Eun Ju
Cooper A.
Paul R. C.
Steven J.
Simon J. L.
Michel W.
a and
aDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. E-mail:; Fax: +1-215-895-1934; Tel: +1-215-895-6446
bA.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
cDepartment of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA
dCenter for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37381, USA
eComputer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37381, USA
fCondensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA
First published on 24th February 2016
In this study, a transition from metallic to semiconducting-like behavior has been demonstrated in two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides by replacing titanium with molybdenum in the outer transition metal (M) layers of M3C2 and M4C3 MXenes. The MXene structure consists of n + 1 layers of near-close packed M layers with C or N occupying the octahedral site between them in an [MX]nM arrangement. Recently, two new families of ordered 2D double transition metal carbides MXenes were discovered, M′2M′′C2 and M′2M′′2C3 – where M′ and M′′ are two different early transition metals, such as Mo, Cr, Ta, Nb, V, and Ti. The M′ atoms only occupy the outer layers and the M′′ atoms fill the middle layers. In other words, M′ atomic layers sandwich the middle M′′–C layers. Using X-ray atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis on Mo2TiC2 and Mo2Ti2C3 MXenes, we present the first quantitative analysis of structures of these novel materials and experimentally confirm that Mo atoms are in the outer layers of the [MC]nM structures. The electronic properties of these Mo-containing MXenes are compared with their Ti3C2 counterparts, and are found to be no longer metallic-like conductors; instead the resistance increases mildly with decreasing temperatures. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that OH terminated Mo–Ti MXenes are semiconductors with narrow band gaps. Measurements of the temperature dependencies of conductivities and magnetoresistances have confirmed that Mo2TiC2Tx exhibits semiconductor-like transport behavior, while Ti3C2Tx is a metal. This finding opens new avenues for the control of the electronic and optical applications of MXenes and for exploring new applications, in which semiconducting properties are required.
Conceptual insightsOver the past decade, graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials opened new horizons for research, from miniaturizing electronic devices to creating wearable electronics and developing new methods for water desalination and purification. 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes) – possibly the largest family of 2D materials discovered so far – are among the latest additions. MXenes consist of two to four layers of a transition metal (M) interleaved with carbon layers (X). Recently, a new subfamily of ordered layered MXenes was discovered, in which one or two layers of a transition metal (e.g., Ti) are sandwiched between the layers of another one (e.g., Mo) in a 2D carbide structure. In this study, we show that by changing the two outer transition metal layers of a 2D carbide, we can change the electronic behavior from metallic to semiconductor-like. This approach is fundamentally different from previously known methods for tuning electronic and electrochemical properties, such as doping, phase change, or surface functionalization. This atomic level modification may offer unprecedented control of their electronic structure and properties, which are important for sensing, optical, electronic, energy storage and other applications. |
MXenes have been predicted to show metallic or semiconducting properties, as a function of the surface chemistry,19 but only metallic behavior has been experimentally reported.22,23 Very recently, Lai et al. reported on semiconducting behavior of oxygen terminated Ti2COx.24 More recently, it was shown that Mo2CTx is a semiconductor-like MXene.25 However, thicker M3C2Tx and M4C3Tx MXenes were assumed to be metals and no reports on opening a band gap in those materials are available.
Recently, we discovered ordered double-M (M′ and M′′) MAX structures26,27 that were in turn converted to ordered MXene structures in which, based on elemental mapping in a high resolution scanning transmission electron microscope, HRSTEM, images it was concluded that the two different M elements (M′ and M′′) are arranged in separate layers.17 For instance, we showed that it is possible to replace the outer Ti layers in Ti3C2 and Ti4C3 with Mo layers to create new ordered MXenes, viz. Mo2TiC2Tx and Mo2Ti2C3Tx. In these MXenes, the molybdenum layers sandwich the titanium layers, and the C atoms occupy the octahedral sites between them. These ordered MXenes exhibited different electrochemical performances than Ti3C2Tx indirectly proving that the outer layers were indeed Mo. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we also predicted that both surface terminations and the choice of outer M layers can control the electronic properties of these MXenes. This discovery, in principle, adds more than 25 new possible members to the MXene family.
Here we present the first structural quantitative analysis of these novel materials. Because their 2D nature results in low-quality conventional X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and rules out single crystal crystallography, we used X-ray atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis21 to determine the structure and positions of the M atoms in Mo2TiC2Tx and Mo2Ti2C3Tx. Then we measured their transport properties in the 10 to 300 K temperature range in the presence and absence of an external magnetic field. Supporting DFT calculations were carried out to compare the electronic properties of these double-M MXenes with their mono-M element Ti3C2Tx counterpart and showed that although the latter is metallic, the new Mo-containing ones are not.
All mixtures were washed 5 times by adding distilled water, shaking for 1 min, centrifuging at 3500 rpm for 120 s for each cycle and finally decanted. After the last centrifuge, the pH of the supernatant was >6. Lastly, the solid residue, after the last decanting, was mixed with ∼10 ml of distilled water and filtered on a porous membrane (3501 Coated PP, Celgard, USA). The final filtered product was the multilayered MXene powder used for further processing.
Synchrotron X-ray total scattering experiments were conducted at beamline ID-28 at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL. The d-Mo2TiC2Tx and d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx films were crushed into a powder, packed into 1 mm inner diameter kapton capillary tubes and measured at 100 K using a flowing nitrogen, N2, for cooling. The rapid acquisition pair distribution function (RaPDF) technique29 was used with an X-ray energy of 67.5310 keV (λ = 0.1836 Å). A large area 2-D Perkin Elmer detector (2048 × 2048 pixels and 200 × 200 μm pixel size) was mounted orthogonal to the beam path with sample-to-detector distance of 208.110 mm. The raw 2D data were azimuthally integrated and converted to 1D intensity versus 2θ using the xPDFsuite program.30 The PDFgetX331 component of the same program was used to correct and normalize the diffraction data and then Fourier transform them to obtain the PDF, G(r), according to . Here Q is the magnitude of the momentum transfer on scattering and S(Q) is the properly corrected and normalized powder diffraction intensity measured from Qmin to Qmax.32G(r) gives the probability of finding a pair of atoms separated by a distance of r. Nickel was also measured as the standard material to calibrate the sample-to-detector distance and to determine the Qdamp and Qbroad which are the parameters that correct the PDF envelope function for instrument resolution effects.33,34 The refined values are Qdamp = 0.0490 Å−1 and Qbroad = 0.0131 Å−1. These values were fixed in the subsequent model fits of the PDF data. We used the Debye scattering equation35 to calculate the PDFs of a single slab of atoms using the DiffPy-CMI program.36 This approach has been routinely applied to simulate the PDFs of a wide variety of nanosystems.37–39
A four-point probe geometry – with silver paint used to make electrical contacts – was used for the transport properties. Magnetic field dependent magnetoresistance (MR) on the multilayer Mo2TiC2Tx and multilayer Ti3C2Tx disks was measured with magnetic fields of up to ±5 T applied out-of-the-plane of the samples.
A 2 × 2 supercell is used to model the possible magnetic ordering. The Brillouin zone is sampled with a 6 × 6 × 1 Monkhorst–Pack46k-point mesh for structural optimizations and with a 12 × 12 × 1 mesh for electronic structure analysis. The structural optimizations were performed using conjugate gradient method with convergence criteria of 10−5 eV per cell in energy and 0.05 eV Å−1 in force.
Mo | Ti | Al | O | F | |
Mo2TiC2Tx | 2.1 ± 0.6 | 0.9 ± 0.3 | 0.03 ± 0.03 | 1.9 ± 0.7 | 0.6 ± 0.3 |
d-Mo2TiC2Tx | 2.0 ± 0.1 | 1.0 ± 0.1 | 0 | 2.7 ± 0.1 | 0.3 ± 0.1 |
Mo2Ti2C3Tx | 2.1 ± 0.2 | 1.9 ± 0.2 | 0.02 ± 0.02 | 2.2 ± 0.2 | 0.8 ± 0.1 |
d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx | 2.1 ± 0.1 | 1.9 ± 0.1 | 0 | 2.5 ± 0.2 | 0.3 ± 0.2 |
Ti3C2Tx | — | 3 | 0.10 ± 0.05 | 2.0 ± 0.2 | 0.7 ± 0.2 |
The d-Mo2TiC2Tx and d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx samples were comprised of 2D MXene sheets. The absence of Al in their EDX spectra implied that they were of a higher purity than the starting multilayer MXenes. Therefore, they were used to carry out the PDF analysis. As shown in Fig. 1a, the PDFs of both the d-Mo2TiC2Tx and d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx samples are plotted in a r-range up to 60 Å. Sharp peaks in both PDFs suggest well defined local structures. The atomic pair correlations extend farther in Mo2Ti2C3Tx than in Mo2TiC2Tx, indicating a larger structural coherence for the former, which can be due to the thicker and stiffer layers of the M4C3 as compared to the M3C2 MXenes.48 This is better seen in the insets of Fig. 1a, where the PDF signals do not extend beyond 50 Å for Mo2TiC2Tx (the high-frequency signal in the figure is coming from statistical noise in the data) whereas they are still evident at 55 Å for Mo2Ti2C3Tx. The reduced structure factors, F(Q), defined as F(Q) = Q[S(Q) − 1], are plotted in Fig. 1b.
To extract quantitative structural information, we carried out model fits to the PDF on both samples. In the modeling we create a single slab of atoms from a bulk lattice. For simplicity we perform a cylindrical cut where the diameter of the cylinder is allowed to vary. The PDF fit range was chosen to be 1 Å to 60 Å such that we would be able to obtain a complete structure of both materials. The PDFs of the best-fit models are compared to the data in Fig. 1c.
The ball and stick representations for the best-fit models for the d-Mo2TiC2Tx and d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx structures are displayed in Fig. 2a and b, respectively, and the refined structural parameters are summarized in Table 2. Since we built our single slab models by cutting from bulk crystalline lattices, in Table 2 we also report a and c lattice parameters, as well as fractional coordinates z, which are needed to define the bulk lattices. All parameters – except the c lattice parameters, c-LPs – were calculated from PDF analysis. The c-LPs were calculated from XRD patterns of the same samples (Fig. S1 in ESI†). The XRD patterns of both d-Mo2TiC2Tx and d-Mo2Ti2C3Tx show that all diffraction peaks disappeared, except (000l) peaks, which proves that when the delaminated flakes are restacked during vacuum filtration, they do so randomly and only keep the crystallographic ordering along the [000l] direction, forming a turbostratic structure. These results are in agreement with our previously reported XRD results.17 Based on the parameters presented in Table 2, undistorted structures of Mo2TiC2Tx and Mo2Ti2C3Tx are plotted in Fig. S2 (ESI†).
Mo2TiC2Tx | Mo2Ti2C3Tx | |
R w | 0.196 | 0.206 |
a (Å) | 2.9357 | 2.9598 |
c (Å) | 36.1 | 45.5 |
z (Mo) | 0.5719 | 0.5843 |
z (Ti) | — | 0.5272 |
z (C) | 0.5414 | 0.5564 |
z (O/F) | 0.3918 | 0.3736 |
U iso (Mo) (Å2) | 0.0036 | 0.0028 |
U iso (Ti) (Å2) | 0.0025 | 0.0016 |
U iso (C) (Å2) | 0.0039 | 0.0025 |
U iso (O) (Å2) | 0.0032 | 0.0045 |
U iso (F) (Å2) | 0.0038 | 0.0023 |
Diameter (Å) | 49.24 | 56.46 |
r (Mo–C) (Å) | 2.021 × 3 | 2.129 × 3 |
r (Ti–C) (Å) | 2.260 × 6 | 2.110 × 3 |
— | 2.165 × 3 | |
r (Mo–O/F) (Å) | 2.142 × 3 | 1.916 × 1 |
Table 2 confirms that the atomic arrangement in Mo2TiC2Tx (Fig. S2 in ESI†) is quite similar to that previously reported for Ti3C2Tx.49 The main difference being that the Ti(1) atoms (two perimeter Ti layers) in Ti3C2 are replaced by Mo to form Mo2TiC2Tx. In the previously reported Ti3C2Tx structure, at 2.143 Å and 2.123 Å, both Ti(1)–C and Ti(2)–C bonds lengths, respectively, were similar.49 However, in Mo2TiC2Tx, at 2.021 Å, the Mo–C bonds are shorter than the Ti–C bonds at 2.260 Å. Not surprisingly, in the case of Mo2Ti2C3Tx the atomic arrangement (Fig. S2 in ESI†) is quite similar to the previously reported M4C3Tx MXene, viz. Nb4C3Tx.21 In the latter, for the Nb atom in the outer layers, the Nb–C bonds lengths were at 2.2217 Å and 2.1302 Å. At 2.2752 Å, the Nb–C bond lengths of the central carbons were very slightly longer. In Mo2Ti2C3Tx, all the Mo–C and Ti–C bonds have almost similar lengths (Table 2) and are slightly shorter than the Nb–C bonds in Nb4C3Tx.21
In order to better reveal the difference between the Mo-containing MXenes and Ti3C2Tx, the resistivity values of a multilayered Mo2TiC2Tx (red, left-hand y-axis) and a multilayered Ti3C2Tx (black, right-side y-axis) are plotted in Fig. 3b. The overall resistivity between the two samples differs by roughly one order of magnitude and both samples exhibit a change in the behavior near 250 K, which is probably related to water and ions present between the MXene layers and will be discussed elsewhere. Notably, the behavior of Ti3C2Tx from 130–250 K is metallic (dρ/dT > 0), in contrast to Mo2TiC2Tx, in which the resistivity increases with decreasing temperature (dρ/dT < 0) over the measured range of 10–250 K. At temperatures below ∼130 K, the resistivity of Ti3C2 increases with decreasing temperature.
The Mo2TiC2Tx results shown in Fig. 3b cannot be well fit by an Arrhenius model describing simple semiconductor behavior or to any variable range hopping model, as shown in Fig. S3 in ESI.† Said otherwise, there could be other explanations, such as interflake hopping processes for example, for the modest increases in resistivities with decreasing temperatures apparent in Fig. 3. Clearly more work is needed before more definite conclusions can be drawn. This comment notwithstanding, it is clear that when Mo layers sandwich their Ti counterparts (in the Mo-based MXenes) the resistance increases monotonically with decreasing temperature, whereas in the absence of Mo, the resistance, at least initially decreases with decreasing temperature (Fig. 3b).
Since both MXenes have increasing resistivity at temperatures below 130 K, we measured their MR at 10 K to check if the mechanisms of the processes governing this behavior are the same. The MRs measured in the two materials are opposite in sign (Fig. 3c), suggesting fundamentally different transport mechanisms in Ti3C2Tx and Mo2TiC2Tx. The MR data, taken at 10 K in the regime where both samples exhibit dρ/dT < 0, are shown in Fig. 3c. We define MR (%) = (RH − R0) × 100/R0, where RH and R0 are the 5 T and zero-field resistivity, respectively. In agreement with Fig. 3c, a negative MR was previously reported for Ti3C2Tx within its dρ/dT < 0 regime and was attributed to weak localization.22 However, the presence of positive MR and a negative dρ/dT at all temperatures for Mo2TiC2Tx suggests a different transport mechanism is dominant in this Mo containing MXene than in Ti3C2Tx. To better understand and explain this behavior, we carried out an in-depth DFT study.
The calculated total energies of non-magnetic and magnetic ordered states of Mo-based MXenes are shown in Table S2 (ESI†). In Table S2 (ESI†) the lowest total energy configuration is shown in bold. Based on these results it is obvious that in all cases, and for all terminations, the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ground states (total and in-plane) are the lowest in energy. The energy difference between some of the different AFM states, however, is quite small <10 meV. The differences between the AFM states and FM states are for the most part significantly higher.
The predicted a lattice parameters, a-LPs, and Mo–C, Ti–C, and Mo–O/F bond lengths of non-magnetic and theoretically most stable magnetic states are presented and compared with experimental results in Table S3 (ESI†). Two important and related observations are noteworthy. The first is that the predicted lattice parameters are ∼5–8% larger than the experimental ones. This overestimation most likely results from the GGA and Hubbard U approximations. The second observation is that in all cases the non-magnetic (NM) lattice parameters are closer to the experimental results than the AFM case. The reason for this state of affairs is not clear at this time. Along the same lines, the experimentally determined distance between the Mo and the O/F terminations, r(Mo–O/F), listed in Table 1, shows a noticeable reduction (∼0.2 Å) when going from Mo2TiC2Tx to Mo2Ti2C3Tx, which corresponds to larger theoretical lattice parameters.
To gain more insight into the magnetic properties, the spatial spin electron density distributions for Mo2TiC2(OH)2 and Mo2Ti2C2(OH)2 are computed and compared in Fig. 4. In this plot yellow represents spin up and blue, spin down. Clearly, the unpaired spin concentrates on the Mo atoms, implying the magnetism of Mo-MXene originates from unpaired Mo-3d orbitals. For single terminations, the spin-up and spin-down density is distributed equally. Although the mixed terminations also show overall AFM (see Fig. S5 in ESI†), the individual density of spin-up and spin-down is different. This should relate to the mixed Mo–O/F bonds. The corresponding total densities of states (DOS) of Mo-MXenes are shown in Fig. 5 (the projected DOS are shown in Fig. S6 in ESI†). Based on our calculations, –OH and –F terminated Mo-MXenes should be semiconductors, while OH-terminated MXenes have smaller band-gap ∼0.05 eV. In contrast, the O-terminated Mo-MXenes should show metallic behavior. Since from EDX analysis, it is apparent that the surfaces are terminated by both F and O/OH, we also examined the magnetic ordering and electronic structure of Mo-MXenes with mixed terminations (Fig. 5). The latter show semiconducting behavior, except for Mo2TiC2Tx at high –O concentrations. This suggests that the synthesized Mo-MXenes could be intrinsic semiconductors.
Magnetoresistance measurements on Ti3C2Tx and its Mo-containing counterpart, Mo2TiC2Tx, at 10 K showed that they have opposite signs, suggesting fundamentally different transport mechanisms. We corroborated these measurements and analyses by DFT calculations and showed that replacing the two outer layers of Ti in Ti3C2(OH)2 by Mo, to form Mo2TiC2(OH)2, while keeping the same surface termination groups, changed the electronic structure to a semiconductor with a narrow band gap (∼0.05 eV). The same behavior is predicted for Mo2Ti2C3(OH)2.
In contrast to the previously reported methods for controlling the electronic properties, such as doping, phase change or changing surface termination, here we show that the electronic properties of 2D metal carbides can be tuned by replacing the outer metal layers with another metal. The combined experimental and theoretical results suggest semiconductor-like behavior of layered Mo–Ti MXenes. This opens a door to atomic-scale design of 2D materials for a variety of sensing, optical, electronic, electrochemical and other applications.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nh00125k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |