News from the Green Chemistry Editors

Leading journal in the field

With the 2009 Journal Citation Reports® released in June last year it was great to see that Green Chemistry retained it's position as leading Journal in the field with an impact factor of 5.8. We would like to thank all of our authors, referees and readers for this 28% increase in impact factor as it is through your support of the journal that it was possible to achieve this.

Editorial Board changes

At the end of 2010 three of our long-standing Editorial Board members retired from the Editorial Board. We would like to thank Joan Brennecke, Tom Welton and Paul Anastas for their enthusiasm and support of Green Chemistry over the last 6 years and for their input into developing the journal. We are pleased that they have agreed to join the Advisory Board to continue their input into the journal.

We are very pleased to announce that from this year C.-J. Li has agreed to take on the role of Green Chemistry Associate Editor for the Americas and will be handling manuscripts from the beginning of January 2011. Professor Li has been involved in the journal for the past few years and we are pleased that he has now agreed to manage the peer-review process for Green Chemistry papers.

Editorial policy on ionic liquids

Over the past year we have received an increasing number of questions regarding the Green Chemistry Editorial policy on ionic liquid papers, i.e. which papers are considered within the scope of the journal. Whilst this is a difficult question to answer as each paper is considered on its own merits we thought it was important to offer our authors more guidance, and who better to address these questions than Tom Welton. Therefore, before leaving the Editorial Board we asked Tom Welton to write an editorial on this subject and this will be published in the next issue.

1st PACN Green Chemistry Congress

From the 15th–17th November last year the 1st PACN Green Chemistry Congress was held in Addis Ababa, organised by the Pan Africa Chemistry Network (
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Green Chemistry supported this International Congress and Green Chemistry Advisory Board member, Yonas Chebude, chaired the local organizing committee. In addition to a number of distinguished scientists from all around the world, both the Chair of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Editor spoke at the Congress, as well as Editorial Board members Buxing Han, Paul Anastas and Tom Welton. The Congress was very well attended with delegates from 22 countries. One of the main outcomes of the Congress is the writing of a report which will include recommendations. Once the report is finalised we will announce it on the Green Chemistry website.

Online developments

2010 saw a number of online developments for Green Chemistry, introduced to improve the customer service that the journal offers its authors and readers. Early in 2010, the journal moved to the RSC's new online manuscript submission system. This online system is more user friendly, and helps to streamline the submission process, making it even easier and straightforward to submit your research to Green Chemistry. During the last quarter of 2010 we introduced PDF versions of advance articles, presenting the first online version of an article in a convenient, printable format. We have also introduced a Green Chemistry blog, which is where you can read about the latest hot articles published in the journal, the most accessed articles and other journal news. To keep up to date, check the blog regularly, or sign up for the blog's RSS feeds (


All of us wish you a successful and chemically green 2011.


Sarah Ruthven



Martyn Poliakoff

Chair of the Editorial Board


Walter Leitner

Scientific Editor

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RSC 2011 conferences and events

As a learned society host of more than 300 international conferences and events, the following have been outlined as areas you may find of interest. Visit to view the complete schedule of events for 2011.

1st International Conference on Clean Energy, Dalian, China, 10–13 April

Challenges in Renewable Energy (ISACS4), Boston, USA, 5–8 July

Faraday Discussion 154: Ionic Liquids, Belfast, UK, 22–24 August

International Year of Chemistry 2011

IUPAC (in conjunction with the UN and UNESCO) have proclaimed 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC), the goals of which are: to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs; to encourage interest in chemistry among young people; and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry. The RSC will be leading the way in IYC 2011, supporting this important initiative through a series of events and activities.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011