Issue 2, 2023

Kinetic modelling of an environmentally friendly carbamazepine synthesis via urea and iminostilbene in batch and continuous processes


Accurate kinetic models for reaction systems allow for improved process understanding and greater quality control, which is particularly beneficial as the pharmaceutical industry shifts from batch to continuous manufacturing (CM). In this work, a first principles kinetic model has been developed for the synthesis of carbamazepine (CBZ) from iminostilbene and urea, starting in a batch reactor and subsequently in a continuous flow reactor. An eco-friendly reaction pathway using urea was selected to avoid the toxic reagents that are typically used for synthesis of CBZ. The kinetic parameters determined from batch reactions were utilized in a MATLAB based kinetic model to simulate the yield for the continuous process. Overall, good agreement between the model prediction and corresponding experimental values was observed for the batch and continuous reaction systems within the full factorial design space. However, the model slightly overpredicted the yield of the continuous reaction system for higher conversion values (>60%) since it did not account for the reverse reaction that can occur at the studied reaction conditions. The use of broken order kinetics was compared with whole number orders, and it was determined that the whole number orders resulted in better agreement at all conversion values for the continuous system.

Graphical abstract: Kinetic modelling of an environmentally friendly carbamazepine synthesis via urea and iminostilbene in batch and continuous processes

Article information

Article type
29 Sep 2022
04 Nov 2022
First published
04 Nov 2022

React. Chem. Eng., 2023,8, 402-415

Author version available

Kinetic modelling of an environmentally friendly carbamazepine synthesis via urea and iminostilbene in batch and continuous processes

H. F. Kraus, D. Acevedo, W. Wu, T. F. O'Connor, A. Mohammad and D. Liu, React. Chem. Eng., 2023, 8, 402 DOI: 10.1039/D2RE00409G

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