The catalysis community's journal


Now in its second year, Catalysis Science & Technology is growing its reach across the catalysis community. Our dynamic Editorial Board are dedicated towards attracting the highest quality research and with submissions on the rise, it is clear to see that Catalysis Science & Technology is increasing in popularity with authors.

With the start of a brand new year, we are delighted to announce the appointment of a new Co-Editor-in-Chief, Professor Noritaka Mizuno. Professor Mizuno was previously Associate Editor for Catalysis Science & Technology and now joins Professor Piet van Leeuwen as Co-Editor-in-Chief from 1st January. Noritaka Mizuno is based at the University of Tokyo where his research is focused on heterogeneous catalysis using polyoxometalates.

Editors-in-Chief, Noritaka Mizuno and Piet van Leeuwen
Plate1 Editors-in-Chief, Noritaka Mizuno and Piet van Leeuwen

This is not the only change to Catalysis Science & Technology family. We are also pleased to welcome Professor Tsunehiro Tanaka from Kyoto University who joins the Editorial Board as Associate Editor. Professor Tanaka is accepting submissions to his Editorial Office, from 1st January 2013, which can be selected at submission through the online site. As a reminder, authors can choose to submit to any of our Associate Editor offices who manage the peer-review for all submissions (Table 1).

Table 1 Catalysis Science & Technology’s Associate Editors and their Editorial Offices

Paul ChirikPaul KamerJavier Pérez-RamírezTsunehiro Tanaka
Princeton University, USAUniversity of St. Andrews, UKETH Zürich, SwiterlandKyoto University, Japan

Catalysis Science & Technology publishes work from across the whole catalysis community, whether it be heterogeneous or homogeneous catalysis, bio-, nano-, or photo-catalysis, from industry or academia. Fig. 1 shows the breadth of topics published in the journal that are authored by researchers from across the world. Our top downloaded Perspectives and Minireviews give a taster of our content, representing research from all catalysis communities (Table 2).

Breakdown of different subject areas published in Catalysis Science & Technology in 2012 (left) and breakdown of 2012 Catalysis Science & Technology authorship by country (right).
Fig. 1 Breakdown of different subject areas published in Catalysis Science & Technology in 2012 (left) and breakdown of 2012 Catalysis Science & Technology authorship by country (right).
Table 2 2012 Top downloaded Catalysis Science & Technology Perspectives and Minireviews
Article title and authorsDOI
Graphene-based materials for catalysis

Bruno F. Machado and Philippe Serp

Conversion of lignocellulose into renewable chemicals by heterogeneous catalysis

Hirokazu Kobayashi, Hidetoshi Ohta and Atsushi Fukuoka

Asymmetric catalysis using iron complexes –‘Ruthenium Lite’?

Muftah Darwish and Martin Wills

Recent progress in the electrochemical conversion and utilization of CO2

Neil S. Spinner, Jose A. Vega and William E. Mustain

A review of controllable synthesis and enhancement of performances of bismuth tungstate visible-light-driven photocatalysts

Liwu Zhang and Yongfa Zhu

Rational design of heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis

Karen Wilson and Adam F. Lee

Role of mixed metal oxides in catalysis science—versatile applications in organic synthesis

Manoj B. Gawande, Rajesh K. Pandey and Radha V. Jayaram

Recent advances in organocatalytic asymmetric Michael reactions

Yong Zhang and Wei Wang

Lanthanide modified semiconductor photocatalysts

Amanda S. Weber, Anne M. Grady and Ranjit T. Koodali

Synthesis of N-heterocyclic compounds over zeolite molecular sieve catalysts: an approach towards green chemistry

V. V. Krishna Mohan Kandepi and Nama Narender


Last year we were out and about, meeting researchers and sponsoring conferences, lectures, and poster prizes. We attended a number of meetings including the Spring ACS meeting in San Diego, the 15th International Congress on Catalysis in Munich, and the 18th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis in Toulouse, where we also hosted the Catalysis Science & Technology Editorial Board meeting. We are hoping to meet more of the community throughout 2013 so keep an eye out for us at EuropaCat in Lyon and the North American Catalysis Society meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. Let us take this opportunity to congratulate last year's Catalysis Science & Technology poster prize winners – see Table 3 for details.

Table 3 Poster prizes sponsored by Catalysis Science & Technology in 2012
London Catalysis Winter Seminar, UKKim Fung Li
FineCat – Symposium on catalysis for fine chemicals, ItalyErmelinda Falletta
Frontiers of Organometallic Chemistry, RussiaG. A. Silantyev
Frontiers of Organometallic Chemistry, RussiaW. Harnying
Frontiers of Organometallic Chemistry, RussiaN. A. Bumagin
RSC Carbohydrate COST meeting 2012, UKHilde van Hattum
International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry, Spain 
International Symposium on Catalysis and Speciality Chemicals, Algeria 
Swiss Chemical Society – 2012 Fall Meeting, Switzerland 
Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, Russia 

Catalysis Science & Technology's Editorial staff work hard behind the scenes to deliver a top quality journal, in hand with excellent customer service to authors, referees and readers alike. The Editorial team: Managing Editor, Jamie Humphrey, Deputy Editor, Fiona McKenzie, Senior Publishing Editor, Andrew Shore, and Development Editor, Matthew Cude are always eager to hear your feedback. Please contact the Editorial Office for your suggestions, themed issue ideas and review article proposals – email

We hope that 2013 sees Catalysis Science & Technology continue to grow, quickly becoming the journal for the catalysis community.

With best wishes for the New Year from the Catalysis Science & Technology team.

Managing Editor, Jamie Humphrey; Deputy Editor, Fiona McKenzie; Development Editor, Matthew Cude, Catalysis Science & Technology
Plate2 Managing Editor, Jamie Humphrey; Deputy Editor, Fiona McKenzie; Development Editor, Matthew Cude, Catalysis Science & Technology

From right to left (back row): Senior Publishing Editor, Andrew Shore, Publishing Editors, Helen Lunn, Jennifer Newton, Rachel Cooper, Michael Parkin. Front row: Publishing Editors, Amy Middleton-Gear, Elizabeth Woodhouse, Debora Giovanelli, Kirsty Muirhead
Plate3 From right to left (back row): Senior Publishing Editor, Andrew Shore, Publishing Editors, Helen Lunn, Jennifer Newton, Rachel Cooper, Michael Parkin. Front row: Publishing Editors, Amy Middleton-Gear, Elizabeth Woodhouse, Debora Giovanelli, Kirsty Muirhead

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013