MedChemComm in partnership with the EFMC

Dear Colleague!

With this issue MedChemComm, the official journal of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry, approaches its second year. MedChemComm had a very successful launch at the 21st International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ISMC) in Brussels and Issue 1 was presented to more than 1200 medicinal chemists from all over the world. The first issues showed strong science paired with new and innovative concepts and thus fully fulfilled our aims of exploring new ground in the field of medicinal chemistry and of driving the whole discipline forward. Pooling articles and providing them in the form of web-theme issues, a concept already successfully used for other RSC journals such as ChemComm, will also be implemented for MedChemComm. The first one will be composed of articles by the speakers at the EFMC-IMSC. Others organised by members of the Executive Committee of EFMC will follow. This active engagement of EFMC representatives demonstrates the strong commitment all of us have to make MedChemComm a top Medicinal Chemistry journal.

With MedChemComm EFMC is partnering with the Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC journals are among the highest ranked ones in their disciplines, and are characterised by a top quality publishing service and a very author-friendly copyright policy. With its strong commitment to high scientific standards, RSC is the perfect partner for EFMC. EFMC is organising or co-organising a series of high quality events which combine top level science with a unique flair. This year, the Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry meeting will take place in Stockholm and will bring together scientists from US and from the Scandinavian region thus having a special flair in combining local strengths with the top international level. The Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (ASMC), held in St. Petersburg and organised together with Chembridge, will this time be chaired by K.C. Nicolaou and Tony Wood. This guarantees top speakers from both academia and industry, presenting their latest results related to the synthetic aspect of medicinal chemistry. Speakers at both events will be encouraged to publish their work in MedChemComm and thus share their opinion and vision with the whole medicinal chemistry community.

Articles published in MedChemComm are free to view for the whole community until the end of 2011, which guarantees broad readership and ensures maximum visibility of all articles published. So do not miss this opportunity and submit your next high quality work to MedChemComm!

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Gerhard F. Ecker

President EFMC

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011