Sustained success

The motivation behind the launch of Energy & Environmental Science was to bring together the research communities working towards a more sustainable future, and to become a natural home for research of broad interest and of the highest quality.

Operating under the direction and guidance of Editor-in-Chief Professor Nathan Lewis, the Editorial Office and Board have worked hard to fulfil this aim.

As we enter our 4th volume, it is timely to evaluate the progress the journal has made since launch, and look forward to new developments over the year ahead.

A community-spanning journal

The need for research into sustainable energy is more pressing than ever, and scientists from many disciplines around the world continue to rise to the challenges presented.

The great strength of Energy & Environmental Science is that the journal spans many communities. We are not solely a chemistry journal, nor an exclusively physics, materials, biotechnology, environmental, engineering or catalysis journal. Acting as a forum bridging all these important fields, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Our belief is that true progress into more sustainable energy requires collaborative science, technology, and engineering research encompassing many fields. Energy & Environmental Science thus fulfils a very important role as the central home for high quality results, analysis and discourse.

We are very glad that the communities we aspire to serve have so enthusiastically welcomed and endorsed our community-spanning ambitions. This can be seen not just in terms of submissions—at a record high and still rising (Fig 2)—but moreover from the wide subject balance of our published and indeed our most highly-cited articles to date.

Some of our attractive covers from 2010.
Fig. 1 Some of our attractive covers from 2010.

From organic photovoltaics to solar fuels, from biomass conversion to hydrogen storage, from fundamental science in nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage to technological perspectives and analyses of the link between energy and the global environment, all is present (Table 1).

Table 1 The most highly-cited articles published in EES to date
Organic photovoltaicsB. Kippelen, J. L. Bredas10.1039/b812502n
The current status of hydrogen storage in metal-organic frameworksD. Zhao, D. Q. Yuan, H. C. Zhou10.1039/b808322n
Advancing beyond current generation dye-sensitized solar cellsT. W. Hamann et al.10.1039/b809672d
Thermochemical biofuel production in hydrothermal mediaA. A. Peterson, F. Vogel et al.10.1039/b810100k
Solar water-splitting into H-2 and O-2: design principles of photosystem II and hydrogenasesW. Lubitz, E. J. Reijerse, J. Messinger10.1039/b808792j
Organic tandem solar cellsT. Ameri, G. Dennler et al.10.1039/b817952b
New sorbents for hydrogen storage by hydrogen spilloverL. F. Wang, R. T. Yang10.1039/b807957a
Nanostructured electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversionA. Manthiram et al.10.1039/b811802g
Vertically-aligned nanostructures of ZnO for excitonic solar cellsI. Gonzalez-Valls, M. Lira-Cantu10.1039/b811536b
Bulk nanostructured thermoelectric materials: current research and future prospectsA. J. Minnich, M. S. Dresselhaus, Z. F. Ren, et al.10.1039/b822664b
Biofuels: a technological perspectiveR. Luque et al.10.1039/b807094f

Pages published in the journal since launch.
Fig. 2 Pages published in the journal since launch.

In view of our wide readership, each article in the journal continues to be accompanied by a brief distinctive “broader context” section, highlighting the importance of the research and allowing the entire readership to appreciate its significance.

A further unique feature is our range of article types, including quantitative Analysis articles, and lively, sometimes provocative yet rigorously-argued Opinions by leaders in the field. See for example the recently-published Opinion on “Fast Food Energy” by Professor Dan Nocera (DOI: 10.1039/c003891c).

Commitment to quality

Above all, Energy & Environmental Science remains a journal committed to publishing the most insightful, very high-quality science of significant general interest to our wide international readership. By managing a rigorous, fair and efficient peer-review system we maintain our consistent high standards.

This is perhaps highlighted by our recently-released stunning first Impact Factor of 8.50, officially ranking Energy & Environmental Science as #1 of 181 journals in its ISI subject category.

This magnificent news underlines the wonderful start the journal has enjoyed. Our commitment to quality will continue in the months and years ahead.


We remain enthusiastic about disseminating important new research to the broad international communities we serve. We are using innovative and novel ways to make sure that the work published in Energy & Environmental Science has the highest visibility possible: we therefore have a lively social networking presence, with a large online community on both Facebook and Twitter following our news and helping to shape the future of the journal.

Our Facebook site is not just a home for our latest news; it acts as a forum where the entire community can share ideas and debate their opinions on the latest developments in energy research. As well as highlighting articles from Energy & Environmental Science, we also feature breakthrough papers from other leading journals, post videos and lectures, and share information on new policies and upcoming conferences—we cover everything you need to know about energy! We hope you will get involved and share your ideas and opinions with this dynamic community by joining our online network today.

International approach

In an exciting new move, Energy & Environmental Science is organising a conference in Dalian, China from 10–13 April. Chaired by Advisory Board Member Professor Xinhe Bao, the 1stInternational Conference on Clean Energy promises to be an exceptional meeting. Further details, including the list of world class plenary speakers, are available at:
Prof Xinhe Bao, EES Advisory Board member and Chair of the 1stInternational Conference on Clean Energy.
Fig. 3 Prof Xinhe Bao, EES Advisory Board member and Chair of the 1stInternational Conference on Clean Energy.

New Editorial Board member Professor Peng Wang.
Fig. 4 New Editorial Board member Professor Peng Wang.

Energy & Environmental Science has broad international support, and we are delighted to have published many important papers from Chinese authors. I am pleased to announce that Professor Peng Wang (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry) will be joining the Editorial Board, and we look forward to working closely with him.

Looking to the future

Indeed, on behalf of Editor-in-Chief Nathan Lewis I would like to thank all members of our Editorial and Advisory Boards, and more generally our authors, referees, and readers for your continued support. This has laid the foundations for future success, and we very much hope you will continue to help us build on our recent achievements.

Huge challenges still remain with the development of more sustainable energy, and in the mitigation of related environmental impacts. We feel Energy & Environmental Science is very well placed to be at the forefront of research addressing these challenges. Feedback and suggestions for the journal are always welcome—do please contact the Editorial Office at any time with your ideas.

With best wishes for the New Year,

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Philip Earis

Managing Editor


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• 1st International Conference on Clean Energy

• Dalian, China, 10–13 April

• Faraday Discussion 151: Hydrogen Storage Materials

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• Challenges in Renewable Energy (ISACS4)

• Boston, USA, 5–8 July

• Faraday Discussion 154: Ionic Liquids

• Belfast, UK, 22–24 August

Faraday Discussion 155: Artificial Photosynthesis

• Edinburgh, UK, 5–7 September


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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011