Happy New Year from MedChemComm

Welcome to the first issue of MedChemComm of the New Year. As we move into 2011 there is plenty to celebrate from the journal's first year. Following the launch of the first issue in July 2010 the journal has published top quality research and reviews from across the breadth of medicinal chemistry research, seeing articles on topics ranging from nanoparticle contrast agents to boronic acids. We would like to thank all of our authors, referees and readers for their support in 2010.

High quality content

MedChemComm's mission is to publish not only the most significant research in traditional areas of medicinal chemistry, but also to publish research which brings new thinking to the subject and which challenges perceptions of what is possible in drug discovery. Top research articles in 2010 included ‘Hard shell gas-filled contrast enhancement particles for colour Doppler ultrasound imaging of tumors’ by William Trogler et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00139B) and ‘Cytotoxic sugar analogues of an optimized novobiocin scaffold’ by Brian Blagg et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00063A). MedChemComm also publishes high quality review articles which focus on key topics in medicinal chemistry. Reviews published in 2010 include ‘Chemical space as a source for new drugs’ by Jean-Louis Reymond et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00020E) and ‘Targeting epigenetic modifiers: Inhibitors of histone methyltransferases’ by Manfred Jung et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00062K).

Bright start to 2011

At MedChemComm we are starting the year as we mean to go on with a great selection of articles, including ‘Proteochemometric Modeling as a Tool to Design Selective Compounds and Extrapolating to Novel Targets’ by Andreas Bender et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00165A) and ‘Evaluation of FR901464 analogues in vitro and in vivo’ by Kazunori Koide et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C0MD00179A).

There are many ways to keep up to date with the latest MedChemComm content throughout the year, including contents alerts, the MedChemComm newsletter, the journal blog and our Twitter feed. Don't forget that all MedChemComm content is free to view for the whole of 2011, following a simple registration procedure.

Submit to MedChemComm

2010 was a great first year for MedChemComm and we are actively welcoming high quality submissions for 2011 issues of the journal. Why not join other top researchers in sending us your best work? All our authors benefit from the rigorous peer-review system and rapid publication times for which the RSC is well known. Colour reproduction is always free in the online PDF and HTML versions of articles, and we are also happy to include colour for free in print versions where it enhances understanding of the image. Our online author portal makes the submission process quick and simple. Why not try it today by visiting the website at www.rsc.org/medchemcomm?

Themed issues

2011 will see the launch of high profile MedChemComm themed issues. These will provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of new research and we believe they will be of great value to the medicinal chemistry research community. The first themed issue will focus on articles by speakers at the 21st International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry which was held in Brussels in September last year. The issue will appear online later this year.

Working in partnership with the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry

MedChemComm is the official journal of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), which represents 25 scientific organisations from 23 European countries. This is a key partnership for the journal, as the EFMC share our objective to advance the science of medicinal chemistry. Our close links are exemplified by the strong EFMC representation on the MedChemComm Editorial and Advisory Boards, including EFMC President Professor Gerhard Ecker. If you are attending one of the EFMC's key meetings in 2011 – Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (ASMC) and Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry – then you can meet a member of the MedChemComm team there. Also, look out for the EFMC's newsletter, MedChemWatch, in issues of the journal this year.
Delegates at the MedChemComm reception at EFMC-ISMC 2010.
Fig. 1 Delegates at the MedChemComm reception at EFMC-ISMC 2010.

MedChemComm at conferences

In 2010 the MedChemComm Editorial team visited a number of conferences, which gave us great opportunities to meet the top scientists in the area, see the latest research developments and discuss the journal with our authors, referees and readers. September saw MedChemComm's official launch reception at the 21st International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ISMC 2010) in Brussels, Belgium. Thank you to all the delegates who attended. Look out for the MedChemComm team and Editorial Board members at conferences throughout 2011.

We hope that you enjoy reading this first issue of 2011.

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Professor Greg Verdine

Co-Editor-in Chief

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Dr Tony Wood

Co-Editor-in Chief

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Dr Richard Kelly

Managing Editor

RSC Publishing News

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RSC 2011 Conferences and Events

As a learned society host more than 300 international conferences and events, the following have been outlined as areas you may find of interest. Visit www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents to view the complete schedule of events for 2011.

Antibiotics: Where now? II

London, UK, 20 January

22nd International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry

Cambridge, UK, 11–14 July

Challenges in Chemical Biology (ISACS5)

Manchester, UK, 26–29 July

International Year of Chemistry 2011

IUPAC (in conjunction with the UN and UNESCO) have proclaimed 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC), the goals of which are: to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs; to encourage interest in chemistry among young people; and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.

The RSC will be leading the way in IYC 2011, supporting this important initiative through a series of events and activities.


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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011