Carbonyl copper(I) complexes with hydrotris(1,2,4-triazolyl)borate, hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate, and tris(pyrazolyl)methane ligands: a DFT study

Maurizio Casarin *ab, Luciano Pandolfo a and Andrea Vittadini b
aDipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, via Francesco Marzolo 1, 35131, Padova, Italy. E-mail:; Fax: +39 049 8275161; Tel: +39 049 8275164
bCR-INSTM “Village”, and, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari, via Francesco Marzolo 1, 35131, Padova, Italy

Received 29th August 2008 , Accepted 30th October 2008

First published on 18th November 2008


Theoretical evidence supporting the use of hydrotris(1,2,4-triazolyl)borate (ttz) ligands as a proper alternative to the hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate (tp) ones is provided by density functional calculations.

An impressive number of experimental contributions has been devoted to the study of the structural and electronic properties of scorpionate transition metal complexes.1–6 N3 tripodal ligands, such as hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate (tp) and the neutral tris(pyrazolyl)methane (tpm), are both able to shield the metal center, and to act as reliable spectator ligands. They have also been proposed as modeling tools in the investigation of the catalytic activity of metal centers in biological systems. However, because of their low solubility, sterically bulky tp and tpm ligands are of limited use as models of enzyme active sites in an aqueous milieu.

In the recent past, Papish and coworkers6 have reported the synthesis as well as the structural and spectroscopic characterization of a series of tris(triazolyl)borate (ttz) metal complexes demonstrating: (i) the higher water solubility of these compounds compared to that of their tp analogues; (ii) the negligible effect of the third nitrogen atom of the triazole ring on the complex coordination geometry; (iii) the weaker electron donor capability of ttz with respect to tp.

As part of a systematic theoretical investigation of scorpionate binding capabilities as a function of the ligand hapticity and charge (−1 for ttz and tp, 0 for tpm),5 we report here the results of a series of numerical experiments7 on [Cu(ttz)(CO)] ( MII), [Cu(tp)(CO)] ( II), and [Cu(tpm)(CO)]+ ( MIIIIII) complexes (see Fig. 1), with MII and MIIIIII unsubstitued models of [Cu(ttztBu,Me)(CO)] ( I) and [Cu(tpmiPr,iPr)(CO)]+ ( III) (ttztBu,Me and tpmiPr,iPr stand for tris(3-tert-butyl-5-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl)borate6 and tris(3,5-diisopropylpyrazolyl)borate ligands,4 respectively).

Schematic representation of [Cu(ttz)(CO)] ( MII), [Cu(tp)(CO)] ( II), and [Cu(tpm)(CO)]+ ( MIIIIII). Spheres evidenced by * represent N and C atoms in MII and II/MIIIIII, respectively, while the one evidenced by ‡ symbolizes B in MII and II, and C in MIIIIII. H atoms of triazolyl and pyrazolyl rings in MII and II/MIIIIII, respectively, are not displayed for the sake of clarity.
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of [Cu(ttz)(CO)] ( MII), [Cu(tp)(CO)] ( II), and [Cu(tpm)(CO)]+ ( MIIIIII). Spheres evidenced by * represent N and C atoms in MII and II/MIIIIII, respectively, while the one evidenced by ‡ symbolizes B in MII and II, and C in MIIIIII. H atoms of triazolyl and pyrazolyl rings in MII and II/MIIIIII, respectively, are not displayed for the sake of clarity.

Optimized coordinates of MII, II, and MIIIIII are collected in Tables S1–S3 of the ESI, while selected structural parameters are compared with X-ray data4,6,15 in Table 1.

Table 1 Selected structural parameters for MII, II, and MIIIIIIa
  MII Theory/exp. II Theory/exp.b MIIIIII Theory/exp.
a Bond lengths and bond angles in Å and °, respectively. Experimental values for I,6II,15 and III4 are reported for comparison. The numbering scheme of the atoms is the same as that adopted in ref. 6. b Complex II has precise (i.e., crystallographically dictated) C3 symmetry.
O1–C1 1.151/1.132(2) 1.153/1.120(13) 1.146/1.127(6)
Cu1–C1 1.815/1.8064(19) 1.810/1.755(11) 1.825/1.777(5)
Cu1–N7 2.121/2.0565(15) 2.112/2.048(4) 2.142/2.030(4)
Cu1–N1 2.121/2.0778(14) 2.113/2.048(4) 2.143/2.050(4)
Cu1–N4 2.123/2.0846(14) 2.114/2.048(4) 2.143/2.043(3)
Average Cu–N 2.122/2.0730 2.113/2.048 2.143/2.041
O1–C1–Cu1 180.0/179.41(19) 180.0/180.0(-) 180.0/176.7(6)
C1–Cu1–N7 125.9/125.27(8) 125.1/124.4(1) 127.4/126.5(2)
C1–Cu1–N1 126.0/124.41(7) 125.4/124.4(1) 127.9/130.1(2)
C1–Cu1–N4 125.1/122.09(7) 125.4/124.4(1) 127.9/123.6(2)
Average C1–Cu–N 125.7/123.92 125.3/124.4 127.7/126.7
N7–Cu1–N1 89.4/90.60(6) 90.0/91.3(2) 86.5/86.3(2)
N7–Cu1–N4 89.4/92.85(5) 89.9/91.3(2) 86.5/89.0(1)
N1–Cu1–N4 89.4/92.20(5) 89.9/91.3(2) 86.6/88.3(1)
Average N–Cu–N 89.4/91.88 89.9/91.3 86.5/87.9

The good agreement between experiment and theory indicates that, for Cu(I) complexes, bulky substituents in positions 3 and 5 of the triazolyl and pyrazolyl rings negligibly affect the structure of the complex cores. Moreover, though no symmetry has been assumed in our calculations, MII, II, and MIIIIII are all characterized by the presence of a pseudo C3 axis aligned with the H–X (X = B in MII and II, X = C in MIIIIII) and Cu–C–O fragments.

It is well known that IR spectroscopy is a very useful tool to get information about the M–CO (M = metal) interaction,16 the C–O stretching frequency (νCO) being very sensitive to the M→CO back-donation strength, to the M oxidation state as well as to its coordination geometry.17

On passing from the free CO to the coordinated one, νCO is red shifted by 63, 60, and 36 cm−1 in I, II, and III,18 respectively. In very good agreement with experimental evidence, theoretical νCO are red shifted by 58, 74, and 23 cm−1 in MII, II, and MIIIIII, respectively.19 These results indicate that an extensive Cu(I)→CO back-donation from the completely occupied Cu(I) 3d atomic orbitals (AOs) into the CO 2π lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is present,17 but they are of little use in assessing the strength of the concomitant CO→Cu(I) donation from the CO 5σ highest occupied MO (HOMO) into the Cu(I) 4s and 4p empty AOs.

In order to get further insight into the bonding scheme of the title molecules we applied the Ziegler extended transition state (ETS) method12 to the Cu(L) (L = ttz, tp, and tpm) and CO fragments. Cu(L) and CO Hirshfeld charges20 (Q) and Cu(L)–CO (binding energy) BE contributions are reported in Table 2, where ΔEes is the pure electrostatic interaction, ΔEPauli is the destabilizing two-orbital–four-electron interaction between the occupied orbitals of the interacting fragments ((ΔEes + ΔEPauli) corresponds to the so called steric interaction (ΔEst) contribution), ΔEint derives from the stabilizing interaction between occupied and empty orbitals of the interacting fragments, and ΔEprep provides information about the energy required to relax the structure of the free fragments to the geometry they assume in the final system.

Table 2 Q Cu(L) , QCO and BE contributions (kcal mol−1) to the Cu(L)–CO interaction (L = ttz, tp, and tpm in MII, II, and MIIIIII)
Q CO −0.13 −0.15 −0.10
Q Cu(L) 0.13 0.15 1.10
ΔEPauli 122.00 127.44 109.34
ΔEes −98.80 −101.97 −92.23
ΔEst 23.08 25.46 17.11
ΔEint −61.47 −64.49 −56.14
ΔEprep 2.63 3.02 2.64
BSSE (basis set superposition errors) 0.84 0.81 0.96
BE −34.92 −35.20 −35.43

Data reported in Table 2 point out that: (i) CO always carries a negative charge, i.e. it is a net electron acceptor; (ii) QCO becomes more negative along the series MIIIIIIMIIII; (iii) the strength of the Cu(L)–CO interaction is substantially the same along the investigated series because the more negative ΔEint term in the neutral adducts ( MII and II) is compensated by the less positive ΔEst contribution in the charged species.21 It is not surprising that the highest QCO value is computed for MIIIIII; in fact, CO interacts with the positively charged [Cu(tpm)]+ fragment and is unwilling to back-donate. Similar concepts can be applied to explain the QCO difference between MII and II. Actually, despite ttz and tp both carrying a negative charge, the three N atoms of each triazolyl ring makes ttz more electronegative than tp and, consequently, [Cu(ttz)] is a weaker electron donor than [Cu(tp)].6 This can be better realized from Fig. 2, where the Cu(I) 3d partial density of states (PDOS) of [Cu(ttz)], [Cu(tp)], and [Cu(tpm)]+ fragments are compared. The inspection of the PDOS curves clearly testifies that: (i) topmost occupied states are strongly localzed on Cu(I) 3d AOs;22 (ii) the Cu(I) 3d PDOS of the positively charged [Cu(tpm)]+ lie at significantly lower energies than those of the neutral [Cu(ttz)] and [Cu(tp)] fragments; (iii) the Cu(I) 3d PDOS of [Cu(ttz)] lie at lower energies than that of [Cu(tp)].

          Cu PDOS of [Cu(ttz)], [Cu(tp)], and [Cu(tpm)]+ fragments. Vertical lines at −8.29, −5.08, and −4.33 eV correspond to the HOMO energy of [Cu(tpm)]+, [Cu(ttz)], and [Cu(tp)], respectively.
Fig. 2 Cu PDOS of [Cu(ttz)], [Cu(tp)], and [Cu(tpm)]+ fragments. Vertical lines at −8.29, −5.08, and −4.33 eV correspond to the HOMO energy of [Cu(tpm)]+, [Cu(ttz)], and [Cu(tp)], respectively.

Because of the absence of symmetry, no partitioning in the σ and π contributions is possible for ΔEint of MII, II, MIIIIII. This hitch can be however overcome by considering that the MII, II, and MIIIIII optimized structures are all characterized by the presence of a pseudo C3 axis. On this basis we decided to carry out a further series of numerical experiments on the same model systems, where a C3v symmetry was assumed.23

The a1 (σ) and e (π) contributions to the Cu(L)–CO interaction (see Table 3) indicates that, despite the leading role played by the Cu(L)→CO back-donation, the CO→Cu(L) σ donation significantly contributes to the Cu(L)–CO bond.

Table 3 a1 (σ) and e (π) contributions (kcal mol−1) to the Cu(L)–CO interaction (L = ttz, tp, and tpm in MII, II, and MIIIIII)
a1 (σ) −24.92 −25.14 −24.53
e (π) −36.95 −39.57 −32.65
ΔEint −61.87 −64.71 −57.18

In conclusion, DFT results reported herein provide a theoretical support to the use of ttz as a proper alternative to tp, thus corroborating Papish’s suggestion6 that ttz ligands could be useful in model studies of the catalytic activity of metal centers in biological systems.

The “Laboratorio Interdipartimentale di Chimica Computazionale” (LICC) at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova is acknowledged for support of the computer facilities. L. P. thanks MIUR for the PRIN 2006038447 grant.


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  18. The experimental νCO of the free molecule is 2143 cm−1; νCO values of I, II, and III lie at 2080,6 2083,15 and 21074 cm−1, respectively. The [Cu(tptBu,Me)(CO)] νCO is 2059 cm−1 (ref. 6).
  19. The νCO evaluated for the free molecule within the harmonic approximation amounts to 2113 cm−1.
  20. F. L. Hirshfeld, Theor. Chim. Acta, 1977, 44, 129 CrossRef CAS.
  21. The Cu(L)–CO BEs of II and MIIIIII are in excellent agreement with data reported by Fujisawa et al.4 for [Cu(tpMe,Me)(CO)] and [Cu(tpmMe,Me)(CO)]+.
  22. The Mulliken charge density analysis14 points out that the topmost MOs of MII, II, and MIIIIII are all strongly localized on the Cu based 3d AOs.
  23. Bonding energy differences between C3v and C1 calculations amount to 0.2 (MII), 0.4 (II), and 0.1 (MIIIIII) kcal mol−1. C3v geometrical parameters negligibly differ from those reported in Table 1.


Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Optimized coordinates of [Cu(ttz)(CO)], [Cu(tp)(CO)], and [Cu(tpm)(CO)]+ (Tables S1–S3). See DOI: 10.1039/b815095h

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