Synthesis of tetrazole compounds as a novel type of potential antimicrobial agents and their synergistic effects with clinical drugs and interactions with calf thymus DNA

Ling-Ling Dai , Hui-Zhen Zhang , Sangaraiah Nagarajan , Syed Rasheed§ and Cheng-He Zhou *
Institute of Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China. E-mail:; Fax: +86-23-68254967; Tel: +86-23-68254967

Received 21st June 2014 , Accepted 22nd September 2014

First published on 22nd September 2014


A series of tetrazole derivatives were synthesized and characterized by NMR, IR, MS and HRMS spectroscopy. The bioactive assay manifested that most of the target compounds exhibited good antifungal activity, especially compound COMPOUND LINKS

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displayed comparable or even stronger antifungal efficiency in comparison with the reference drug COMPOUND LINKS

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. The combination of tetrazole derivative COMPOUND LINKS

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with antibacterials Chloromycin and COMPOUND LINKS

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, or antifungal COMPOUND LINKS

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respectively was more sensitive to COMPOUND LINKS

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-resistant MRSA and COMPOUND LINKS

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-insensitive Aspergillus flavus. Further research revealed that compound COMPOUND LINKS

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could effectively intercalate into Calf Thymus DNA to form a COMPOUND LINKS

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–DNA complex which might block DNA replication to exert its good antimicrobial activities.

1. Introduction

Microbial infections have become alarming recently due to the increasing emergence of multidrug-resistant strains, intractable pathogenic microorganisms and newly arising pathogens.1–4 Various synthetic and semi-synthetic antimicrobial agents have been discovered and extensively used in the clinic to treat various community and hospital acquired microbial infections. Especially, the FDA approved drug COMPOUND LINKS

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exerts an incredible effect on Gram-positive and multidrug-resistant bacteria and has attracted much attention recently.5,6 However, there are still some unresolved problems such as narrow antimicrobial spectrum, adverse effects, high toxicity and so on for clinical drugs. The combination therapy with two or more agents, which could usually overcome multi-drug resistance, is one of the important strategies to improve the efficiency and bioavailability as well as treat mixed diseases in the clinic.7,8 However, the discovery and development of structurally novel antimicrobial agents with good pharmacological profiles and excellent activity towards resistant strains are highly desirable.9–11


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is an important five-membered aromatic heterocyclic compound with poly-nitrogen electron-rich planar structural features. This unique structure allows tetrazole derivatives to readily bind with various enzymes or receptors in organisms via weak interactions such as coordination bonds, hydrogen bonds, cation–π, π–π stacking, hydrophobic effect, van der Waals force and so on, thus displaying a broad spectrum of biological activities and a considerable role in the pharmaceutical field.12,13 The tetrazole ring can be used as an attractive linker to combine or stabilize different pharmacophore fragments to generate special functionalized molecules.14,15 The tetrazole ring is also an isostere of carboxyl,16,17 amide18 and some heterocycles (COMPOUND LINKS

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,19 benzotriazole,20 COMPOUND LINKS

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,23etc.) in designing various new types of drug molecules. So far many COMPOUND LINKS

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-based derivatives have been successfully developed and prevalently used as clinical drugs such as antihypertensives Lorsartan24 and COMPOUND LINKS

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,25 antibiotics Flomoxef26 and COMPOUND LINKS

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,27 and antinociceptive COMPOUND LINKS

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28 to treat various diseases. Some literature has revealed that tetrazole derivatives could effectively prevent the biosynthesis of microbial proteins29,30 to inhibit the growth of various microorganisms in recent years, which suggests the large potentiality of tetrazole compounds as a new type of antimicrobial agents.


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is one of the most important COMPOUND LINKS

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-based compounds recommended as the first-line antifungal drug by the World Health Organization (WHO). It has been prevalently employed to treat fungal infection by Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Dermatitis blastomycosis, etc. due to its potent activity, excellent safety profile, and favorable pharmacokinetic characteristics.31,32 The triazole ring of COMPOUND LINKS

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could efficiently coordinate with the iron(II) ion of heme to inhibit the biosynthesis of COMPOUND LINKS

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and thus inhibits the growth of fungi. However, the emergence of COMPOUND LINKS

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-resistant Candida albicans isolates, increasingly serious drug resistance, narrow antifungal spectrum, and low activity against invasive mycoses have attracted great efforts towards modifying the side chain of COMPOUND LINKS

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or exploiting its new analogues.33 In our previous work,34–36 it has been demonstrated that the tertiary amine type of COMPOUND LINKS

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analogues displayed large potentiality as a new type of antimicrobial agents in which the tertiary alcohol moiety in COMPOUND LINKS

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was replaced by a tertiary amine fragment that may exert the same function with the active site residue H310 as the tertiary alcohol moiety in COMPOUND LINKS

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. However, to the best of our knowledge, so far the combination of a tetrazole ring with a tertiary amine fragment has not been reported.

In view of the above considerations and as an extension of our continuous work, we have great interest in investigating COMPOUND LINKS

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tertiary amines as a novel type of potential antimicrobial agents. Herein, we would like to report the synthesis of tetrazole compounds 4a–d and 6a–l with different lengths of alkyl chains or halogen-substituted aralkyl moieties. All the new compounds were screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activities in vitro, and the synergistic effects of the most active tetrazole compound with clinical drugs were also evaluated in vitro. The ionization constants (pKa) and lg P of title compounds were determined by the UV-vis absorption spectroscopic method to evaluate the antimicrobial activity. In this work, with the consideration to explore the preliminary mechanism of action, the interaction of the most active compound with calf thymus DNA was also investigated.

2. Chemistry

The target tetrazole compounds 4a–d and 6a–l were prepared via multi-step reactions and the synthetic process was outlined in Scheme 1. Commercially available substituted anilines were treated by COMPOUND LINKS

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to give N-phenyl glycinonitriles 2a–c in 50–65% yields. The N-alkylation of compounds 2a–c with a series of alkyl bromides in refluxing COMPOUND LINKS

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using potassium carbonate as the base respectively afforded the intermediates 3a–d in yields of 50–55%, which showed that the length of the aliphatic chain in alkyl bromides exerted a slight effect on the formation of tertiary amines. Halobenzyl halides and intermediates 2a–c underwent N-alkylation to produce compounds 5a–l in yields of 65–70%. Compounds 4a–d and 6a–l were easily synthesized in high yields ranging from 75% to 80% by the cycloaddition of compounds 3a–d and 5a–l respectively with COMPOUND LINKS

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sodium azide

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ammonium chloride
as the catalyst in COMPOUND LINKS

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at 120 °C. The total yields of target compounds were ranging from 18% to 36%. Moreover, in the procedure for the preparation of N-phenyl glycinonitriles, it was found that no anticipated products were observed when the aniline ring was substituted by electron-withdrawing groups such as fluoro, chloro, nitro and so on. This phenomenon might be attributed to the electron-withdrawing properties of these groups which made the electron density of the nitrogen atom in the aniline ring low and made it difficult to perform the nucleophilic substitution. All the new compounds were confirmed by IR,1H NMR, 13C NMR, MS and HRMS spectroscopy (See the ESI 1).

image file: c4md00266k-s1.tif
Scheme 1 Reagents and conditions: (i) COMPOUND LINKS

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, potassium carbonate, COMPOUND LINKS

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, 80 °C; (ii) substituted halobenzyl halide, potassium carbonate, CH3CH2OH, reflux; (iii) COMPOUND LINKS

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sodium azide

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ammonium chloride

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, 120 °C; (iv) alkyl bromide, potassium carbonate, CH3CH2OH, reflux.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Antimicrobial activities

The results of antibacterial activity (ESI 2) in Table 1 showed that intermediates 3a–d and 5a–l exhibited weak or no antibacterial efficacy against all the tested bacterial strains. In addition, some of the halobenzyl tertiary amines among 5a–l exerted relatively better activities in inhibiting the growth of tested strains in comparison with alkyl tertiary amines 3a–d. Moreover, the bioactivity of target compounds 4a–d and 6a–l were improved by the introduction of a tetrazole ring into substituted benzyl tertiary amines, which indicated that the tetrazole ring was helpful for enhancing antibacterial activity. The types of substituents on the aniline ring exhibited no significant effects on biological activity. Moreover, substituents on benzyl moieties displayed notable effects on antibacterial activity, especially COMPOUND LINKS

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(MIC = 16–32 μg mL−1) with the chlorine atom on the 2-position of the benzyl ring gave better bioactivity against all the tested bacterial strains than others.
Table 1 Antimicrobial activities in vitro for the prepared compounds expressed as MIC (μg mL−1)a,b,c
Compds Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Fungi
S. A MRSA B. S M. L B. P E. C P. A S. D C. A C. M C. U A. F
a Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined by micro broth dilution method for microdilution plates. b MRSA, Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus N315; S. A, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923; B. S, Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633; M. L, Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698; E. C, Escherichia coli DH52; S. D, Shigella dysenteriae ATCC51252; P. A, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853; B. P, Bacillus proteus ATCC13315; C. A, Candida albicans ATCC90029; C. M, Candida mycoderma; C. U, Candida utilis ATCC9950; A. F, Aspergillus flavus. c A = Chloromycin; B = COMPOUND LINKS

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256 512 256 256 256 128 512 512 256 256 256 128

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256 256 256 256 256 128 512 512 256 256 64 256

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128 128 64 128 128 64 256 512 128 256 128 128

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256 512 256 128 512 256 512 512 256 256 256 128

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128 256 128 128 128 128 128 128 64 64 64 64

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128 128 128 64 128 64 256 128 64 128 32 128

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64 32 32 32 64 32 128 64 32 16 32 32

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128 128 64 128 256 128 256 256 128 64 64 32

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256 256 128 256 256 128 256 256 128 128 64 256

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256 256 128 256 256 256 256 128 64 256 128 256

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128 128 256 256 512 128 128 512 128 128 128 128

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64 128 128 256 128 256 256 128 64 128 128 256

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128 256 256 256 256 64 128 256 128 512 256 256

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256 128 128 512 256 128 256 128 64 128 128 128

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128 128 256 256 128 256 128 128 128 64 64 128

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128 256 128 128 128 128 64 128 128 128 128 256

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128 128 512 512 512 256 256 256 64 64 512 128

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128 256 256 128 128 128 256 128 64 128 128 64

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256 256 128 128 256 256 128 256 128 128 256 128

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128 128 256 256 128 256 256 128 64 128 64 128

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32 64 32 64 32 16 32 64 16 8 8 16

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128 128 64 128 128 64 64 64 64 32 16 32

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64 64 32 64 64 64 64 128 32 32 16 64

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64 64 32 64 64 32 64 32 32 16 32 32

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64 32 64 64 64 64 32 64 64 16 16 32

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64 64 64 256 128 64 64 64 32 16 16 32

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32 32 16 32 16 16 16 32 8 4 4 8

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64 128 32 64 32 32 64 64 16 32 16 32

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32 16 64 32 32 16 32 32 16 16 8 16

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64 64 64 64 64 64 32 64 32 32 16 32

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64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 32 16 16 32

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32 64 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 8 8 16
A 8 16 32 8 32 16 16 32
B 4 1 2 1 4 4 1 2
C 1 4 8 256

The antifungal evaluation in vitro revealed that the activities of most of the compounds were relatively better in comparison to their antibacterial activities. The halobenzyl substituted target compounds 6a–l and alkyl substituted target compounds 4a–d exhibited moderate to excellent antifungal activities against the tested strains. Especially the target 2-chlorobenzyl compound COMPOUND LINKS

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displayed comparable or even a stronger antifungal efficiency (MIC = 4–8 μg mL−1) against the tested fungi in comparison with the reference drug COMPOUND LINKS

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(MIC = 1–256 mg mL−1). The length of the aliphatic chain also exhibited obvious effects on antifungal activity. The suitable length of the alkyl chain to exert the best antifungal efficacy was observed to be (CH2)9, and decyl tetrazole COMPOUND LINKS

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gave generally better activity in comparison with other alkyl tetrazole compounds with shorter or longer chain length.

In addition, the combinations of tetrazole compound COMPOUND LINKS

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with clinical antibacterials Chloromycin and COMPOUND LINKS

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, or antifungal COMPOUND LINKS

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respectively against the tested bacteria and fungi were investigated. To our excitement, the tested results showed excellent antimicrobial efficacies with less dosage and a broad antimicrobial spectrum as described in Tables 2 and 3. The FIC index was less than 0.8 which suggested that the combinations of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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with clinical drugs have good synergistic effects. As shown in Table 2, the combinations of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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with Chloromycin (4 μg mL−1) or COMPOUND LINKS

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(0.5 μg mL−1) were four- or two-fold more potent than themselves alone against MRSA. Interestingly, the combination of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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also displayed good activity against all the tested fungi with low MIC values of 2–4 μg mL−1 as described in Table 3. Especially, this combination showed excellent activity against COMPOUND LINKS

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-insensitive Aspergillus flavus in comparison with COMPOUND LINKS

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alone (MIC = 256 μg mL−1). These results manifested that the combinations of tetrazoles with clinical drugs could efficiently enhance antimicrobial activity, overcome drug resistance and broaden the antimicrobial spectrum. The advantages of combinations might be attributed to the different binding sites of these compounds towards the tested microorganism.

Table 2 Synergistic effects of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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with antibacterial Chloromycin and COMPOUND LINKS

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Bacteria Compds MIC FIC index Effect Compds MIC FIC index Effect
a Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined by micro broth dilution method for microdilution plates. b MRSA, Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus N315; S. A, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923; B. S, Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633; M. L, Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698; E. C, Escherichia coli DH52; S. D, Shigella dysenteriae ATCC51252; P. A, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853; B. P, Bacillus proteus ATCC13315; C. A, Candida albicans ATCC90029; C. M, Candida mycoderma; C. U, Candida utilis ATCC9950; A. F, Aspergillus flavus. c A = Chloromycin; B = COMPOUND LINKS

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S. A A 4 0.750 Synergistic B 2 0.500 Synergistic

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MRSA A 4 0.500 Synergistic B 0.5 0.750 Synergistic

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B. S A 4 0.375 Synergistic B 1 0.625 Synergistic

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M. L A 2 0.500 Synergistic B 0.5 0.750 Synergistic

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B. P A 8 0.750 Synergistic B 1 0.500 Synergistic

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E. C A 8 0.750 Synergistic B 0.5 0.625 Synergistic

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P. A A 4 0.500 Synergistic B 0.5 0.750 Synergistic

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S. D A 8 0.500 Synergistic B 0.5 0.625 Synergistic

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Fungi Compds MIC (μg mL−1) FIC index Effect
a Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined by micro broth dilution method for microdilution plates. b MRSA, Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus N315; S. A, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923; B. S, Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633; M. L, Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698; E. C, Escherichia coli DH52; S. D, Shigella dysenteriae ATCC51252; P. A, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853; B. P, Bacillus proteus ATCC13315; C. A, Candida albicans ATCC90029; C. M, Candida mycoderma; C. U, Candida utilis ATCC9950; A. F, Aspergillus flavus. c A = Chloromycin; B = COMPOUND LINKS

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C. A C 0.5 0.750 Synergistic

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C. M C 1 0.500 Synergistic

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C. U C 2 0.500 Synergistic

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A. F C 64 0.500 Synergistic

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3.2 Values of ionization constant (pKa) and lg P

The ionization constant (pKa) of a molecule is an important physicochemical parameter which has significant influence on its lipophilicity, solubility, protein binding as well as permeability. Therefore the pKa values are usually used to evaluate the extent of ionization of bioactive molecules at different pH values, which is of fundamental importance in the consideration of their pharmacokinetic behavior such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in organisms.37,38 A compound with a pKa < 4 or > 10 will be charged at physiological pH and display slower diffusion rate across biological membranes such as the blood–brain barrier. UV spectroscopy is an efficient method for the determination of ionization constants which employs readily available equipment with a fast determination. Structural transposition of title tetrazole compounds would be generated in buffer solutions at different pH values, thus resulting in the changes in UV absorbance. The changes observed in the UV spectrum of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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in different buffer solutions are clearly displayed in Fig. 1. With the pH values ranging from 2.0 to 8.5, the structural formula of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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was changed from COMPOUND LINKS

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to II (Scheme 2). As shown in Fig. 2, the spectral differences between 283 and 309 nm were chosen to analyze the pKa of target tetrazole compounds. Data analysis included normalization of the raw scans (Abs330 nm = 0), and then the spectral difference between the acid spectra and the spectra obtained at every other pH was calculated. The wavelengths of maximum positive and negative deviations were determined graphically, and the absolute values of the absorbance difference at the chosen wavelengths were summed. The total absorbance difference was then plotted versus pH, and the data were fit to eqn (1)
image file: c4md00266k-t1.tif(1)
where εHA and εA− are the extinction coefficients of the acid and base forms of the compound, respectively, and [St] is the total compound concentration. When using absorbance differences, εHA and εA− are simply the minima and maxima of the curve.39 As shown in Table 4, the pKa values of compounds 4a–d and 6a–l displayed an appropriate range 4.13–4.83, which suggested their good pharmacokinetic behavior as bioactive agents.

image file: c4md00266k-f1.tif
Fig. 1 UV spectra (λ = 260–330 nm) of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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in different aqueous buffer solutions ranging from pH 2.0 to 8.5. The absorbances are normalized to zero for λ = 330 nm.

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Scheme 2 The structural formula of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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was changed from COMPOUND LINKS

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to II in buffer solutions with the increase of pH values.

image file: c4md00266k-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Plot of the spectral difference between different solutions of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. The maximum positive deviation occurred at 309 nm, while the maximum negative deviation occurred at 283 nm.
Table 4 pKa, lg P and c lg P of target compounds 4a–d and 6a–la
Compds pKa lg P c lg P
a NE = No experimental data. It is difficult to obtain the lg P data of compounds COMPOUND LINKS

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due to their quite low COMPOUND LINKS

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4.78 2.18 ± 0.16 4.11

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4.83 2.24 ± 0.24 5.17

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4.87 4.92 ± 0.18 6.23

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4.92 NE 7.28

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4.54 1.67 ± 0.19 4.56

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4.49 1.63 ± 0.14 4.44

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4.22 1.28 ± 0.11 3.28

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4.19 1.29 ± 0.13 3.28

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4.13 1.36 ± 0.14 3.42

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4.20 1.26 ± 0.16 3.28

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4.34 1.09 ± 0.11 3.85

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4.38 1.39 ± 0.21 3.85

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4.26 1.99 ± 0.12 5.06

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4.23 1.42 ± 0.13 3.92

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4.31 1.37 ± 0.11 3.45

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4.29 1.58 ± 0.10 4.59

Lipophilicity/hydrophilicity plays a significant role in determining where drugs are distributed and how rapidly they are metabolized and excreted in the body, for example, hydrophobic drugs are preferentially distributed to hydrophobic compartments such as lipid bilayers of cells while hydrophilic drugs are preferentially found in hydrophilic compartments like blood serum.40 Therefore, the lipophilicity/hydrophilicity expressed as lg P was calculated theoretically using ChemDraw Ultra 10.0 software and experimentally by a traditional saturation shake flask approach combined with a UV-vis spectrophotometric method. The obtained results are given in Table 4, the c lg P of compounds 4a–d increased with the increase in the length of the alkyl chain, and an enhancement of the antimicrobial activities was observed in compounds 4a–c, but decreased in that of compounds 4c–d, these might be explained by the possibility that higher lipophilic compounds were unfavourable for being delivered to the binding sites. This phenomenon also indicted that suitable lipophilicity is necessary for good activities in drug design (Fig. 3).

image file: c4md00266k-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Plot of the total absorbance difference vs. pH to determine the pKa of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. The total absorbance difference is the sum of the absolute absorbance difference values at the chosen wavelengths from 283 to 309 nm.

3.3 Interaction with calf thymus DNA

3.3.1 UV-vis absorption spectral study. The application of UV-vis absorption measurement is one of the most important techniques in DNA-binding studies. Generally, hypochromism and hyperchromism are important spectral features to distinguish the change of DNA double-helical structure. The hyperchromism originates from the breakage of the DNA duplex secondary structure; while the hypochromism generates from the stabilization of the DNA duplex by either the intercalation binding mode or the electrostatic effect of small molecules.41 The hypochromism demonstrated a close proximity of the aromatic chromophore to the DNA bases, which might be attributed to the strong interaction between the electronic states of the intercalating chromophore and that of the DNA base. With a fixed concentration of DNA, UV-vis absorption spectra were recorded with the increasing amount of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. As shown in Fig. 4, UV-vis spectra showed that the maximum absorption of DNA at 260 nm displayed a proportional increase with the increasing concentration of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. Simultaneously, the absorption value of the sum of free DNA and free compound COMPOUND LINKS

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was a little greater than the measured value of the COMPOUND LINKS

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–DNA complex, which was observed in the inset of Fig. 4. These indicated that a weak hypochromic effect existed between DNA and compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. Moreover, the intercalation of the aromatic chromophore of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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into the helix and the strong overlap of π–π* states in the large π-conjugated system with the electronic states of DNA bases were consistent with the observed spectral changes.42,43

image file: c4md00266k-f4.tif
Fig. 4 UV absorption spectra of DNA with different concentrations of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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(pH = 7.4, T = 303 K). Inset: comparison of absorption at 260 nm between the COMPOUND LINKS

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–DNA complex and the sum values of free DNA and free compound COMPOUND LINKS

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. c(DNA) = 4.52 × 10−5 mol L−1, and c(compound COMPOUND LINKS

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) = 0–1.6 × 10−5 mol L−1 for curves ai respectively at increment 0.2 × 10−5.

On the basis of the variations in the absorption spectra of DNA upon binding to tetrazole derivative COMPOUND LINKS

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, eqn (2) can be utilized to calculate the binding constant (K).

image file: c4md00266k-t2.tif(2)

A 0 and A represent the absorbance of DNA in the absence and presence of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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at 260 nm, ξC and ξD−C are the absorption coefficients of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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–DNA complex respectively. The plot of A0 (A−1A0) versus 1/[compound COMPOUND LINKS

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] is constructed by using the absorption titration data and linear fitting (Fig. 5), yielding the binding constant, K = 4.16 × 104 L mol−1, R = 0.999, and SD = 0.17 (R is the correlation coefficient. SD is standard deviation).

image file: c4md00266k-f5.tif
Fig. 5 The plot of A0 (A−1A0) versus 1/[compound COMPOUND LINKS

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3.3.2 Absorption spectra of NR interaction with DNA. COMPOUND LINKS

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Neutral Red
(NR) is a planar phenazine dye and is structurally similar to other planar dyes like COMPOUND LINKS

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kind. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the binding of NR with DNA is an intercalation binding.44 Therefore, NR was employed as a spectral probe to investigate the binding mode of COMPOUND LINKS

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with DNA in the present work.

The absorption spectra of the NR dye upon the addition of DNA are shown in Fig. 6. It is apparent that the absorption peak of the NR at around 460 nm showed a gradual decrease with the increasing concentration of DNA, and a new band at around 530 nm developed. This was attributed to the formation of the DNA–NR complex. An isosbestic point at 504 nm provided evidence of DNA–NR complex formation.

image file: c4md00266k-f6.tif
Fig. 6 UV absorption spectra of NR in the presence of DNA at pH 7.4 under room temperature. c(NR) = 2 × 10−5 mol L−1, and c(DNA) = 0–3.61 × 10−5 mol L−1 for curves ai respectively at increment 0.45 × 10−5.
3.3.3 Absorption spectra of competitive interaction of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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and NR with DNA.
As shown in Fig. 7, the competitive binding between NR and COMPOUND LINKS

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with DNA was observed in the absorption spectra. With the increasing concentration of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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, an apparent intensity increase was observed around 276 nm. In comparison with the absorption around 276 nm of the NR–DNA complex, the absorbance at the same wavelength exhibited the reverse process (inset of Fig. 5). These various spectral changes were consistent with the intercalation of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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into DNA by substituting for NR in the DNA–NR complex.

4. Conclusions

In conclusion, a novel type of COMPOUND LINKS

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was successfully synthesized for the first time via an easy, convenient and efficient synthetic procedure starting from commercially available substituted anilines. The antimicrobial tests demonstrated that some prepared compounds exhibited comparable or even superior antifungal activity against the tested strains relative to the reference drug COMPOUND LINKS

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. Especially compound COMPOUND LINKS

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was found to be four-fold more potent than COMPOUND LINKS

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against Aspergillus flavus (MIC = 256 μg mL−1). Meanwhile, the combinations of tetrazoles with antibacterials Chloromycin and COMPOUND LINKS

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or antifungal COMPOUND LINKS

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gave striking enhanced antimicrobial efficiency with less dosage as well as a broader antimicrobial spectrum than their separate use. Notably, the combined system was more sensitive to COMPOUND LINKS

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-insensitive Aspergillus flavus and COMPOUND LINKS

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-resistant MRSA. The specific interaction of compound COMPOUND LINKS

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with calf thymus DNA, which was studied by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, manifested that compound COMPOUND LINKS

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could intercalate into DNA to form the COMPOUND LINKS

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–DNA complex which might further block DNA replication to exert its good antibacterial and antifungal activities. All these results should be a promising starting point to optimize the structures of COMPOUND LINKS

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-derived tertiary amines to access potent antimicrobial agents.


This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [no. 21172181, 21372186, 81350110523, 81450110095 (The Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists from International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Program)], the key program from the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (CSTC2012jjB10026), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (SRFDP 20110182110007) and Chongqing Special Fund for Postdoctoral Research Proposal (Xm2014127).


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4md00266k
Postdoctoral fellow from School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, India.
§ Postdoctoral fellow from Department of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, India.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015