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Computational assessment of nitrogen-rich peracids: a family of peroxide-based energetic materials

Papiya Parbat, Alka Devi and Vikas D. Ghule*
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra-136119, Haryana, India. E-mail:

Received 22nd February 2017 , Accepted 3rd April 2017

First published on 18th April 2017


Nitrogen-rich 5- and 6-membered compounds substituted with nitro and peracid groups were designed and investigated using density functional theory (DFT). The calculated energetic properties of peracid compounds were compared with those of some classical explosives such as TNT and RDX. The computed results show that most of the designed peracids possess large positive heats of formation (HOF) and much higher densities (1.79–1.89 g cm−3). The predicted detonation properties impart performance superior to that of TNT and comparable to that of RDX. The relatively better oxygen balance results in higher heat of detonation and more gaseous combustion products. Based on the predicted energetic properties of the designed compounds, the present study emphasizes the potential of the peracid group in developing new energetic materials.


The search and development of energetic materials with tunable properties is an unalterable goal for researchers working in this field as these materials belong to the class of hazardous materials. The importance of energetic materials in the civil and military field has led to significant growth in environmentally friendly compounds in recent years.1–9 Furthermore, designing a new compound and estimating its energetic properties is a typical practice before synthesis to reduce the cost and associated hazardous effects.10–13 Covalent peroxides (O–O) are classified as peracid (RC(O)OOH), perester (RC(O)OOR′), perether (ROOR′), and peracetal (ROOR′OOR) compounds.14 TATP (triacetone triperoxide) and HMTD (hexamethylene triperoxide diamine) are known compounds of peroxide explosives containing three –O–O– linkages per molecule (see Fig. S1 in the ESI). They are highly sensitive and brisant in nature, and their blast strength has been reported to be 88% and 60% that of TNT and RDX, respectively. In this study, we focused on the design of peracid (RC(O)OOH) group-containing explosives, which have not been widely explored. In recent studies, Klapötke et al.15,16 have reported peroxide-containing explosives with reasonable sensitivity and performance and suggested the incorporation of peroxide-containing functional groups to improve the oxygen balance. Since peracid group has more oxygen atoms, it is expected that this would help in the rapid self-decomposition of a compound. In this study, we selected nitrogen-rich backbones that have been reported in the literature1,17–22 and introduced the peracid group along with the nitro group. Herein, nitrogen-rich peracids have been described as promising energetic materials and potential propellants. Theoretical methods and correlations were used to investigate their electronic structure, heat of formation (HOF), density, performance properties, and sensitivity. We believe that our theoretical studies of peracid compounds will aid further investigations in the incorporation of peracid functionalities in energetic materials.

Results and discussion

Fig. 1 lists the molecular structures of the designed nitrogen-rich peracid compounds. For each of these, we optimized the structures and computed the surface properties at the B3PW91/6-31G (d,p) level using the Gaussian 09 (ref. 23) and Multiwfn program.24 All of the optimized peracid structures were characterized to be true local energy minima on their potential energy surfaces without imaginary frequencies. The computational methodology used for the calculation of energetic properties is similar to that reported in our earlier studies25–29 and has been illustrated in the ESI. The nitro compounds P4, P6, P10, P13, P16, P19, P25, and P28 have been reported in the literature30–39 and their energetic properties were compared with those of the designed peracid analogues.
image file: c7ra02201h-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Molecular structures of the peracid compounds.

Heat of formation

The heat of formation (HOF) is an important thermochemical property for an explosive, and it plays a significant role in the prediction of the heat of explosion, heat of combustion, and other performance parameters. In the present study, HOFgas was predicted using an isodesmic reaction approach with single point energies calculated at the B3PW91/6-31G(d,p) level. Detailed information of the designed isodesmic reactions, carried out to obtain HOFgas of peracid derivatives, has been provided in the ESI (Fig. S2). HOFsolid for all the peracid derivatives were obtained by subtracting the heat of sublimation (HOFsub) from HOFgas, according to the Politzer approach. Table 1 summarizes the calculated oxygen balance, nitrogen content, HOFgas, HOFsub, and HOFsolid of the peracid derivatives. It was observed that the calculated HOFgas of P6, P13, P19, and P25 are close to the reported values, indicating that our calculated results are reliable. Compared with other nitrogen-rich peracid derivatives, P27 has an extremely high HOFsolid of 867 kJ mol−1, may stem from the rich N–N and C–N bonds of the s-tetrazine ring and azo bond in the compound. All the peracid substituted derivatives possess lower HOFsolid when compared to the corresponding nitro derivatives, indicating that the peracid groups decrease the HOF. We observed that the peracid group was unfavourable for increasing the HOF, resulting in the negative values. All the designed peracid derivatives possess negative HOFsolid except for P12, P15, P17, P18, P24, P26, and P27. Among P14–15 and P17–18, HOFsolid of the compounds P17–18 were greater, owing to higher energy contribution from the tetrazole rings. This may be due to difference in the HOFs of triazine and tetrazine peracid derivatives.
Table 1 Calculated oxygen balance (OB, %), nitrogen content (NC, %), density (ρ, g cm−3), heat of formation in gas phase (HOFgas, kJ mol−1) and solid phase (HOFsolid, kJ mol−1), and heat of sublimation (HOFsub, kJ mol−1) of the peracid compoundsa
Compd OB (%) NC (%) ρ (g cm−3) HOFgas (kJ mol−1) HOFsub (kJ mol−1) HOFsolid (kJ mol−1)
a The parenthesis values indicate the reported HOFgas.
P1 −56 33 1.79 −80 99 −179
P2 −18 32 1.85 −71 97 −168
P3 −42 49 1.80 192 92 100
P4 −05 44 1.87 204 88 116
P5 −25 43 1.82 58 90 −32
P6 −07 61 1.85 338 (363)32 74 264
P7 −28 16 1.85 −534 144 −678
P8 −20 23 1.86 −270 126 −396
P9 −10 30 1.88 −4 108 −112
P10 00 39 1.89 265 92 173
P11 −24 28 1.83 −11 103 −114
P12 −13 37 1.84 260 86 174
P13 00 49 1.85 534 (533)34 70 464
P14 −45 39 1.81 144 180 −36
P15 −39 47 1.83 394 166 228
P16 −31 55 1.84 645 150 495
P17 −17 49 1.83 642 157 485
P18 −09 57 1.84 934 140 794
P19 00 66 1.85 1229 (1186)37 123 1106
P20 −37 26 1.80 −289 303 −592
P21 −33 30 1.81 −28 283 −311
P22 −28 35 1.82 239 261 −22
P23 −28 35 1.82 237 260 −23
P24 −23 40 1.83 506 239 267
P25 −17 46 1.84 774 (770)38 217 557
P26 −36 45 1.80 762 184 578
P27 −30 52 1.81 1032 165 867
P28 −23 60 1.83 1304 147 1157

Density and oxygen balance

Density is an essential physical parameter to calculate the detonation performance of an energetic material.40–43 A higher density value also ensures the packing of more material per unit volume, thereby results in a greater explosion. The densities of the peracid derivatives were predicted using the Politzer et al.44 approach (Table 1) and was found in the range of 1.79–1.88 g cm−3, which were much higher than those of TNT (1.65 g cm−3) and comparable to those of RDX (1.80 g cm−3). Note that replacement of peracid group by nitro does not show a significant change in the density. However, nitro group has a slight advantage over peracid functionality in terms of improved density. The hydrogen atoms in peracid groups and N–H of the azole rings may help in building strong inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bond network, thereby contributing in improving the density at the same time. It was observed that densities of triazine peracid derivatives (P7–9 and P20–24) were higher than those of tetrazine peracid derivatives (P11–12 and P26–27). This could be attributed to the substitution of peracid and nitro groups in triazine derivatives. Along with density, oxygen balance (OB) is also an essential parameter that indicates the index of oxygen in a compound required to convert all the carbon and hydrogen atoms into CO2 and H2O, respectively, releasing most of the energy. The designed peracids have a nitrogen-rich backbone, which is beneficial to achieve better OB. Among the designed compounds, P10, P13, and P19 possess neutral oxygen balance, indicating that oxygen is sufficient for their complete combustion. Moreover, other compounds such as P2, P4, P6, P8, P9, P12, P17, P18, and P25 have good OB, better than those of RDX (−21.6%) and HMX (−21.6%). The deceased C–H group in the backbone of the tetrazole peracid derivatives (P5, P17, and P18) helped to achieve better OB than that of the corresponding triazole derivatives (P1, P14, and P15). The high densities and OB were apparently ascribed to the high nitrogen content, and peracid and nitro groups in these compounds.

Performance parameters

Detonation velocity (D), pressure (P), heat of detonation (Q), explosive power (EP), power index (PI), brisance, Gurney velocity image file: c7ra02201h-t1.tif, and heat of combustion (ΔHc) are important measures of the performance of detonating explosives. All these performance parameters have been listed in Table 2. Fig. 2 and 3 compare the energetic properties of the peracid compounds with those of TNT and RDX. The designed peracids have detonation velocities ranging from 7.14 (P1) to 8.96 km s−1 (P18) and pressures were found in the range from 22.53 (P1) to 36.06 GPa (P18), which were higher than those of TNT (D = 6.94 km s−1 and P = 22.0 GPa). The compounds P12 and P18 have D and P comparable with RDX (D = 8.60 km s−1 and P = 33.92 GPa). Among these, P18 has the highest D and P of 8.96 km s−1 and 36.06 GPa, respectively. It can be seen from Table 2 that all peracids show Q values higher than 1100 cal g−1, except for P1, P7, P14, and P20. The Q values of these compounds are comparable or higher than those of the common explosives TNT (1043 cal g−1) and RDX (1138 cal g−1). Power index (PI) is an important parameter to represent the strength of the explosives, and it depends on the volume of the gas liberated during the explosion and the heat of detonation. In peracid derivatives, P18 (170%) surpassed the power index of RDX (169%) due to more volume of gaseous explosion products, whereas P2, P9, P11, P12, P17, P26, and P27 were found to be more powerful than TNT (116%). Most of the designed peracids have negative OB, eventually reducing the gaseous explosion products and performance. Detonation performance is also linked with brisance, and superior brisance indicates effectiveness of an explosion in the fragmentation of shells and casings.45 The estimated brisance values relative to that of TNT (∼100) for peracid derivatives were found in the range from 96 to 142. Compared to TNT, designed compounds exhibited higher brisance values (except for P1), whereas those of P18 and P24 were comparable with that of RDX (140). Gurney46 has derived a series of equations to account the effectiveness of an explosive that will accelerate/fragment the surrounding layer of metal or other material when detonated. Gurney velocity is a useful parameter to estimate the energy output of the detonating explosive. In the present study, we used the Kamlet–Finger method47 to calculate Gurney velocity of designed peracid derivatives. To validate the consistency of Kamlet–Finger method, Gurney velocities were also calculated using the Hardesty–Kennedy method48 (see Table 2). It was found that both these methods resulted in comparable values. From the computed image file: c7ra02201h-t2.tif values (in Table 2), P18 (2.96 km s−1) showed highest value among the peracids and RDX (2.93 km s−1) due to the higher kinetic energy of its explosion products. All the other designed peracids possess better image file: c7ra02201h-t3.tif when compared to TNT (2.37 km s−1), ranging from 2.38 to 2.96 km s−1. Overall, the designed peracids have performance parameters between TNT and RDX. ΔHc mainly depends on the composition of the molecule and are required to account the total combustion energy of explosives and decomposition products. The higher oxygen balance (OB) ensures the supply of oxygen during the explosion process and results in a large amount of gaseous combustion products. In the present study, ΔHc is predicted to account the heat released during the combustion and has been summarized in Table 2. ΔHc values were always higher than those of Q as oxygen was supplied to the explosive and complete conversion of C and H atoms to CO2 and H2O occurred, respectively. The detonation products of the designed peracids have been listed in Table S4. Among the designed peracids, P1, P14, P15, P26, and P27 possess superior ΔHc when compared to RDX (2255 cal g−1).
Table 2 Calculated detonation velocity (D, km s−1), detonation pressure (P, GPa), chemical energy of detonation (Q, cal g−1), explosive power (EP, kJ dm3 g−2), power index (PI, %), heat of combustion (ΔHc, cal g−1), brisance, and Gurney velocity (image file: c7ra02201h-t4.tif, km s−1) of peracid compounds
Compd D (km s−1) P (GPa) Q (cal g−1) EP (kJ dm3 g−2) PI (%) ΔHc (cal g−1) Brisance

image file: c7ra02201h-t5.tif

(km s−1)
K–F methoda H–K methodb
a Kamlet–Finger method [ref. 47].b Hardesty–Kennedy method [ref. 48].
P1 7.14 22.53 886 2111 78 2639 96 2.38 2.44
P2 8.15 29.97 1181 3304 122 1777 107 2.69 2.69
P3 7.84 27.28 1129 3118 115 2451 102 2.61 2.62
P4 8.76 34.78 1391 3910 145 1569 113 2.88 2.84
P5 8.02 28.72 1108 2846 105 1905 105 2.66 2.66
P6 8.90 35.72 1413 4315 160 1659 111 2.94 2.88
P7 7.66 26.45 1061 2279 84 1928 104 2.53 2.56
P8 8.02 29.06 1186 2850 106 1799 110 2.64 2.65
P9 8.44 32.40 1332 3403 126 1658 116 2.77 2.76
P10 8.87 35.89 1497 3900 144 1497 122 2.91 2.86
P11 8.16 29.80 1315 3274 121 2061 107 2.70 2.69
P12 8.63 33.49 1508 4039 150 1912 113 2.85 2.81
P13 9.17 37.90 1738 4737 175 1738 119 3.02 2.95
P14 7.52 25.12 1038 2466 91 2431 119 2.50 2.54
P15 7.85 27.60 1136 2870 106 2326 125 2.60 2.62
P16 8.18 30.07 1248 3344 124 2215 131 2.70 2.70
P17 8.57 32.91 1428 3971 147 1956 136 2.84 2.80
P18 8.96 36.06 1587 4586 170 1866 142 2.96 2.90
P19 9.38 39.63 1767 5178 192 1768 148 3.09 3.00
P20 7.38 24.17 1037 1940 72 2181 124 2.46 2.50
P21 7.60 25.70 1110 2331 86 2114 130 2.52 2.56
P22 7.83 27.40 1194 2740 101 2047 136 2.60 2.61
P23 7.83 27.40 1194 2737 101 2046 136 2.60 2.61
P24 8.08 29.25 1285 3144 116 1974 142 2.67 2.68
P25 8.34 31.27 1383 3541 131 1895 148 2.76 2.74
P26 8.08 28.98 1390 3513 130 2483 131 2.69 2.68
P27 8.39 31.33 1517 4007 148 2410 137 2.79 2.76
P28 8.76 34.35 1659 4563 169 2331 143 2.90 2.85

image file: c7ra02201h-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Correlation between density, detonation velocity (D), and pressure (P) of the peracid compounds and their comparison with those of TNT and RDX.

image file: c7ra02201h-f3.tif
Fig. 3 The heat of detonation (Q), power index (PI), and the heat of explosion (ΔHe) of the peracid compounds.

Sensitivity correlations

Along with higher detonation properties, the explosive candidate should be less sensitive towards external stimuli, concomitantly improving chances for practical application. Politzer et al.49 have suggested that the heat of detonation (Q) can be used to assess the sensitivity of energetic materials and sensitivity of energetic material tend to increase as Q becomes higher. The predicted Q values have been listed in Table 2, and it can be seen that P2, P8–9, P11–12, P17–18, and P22–27 have higher Q values in comparison to TNT (1044 cal g−1) and RDX (1138 cal g−1), indicating their sensitivity behavior. It was observed that replacement of peracid group with the nitro group increased the sensitivity of the resultant compounds. Therefore, adjusting the peracid and nitro groups in nitrogen-rich framework is an efficient way to reduce sensitivity without losing too much performance. However, further studies are required to understand the influence of π conjugated system on the stability of the framework.


In this study, 20 peracid-substituted nitrogen-rich compounds were designed, and their energetic properties were investigated using computational methods. Most of the peracid compounds showed comparable/higher density (in the range of 1.79–1.88 g cm−3) than TNT and RDX. In addition, these compounds exhibited good energetic properties (detonation velocity 7.14–8.96 km s−1, detonation pressure 22.5–36.0 GPa, power index 78–170%, brisance 96–142, and Gurney velocity 2.38–2.96 km s−1) that surpassed those of TNT. Moreover, heat of detonation was used as the measure of sensitivity, and most of these compounds exhibited acceptable sensitive behavior. The good energetic properties imply the explosophoric nature of the peracid group and suggest its potential in designing new energetic materials.


This work was supported by the grant received from DST-SERB, Government of India (Young Scientists, No. SB/FT/CS-110/2014). Alka Devi would like to thank CSIR for research fellowship (No. 09/1050(0005) 2015-EMR-1).


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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017