NJC: beginning our 40th year of publication

Highlights of 2015

On the road

For the editors of NJC, the highlight of the year had to be the three NJC Symposia in June. This was the 4th in the series of NJC Symposia, which have been held in France (2011), China (2012), Sweden (2014) and now Canada (2015). The Board visited the University of Montreal, McGill University in Montreal, and finally York University in Toronto, where they were hosted by Davit Zargarian, Robin Rogers and Gino Lavoie, respectively. The welcome was enthusiastic, the weather beautiful and the NJC Board enchanted (Fig. 1).
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Fig. 1 At the end of the Canadian tour, NJC Editorial Board members took a welcome break and, in a nod to the roots of NJC's Editor-in-Chief, feasted on Afghan kebab in York. From left to right: Peter Junk, Takashi Kato, Sijbren Otto, Denise Parent, Mir Wais Hosseini, Christina Moberg, Len Barbour, Debbie Crans.

The programs of these 3 days can be viewed on the NJC blog at http://blogs.rsc.org/nj/2015/05/14/programs-of-the-njc-symposia-in-canada-june-2015/.

Besides organizing these 3 NJC Symposia, NJC sponsored a dozen scientific conferences in 2015, ranging from a small graduate student weekend to a Pacifichem symposium. Specific activities included sponsoring poster prizes (see winners in Table 1), a speaker (at the XXI EuCheMS International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry), an entire scientific session (at the 6th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands) and a multi-day symposium (Organo-f-elements Chemistry at Pacifichem).

Table 1 NJC Poster Prize winners in 2015
Name Institution (Advisor) Poster title
13th Ferrocene Colloquium
Wjatscheslaw Gidt TU Kaiserslautern, Germany (Helmut Sitzmann) Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of the Chromium Complexes [4CpCrX]2 (X = OAc, Cl, I, OTf)
Advanced Inorganic Complex Nanomaterials
Sora Choi Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (Moonhyun Oh) Structural and Morphological Transformation of Metal–Organic Framework via Destruction and Reconstruction Pathways
Cédric Marien University of Strasbourg, France (Didier Robert) Removal of organic pollutants by photocatalysis with TiO2 nanotubes
13th International Symposium on Bioinorganic Chemistry
Kamil Sokołowski Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (Janusz Lewiński) Bio-inspired fixation of CO2 on organozinc hydroxides: efficient routes to novel nanomaterials based on zinc carbonates
Joanna Wątły University of Wroclaw, Poland (Henryk Kozlowski) The Impact of the Cu(II) Coordination on the Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Poly-His Peptides

Between the covers

NJC dramatically increased the number of articles (and thus pages) published in 2015. This continues the trend observed since 2012, as shown in Fig. 2. In three years the number of scientific articles published has more than tripled, increasing from 339 in 2012 to 1200 in 2015.
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Fig. 2 The number of articles and pages published in NJC during the period 2006–2015.

Two themed collections were published in 2015.

• The “Foldamers” collection published in May was guest-edited by Prof. David Aitken (University of Paris in Orsay, France). The 17 contributions, including 3 review articles, covered the latest advances in several topical areas of the new field of foldamer science.

• The October issue included 25 contributions on the theme of “Frontiers of Organo-f-element Chemistry”. The guest editors were Profs Frank Edelmann (University of Magdeburg, Germany) and Peter Junk (James Cook University, Australia).

The contents lists of all NJC themed collections can be seen at http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/nj#!themedcollections.

Many of the papers published in 2014 and 2015 were highly cited in 2015. Those listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively, had a minimum of 11 (2014 papers) or 5 (2015 papers) citations based on Web of Science™ at time of writing.

Table 2 Papers published in NJC in 2014 that received at least 11 citations in 2015a
DOI Title Authors
a Based on the citation data in Web of Science™ on November 28, 2015.
10.1039/c4nj00864b Bioinspired nanoarchitectonics as emerging drug delivery systems Katsuhiko Ariga, Kohsaku Kawakami, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Yohei Kotsuchibashi, Qingmin Ji, Jonathan P. Hill
10.1039/c4nj01440e Green synthesis and catalytic properties of palladium nanoparticles for the direct reductive amination of aldehydes and hydrogenation of unsaturated ketones Mahmoud Nasrollahzadeh
10.1039/c3nj01558k Enhanced activity of a hydrothermally synthesized mesoporous MoS2 nanostructure for high performance supercapacitor applications Ananthakumar Ramadoss, Taehyun Kim, Gui-Shik Kim, Sang Jae Kim
10.1039/c4nj00816b Facilely constructing 3D porous NiCo2S4 nanonetworks for high-performance supercapacitors Yang Liu, Jianan Zhang, Shoupei Wang, Kaixi Wang, Zhimin Chen, Qun Xu
10.1039/c3nj01556d Water and methanol adsorption on MOFs for cycling heat transformation processes Felix Jeremias, Dominik Fröhlich, Christoph Janiak, Stefan K. Henninger
10.1039/c3nj01368e Nano-CoFe2O4 supported molybdenum as an efficient and magnetically recoverable catalyst for a one-pot, four-component synthesis of functionalized pyrroles Bao-Le Li, Mo Zhang, Hai-Chuan Hu, Xia Du, Zhan-Hui Zhang
10.1039/c3nj01589k In situ generated copper nanoparticle catalyzed reduction of 4-nitrophenol Pangkita Deka, Ramesh C. Deka, Pankaj Bharali
10.1039/c3nj00667k Triazolium cations: from the “click” pool to multipurpose applications Jesus M. Aizpurua, Raluca M. Fratila, Zaira Monasterio, Nerea Pérez-Esnaola, Elena Andreieff, Aitziber Irastorza, Maialen Sagartzazu-Aizpurua
10.1039/c3nj00535f Diamondoids: functionalization and subsequent applications of perfectly defined molecular cage hydrocarbons Maria A. Gunawan, Jean-Cyrille Hierso, Didier Poinsot, Andrey A. Fokin, Natalie A. Fokina, Boryslav A. Tkachenko, Peter R. Schreiner
10.1039/c4nj00965g Synthesis and optical properties of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped graphene quantum dots Ben-Xing Zhang, Hui Gao, Xiao-Long Li
10.1039/c4nj00076e Structure–property relationships of water adsorption in metal–organic frameworks Jérôme Canivet, Jonathan Bonnefoy, Cécile Daniel, Alexandre Legrand, Benoit Coasne, David Farrusseng
10.1039/c4nj00179f The visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of Alizarin red S using Bi-doped TiO2 nanoparticles Swati Sood, Surinder Kumar Mehta, Ahmad Umar, Sushil Kumar Kansal
10.1039/c3nj01239e Advances in the chemistry of dendrimers Marta Sowinska, Zofia Urbanczyk-Lipkowska
10.1039/c3nj01167d Recoverable Cu/SiO2 composite-catalysed click synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles in water media Cátia Schwartz Radatz, Liliana do Amaral Soares, Estéfano Roberto Vieira, Diego Alves, Dennis Russowsky, Paulo Henrique Schneider
10.1039/c4nj00688g Tunable luminescence and energy transfer properties of NaGdF4:Dy3+,Eu3+ nanophosphors Hongxia Guan, Guixia Liu, Jinxian Wang, Xiangting Dong, Wensheng Yu

Table 3 Papers published in NJC in 2015 that received at least 5 citations in 2015a
DOI Title Authors
a Based on the citation data in Web of Science™ on November 28, 2015.
10.1039/c4nj00538d Novel fluorescence resonance energy transfer optical sensors for vitamin B12 detection using thermally reduced carbon dots Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu
10.1039/c4nj01360c Synthesis of NiCo2O4/Nano-ZSM-5 nanocomposite material with enhanced electrochemical properties for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and tryptophan Balwinder Kaur, Biswarup Satpati, Rajendra Srivastava
10.1039/c4nj01390e Advances in spinel Li4Ti5O12 anode materials for lithium-ion batteries Xiangcheng Sun, Pavle V. Radovanovic, Bo Cui
10.1039/c4nj01439a Systematic modifications of alkane-based molecular gelators and the consequences to the structures and properties of their gels Michael A. Rogers, Richard G. Weiss
10.1039/c4nj01093k Charge transfer aided selective sensing and capture of picric acid by triphenylbenzenes Pratap Vishnoi, Saumik Sen, G. Naresh Patwari, Ramaswamy Murugavel
10.1039/c4nj01136h Morphology control and multicolor-tunable luminescence of YOF:Ln3+ (Ln = Eu, Tb, Dy, Tm) nano-/microcrystals Ruiqing Li, Linlin Li, Wenwen Zi, Junjun Zhang, Lu Liu, Lianchun Zou, Shucai Gan
10.1039/c4nj01908c Ratiometric fluorescent pH probes based on aggregation-induced emission-active salicylaldehyde azines Xiaofeng Ma, Jinghui Cheng, Jiaoyan Liu, Xiangge Zhou, Haifeng Xiang
10.1039/c4nj01351d Energetic alliance of tetrazole-1-oxides and 1,2,5-oxadiazoles Dennis Fischer, Thomas M. Klapötke, Marius Reymann, Jörg Stierstorfer, Maurus B. R. Völkl
10.1039/c4nj01521e Goldcore–polyanilineshell composite nanowires as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering and catalyst for dye reduction Sunil Dutt, Prem Felix Siril, Vipul Sharma, Selvakannan Periasamy
10.1039/c4nj01834f Synthesis of CuS flowers exhibiting versatile photo-catalyst response Muhammad Tanveer, Chuanbao Cao, Imran Aslam, Zulfiqar Ali, Faryal Idrees, Waheed Samraiz Khan, Muhammad Tahir, Syed Khalid, Ghulam Nabi, Asif Mahmood
10.1039/c4nj01312c Facile synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on metal organic framework MIL-101(Cr): characterization and catalytic activity Mrinal Saikia, Diganta Bhuyan, Lakshi Saikia
10.1039/c4nj01224k The effect of an ionic liquid on the rate of reaction at a phosphorus centre Bradley J. Butler, Jason B. Harper

Finally, let us not forget the covers, designed by our authors and selected by the Montpellier editorial office from the various propositions. We are very proud of the quality of our covers—often imaginative and artistic. We thank all our authors who have worked diligently to propose a colorful reflection of their published work. The full gallery of the 22 covers published in 2015 is exhibited in Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3 All of the 2015 inside and outside front covers of NJC. Details can be found on the NJC website (www.rsc.org/njc), by clicking on ‘Read this journal’ and then selecting the ‘Issues’ tab.

Coming in 2016

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As the title of this editorial indicates, 2016 is the 40th year of publication of the journal. We will be preparing something special for 2017 to celebrate the anniversary of NJC.

Themed issues

Three themed issues are planned for publication in 2016.

• The themed collection on “Emergent Polyoxometalates and Soft Oxometalates” with Profs Debbie Crans (Colorado State University, USA) and Soumyajit Roy (IISER Kolkata, India) as guest editors will be published in the February issue.

• An issue on ordered porous materials, guest-edited by Dr Anne Galarneau (ICGM, Montpellier, France) and Prof. Irina Ivanova (M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) is in preparation for publication in the spring. This issue is dedicated to Dr François Fajula, a long-time member of NJC's Advisory Board.

• In the summer will follow a themed issue on “Nitrogen Ligands”, with guest editors Profs Claude Gros and Franck Denat (University of Burgundy, France).

Check the NJC website to discover the full content of each collection as soon as it is published.


NJC will continue to partner with selected conferences and events in 2016 to promote the journal and, when possible, to meet our current and potential future contributors.

Reminders to our authors

In late October 2014, NJC made it mandatory for authors to provide a file of their manuscript in an ‘integrated’ format. In this ‘integrated’ format, the tables and all artwork should be incorporated into the text near where they are first cited (see Fig. 4). This requirement was in response to requests from reviewers, and it also facilitates the work of the editors. Both reviewers and editors read manuscripts on screens, and it is impractical to jump from one page to another to see a figure or table given at the end of the manuscript. Submissions that are not submitted in this ‘integrated’ format file are unsubmitted and returned to the authors with the request to provide an ‘integrated file’.
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Fig. 4 Two manuscript pages showing the ‘integrated’ format required for all submissions to NJC. Full details are given on the NJC blog in the October 2014 archives (http://blogs.rsc.org/nj/2014/10/).

We would like to take this opportunity to remind all authors to provide this ‘integrated’ file when first submitting their manuscripts to avoid unnecessary delays during the evaluation process.

Another requirement is that manuscripts submitted as Letters and Focuses (which have length limitations) should be placed in the Communication and Paper templates, respectively, provided by the RSC.

We thus highly recommend that authors read the article on the blog (http://blogs.rsc.org/nj/2014/10/) for full details about these requirements and other useful information. We also invite all authors to read the January 2015 editorial (New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 27; DOI: 10.1039/c4nj90050b), which described the journal's editorial policy.

We would like to remind our authors and reviewers of the criteria used to evaluate manuscripts submitted to NJC. Each submission must include:

• a strong chemistry component,

• a focused introduction that clearly places the work in the context of previous work for the general readership of NJC,

• a detailed and precise experimental or methodology section that would allow others to repeat the work,

• a critical discussion (with comparisons to the literature and previous work where appropriate),

• conclusions that clearly present the new insights or understanding that have been gained from the work, as well as the implications for future research,

• a manuscript presentation that respects the usual conventions for papers published in RSC journals, including English of a sufficient level to be easily understandable by the reader.

Thanks and best wishes for 2016

As shown in Fig. 2, more and more authors are choosing NJC for their publications. We thank you for your confidence in NJC and we strive to offer you the best service possible.

We also heartily thank all of the editors, who handle the manuscripts, using their expertise to select relevant reviewers and make the appropriate decision. Qualified reviewers are more and more in demand as well. We warmly thank all of those who help the editors select the best work to publish in NJC.

Readers are critically important to us. We encourage you to sign up for the e-alerts (http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/forms/V5profile.asp) so as not to miss a single issue of NJC, to send us your feedback on how we can make the journal better, and to cite NJC articles when relevant to your work.

Others who contribute to the continuing success of NJC are the Editorial and Advisory Board members, and we thank them for all of their efforts on behalf of the journal during these past years.

Looking forward by looking further—beyond the traditional boundaries—NJC presents chemistry as the central science.

2015 Impact Factor: 3.086

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We wish all of you the very best in 2016!

Mir Wais Hosseini, Editor-in-Chief

Denise Parent, Managing Editor (CNRS)

Staying informed

Read NJC at: www.rsc.org/njc

Editorial Boards at: www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/njc/?e=1

Learn more at: http://www.njc.cnrs.fr/?lang=en

More news at: http://blogs.rsc.org/nj/

Prefer French? http://www.njc.cnrs.fr

Submit at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/njc

Contact us at: E-mail: njc@univ-montp2.fr; or njc@rsc.org

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2016