Welcome to Molecular Systems Design & Engineering

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, a new journal led by Juan de Pablo (Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, USA) and published by The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). The purpose of this Editorial is to give some insight into the rationale behind the launch of the journal and explain its aims and scope, covering the design and optimisation of functional devices, processes and materials through the understanding of molecular properties and interactions.

About the journal

First and foremost, our goal is for the journal to become essential reading for those keeping up to date with the latest and most significant developments in the emerging field of molecular engineering. Representing a move away from traditional scientific disciplines towards a focus on solving technological problems and global challenges, this nascent research area firmly revolves around the overlap between disciplines whose foundation are molecular in nature (including chemistry, physics and biology) and engineering fields (including chemical, biological, materials, electrical and mechanical), which rely on fundamental molecular-level knowledge to design or assemble systems that serve a purpose. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering specifically targets this interface. By doing so, we hope that the journal will take the lead in stimulating closer working between the two communities, as exemplified by its publishing partnership between The Royal Society of Chemistry and IChemE.

Scope and requirements

Molecular Systems Design & Engineering will publish work following the journey from molecular-level design and optimisation through systems level functionality to real-world applications. We recognise that this journey may take many years to complete, with potentially multiple publications along the way, and so original research articles (Communications and Papers) describing different stages are welcomed. Review type articles (Reviews and Minireviews) are an ideal format to tell a wider and more complete development story, and should genuinely guide future work by identifying challenges and development opportunities. As mentioned above, the topic coverage of the journal is also extremely broad, including aspects of physics, bioengineering and materials science alongside chemistry and engineering.

Throughout this, the reader will find a common theme running through all articles – a problem solving strategy or vision based on molecular-level design or optimisation (be it through theory, modelling or experiment) leading to desired systems-level functionality and performance. We hope that many articles will present methodologies that will guide and stimulate ideas across disciplines. The Design, System, Application box found at the top of articles gives authors the chance to explain their molecular design strategy in general terms so readers can be inspired by its ideas. This text should also set work in the context of a wider development story by emphasising the desired systems functionality and application potential.

Please do take the time to become better acquainted with the journal by reading this first issue as well as the latest content which can be found on our homepage.

Meet the Editorial Board

The Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Editorial Board comprises an extremely strong line-up of prominent researchers from across chemistry, chemical engineering and related fields. Many of its members have been instrumental in efforts to promote closer working between disciplines. Samson Jenekhe (Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute, University of Washington, USA) and Niren Murthy (University of California at Berkeley, USA) work hands on with manuscripts as Scientific Editors, helping to ensure that submissions meet the high standards of the journal before full review is sought by professional in-house Editors.

We are committed to making Molecular Systems Design & Engineering a truly valuable resource for the community, and hope that you will be able to submit some of your best work to the journal. Please get in touch if you have any enquiries or general comments, we would love to hear from you.

Many thanks go to all who have supported the journal so far and who continue to do so – authors, reviewers, board members and readers. We very much hope you enjoy reading this inaugural issue.

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Juan de Pablo, Editorial Board Chair Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, USA

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Samson Jenekhe, Scientific Editor Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute, University of Washington, USA

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Niren Murthy, Scientific Editor University of California at Berkeley, USA

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Claire Adjiman Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

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David Awschalom Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, USA

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Marcus Müller Institute for Theoretical Physics, Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany

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Paul Raithby University of Bath, UK

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016