b and
aSchool of Chemistry/Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/Center for Light-Matter Interaction, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail:;
bInstitute of Organic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
First published on 1st October 2020
Non-DNA labels are key components for the construction of functional DNA nanostructures. Here, we present a method to graft covalent labels onto DNA origami nanostructures in an enzymatic one-pot reaction. The DNA methyltransferase M.TaqI labels the DNA nanostructures with azide groups, which serve as universal attachment points via click chemistry. Direct labeling with fluorescent dyes is also demonstrated. The procedure yields structures with high fluorescence intensities and narrow intensity distributions. In combination with UV crosslinking it enables the creation of temperature-stable, intense fluorescent beacons.
DNA methyltransferases are enzymes that methylate double-stranded DNA. They work sequence-specifically and the resulting methylation pattern either protects from cleavage (in bacteria) or regulates gene activity (in higher organisms).13 The methyltransferase M.TaqI methylates adenine in the TCGA motif using the natural cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet or SAM). When chemically modified cofactors are supplied, methyltransferases can also transfer other chemical moieties, which was termed “methyltransferase-directed transfer of activated groups” (mTAG).14–17 An azide-carrying cofactor, for example, enables the sequence-specific, covalent introduction of azide groups into DNA.18,19 More or less arbitrary functional groups can be attached to these universal linkage points via click chemistry.20 While the labeling of genomic DNA is an established method, for DNA origami and some other DNA nanostructures it is not straight forward. The tightly-interwoven DNA in assembled DNA origami nanostructures is too closely-packed to allow access for the enzyme. Accordingly, our initial experiments on assembled DNA origamis were unsuccessful (Fig. S1†). On the other hand, labeling of staples and scaffold before annealing is prevented since DNA methyltransferases generally label double-stranded DNA. Wireframe DNA nanostructures might be free from this restriction,21 but offer only limited functionality. The strategy we present here to solve this conundrum is to label DNA origami nanostructures in situ, during the folding process. The thermophilic methyltransferase M.TaqI is particularly suited to label DNA origami during folding because of two reasons: 1 – Its optimal working temperature lies between 50 °C and 65 °C, which is also the temperature range in which DNA origami folds.22 2 – The recommended buffer for M.TaqI (NEB CutSmart) contains 10 mM magnesium ions, promising optimal folding conditions for DNA origami. These properties of M.TaqI enabled the implementation of the in situ labeling strategy, a scheme of which is shown in Fig. 1A. For testing purposes we chose the widely-used triangular DNA origami.23 The scaffold and staple strands of the DNA origami are mixed with methyltransferase M.TaqI and the azide-donating cofactor Ado-6-azide24 and exposed to a 1 h temperature ramp from 65 °C to 50 °C. The DNA origami folds within this temperature corridor and during the process of stepwise double strand formation, M.TaqI has the chance to label those double-stranded segments which have the recognition sequence TCGA. This temperature ramp is not supposed to yield fully intact DNA origamis, but only to label the constituent DNA material. In the next step, proteinase K is added to digest the methyltransferase that otherwise could prevent a proper origami folding when still being attached to the double-stranded DNA. After 1 h incubation at 40 °C, the origami is folded in the crude mixture by a standard folding protocol (cool down from 80 °C to 20 °C over 90 min). In an overnight reaction, dibenzocyclooctyne(DBCO)-carrying functional molecules (here: the fluorophore Cy5) are attached via strain-promoted azide alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC) to the enzymatically introduced alkynes on the DNA origami. Then, the assembled origamis are purified by the desired method (agarose gel electrophoresis, centrifugal filters, etc.).
Fig. 1 (A) Schematic labeling strategy: (1) while the DNA origami partially folds, M.TaqI labels scaffold and staples with azide groups. (2) The enzyme is digested and the DNA origami is properly folded. (3) The label of interest (here: Cy5) is attached via copper-free click reaction. (B) Fluorescence microscopy images of DNA origamis that were Cy5-labeled. Red channel: Cy5, covalent labels. Blue channel: YOYO-1, intercalating DNA stain. For a control where no enzyme had been added see Fig. S2.† (C) Histogram of the Cy5 fluorescence intensity distribution of ca. 500 fields of view after spot intensities were analyzed by an image analysis software; the data were fitted by two Gaussians, the centers of which are at 229 a.u. (Fit 1) and 400 a.u. (Fit 2). (D) AFM image of the assembled and labeled DNA origamis. |
Azide groups provide a high flexibility in terms of functionalities that can be attached. However, the labeling process can be streamlined when the DNA methyltransferase directly grafts the group of interest onto the DNA. For example, cofactors modified with fluorophores can also be processed by some methyltransferases.28 Thereby the click chemistry step can be omitted and the reaction mix can be directly purified after the origami assembly. Fig. 2 shows the reaction scheme and a fluorescence intensity histogram for direct labeling of a triangular origami with M.TaqI and a cofactor analogue containing the dye CF640R.29 The histogram further shows the intensity distribution of the intercalating dye YOYO-1. Exemplary fluorescence microscopy images can be found in the ESI (Fig. S5†). Due to the different labeling modes of the two dyes, the intensity distributions are not expected to be identical. However, the narrow intensity distributions are good indications for homogeneous labeling.
It lies in the nature of DNA methyltransferases that they don't discriminate between scaffold and staple strands within their palindromic recognition sequences. This means that also the scaffold strand is covalently labeled in the enzymatic approach, which is not possible with conventional methods. Selective labeling of only the scaffold strand may be achieved by supplying methylated staple strands.
Some of the most-promising applications of DNA nanostructures lie in the biological and medical field.30,31 There, DNA nanostructures are often exposed to environments with low or no magnesium ion content and to higher temperatures, which both have the potential to denature them. In order to provide robust fluorescent beacons for diagnostic purposes, we stabilized the triangular DNA origamis by crosslinking. The origami shown in Fig. 1 and 2 were prepared with staple strands containing additional thymines at staple crossovers and ends which enable crosslinking by UV irradiation (“UV welding”).32 When preparing the crosslinked fluorescent beacons, bleaching was prevented by adding the fluorescent dyes only after the UV irradiation (Fig. 3). To test their resilience, the crosslinked and fluorescently labeled structures were exposed to a heat shock of 65 °C for 30 min. The structures stabilized by UV retained most of their fluorescence intensity (upper histograms in Fig. 3), as opposed to a control batch that has not been exposed to UV (lowest histogram in Fig. 3 and Fig. S6†). Subsequent AFM analysis showed the triangles to be intact but deformed despite the crosslinking step, so further optimization of the crosslinking conditions will be pursued (Fig. S7†). Compared to conventional materials, DNA origami-based beacons are attractive due to their precise physicochemical properties, biocompatibility and multifunctional programmability.30
Fig. 3 Assembly of UV-crosslinked fluorescent beacons. The histogram shows fluorescence intensity distributions of a crosslinked sample before and after it was kept at 65 °C for 30 min and of a control that was heated without having been crosslinked. For a histogram of the control before heating see Fig. S6.† |
Functionalization of the DNA origami is dependent on the position and accessibility of M.TaqI's recognition sequence TCGA. Thus, the advantages of this covalent labeling approach come at the price of limited control over the position and number of the introduced labels. This is especially true when compared to the traditional hybridization of modified staple strands, whose incorporation can be programmed with nanometer precision. However, if the latter is realized by modified internal staples, many different chemically modified staples have to be synthesized in parallel. If it is to be realized by staple extensions to which ‘reporter strands’ of identical sequence are hybridized, then losses might occur as even long reporter strands might detach over time.
Azide groups provide a high degree of flexibility in terms of the group to be attached. Even temperature-sensitive biomolecules such as proteins may be linked to origami via the two-step click chemistry route described in the first section of the paper. At least ten different DNA methyltransferases are known to be compatible with chemically modified cofactors.33 They offer potential to either label alternative positions, or, when combined, to increase the number of labels per DNA origami. The latter is especially true for M.SssI: its recognition sequence ‘CG’ is present 325 times in the commonly-used p7249 scaffold. Since this enzyme is not stable at the standard folding temperatures, DNA origami folding would have to be shifted to lower temperatures, e.g. by DNA-selective denaturing agents.34 In the past years there was significant progress in upscaling scaffold and staple production for DNA origami with the help of enzymatic systems.35–37 The enzymatic labeling strategy presented here could enable the concomitant modification with functional non-DNA components in such biotechnological upscaling approaches.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0nr03694c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |