Keith R.
Bayden R.
Centre for Biospectroscopy and School of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
First published on 10th November 2011
Recently a resonant Mie scattering (RMieS) correction approach has been developed and demonstrated to be effective for removing the baseline distortions that compromise the raw data in individual spectra. In this paper RMieS correction is extended to FTIR images of a tissue section from biopsy of the human cervical transformation zone and a coronal tissue section of a Wistar rat brain and compared to the uncorrected images. It is shown that applying RMieS correction to FTIR images a) removes baseline distortions from the image spectra and thus reveals previously hidden information on spatial variation of chemical contents within the tissue and b) can lead to improved automatic tissue feature classification through multivariate cluster analysis.
In 2003, Martens et al.9 proposed that an extended multiplicative signal correction (EMSC) approach could be employed to provide a correction model that includes the wavelength dependence of light scattering. Further refinement to this method came in 2008, when Kohler et al.8 described an EMSC based scheme for estimating and correcting for the Mie scattering contribution to FTIR spectra. In this scheme (Mie-EMSC) the Mie scatter component of the recorded spectra is corrected for by utilizing a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach to summarize the large number of theoretically expected Mie contributions as a computationally manageable number of principal components. While the Mie-EMSC scheme proved to be successful at removing simple Mie scatter effects from FTIR spectra of biological samples it was of limited effectiveness when the spectra exhibited stronger distortions from scattering, the so-called “dispersion artefact”. In recent work on human prostate cells by Bassan et al.10,11 an improved correction algorithm (RMieS-EMSC) was described which recognizes that this “dispersion artefact” principally arises due to resonant Mie scattering.12
To date, RMieS correction has only been reported for collections of individual FTIR spectra obtained from isolated cells. Indeed, while it has been proposed that RMieS correction may remove baseline contaminations more precisely than other baseline correction methods,11,13,14 further validation from independent laboratories is required until its effectiveness can be proved. This work evaluates the effectiveness of applying the RMieS-EMSC algorithm to FTIR FPA micro-spectroscopic image data obtained from two different tissue sections affected badly by baseline distortions that have been the subject of past research in our laboratory, namely, a tissue section from biopsy of the human cervical transformation zone1 and a coronal tissue section of a Wistar rat brain.2 To facilitate direct comparison with our past research, multivariate analysis of the RMieS corrected FTIR images was performed using unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis (UHCA), which was the same method of analysis applied to these samples previously.1,2
(a) The cervical tissue section was imaged as a sixteen-tile mosaic (4 × 4) image with a pixel spatial resolution of 5.5 μm. The final mosaic image has dimensions of 256 × 256 pixels and covers an area of 1.4 × 1.4 mm. This FTIR image comprises 65,536 individual spectra and to date is the largest FTIR image data set analysed by multivariate methods in our laboratory. Our earlier studies on cervical tissue sections were limited to a maximum of 16,384 spectra. This 4-fold increase in the size of the spectral data sets that can be analysed is a direct result of both the larger addressable memory available to 64 bit operating systems and improvement in processor speeds.
(b) The rat brain tissue section was imaged as a 1024-tile mosaic (32 × 32) image at a pixel spatial resolution of 88 μm. The mosaic image has pixel dimensions of 128 × 128 (16384 individual spectra) and covers an area of 11.26 × 11.26 mm.
For preliminary tests of the applicability of RMieS corrections to FTIR image data only a single iteration of the algorithm was performed. Single iteration estimations for resonant Mie scatter correction were able to be computed in just a few minutes. However, all final RMieS corrected images and spectra presented in this paper were obtained by iterating the algorithm 8 times. The full 8 iteration correction took approximately 53 h to complete for the larger cervical tissue FTIR images and 10 h for the rat brain images. Bassan et al.,13 have adapted some of the RMieS-EMSC algorithm to be parallel processed on a graphics processing unit (GPU) to reduce computation time. The version of the RMieS-EMSC algorithm used in this work did not make use of parallel processing.
Similarly, the resultant RMieS corrected spectra had even better correspondence with the original spectra when the average spectrum from the sample set was used as the reference spectrum rather than use of the routine's in-built Matrigel spectrum as the reference. Using the average spectrum from a set of spectra as the reference spectrum is a long accepted approach for EMSC and it appears to be a good choice for RMieS-EMSC as well. The average spectrum was itself corrected for resonant Mie scattering before it was used as the reference spectrum for correcting the FTIR image spectra. This was achieved by first averaging together all the spectra in the image which had passed quality testing followed by RMieS correction with 8 iterations using the Matrigel standard spectrum as the reference.
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Fig. 1 Cervical tissue section a) H&E stained section showing cellular tissue types numbered as, 1 superficial epithelial, 2 intermediate epithelial, 3 parabasal epithelial, 4 bas-al layer, 5 stroma (connective tissue) and 6 exfoliating cells; b) before RMieS correction image of amide I (1700–1575 cm−1) band intensity (colours red to blue corresponding to high to low absorbance respectively); c) after RMieS correction image of amide I band (same scale as b)). |
Fig. 2 shows UHCA multivariate maps for the same cervical tissue section both before (fig. 2a)) and after (fig. 2b)) RMieS correction. In both these images UHCA was performed on second derivative spectra to classify the image into 8 clusters. The choice of 8 clusters for UHCA was based on this being the minimum number of clusters required to obtain at least one cluster corresponding to each of the major tissue features. The UHCA map produced from the uncorrected FTIR image data shows good agreement between the clusters and the tissue features, as has been previously reported.1,15 The UHCA map produced from the RMieS corrected FTIR image is very similar to the uncorrected result but superior in that the epithelium shows improved layer demarcation into the exfoliating cell layer (gold), superficial layer of squamous epithelium (dark green), the intermediate layer (pink and some glycogen rich areas in blue) and the parabasal layer (orange). The stromal tissue is described by 3 clusters in the uncorrected UHCA map but only 2 clusters in the corrected UHCA map. The stroma is reasonably homogeneous in chemical content so the stroma being described by a lesser number of clusters correlates well with the known properties of stromal tissue and is an improved result. Inspection of the original uncorrected spectra from the stromal region showed that they exhibited significant distortion from light scattering effects in their baselines. Despite the use of second derivative spectra for minimization of the baseline influence on the analysis, the UHCA still ascribed more clusters to the stroma in the uncorrected FTIR UHCA image than in the RMieS corrected UHCA image. All the cluster average spectra from both the corrected and the uncorrected images exhibited spectral features distinct from the other clusters except for the additional stroma cluster (light green) in the uncorrected FTIR image which appeared different from the adjacent stroma cluster spectra (pale blue) mainly in baseline offset (i.e. tissue “thickness” or optical density).
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Fig. 2 UHCA map of cervical tissue section produced from a) raw uncorrected FTIR micro-spectroscopic image and b) RMieS corrected image data. In the RMieS corrected image (b)) the exfoliating cell layer appears in gold, the superficial layer of squamous epithelium is dark green, the intermediate layer is pink and blue, the parabasal layer is orange, the basal layer is yellow and the stroma is light blue and slate blue. In the uncorrected image (a)) the superficial layer of the epithelium has not been separately identified by the UHCA and an additional (light green) cluster has been assigned to the stroma. |
It was also noted that successful demarcation of tissue features could not be achieved from UHCA of uncorrected “raw” (i.e. non-derivative) spectra whereas; for RMieS corrected raw spectra all the major tissue features were eventually found for cluster maps containing 15 or more clusters. In this last test involving non-derivative spectra the uncorrected raw spectra were compared with normalized and baseline corrected spectra. In our experience, pre-processing FTIR spectra with some form of baseline correction and normalization will generally result in a significant improvement in multivariate classification. This work has only compared the UHCA of spectra baseline corrected with combined RMieS-EMSC and differentiation versus differentiation only. Classification of FTIR spectra (expressing biochemical variation) to specific tissue features has been successfully demonstrated many times in the past using alternative baseline and normalization methods (e.g. basic EMSC or “rubberband” baseline correction). This ability to correctly classify FTIR spectra to specific tissue features is not unique to RMieS-EMSC. For studies where it is perhaps only necessary to identify the presence or absence of a specific spectral marker (e.g. diseased state markers) then the relatively computationally intensive RMieS-EMSC may not offer significant advantage over simpler baseline correction techniques.
However, these observations do demonstrate that pre-processing FTIR image spectra with RMieS correction prior to performing UHCA can improve the clustering correspondence with tissue features as well as achieve clustering parsimony. Derivative spectra are often used as inputs for various multivariate analyses4,16,17 based on the argument that derivative pre-processing suppresses baseline influence on the results. Even after baseline correction with RMieS-EMSC, the UHCA performed on second derivative spectra still gave best demarcation of tissue features in fewer clusters. Presumably this is because second derivative pre-processing also enhances the separate resolution of overlapping band features in the spectra.
In FTIR spectra of isolated proteins the positions of the underlying amide I band features may be used to estimate protein secondary structure. However, in tissues, the complex mixture of the proteins present makes interpretation of the protein secondary structure information contained in the spectra difficult. Furthermore, absorptions in the amide I region of the spectrum arise in tissue samples from non-proteins such as CO groups in nucleic acids and the O–H bending vibration of water. These limitations preclude the use of FTIR spectroscopy to quantitatively assess protein secondary structure content in tissue samples. Despite difficulties in achieving quantitative analysis in tissue samples, FTIR is nevertheless a good tool for qualitative monitoring of relative changes in secondary conformation across the mixture of proteins present. Fig. 3 shows the same FTIR micro-spectroscopic image acquisition but colour coded based on the wavenumber value of the amide I band peak (i.e. a frequency image) rather than absorbance intensity, both before a) and after b) RMieS correction. Comparing the before and after RMieS correction wavenumber images it can be readily seen that the amide I band in areas of stroma have changed from being predominantly characterized by a relatively red shifted amide I band to a relatively blue shifted amide I band.
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Fig. 3 Univariate wavenumber images of cervical tissue section based on the wavenumber value of the amide I band peak of the same FTIR micro-spectroscopic image acquisition both a) before and b) after RMieS correction. Colour coding is blue to red corresponding to spectra with relatively blue shifted amide I band peaks to relatively red shifted amide I band peaks, respectively. |
Fig. 4 shows the cluster average spectrum from the stroma both before (light blue) and after RMieS correction (dark blue) derived from the UHCA in Fig. 2. Before RMieS correction, the FTIR spectra in the region of stromal tissue exhibited the amide I peak at 1644 cm−1, which is not unreasonable if a mixed content of α-helical, unordered structure and β-sheet protein conformations was present.18 However, considering that a significant collagen contribution is expected in connective tissues this value appears too low. After RMieS correction the stroma spectra exhibited the amide I band with a peak at 1659 cm−1 consistent with that observed for type I collagen.19 Unlike the other tissues present, the stroma spectra also exhibited strong bands at 1337, 1282, 1236 and 1204 cm−1, all of which are characteristic of extra-cellular matrix collagen.20 Typical collagen fibre diameters in human skin are reported in the range 2–15 μm,21,22 a size range very likely to produce significant Mie scattering. The red shift of the amide I band in the uncorrected stroma spectra can be attributed to significant light scattering distortion in their baselines and arising from the collagen fibres. The RMieS-EMSC algorithm has successfully corrected for this Mie scatter. Also shown in Fig. 4 are RMieS corrected cluster average spectra representative of the basal layer (yellow) and epithelial tissue (pink) which exhibit the amide I band with peak wavenumber values of 1643 cm−1 and 1648 cm−1 respectively (both are amide I intermediate values consistent with a mixed population of α-helical, unordered turns and β-sheet protein conformations18).
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Fig. 4 Cervical tissue section UHC analysis cluster average spectra. The light blue spectrum is the UHC analysis cluster average spectrum from raw uncorrected stroma found in the light blue cluster of Fig. 2a). The other three spectra correspond to their like coloured clusters in the RMieS corrected UHC analysis map of Fig. 2b). The dark blue spectrum is from the corrected stroma cluster, yellow is the corrected basal layer cluster and pink the corrected superficial layer in the epithelium. |
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Fig. 5 A coronal rat brain tissue section FTIR image of relative amide I (1680–1620 cm−1) band absorbance in a) H&E stained tissue section. CC, corpus callosum; CCX, cerebral cortex; CP, caudate-putamen. b) before RMieS correction and in c) after RMieS correction. Figures a) and b) are adapted from images published in Bambery et al.,.2 Reused with permission from Elsevier. |
The seven cluster UHC analysis in Fig. 6 illustrates that the RMieS corrected image data can be cluster analysed equally effectively as the uncorrected image and in fact the cluster demarcation improved for some tissue features. In particular, the dark green cluster is more tightly associated with the caudate-putamen after the RMieS correction, before correction this cluster included some tissue areas belonging to the cortex (yellow cluster).
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Fig. 6 Coronal rat brain tissue section UHC analysis maps generated for seven clusters a) before and b) after RMieS correction. |
Test | Result |
Preliminary single iteration of RMieS algorithm followed by univariate imaging or UHCA multivariate mapping compared with a full 8 iterations run of the RMieS algorithm followed by the same imaging/mapping. | Single iteration RMieS corrected FTIR images had meaningful spatial contrast but the contained spectra were over corrected towards the reference spectrum. Eight iteration RMieS correction showed spectra with much closer correspondence to the feature variations seen in the original uncorrected individual spectra. |
Use of the data set average spectrumversus use of the default Matrigel spectrum as the reference spectrum for the RMieS algorithm. | The data set average spectrum as reference produced RMieS corrected spectra with much closer correspondence to the original spectra compared to the spectra obtained from using the Matrigel spectrum as the reference. |
Comparison of UHCA of “raw” (non-derivative) cervical transformation zone tissue section spectra with and without RMieS correction. | No correspondence with known tissue features was found for any UHCA map produced from the uncorrected spectra. RMieS corrected spectra did produce UHCA maps with good correspondence to tissue features but only for maps computed with an unreasonably high number of clusters. |
Comparison of UHCA of second derivative cervical transformation zone tissue section spectra with and without RMieS correction. | The RMieS corrected UHCA maps gave improved tissue feature demarcation and did so in fewer clusters. |
Comparison of univariate images of cervical transformation zone tissue section based on the wavenumber value of the amide I band peak with and without RMieS correction. | Amide I wavenumber images from RMieS corrected data showed correspondence with the tissue features whereas there was little correspondence for similar images produced from uncorrected data sets. |
Comparison of UHCA of second derivative rat brain tissue section spectra with and without RMieS correction. | The RMieS corrected UHCA maps gave better tissue feature demarcation. |
RMieS correction of spectra in FTIR images of tissue sections can produce new FTIR images that are better descriptors of the true chemical content of the tissue samples than are FTIR images comprised of uncorrected spectra. UHCA maps from RMieS corrected FTIR images gave improved tissue feature demarcation compared to UHCA maps from uncorrected image data. Improvements in UHCA clustering efficiency and tissue feature identification accuracy were also observed for both tissue samples in this study but were more apparent for the cervical transformation zone tissue than in the rat brain tissue. We attribute this difference to strongly Mie scattering collagenous fibrils within the connective tissue feature of the cervical tissue section.
Use of the RMieS corrected average spectrum from the FTIR image as the reference spectrum for RMieS baseline correction of all the other spectra contained in the image gave the best preservation of relative peak heights and band profiles. To achieve the best possible correction of spectra towards pure absorbance spectra it was necessary to employ the RMieS correction process iteratively. Uncorrected univariate images of the amide I band peak wavenumber position gave little correspondence with cervical tissue histopathological features whereas after RMieS correction these features became visible. This observation supports the claim11 that RMieS correction will return the true amide I band peak wavenumber value, important for protein secondary structure determination. Future studies will entail a more rigorous test of the effectiveness of RMieS correction applied to FTIR spectra of tissue sections by using a supervised classification model such as linear discriminant analysis clustering24,25 or an artificial neural network.26
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |