cm−1). At 360 nm irradiation (Fig. 3b), 91% yield of CAoMBA are reached after 19 min (ΦoMBA = 0.10 ± 0.02). We attribute the lower reactivity to two factors:
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Fig. 3 Kinetic plots after irradiation with (a) 320 nm, (b) 360 nm, (c) 390 nm, and (d) 450 nm laser light. Photoreactions of oMBA (0.23 mM) and APAT (0.23 mM) with NHEM (1.82 mM) were carried out in degassed MeCN, and irradiation times were chosen to cover a wide range of conversions. Each experiment was repeated 3× to obtain error bars. Differences in the top and bottom x-axes stem from different laser energies and irradiation times. For detailed information, refer to ESI.† |
First, the absorptivity of oMBA at 360 nm is considerably lower (εoMBA360 nm = 87 ± 3 L mol−1 cm−1) compared to 320 nm. Secondly, the absorptivity of APAT (εAPAT360 nm = 8920 ± 50 L mol−1 cm−1) is ∼90× higher. While oMBA alone at 360 nm retained approximately 60% of its reactivity at 320 nm in a previous study,32 competing absorption of APAT further reduces the reactivity. Moreover, the reaction time is sufficiently long for APAT to reach 4% conversion (ΦAPAT = (2.5 ± 0.5) × 10−3), lowering the overall degree of λ-orthogonality at this wavelength. Interestingly, in our initial study, APAT was close to six times more reactive at 320 nm (∼13% conversion) compared to 360 nm (∼2%).33
The same trend is observed at 390 nm (Fig. 3c). An even higher discrepancy between absorption coefficients and longer irradiation times led to rather similar conversions of both compounds after 120 min (45% CAoMBA, ΦoMBA = 0.20 ± 0.18; 21% CAAPAT, ΦAPAT = (2.5 ± 0.5) × 10−3). The large error in ΦoMBA stems from the uncertainty of εoMBA390 nm (refer to ESI†). Finally, at 450 nm (Fig. 3d), no CAoMBA was detected even after 156 min of irradiation, while exclusively APAT was converted, yielding 86% of CAAPAT (ΦAPAT = (1.5 ± 0.5) × 10−2). We therefore assign a wavelength-selectivity of at least 86% at 450 nm. Clearly, of the investigated wavelengths, 390 nm is the least suitable for λ-orthogonality. This finding is especially interesting, because 390 nm is close to the absorption maxima of APAT (376 nm and 402 nm, respectively). Traditionally, wavelengths in λ-orthogonal reaction systems are determined by the absorption maxima of the involved chromophores. However, we herein show that 450 nm is the most appropriate wavelength, consistent with the reported findings of our preceding study on the reactivity of APAT. Yet, while our previous study reported increased reactivity at 320 nm,33 herein, no conversion is observed within the reaction time of 50 s.
Having established the wavelengths with the highest selectivity (320 nm and 450 nm), we explored the λ-orthogonal reaction system in a batch reaction, administering different colours of light in a defined sequence (refer to Fig. 4). The sequence includes both possible pathways (UV → vis, vis → UV) as well as a dark period. A 0.67 W LED, centred around 325 nm, was used to activate oMBA, while a 10 W LED, centred around 445 nm, was used to activate APAT (for emission spectra of the LEDs, refer to the ESI†).
We initially tested the UV → vis sequence, starting with the 325 nm LED. Although receiving significantly less photons per time unit due to the lower output power of the 325 nm LED, oMBA reacts close to five times faster than APAT due to the higher reaction quantum yield. Thus, samples were taken in 15 minute intervals. After a combined 45 min we found 60% yield for CAoMBA, while no APAT cycloadduct was detected. After switching to a 445 nm 10 W LED, samples were taken every 40 min due to the longer reaction times required for APAT. To ensure that no thermal reaction was induced by the high-powered LED, we heated a solution of APAT and a dipolarophile in MeCN to 80 °C, yet found no change of the starting materials even after hours of heating (refer to ESI, Fig. S3†). After 120 min of irradiation (3 × 40 min) at 445 nm, a CAAPAT yield of 35% was recorded, whereas the amount of CAoMBA remained constant. However, we found small amounts of side product (refer to ESI, Fig. S4†). We were not able to isolate the side product, however mass spectrometry indicates that it stems from the reaction between the nitrile imine and water (refer to Fig. S5†).34 Repeated penetration of the rubber septum while withdrawing samples from the reaction mixture probably allowed small amounts of moisture to enter the reaction vessel. In the following 120 min dark period no increase in either of the species was observed. Subsequently, the vis → UV sequence was tested, starting with 445 nm irradiation. During visible light irradiation APAT continued to react and finally yielded 59% of CAAPAT after another 120 min, while oMBA remained unaffected. Switching to 325 nm irradiation yielded a final 84% of CAoMBA, with the amount of CAAPAT remaining constant.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Materials, instrumentation, synthetic procedures, supporting spectroscopic data. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sc06154b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |