Highly correlated ab initio thermodynamics of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OME): formation and extension to the liquid phase

Daniel Himmel a, Robin J. White b, Eberhard Jacob c and Ingo Krossing *a
aInstitut für Anorgsanische und Analytische Chemie, Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum (FMF), Universität Freiburg, Albertstr. 21, 79104 Freiburg, Germany. E-mail: krossing@uni-freiburg.de
bSustainable Catalytic Materials Group, Division Hydrogen Technologies, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
cMotors Emissions Concepts UG, Karwendelstraße 25, 82152 Krailling, Germany

Received 27th January 2017 , Accepted 14th April 2017

First published on 20th April 2017


Oxymethylene dimethyl ethers, of the structure CH3(OCH2)nOCH3, denoted as OMEn are receiving increasing interest (where n = 2–5) in a range of important applications including as sustainable fuels and solvents (e.g. as derived from green methanol). However, limited thermodynamic information from computational studies exists in the literature regarding their formation in the gas and liquid phases. In this context, this report describes the principal thermodynamic functions of gaseous and liquid phase OME formation derived from B3LYP-D3(BJ)/def2-TZVPP optimised structures and a series of CCSD(T) and MP2 calculations. The generated total energies are almost of CCSD(T)/A′VQZ quality, the “gold standard” of computational chemistry. Thermal corrections to enthalpy and entropy were included on the basis of analytical BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP frequencies and empirical corrections for low anharmonic C–O–C–O torsional vibrations/hindered rotations and due to the neglect of other conformers/enantiomers. This yielded corrected values for the standard entropy S° of gaseous OMEn (n = 2–7). With the well-established experimental formation enthalpies of dimethyl ether (i.e. OME0) and OME1, the formation enthalpies of OME2–7 were obtained from those and the isodesmic reaction enthalpy of nOME1 → OMEn + (n − 1)OME0. Overall, an error bar on those gas phase values of <1 kJ mol−1 is assigned. From the known and extra- or interpolated phase change thermodynamics, the standard formation enthalpy H°, and the standard entropy S°, as well as the heat capacity cp were established for the liquid mixture of OME2–7. The internal consistency of these data was assessed based on the plots of H°/S° vs. n, presenting linear regressions and correlation coefficients very close to unity. Data quality was also evaluated against published combustion energies, suggesting our values are currently the most reliable, internally consistent dataset that should be used in future investigations for the design of sustainable ether-based fuels and chemicals.


Oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEn) of the chemical structure CH3(–OCH2–)nO–CH3 are an attractive class of non-toxic oligomeric compounds that are receiving increasing interest as potential sustainable platform chemicals with a multitude of possible applications. Amongst others, the following uses of OMEn have been discussed: as a solvent (e.g. as a substitute for carcinogenic THF), in the absorption of CO2 or synthesis of fine chemicals (OME1 is already industrially applied1,2), as potential combustion additives for natural gas or methanol engines (OME2), and – most importantly – directly as soot-free diesel fuel (OME3–5).3 For a review on soot-free diesel fuel see ref. 4. However, currently the established syntheses of larger OMEn with n = 2–5 are based on the reaction of 1,3,5-trioxane and OME1 or aqueous formaldehyde and methanol.5,6 These syntheses neither are from an economical, nor from a sustainability point of view converged. The main reason for this is that typical synthesis routes are performed in the aqueous phase that leads to equilibria from which only <50% are the desired OMEn. As a consequence, a number of mechanistic and kinetic investigations regarding these equilibrium mixtures have been published.7 In this context, we have recently reported a combined multicomponent thermodynamic vapour–liquid equilibrium model for OMEn synthesis, based on methanol (CH3OH) as the educt and source of formaldehyde (H2CO; denoted henceforth as FA).8 Some recent considerable progress was reported on a website. Yet, reliable experimental, thermodynamic data on OMEn are scarcely available.9 With the advent of increasing computer power and thus affordable ab initio compound schemes to get near to the basis set and correlation limit, systematic investigations on computational grounds are now accessible. Interestingly, the computational investigation of OMEn was hitherto restricted to a few simple DFT calculations with small basis sets.10 In this regard, the following report describes a series of compound calculations approximating the CCSD(T)/A′VQZ level and associated investigations with the aim to establish the standard formation enthalpy ΔfH°, and the standard entropy S° as well as the heat capacity cp, for gaseous and liquid OME2–7.

Method section


All calculations were performed with TURBOMOLE.12 DFT optimisations were carried out at the BP86[thin space (1/6-em)]13-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP14 level with RI-J auxiliary bases15 and D3[thin space (1/6-em)]16 (BJ)17 dispersion correction and with B3LYP-D3(BJ)/def2-TZVPP18 and corresponding RI-J19 auxiliary bases. Vibrational frequencies were calculated analytically at the BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP level with the AOFORCE20 module and all structures represented true minima without imaginary frequencies on the respective hypersurface. Thermal contributions to ab initio reaction energies (see below) were calculated with inclusion of zero point energy, thermal contributions to the enthalpy/entropy (FREEH tool; unscaled§ BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP vibrational frequencies).

Ab initio calculations

MP2/A′VXZ and CCSD(T)/A′VXZ single point calculations with correlation-consistent basis sets were done with A′VXZ = cc-pVXZ for H,21 aug-cc-pVXZ for 2nd row elements,22 (X = D, Q) and corresponding RI-C auxiliary bases. The structures used for the single point calculations had B3LYP-D3(BJ)/def2-TZVPP quality.

Results and discussion

The minimum structures of the most relevant OMEn in this publication are displayed (Fig. 1).
image file: c7se00053g-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Minimum structures of OME0–5 (atom colour coding: red: O, gray: C, white: H).

All OMEn with n > 0 form spiral minimum structures with C2 symmetry. In these structures, the so-called anomeric effect, for which OME1 is a popular textbook example,23 is maximized. In general, the anomeric effect stabilizes synclinal (gauche) conformations about the bond C–Y in the system X–C–Y–C where X and Y are heteroatoms having non-bonding electron pairs, commonly at least one of which is nitrogen, oxygen or fluorine.11 Common explanations for this effect involve hyperconjugation of the non-bonding electron pair at X (Y) to the σ* orbital of the adjacent C–Y (X) bond as well as C–X, C–Y dipole minimizations by cancellation of the overall dipole moment. Thus, in OME1, this anomeric effect stabilises the (for steric reasons) unexpected, synclinal conformation by ca. 12 to 20 kJ mol−1. Our exemplary orienting calculations on OME1 and OME2 conformers confirmed this (please refer to the ESI and specifically Section 5 for details).

To understand the formation and thermodynamic relations of OMEn (n = 0–7) molecules in the gas and homogenous liquid phase, optimisation was performed at various levels of theory and subjected to a CCSD(T)-MP2 compound method, generating energies of almost CCSD(T)/A′VQZ quality. Typically the errors associated with this method were found to be <1 kJ mol−1 for a set of (non-isodesmic) hydrogen bond dissociation energies.24 As for the formation thermodynamics of higher OMEn (n > 1) we use isodesmic dismutation reactions of OME1 into OME0 and the respective OMEn (see eqn (5) and (6) below). We are confident that in these reactions, the error is of the same magnitude or even lower. As a check, the dismutation of OME1 to OME2 and OME0 was calculated with the highly accurate Weizmann-1 (W1) method, which was by about three orders of magnitude more expensive than our compound method. Agreement within 0.15 kJ mol−1 was achieved (see ESI Section 3, S-Table 5 and discussion below for details). Contributions to the enthalpy and entropy at standard conditions (1 bar, 298.15 K) were derived by DFT calculations and further augmented with empiric relations, yielding converged enthalpies of formation ΔfH°(OMEn(g)), standard entropies S°(OMEn(g)) and DFT calculated heat capacity cp(OMEn(g)) values. The calculations were extended to derive associated empirically augmented values also for the liquid phase. Finally, results of the investigation were compared with available experimental data.

Establishing the formation thermodynamics of gaseous OMEn – quantum chemical calculations

Compound method energies of approximately CCSD(T)/A′VQZ quality were performed according to eqn (1):

All individual values contributing to the total energies used to assess Ecomp are compiled in Table S1 in the ESI.

Corrections to entropy

Due predominantly to low anharmonic C–O–C–O torsional vibrations/hindered rotations and due to the neglect of other conformers, the calculated entropies of OMEn (n = 0–7) are systematically underestimated. To account for this, entropies calculated from BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP harmonic vibrational frequencies were corrected as follows:

• For the C2-chiral OMEn (i.e. where n ≥ 1), R[thin space (1/6-em)]ln[thin space (1/6-em)]2 was added to account for the enantiomer.

• Further, from experimental gas phase entropies of OME0 (266.4 J mol−1 K−1)25 and OME1 (335.7 J mol−1 K−1)26 and from the calculated entropies (265.0 and 331.8 J mol−1 K−1, including the R[thin space (1/6-em)]ln[thin space (1/6-em)]2 symmetry correction for OME1), a correction term of (1.4 + n2.49 J mol−1 K−1) for OMEn was added.

The resulting directly calculated as well as corrected entropies are displayed (Table 1).

Table 1 Entropies directly calculated from BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP harmonic vibrational frequencies (S°(freeh)) and their values corrected for enantiomers (+R[thin space (1/6-em)]ln[thin space (1/6-em)]2) as well as with inclusion of the empirical correction term of (1.4 + n2.49 J mol−1 K−1) for OMEn
n S°(freeh) [J mol−1 K−1] S°(corrected) [J mol−1 K−1]
FA 219.1
0 265.0 266.4
1 326.1 335.7
2 382.3 394.5
3 439.2 453.8
4 495.6 512.7
5 552.2 571.8
6 607.2 629.3
7 662.9 687.4

Thermal contributions to reaction energies were calculated with inclusion of BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP calculations at 1 bar, 298.15 K according to eqn (2):

U° = Ecomp + Evrt(2)
(where Evrt = sum of translational, rotational, and vibrational energy incl. zero point vibrational energy @BP86-D3(BJ)/def-TZVP).

U° was then corrected to the standard enthalpy H° and Gibbs energy G° by adding RT (eqn (3); cf. RT = 2.48 kJ mol−1 @ 298.15 K) as well as subtracting thereof T·S°, eqn (4), generating H° and corrected G° values (Table 2).

H° = U° + RT(3)
G° = H° − T·S° (T = 298.15 K)(4)

Table 2 Assessed standard enthalpy H° and corrected Gibbs energy G° values of all investigated compounds (FA and OMEn, where n = 0–7) in the gas phase at 298.15 K and 1 bar
n H°(298.15 K) [kJ mol−1] G°(298.15 K) [kJ mol−1]
FA −300[thin space (1/6-em)]212.4 −300[thin space (1/6-em)]277.7
0 −406[thin space (1/6-em)]304.1 −406[thin space (1/6-em)]383.5
1 −706[thin space (1/6-em)]575.4 −706[thin space (1/6-em)]675.5
2 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]006[thin space (1/6-em)]844.6 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]006[thin space (1/6-em)]962.2
3 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]307[thin space (1/6-em)]114.2 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]307[thin space (1/6-em)]249.5
4 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]607[thin space (1/6-em)]383.7 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]607[thin space (1/6-em)]536.6
5 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]907[thin space (1/6-em)]653.3 −1[thin space (1/6-em)]907[thin space (1/6-em)]823.7
6 −2[thin space (1/6-em)]207[thin space (1/6-em)]922.9 −2[thin space (1/6-em)]208[thin space (1/6-em)]110.5
7 −2[thin space (1/6-em)]508[thin space (1/6-em)]192.4 −2[thin space (1/6-em)]508[thin space (1/6-em)]397.4

Enthalpies of OMEn formation in the gas phase

With the collected data (Table 2), the standard enthalpies of formation ΔfH°(OMEn) of the gaseous phase OMEn were assessed. Using the general reaction in eqn (5), and the literature data ΔfH°(OME0(g)) = −184.1 kJ mol−1,25 and ΔfH°(OME1(g)) = −348.2 kJ mol−1,27 ΔfH°(OMEn) for n ≥ 1 was calculated viaeqn (6) (Table 3):
image file: c7se00053g-t1.tif(5)
ΔfH°(OMEn) = ΔrH°(n) − (n − 1)ΔfH°(OME0) + nΔfH°(OME1)(6)
Table 3 Calculated ΔrH°(n) of eqn (5) and resulting enthalpies of formation ΔfH°(OMEn(g)) in the gas phase (at 298.15 K and 1 bar)
n ΔrH°(n) [kJ mol−1] ΔfH°(OMEn(g)) [kJ mol−1]
0 −184.1
1 0.0 −348.2
2 2.1 −510.2
3 3.7 −672.7
4 5.5 −835.0
5 7.2 −997.4
6 8.9 −1159.8
7 10.6 −1322.2

Reaction (5) was chosen because it is isodesmic, e.g. the number and types of bonds are the same on both sides of the reaction. Moreover, even the number and types of internal coordinates, like e.g. C–O–C–O torsion angles, are the same on both sides of the reaction resulting in an almost complete error cancellation in quantum chemical calculations. Exemplary calculations with different sized basis sets for OME5 including DFT, HF, MP2, CCSD(T), and CCSD(T)-MP2 composite methods are all within a range of ±2 kJ mol−1 around a reference value that was obtained from a combination of MP2, extrapolated to the complete basis set limit (CBS) with a (CCSD(T) – MP2)/A′VDZ correction (Section 2; S-Table 2 in the ESI). Comparison of our composite method with more sophisticated – by about three orders of magnitude more expensive – W1 calculations for the OME1 dismutation to OME0 and OME2 gives an agreement within 0.15 kJ mol−1 (S-Table 5, ESI).

A summary of the final gas phase thermodynamics, including the corrected standard entropies S° and cp directly calculated by DFT that shall be used for further considerations, is collected in Table 4. For completion, the experimental value ΔfH° for FA is included.28

Table 4 Final gas phase thermodynamics, including ΔfH°(OMEn(g)), corrected standard entropies S°(OMEn(g)) and cp(OMEn(g)) directly calculated by DFT
n ΔfH°(OMEn(g)) [kJ mol−1] S°(OMEn(g)) [J mol−1 K−1] c p(OMEn(g)) [J mol−1 K−1]
a Experimental value ΔfH° for formaldehyde (FA).28
FA 108.6a 219.1 35.4
0 −184.1 266.4 63.9
1 −348.2 335.7 98.1
2 −510.2 394.5 132.0
3 −672.7 453.8 166.0
4 −835.0 512.7 199.9
5 −997.4 571.8 233.8
6 −1159.8 629.3 267.8
7 −1322.2 687.4 301.7

Extension of the thermodynamic analysis to OME formation in the liquid phase

In the following, the gas phase thermodynamics were extended to the liquid phase based on the following data, and empirical correction schemes. S°(OME0(l)) of 188.2 J mol−1 K−1 was taken from ref. 29. cp(OME0(l)) was extrapolated from liquid entropies at 220–240 K (ref. 29) via a 2nd order polynomial fitted to these values (eqn (7)):
cp(T) = (164.59603 − 0.66123(T/K) + 0.001674(T/K)2) J mol−1 K−1(7)

ΔvapH°(OME0) of 19.2 kJ mol−1 was taken from ref. 25. ΔvapH°(OME1) of 29.6 kJ mol−1, ΔvapS°(OME1) of 93.9 J mol−1 K−1, Δvapcp(OME1) of −31.8 J mol−1 K−1 and ΔvapG°(OME1) of 1.6 kJ mol−1 were calculated from the Antoine parameters.30 For OMEn, where n = 2–5, phase change thermodynamics were calculated from vapour pressure equation parameters.31

ΔvapH°(OMEn) values given in parentheses in Table 5 were calculated from the original data in Table 41 (p. 102) in ref. 32 and compare favourably with our assessment. Table 5 also contains vaporisation thermodynamics that were calculated with COSMO-RS.33–36 Regarding the fact that thousands of possible conformers may exist for the higher OMEn, only the energetically lowest C2 spiral conformer was calculated, which may at least partly explain the increasing deviation of calculated vaporisation energetics with increasing n. Yet, a full conformer treatment for OME1 essentially gave the same vaporisation thermodynamics (difference ca. 0.1 kJ mol−1, see ESI Section 4 for details). From the phase change thermodynamics (Table 5), the liquid phase thermodynamic data of OMEn (n = 0–5) at standard conditions were calculated and are collected (Table 6).

Table 5 The phase change thermodynamics of OMEn (n = 0–5) at standard conditions
n p vap [bar] ΔvapH°(OMEn) [kJ mol−1] ΔvapG°(OMEn) [kJ mol−1] ΔvapS°(OMEn) [J mol−1 K−1] Δvapcp(OMEn) [J mol−1 K−1]
a For comparison: values in parentheses represent those calculated from data in Table 41 (p. 102) in ref. 32. b For comparison: values in brackets were calculated with COSMO-RS.33–36 Only the lowest-energy conformer was taken into account.
0 5.9 19.2 [20.3]b −4.1 [−4.7]b 78.2 −51.9
1 0.53 29.6 (29.5)a [29.1]b 1.6 [−1.3]b 93.9 −31.8
2 0.043 39.6 (39.4)a [37.0]b 7.8 [6.7]b 106.6 −68.6
3 4.0 × 10−3 48.5 (47.9)a [44.8]b 13.7 [11.9]b 116.7 −61.6
4 3.5 × 10−4 59.1 (58.0)a [52.6]b 19.7 [17.1]b 132.1 −81.1
5 3.4 × 10−5 68.4 (66.7)a [60.6]b 25.5 [22.2]b 143.6 −86.5

Table 6 Liquid phase thermodynamic data of OMEn (n = 0–5) at standard conditions. The data in parentheses for n = 6, 7 were extrapolated according to the formulae included in Fig. 2
n ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) [kJ mol−1] ΔfH°(OMEn(l))b [kJ mol−1] S°(OMEn(l)) [J mol−1 K−1] S°(OMEn(l))b [J mol−1 K−1] c p(OMEn(l))a [J mol−1 K−1]
a Note: the heat capacities cp included may be less reliable due to error accumulation (extrapolation/2nd derivative of vapour pressure equation). b Estimated by empirical group contribution methods37 in ref. 6. Less reliable, therefore in parentheses.
0 −203.3 188.2 115.8
1 −377.8 (−380)b 241.8 (244)b 130.0
2 −549.8 (−553)b 287.9 (295)b 200.6
3 −721.2 (−727)b 337.1 (345)b 227.6
4 −894.1 (−901)b 380.5 (396)b 281.0
5 −1065.7 (−1075)b 428.2 (447)b 320.3
6 (−1238.5) (−1248)b (477.1) (497)b
7 (−1410.9) (524.7)

The independently calculated values in Table 6 are in acceptable agreement with those simply estimated through group contribution methods37 in ref. 6 and confirm the trend.

Extrapolation to OME6 and OME7

The good internal consistency of the data is demonstrated by the plots of ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) and S°(OMEn(l)) vs. n (Fig. 2). With correlation coefficients R2 of 1.000 and 0.9992 it appears reasonable to extrapolate also the data for OME6 and OME7 according to the formulae included with the linear regression plot (i.e. as indicated in parentheses in Table 6).
image file: c7se00053g-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Plots of (a) ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) and (b) S°(OMEn(l)) vs. n. Linear regression as dotted lines and regression analysis with formula and R2 included.

Comparison to experimental data – establishing data quality

The quality of the combined data was checked against available formation enthalpies calculated from combustion heats,9 and the “FVV Kraftstoffstudie”.38 These data and our combined formation enthalpies of liquid OME3–5 are displayed below (Table 7). The agreement between experimental and combined values based on quantum chemistry with empirical corrections is excellent. It is noted that the internal consistence of the dataset generated in the presented investigation appears to be better than those of the two experimental studies, suggesting that the presented values (emboldened, Table 7) should serve as benchmark values to be used for further investigations.
Table 7 Formation enthalpies from heats of combustion from ref. 9 and “FVV Kraftstoffstudie”38
n Combustion heat [kJ mol−1] Combustion heat [kJ mol−1] ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) [kJ mol−1] ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) [kJ mol−1] ΔfH°(OMEn(l)) [kJ mol−1]
a Formation enthalpies from heats of combustion taken from “FVV Kraftstoffstudie”;38 data originally given in MJ kg−1 (n = 3: 21.71; n = 4: 20.83; n = 5: 20.22).
Ref. 9 38 9 38 This work, Table 6
3 2940.0 2955.8 −742.3 −726.5 −721.2
4 3467.1 3461.4 −894.5 −900.2 −894.1
5 3975.2 3967.1 −1065.7 −1073.8 −1065.7

Application for the evaluation of a sustainable route to OMEn

The calculated standard thermodynamic data were used to assess the standard enthalpies of the reaction network necessary for the sustainable production of OMEn from green CO2 and H2. The likely reaction sequences are shown in Fig. 3. Note that the enthalpy values in the grey boxes stem from standard databases, while those with a white background were calculated from the data derived herein (Tables 4 and 6). Part of this data has already been used in the development of the vapour–liquid equilibrium model for OMEn synthesis.8 In this article we have also shown that the thermodynamic baseline for the sustainable production of OME4 from CO2 and H2 over FA and MeOH giving OME1 requires 22% less H2 than in the route via trioxane and OME1, again starting from CO2 and H2 but using the FORMOX process. The current manuscript would suggest that a direct route from CO2 and H2 to DME on the one hand and a dehydrogenation route of methanol to give FA on the other hand could be combined to a water-free process giving access to OME1–5 from DME and FA. Independent experimental work towards these goals is under way in our labs.
image file: c7se00053g-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Energetics of the reaction network to synthesise sustainable OMEn based on CO2 and H2. Values collected in grey boxes represent available thermodynamic data from standard databases. Those given in boxes with white background were calculated from the data derived herein (Tables 4 and 6).


In a systematic investigation we provide converged principal thermodynamic data for the gaseous or liquid OMEn with n = 2–7. The derived datasets (Tables 4 and 6) are internally consistent, bear a minimal error of typically below 1 kJ mol−1 for the gas phase and a somewhat by a factor of 2 or 3 larger error for the condensed phase. They were very positively evaluated against available experimental data, and agree with simple group additivity estimations. Thus, it appears reasonable to suggest the use of this dataset for further investigations regarding this emerging class of OMEn oligomers. One interesting route towards a sustainable synthesis of those liquids appears to be the combination of DME and n FA to give OMEn as described in Fig. 3. Preliminary work towards this goal and performed in our laboratories looks very promising.


This work was supported by the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and by the Leistungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit (Sustainability Centre) in the HyCO2 project. RJW is grateful to the Fraunhofer Society and Fraunhofer ISE for providing financial support via the Attract programme.


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7se00053g
Prof. Dr Ing. Jakob Burger, OME Technology made in Germany. Accessed 21.03.2017, available at: http://www.ome-technologies.de/fileadmin/omet/OMETechnologiesGmbH_Jan2017.pdf
§ By chance, scaling factors for BP86–D3(BJ)/def-TZVP frequencies were found to be very close to unity. Therefore, the contributions to entropy/enthalpy were not scaled.

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