Cyclopentadienylironphosphacarboranes: fragility of polyhedral edges in the 11-vertex system

Amr A. A. Attiaa, Alexandru Lupan*a and R. Bruce King*b
aDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry and Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA. E-mail:

Received 24th August 2015 , Accepted 7th December 2015

First published on 8th December 2015


The lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 (n = 8 to 12) structures, including the experimentally known CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8, have been investigated by density functional theory. The central FeCPBn−3 polyhedra in all of the lowest energy such structures are the most spherical closo deltahedra. The heteroatoms are so located to have adjacent iron and phosphorus atoms and non-adjacent phosphorus and carbon atoms. One of the Fe–B bonds from the degree 6 iron vertex in the 11-vertex CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure appears to be fragile, readily elongating to ∼3.1 Å in one of the low-energy structures, consistent with experimental observation on this system.

1. Introduction

The chemistry of metallaboranes was initiated by Hawthorne and co-workers in the 1960s,1 first with 12-vertex icosahedral systems and later with 10- and 11-vertex polyhedral systems using decaborane, B10H14 as the boron hydride raw material. Shortly thereafter Grimes and co-workers2 first synthesized smaller polyhedral metallaboranes with as few as six vertices using pentaborane, B5H9 as the boron hydride raw material. Most of the early work used polyhedral ligands derived from dicarbaboranes in a search for neutral species isoelectronic with the most spherical closo deltahedral borane anions BnHn2− (n = 6 to 12).3,4 Such species have 2n + 2 skeletal electrons according to the Wade–Mingos rules.5–8

The early work on metallaboranes used a CpCo (Cp = η5-C5H5) vertex to replace a BH vertex in a polyhedral dicarbaborane structure. A CpCo vertex is isolobal with a BH vertex and, like a BH vertex, is a donor of two skeletal electrons. The early work on metallaboranes often involved stable neutral CpCoC2BnHn+2 species. In subsequent work main group heteroatoms were introduced into the cages of such metallaborane structures. In this connection phosphorus can be considered as a “carbon copy”9 since a bare phosphorus atom donates three skeletal electrons like a CH vertex. Thus replacement of two CH groups by bare phosphorus atoms in the dicarbaboranes C2Bn−2Hn gives the diphosphaboranes P2Bn−2Hn−2. The icosahedral diphosphaborane P2B10H10 was first synthesized in relatively low yield by Todd and co-workers in 1989.10 Much more recently the yield in the synthesis of P2B10H10 has been greatly improved11 so that it is now available in quantities as a reagent for the synthesis of metalladiphosphaboranes. In this connection an isomer of the cobalt complex CpCoP2B9H9 has been synthesized from P2B10H10 and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Ferradiphosphacarboranes isomers of the stoichiometries CpFeCP2B8H9 (ref. 12) and CpFeC2PB8H10 (ref. 13 and 14) isoelectronic with CpCoP2B9H9 have also been synthesized.

A complication in the development of the chemistry of metalladiphosphaboranes isoelectronic with metalladicarbaboranes is the basicity of the lone pairs on the phosphorus vertices. This is demonstrated by synthesis of the cobalt hydride HCo(η1-P2B10H10)2(PEt3)2 derived from HCo(CO)4 by replacement of two CO groups with Et3P ligands and the remaining two CO groups by η1-B10H10P2 ligands bonding to the cobalt through a lone pair from one of the phosphorus vertices.15 The basicity of a vertex phosphorus atom in a polyhedral borane can be quenched by alkylation analogous to the conversion of a phosphine R3P: to a phosphonium ion [R3PR′]+. An RP vertex is a four-electron donor in a polyhedral borane structure. Thus species CpFeCHP(R)Bn−3Hn−3 have the 2n + 2 skeletal electrons for a most spherical deltahedral structure (Fig. 1) and are isoelectronic with BnHn2−, C2Bn−2Hn, CpCoC2Bn−3Hn−1, and CpCoP2Bn−3Hn−3.

image file: c5ra17070b-f1.tif
Fig. 1 The most spherical closo deltahedra having from 8 to 12 vertices. Degree 4, 5, and 6 vertices are colored in red, black, and green, respectively.

Sneddon and co-workers16 have used the anion [CH3PCHB8H11] having a decaborane-like structure to synthesize the iron complex CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 (Fig. 2). In the [CH3PCB8H12] anion the carbon atom is located at a degree 4 vertex adjacent to the phosphorus atom located at a degree 3 vertex. However, in the reaction of the anion with a CpFe source the carbon atom migrates so that both the carbon and phosphorus atoms are located at the two degree 4 vertices of the resulting most spherical 11-vertex deltahedron, namely the so-called “edge-coalesced icosahedron” (Fig. 1 and 2). The iron atom in this structure is located at the unique degree 6 vertex of this deltahedron. However, one of the bonds from the iron atom to an adjacent boron atom is abnormally long (dashed line in Fig. 2) suggesting that a degree 6 iron atom cannot form strong bonds to all six adjacent atoms. This phenomenon suggested a more detailed study of this and related systems using density functional theory. In order to provide a broad perspective of the nature of these ferraphosphacarbaboranes, we included in this study the complete series of CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 systems having 8 to 12 vertices.

image file: c5ra17070b-f2.tif
Fig. 2 The phosphacarbaborane and its conversion to CpFeP(CH3)CHB8H8. Unmarked atoms are boron atoms and external hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. The dashed line corresponds to an elongated Fe⋯B edge.

2. Theoretical methods

In order to reduce computational costs the full geometry optimizations were initially carried out on the CpFeCHPHBn−3Hn−3 systems (n = 8 to 12) at the B3LYP/6-31G(d)17–20 level of theory. The lowest energy structures were then reoptimized at a higher level, i.e., M06L/6-311G(d,p)21 and these are the results presented in the paper. The initial structures were chosen by systematic substitution of one BH vertex in BnHn2− by a CpFe unit, then another BH vertex by a PH vertex, followed by all possible substitutions of the remaining BH vertices by a CH vertex. However, in order to keep the number of possible structures manageable, structures with degree 3 CpFe vertices capping a triangular face were excluded from consideration because of the general preference of transition metal units for higher degree vertices. The large number of different starting structures for the optimizations included 593 structures of the 8-vertex clusters CpFeCHPHB5H5, 439 structures of the 9-vertex clusters CpFeCHPHB6H6, 648 structures of the 10-vertex clusters CpFeCHPHB7H7, 938 structures of the 11-vertex clusters CpFeCHPHB8H8, and 304 structures of the 12-vertex clusters CpFeCHPHB9H9 (see the ESI). It is thus assured that the number of polyhedral frameworks is representative enough and covers all geometries of interest. The natures of the stationary points after optimization were checked by calculations of the harmonic vibrational frequencies. If significant imaginary frequencies were found, the optimization was continued by following the normal modes corresponding to imaginary frequencies to insure that genuine minima were obtained. The PH vertices in the lowest energy CpFeCHPHBn−3Hn−3 structures were then replaced by PCH3 vertices and the structures reoptimized to give the CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 structures reported in this paper and related to the experimental CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure.14

All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 09 package22 with the default settings for the SCF cycles and geometry optimization, namely the fine grid (75[thin space (1/6-em)]302) for numerically evaluating the integrals, 10−8 hartree for the self-consistent field convergence, maximum force of 0.000450 hartree bohr−1, RMS force of 0.000300 hartree bohr−1, maximum displacement of 0.001800 bohr, and RMS displacement of 0.001200 bohr. 11B NMR chemical shifts were calculated at the gauge invariant atomic orbital (GIAO) – B3LYP/6-311+G(d,2p) level and referenced to BF3·OEt2.

The CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 (n = 8 to 12) structures are numbered as B(n − 3)CPFe-x where n is the total number of polyhedral vertices, and x is the relative order of the structure on the energy scale (M06L/6-311G(d,p) including zero-point corrections). The lowest energy optimized structures discussed in this paper are depicted in Fig. 3 and 5–8. Only the lowest energy and thus potentially chemically significant structures are considered in detail in this paper. All of the structures reported in this paper are closed-shell structures with substantial HOMO–LUMO gaps ranging from 1.7 to 3.5 eV (Table S6 of the ESI). More comprehensive lists of structures, including higher energy structures, are given in the ESI.

image file: c5ra17070b-f3.tif
Fig. 3 The three lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures. A dashed line indicates the long Fe⋯B distance in B8CPFe-2 and an arrow indicates the mobile boron atom interconverting B8CPFe2 and B8CPFe-3.

image file: c5ra17070b-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Relative energy as a function of the fragile Fe–B bond length in the B8CPFe-2/B8CPFe-3 system of CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures.

image file: c5ra17070b-f5.tif
Fig. 5 The four lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B9H9 structures.

image file: c5ra17070b-f6.tif
Fig. 6 The six lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B5H5 structures.

image file: c5ra17070b-f7.tif
Fig. 7 The six lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structures.

image file: c5ra17070b-f8.tif
Fig. 8 The four lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B7H7 structures.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 The 11-vertex system CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8

The one experimentally known CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 system is the 11-vertex system CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 (Fig. 2).16 The experimental structure is derived from the most spherical closo 11-vertex deltahedron (Fig. 1) with the iron atom located at the unique degree 6 vertex and the phosphorus and carbon atoms located at the two degree 4 vertices. However, one of the Fe–B edges is lengthened to 2.636 Å relative to the ∼2.4 Å lengths of the other three Fe–B edges. Our theoretical study predicts three CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures within 15 kcal mol−1 of the global minimum B8CPFe-1 (Fig. 3 and Table 1). This global minimum does not correspond to the experimental CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure since its phosphorus atom is located at a degree 5 rather than a degree 4 vertex.
Table 1 The three CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures within 11 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure
Structure (symmetry) ΔE kcal mol−1 Vertex degrees Heteroatom edges, Å Polyhedron
Fe C P
B8CPFe-1 (Cs) 0.0 6 4 5 Fe–P(2.327), Fe–C(1.980) 11-v deltahedron
B8CPFe-2 (C1) 3.1 5 4 4 Fe–P(2.146), Fe–C(1.912) Fe⋯B(3.095) ⇒ f4
B8CPFe-3 (Cs) 3.5 6 4 4 Fe–P(2.158), Fe–C(1.960) Fe–B(2.410)

The next two closely energetically spaced CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures B8CPFe-2 and B8CPFe-3, lying ∼3 kcal mol−1 in energy above B8CPFe-1, are closely related to the experimental structure16 since in both of these structures both the phosphorus and carbon atoms are located at the degree 4 vertices. The Fe–B edges in the Cs structure B8CPFe-3 are not exceptional with two short ∼2.27 Å Fe–B edges and two longer ∼2.41 Å Fe–B edges. However, in B8CPFe-2 one of the Fe⋯B edges has lengthened to ∼3.09 Å (dashed line in Fig. 3) whereas the other Fe–B edges remain in the range 2.14 to 2.36 Å. The lengthening of one of the Fe⋯B edges in B8CPFe-2 has the effect of converting two adjacent triangular faces into a quadrilateral face and reducing the degree of the iron vertex from 6 to 5. This effectively converts the 11-vertex closo polyhedron into an 11-vertex isonido polyhedron with the same number of skeletal electrons.23–25 The experimental CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure lies between B8CPFe-2 and B8CPFe-3 with its elongated Fe⋯B edge of 2.636 Å. The experimental Fe–P and Fe–C distances of 2.134 and 1.955 Å, respectively, for CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 (ref. 16) are close to the predicted values for B9CPFe-3 of 2.158 and 1.960 Å as well as those for B9CPFe-2 of 2.146 and 1.912 Å.

In order to provide additional insight regarding the experimental CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure relative to the predicted structures B8CPFe-2 and B8CPFe-3, geometry optimizations starting from the X-ray coordinates of the experimental structure16 were performed. This led to a structure identical to B8CPFe-3 in both geometry and energy. In addition, scanning the fragile Fe–B bond in B8CPFe-2 to reach the same Fe–B bond length as in B8CPFe-3 provided an energy barrier of 0.77 kcal mol−1 (Fig. 4). This low energy barrier suggests fluxional behavior between B8CPFe-2 and B8CPFe-3. In addition, the experimental 11B NMR spectrum of CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 is closer to the calculated 11B NMR spectrum of B8CPFe-3 than to that of B8CPFe-2 (Table 2). This is consistent with the elongated Fe⋯B edge of length 2.636 Å being closer to the 2.410 Å value for B8CPFe-2 than to the 3.095 Å value for B8CPFe-2.

Table 2 Summary of 11B NMR shifts. The numbering of the boron atoms (in parentheses) is relative to the X-ray crystal structure16
  11B NMR chemical shifts in ppm
a Values taken from ref. 16.
B8CPFe measured 4.7(9), −1.9(8), −18.1(6,7), −22.4(4,5), −24.7(10,11)a
B8CPFe-2 calculated 4.2(9), −4.5(7), −7.4(4), −9.9(8), −12.5(5), −18(11), −22.2(10), −33.7(6)
B8CPFe-3 calculated 3.4(9), −3.9(8), −15.9(6,7), −24.3(4,5), −28.7(10,11)

3.2 The 12-vertex system CpFeCHP(CH3)B9H9

The eight CpFeCHP(CH3)B9H9 structures within ∼26 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure all have a central FeCPB9 regular icosahedron and thus all degree 5 vertices (Fig. 5 and Table 3). The four lowest energy of these structures, lying within 10 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure B9CPFe-1, are the four possible structures with adjacent iron and phosphorus vertices (i.e., an Fe–P edge) and non-adjacent phosphorus and carbon vertices (no P–C edges). These four structures differ in the locations of the carbon vertices relative to the iron and phosphorus vertices. The four higher energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B9H9 structures, at energies between 19.5 and 26.1 kcal mol−1 above B9CPFe-1, have either non-adjacent iron and phosphorus atoms or adjacent phosphorus and carbon atoms.
Table 3 The four lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B9H9 structures within 19 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure
Structure (symmetry) ΔE kcal mol−1 Heteroatom edges, Å HOMO–LUMO gap, eV
B9CPFe-1 (Cs) 0.0 Fe–P(2.101), Fe⋯C(3.151), P⋯C(3.357) 3.2
B9CPFe-2 (C1) 3.6 Fe–P(2.117), Fe–C(2.040), P⋯C(2.909) 3.0
B9CPFe-3 (C1) 6.2 Fe–P(2.092), Fe⋯C(3.158), P⋯C(2.960) 3.0
B9CPFe-4 (Cs) 9.4 Fe–P(2.082), Fe⋯C(3.693), P⋯C(2.905) 3.0

3.3 CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 (n = 8, 9, 10) systems

All six of the lowest energy 8-vertex CpFeCHP(CH3)B5H5 structures (Fig. 6 and Table 4) have a central FeCPB5 bisdisphenoid, which is the most spherical 8-vertex closo deltahedron (Fig. 1). The four lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B5H5 structures, lying within 4.8 kcal mol−1 of B5CPFe-1, have the iron atoms at degree 5 vertices and Fe–P edges but differ in the location of the carbon vertex relative to the iron and phosphorus vertices. There is then a jump in relative energy to B5CPFe-5, lying 10.8 kcal mol−1 above B5CPFe-1, which has the iron atom at a degree 5 vertex but not adjacent to the phosphorus atom (i.e., no Fe–P edge). The next CpFeCHP(CH3)B5H5 structure B5CPFe-6, lying 12.5 kcal mol−1 in energy above B5CPFe-1, has the iron atom at a degree 4 vertex. However, this iron atom is directly bonded to the phosphorus atom through an Fe–P edge.
Table 4 The six CpFeCHP(CH3)B5H5 structures within 15 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure
Structure (symmetry) ΔE kcal mol−1 Vertex degrees Heteroatom edges, Å HOMO–LUMO gap, eV
Fe C P
B5CPFe-1 (C1) 0.0 5 4 4 Fe–P(2.095), Fe–C(2.014) 2.4
B5CPFe-2 (C1) 0.0 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.222), Fe–C(1.999) 2.5
B5CPFe-3 (C1) 0.1 5 4 4 Fe–P (2.165) 2.7
B5CPFe-4 (C1) 4.8 5 4 4 Fe–P(2.174), Fe–C(1.940) 2.4
B5CPFe-5 (C1) 10.8 5 4 4 Fe–C(2.001) 2.9
B5CPFe-6 (C1) 12.5 4 4 4 Fe–P(2.038) 1.7

The five lowest energy structures for the nine-vertex CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 system, lying within 8.5 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure B6CPFe-1, are all based on the tricapped trigonal prism (Fig. 7 and Table 5), which is the most spherical 9-vertex closo deltahedron (Fig. 1). All five structures have the iron atom at a degree 5 vertex and an Fe–P edge. The four lowest energy structures have the carbon atom at a degree 4 vertex whereas the fifth CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structure B6CPFe-5 has the carbon atom at a degree 5 vertex.

Table 5 The six CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structures within 15 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure
Structure (symmetry) ΔE kcal mol−1 Vertex degrees Heteroatom edges, Å HOMO–LUMO gap, eV
Fe C P
a This structure has a central FeCPB6 isocloso deltahedron.
B6CPFe-1 (Cs) 0.0 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.233) 2.0
B6CPFe-2 (C1) 1.5 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.176), Fe–C(1.947) 2.2
B6CPFe-3 (C1) 4.2 5 4 4 Fe–P(2.098) 2.0
B6CPFe-4 (C1) 7.7 5 4 4 Fe–P(2.097), Fe–C(1.940) 1.9
B6CPFe-5 (C1) 8.5 5 5 5 Fe–P(2.251), Fe–C(2.143) 2.4
B6CPFe-6 (C1)a 13.2 6 4 5 Fe–P(2.770), Fe–C(1.937) 2.0

The sixth CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structure B6CPFe-6, lying 13.2 kcal mol−1 in energy above B6CPFe-1, is the only low-energy CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 structure found in this work that is not based on one of the most spherical closo deltahedra in Fig. 1. Instead the structure of B6CPFe-6 is based a central 9-vertex isocloso deltahedron with the iron atom at the unique degree 6 vertex and the phosphorus atom at an adjacent degree 5 vertex (Fig. 7 and Table 5). However, the Fe⋯P edge is lengthened from the typical 2.0 to 2.3 Å distance to 2.770 Å in B6CPFe-6 (see dashed line in Fig. 7). Considering this lengthened Fe⋯P edge as no longer an edge leads to an isonido 9-vertex structure23–25 having a quadrilateral face with a degree 5 iron vertex and a degree 4 phosphorus vertex. Such an isonido CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structure B6CPFe-6 is as consistent with its 20 skeletal electrons (= 2n + 2 for n = 9) as the closo tricapped trigonal prismatic structures for the five lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)B6H6 structures. This lengthening of one of the Fe–P edges to the degree 6 iron vertex in the 9-vertex isocloso structure B6CPFe-6 is analogous to the lengthening of one of the Fe–B edges to the likewise degree 6 iron vertex in the 11-vertex closo structure B8CPFe-2 discussed above. Note that the 11-vertex closo deltahedron can also function as an 11-vertex isocloso deltahedron since it has a degree 6 vertex.

The three lowest energy structures in the 10-vertex system CpFeCHP(CH3)B7H7, which lie within 2.4 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure B7CPFe-1, have the iron atom located at a degree 5 vertex, the phosphorus atom adjacent to the iron atom forming an Fe–P edge, and the carbon located at a degree 4 vertex (Fig. 8 and Table 6). The central FeCPB7 polyhedron in these three structures is the bicapped square antiprism, which is the most spherical closo 10-vertex deltahedron (Fig. 1). After these three CpFeCHP(CH3)B7H7 structures there is a large jump in energy to B7CPFe-4, which lies 14.7 kcal mol−1 above B7CPFe-1. Structure B7CPFe-4 has the carbon atom as well as the iron and phosphorus atoms located at degree 5 vertices. Thus both of the degree 4 vertices in the central bicapped square antiprism of B7CPFe-4 are occupied by boron atoms.

Table 6 The four CpFeCHP(CH3)B7H7 structures within 18 kcal mol−1 of the lowest energy structure
Structure (symmetry) ΔE kcal mol−1 Vertex degrees Heteroatom edges, Å HOMO–LUMO gap, eV
Fe C P
B7CPFe-1 (Cs) 0.0 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.073) 2.6
B7CPFe-2 (C1) 2.2 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.169) 2.6
B7CPFe-3 (C1) 2.4 5 4 5 Fe–P(2.162), Fe–C(1.949) 2.6
B7CPFe-4 (C1) 14.7 5 5 5 Fe–P(2.120), Fe–C(2.080) 2.8

4. Conclusions

The central FeCPBn−3 polyhedra in all of the lowest energy CpFeCHP(CH3)Bn−3Hn−3 structures (n = 8 to 12) are the most spherical closo deltahedra (Fig. 1) as suggested by the Wade–Mingos rules for these 2n + 2 skeletal electron systems.5–8 The heteroatoms in the FeCPBn−3 polyhedra are so located to have adjacent iron and phosphorus atoms and non-adjacent phosphorus and carbon atoms in the lowest energy structures. In addition, the carbon atoms prefer energetically to be located at degree 4 rather than degree 5 or 6 vertices in accord with previous theoretical studies on metalladicarbaboranes26 and metallatricarbaboranes.27 The iron atoms prefer energetically to be located at the highest degree vertex, normally a degree 5 vertex except for the 11-vertex closo deltahedron, which has a degree 6 vertex for the iron atom.

The iron atom at the degree 6 vertex in the lowest energy 11-vertex CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structures is adjacent to the phosphorus and carbon atoms as well as four boron atoms. However, one of the Fe–B bonds in the 11-vertex CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure appears to be fragile, readily elongating to ∼3.1 Å in one of the low-energy structures. This effectively converts the 11-vertex closo deltahedron having 18 triangular faces into a polyhedron having a single quadrilateral face as well as 16 triangular faces. This elongation of an Fe–B bond is also observed in the experimental CpFeCHP(CH3)B8H8 structure,16 which has one elongated Fe–B deltahedral edge of ∼2.6 Å in addition to three normal Fe–B edges of 2.3 to 2.4 Å.


Funding from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, (Grant PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1197) and the U. S. National Science Foundation (Grant CHE-1057466) is gratefully acknowledged.


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1A: initial CpFeCHPHB5H5 structures; Table S1B: distance table for the lowest-lying CpFeCHPCH3B5H5 structures; Table S1C: energy ranking for all of the CpFeCHPHB5H5 structures; Table S2A: initial CpFeCHPHB6H6 structures; Table S2B: distance table for the lowest-lying CpFeCHPCH3B6H6 structures; Table S2C: energy ranking for all of the CpFeCHPHB6H6 structures; Table S3A: initial CpFeCHPHB7H7 structures; Table S3B: distances table for the lowest-lying CpFeCHPCH3B7H7 structures; Table S3C: energy ranking for all of the CpFeCHPHB7H7 structures; Table S4A: initial CpFeCHPHB8H8 structures; Table S4B: distance table for the lowest-lying CpFeCHPCH3B8H8 structures; Table S4C: energy ranking for all of the CpFeCHPHB8H8 structures; Table S5A: initial CpFeCHPHB9H9 structures; Table S5B: distance table for the lowest-lying CpFeCHPCH3B9H9 structures; Table S5C: energy ranking for all of the CpFeCHPHB9H9 structures; complete Gaussian09 reference (ref. 22). See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra17070b

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016