Karuna Kar
b and
Frank Einar
aMaterials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560012, India. E-mail: nanda@mrc.iisc.ernet.in; Fax: +91 80 2360 7316; Tel: +91 80 2293 2996
bInstitute of Technology of Nanostructures, University of Duisburg-Essen, 47051, Duisburg, Germany
First published on 24th August 2011
We report the shape evolution of free gold agglomerates with different morphologies that transform to ellipsoidal and then to spherical shapes during the heating cycle. The shape transformation is associated with a structural transition from polycrystalline to single crystalline. The structural transition temperature is shown to be dependent on the final size of the particles and not on the initial morphologies of the agglomerates. It is also shown that the transition occurs well below the melting temperature which is in contrast with the melt-freeze process reported in the literature.
Typically, in many industrial aerosol processes and syntheses of nanoparticles (NPs) by the aerosol route,1–8 a high concentration of very small NPs undergo rapid coagulation and form agglomerates. When sintered at high temperature, the smaller NPs in an agglomerate coalescence, to form larger spherical NPs. However, the crystallinity of spherical NPs has rarely been investigated.
Coalescence of NPs and the evolution of their shapes have been widely investigated, both experimentally1–15 and theoretically.15–24 The experiments on supported NPs reveal that the shape and crystallinity of the final product depend on the size, crystallinity, orientation of the initial coalescence, temperature and time.9 Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations reveal that the coalescence of NPs occurs below the melting temperature20,21 and the new particles are polycrystalline and non-spherical at the coalescence temperature.20 Though the crystallinity is not known, the transformation of nanorods and non-spherical NPs to a spherical shape also occurs at incredibly low temperatures.24–28 On the other hand, multiply twinned Au particles (MTPs) transform to single fcc crystals by a melt-freeze process.29,30Crystallization of Si has been investigated and found that the crystallization temperature is comparable to the melting temperature of nanoparticles.7 It is, therefore of significance to investigate the shape transformation and the crystallinity of agglomerates and non-spherical NPs. Though the shape transformation has been investigated extensively,1–14 the crystallinity of the products has been rarely investigated.
Here, we report on the evolution of the shape and crystallinity of free non-spherical Au NPs/agglomerates of different sizes and morphologies during the heating cycle. It is shown here that non-spherical particles transform to spherical, while agglomerates transform to non-spherical and then spherical shapes with increasing temperature. The shape transformation is shown to be associated with a change in the structural motifs, from polycrystalline to fcc crystal. A simple and fast technique has been reported and used to evaluate the temperature (TST) at which the majority of the polycrystalline particles change to single crystalline. Interestingly, TST is found to be independent of the initial morphologies of the agglomerates but depends on the final size of the NPs. It is also found that TST is lower than the melting points of the NPs and the structure/shape transformation occurs during the heating cycle. This is in contrast with the melt–freeze process reported for MTPs.28,29
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Fig. 1 Experimental set up for the investigation of size change (a) using a second DMA (DMA2) and (b) for the deposition of nanoparticles in an ESP. |
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Fig. 2 TEM images of Au NPs (dM0 = 16.0 nm) at different sintering temperature (a) 298; (b) 723; (c) 873 and (d) 923 K. |
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Fig. 3
TEM images of Au NPs (dM0 = 16.0 nm) sintered at 873 K. Micrographs are taken by tilting the TEM grids with the arrow representing the axis of tilting. The angles of tilting are (a) 0; (b) 10; (c) 20; (d) 30; (e) 40°. The diameter-to-height ratio is evaluated to be 10![]() ![]() |
Shown in Fig. 4(a–d) are the HRTEM micrographs of nearly spherical Au NPs for dM0 = 16.0 nm sintered at 923 K. A few polycrystalline NPs are also observed, as shown in Fig. 4(e) & (f) which suggests that the fraction of fcc particles is ∼2/3. The morphology of best fit is taken from Ref. [31] for comparison and rotated to match the morphology of our NPs (Fig. 4(a–d)) as they are oriented randomly on the TEM grid, as shown in Fig. 4. They resemble the shape of Wulff polyhedra,32 limited by six (100) and eight (111) hexagonal facets and are nearly spherical. NPs sintered at 873 K are non-spherical and polycrystalline as shown in Fig. 5. Based on TEM and HRTEM images, it is observed that NPs/agglomerates sintered at low temperatures are non-spherical and polycrystalline, while NPs are spherical and single crystalline when sintered at higher temperatures. This suggests that the shape transformation of non-spherical NPs/agglomerates is associated with a structural change. The shape as well as the crystallinity of the NPs depends on the sintering temperature. The structure and shape of the final NPs are size-independent for the size range investigated.
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Fig. 4 (a–d) HRTEM images revealed that single crystalline Au NPs (dM0 = 16.0 nm, TSF = 923 K) are enclosed by (111) and (100) crystal faces. The morphology of best fit is taken from Ref. [19] and rotated to match the morphology of our NPs; (e,f) A few polycrystalline NPs are also observed. |
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Fig. 5 HRTEM images revealed that NPs (dM0 = 16.0 nm, TSF = 873 K) are non-spherical and polycrystalline. |
In order to evaluate TST, the reduced mobility-equivalent diameter (dM/dM0) is plotted as a function of the sintering temperature for different dM0 and shown in Fig. 6(a). It can be noted that dM/dM0 decreases steadily at first (region I) with increasing TSF and then gradually (region II) followed by a rapid decrease (region III). The decrease in dM/dM0 (region I and II) is associated with the compaction of the agglomerates/particles, as evident from Fig. 2, and the rapid decrease in dM/dM0 (region III) is associated with partial evaporation from the NPs.1,2 Further increasing the sintering temperature leads to a more gradual decrease of dM/dM0 (region IV). It is evident from HRTEM studies that the NPs are single crystalline in region IV and polycrystalline in region III. Therefore, the onset temperature of the gradual decrease of dM can be considered to be TST. An interpolation procedure, as demonstrated in Fig. 6(a) is adopted to determine TST and the corresponding dM. In this context, it is worthy to note that the size d determined by TEM is ∼10% smaller than dM. Taking this deviation of particle size into account, TST is plotted as a function of 1/d and shown in Fig. 6(b). It may be noted that TST is linear with 1/d in the size range studied.
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Fig. 6 (a) The reduced mobility-equivalent diameter as a function of the sintering temperature; (b) size-dependent transition temperature. The melting temperature curve is based on the thermodynamic model.22 |
The mean melting temperature, as supported by different experiments and a thermodynamic model,33 is plotted in Fig. 6(b) for comparison. It may be noted that TST is lower than the melting temperature, as is the case with the shape transformation of non-spherical Au NPs and nanorods.20–29 It has been well established that some facets of fcc crystals melt at much lower temperatures. It is known from experiments that the macroscopic Au (110) surface melts at 770 K,34 (100) surface disorders at 970 K,35,36 while (111) surface is stable up to, and even above, the bulk melting point.37 This indicates that the Au (110) surfaces first melt with increasing temperature followed by the (100) and then (111) faces. MD simulations reveal that nanorods enclosed by (110) or (100) facets reorganize to form higher stability (111) facets, while rods with (111) facets remain stable with no significant shape or structural rearrangement till the melting temperature.27,28 The difference is due to the surface melting (SM) of (110) facets and the non-melting of (111) facets suggesting anisotropic thermal stability. The driving force for SM is thought to be a reduction in the total surface energy Δγ :38,39
Δγ{hkl} = γ{hkl}sv −γ{hkl}sl − γlv | (1) |
As the NPs are polycrystalline in region III Fig. 6(a), it is expected that SM as well as other surface phenomena such as reconstruction, disordering, and roughening, occur at low temperatures and transform to crystalline and spherical NPs above TST. It is possible that an instability of the surface facets nucleates a bulk instability that leads to both surface and bulk reorganization of the agglomerates.26,40 The surface reorganizes to form new, more stable {111} facets, while the underlying fcc lattice completely reorients to align with this new surface structure. Particles with predominantly {111} facets remain stable until melting so that the shape transformation takes place by a melt–freeze process.29,30 In region IV, NPs are single crystalline and the gradual decrease of dM reflects the thermal stability of the (100) and (111) surfaces against evaporation. The results further suggest that the structural transition and the shape transformation take place during the heating cycle. This is in accordance with the shape transformation of nanorods and NPs examined by experiments24,25 and MD simulations25,26 but in contrast to the melt–freeze process observed for MTPs where the single crystalline spherical Au NPs are obtained by freezing the droplets.29,30 As MTPs are enclosed by (111) surfaces, the transition is expected by a melt–freeze process.
It has been shown that agglomerates undergo incomplete or complete coalescence depending on the matching of the crystallographic reorientation.9,15 In our case, the free agglomerates independent of the morphology transform to crystalline and spherical nanoparticles. The influence of substrates in the coalescence process can be ruled out.1
Now we discuss the time of complete coalescence of two NPs, though quantitative comparison is not possible as an agglomerate consists of more than two unequal primary NPs. It can be assumed that each agglomerate coalesces to yield agglomerates with two equal size NPs (Step 2) before they coalesce to yield spherical and crystalline NPs, as shown in Fig. 7(a). As the coalescence of small NPs is much faster compared to large NPs, the coalescence time of agglomerates with two equal size NPs just before complete coalescence (Step 2) can be considered as the total coalescence time of the agglomerates. Similarly, the size of the primary particles before coalescence is 2–1/3d, as two particles coalescence to yield the final particles of size d. For very small objects that facilitate SM, surface diffusion is very efficient as a mass transfer mechanism and the coalescence time of two spheres is given by:41
tc = kBTd4/(CDsγa4), | (2) |
Ds = Ds0 exp(−Ea/RT) | (3) |
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Fig. 7 (a) Schematic of the shape transformation process. Agglomerates follow 1-2-3-4 or 1′-2-3-4 and transform to spherical shape, while non-spherical NPs transform to spherical shape as indicated by 3-4. (b) Comparison of TST with that calculated based on eqn. (2). |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 |