Kevin R.
abd and
Martin L.
aCenter for Engineering and Medicine and Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, 51 Blosson St. Rm 406, Boston, MA 02114, USA. E-mail:; Fax: (617) 371-4950; Tel: (617) 371-4882
bMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Division of Health Science and Technology, Boston, MA 02114, USA
cDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Boston, MA 02114, USA
dShriners Hospitals for Children, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114, USA
First published on 29th September 2006
The dynamics of gene expression are fundamental to the coordination of cellular responses. Measurement of temporal gene expression patterns is currently limited to destructive low-throughput techniques such as northern blotting, reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR ), and DNA microarrays. We report a scalable experimental platform that combines microfluidic addressability with quantitative live cell imaging of fluorescent protein transcriptional reporters to achieve real-time characterization of gene expression programs in living cells. Integrated microvalve arrays control row-seeding and column-stimulation of 256 nanoliter-scale bioreactors to create a high density matrix of stimulus–response experiments. We demonstrate the approach in the context of hepatic inflammation by acquiring ∼5000 single-time-point measurements in each automated and unattended experiment. Experiments can be assembled in hours and perform the equivalent of months of conventional experiments. By enabling efficient investigation of dynamic gene expression programs, this technology has the potential to make significant impacts in basic science, drug development, and clinical medicine.
Conventional gene expression analysis typically involves measuring single-time-point ‘snapshots’ with destructive techniques such as northern blots, reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), or DNA microarrays. Using these methods, dynamics can only be approximated by assembling average responses from separate cell populations, one for each time point. While the methods have provided early data on expression dynamics, the laborious and expensive nature of the approaches place significant limitations on both the number of time points and the range of experimental conditions that can be reasonably explored. Recent developments in the area of fluorescent reporter technologies are now permitting nondestructive monitoring of a broad range of intracellular molecular events.
Reporter assays involve transfecting cells with plasmid DNA encoding an easily measured protein such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the regulation of a specific transcription factor. When the transcription factor of interest is active, the protein is expressed and GFP levels increase. When the transcription factor is not active, GFP levels decrease. Libraries of transcriptional reporters have been developed in bacteria and used to study regulatory programs involved in biosynthesis6 and flagella assembly;7 however adapting these strategies to adherent mammalian cells is challenging due to low fluorescence signals, stringent growth requirements, heterogeneous morphologies, and continuous cell motion.
To date, high-throughput array technologies have focused significant attention on increasing the number of “outputs” (primarily genes and proteins). However, comparatively little effort has been directed at scaling the number of “inputs,” or cell stimuli. The ability to create complex patterns of soluble stimuli that simulate the dynamic cellular microenvironment in a highly parallel fashion would enable systematic characterization of cell responses and underlying gene regulatory programs. Microfluidics offers an attractive platform for massively parallel integration of cell culture and stimulus control. Microscale fluidic circuits have already proven valuable for automation of biochemical assays such as RT-PCR ,8 and their compatibility with transparent and biocompatible polymers has lead to applications in adherent mammalian cell studies ranging from developmental biology9 and stem cell differentiation10 to mechanotransduction11 and cell migration.12
In this work, we combine microfluidic perfusion culture and molecular stimulation with live cell transcriptional reporter monitoring to create a real-time gene expression array as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Rows of nanoliter-scale bioreactors are seeded with a library of monoclonal reporter cell lines and stimulated by columns of soluble stimuli. The resulting matrix of experiments is noninvasively monitored using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and quantified using automated image analysis to measure stimulus–response dynamics across a broad range of experimental conditions.
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Fig. 1 Schematic of the microfluidic real-time gene expression array. (a) Transcriptional reporter operation—when an extracellular stimulus (yellow) binds its receptor (blue) and activates intracellulartranscription factors (red), they enter the nucleus and bind to DNA response elements that activate transcription of the associated genes (grey). In addition to regulating endogenous genes, transcription factors also bind to response elements of the stably transfected reporter plasmid DNA resulting in expression of the reporter protein d2EGFP (green) which can be detected by fluorescence microscopy. If the reporter is not continuously expressed, cellular fluorescence will fade due to the short half-life of the fluorescent protein. (b) Microfluidic multi-reporter array—reporter cell lines for multiple genes and transcription factors are seeded in separate channels of the microfluidic array and stimulated with soluble stimuli in the orthogonal direction (colored arrows). (c) The addressable cellular array is monitored noninvasively by automated time-lapse fluorescence microscopy, and images are quantified by automated image analysis to create a dense 2D matrix of dynamic stimulus–response data. |
Guided by our interest in hepatic inflammation,13–15 we created reporter cell lines to monitor the dynamics of several key transcription factors. The library of reporters were seeded in the array and exposed to molecular stimuli commonly encountered during hepatic inflammation—bacterial toxins, cytokines, hormones, and their combinations. In each automated and unattended experiment, we collected 192 time courses, sampled every 90 min for 36 h, totaling ∼5000 single-time point measurements per experiment. Our results revealed distinct dynamics for each pathway and provided evidence for cross-talk between classically independent pathways. In comparison to conventional techniques, which would require months to perform a comparable experiment, the microfluidic real-time gene expression array requires only hours for fabrication and assembly, enabling high-throughput investigation of the coordinated dynamics of gene expression programs.
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Fig. 2 Microfluidic living cell array (a) Layer 1 (yellow) consists of a 16 × 16 array of circular “cell visualization chambers” (50 µm height and 420 µm diameter). Each 2 × 2 subarray in layer 1 is isolated from the others by 2 sets of reversible PDMS barriers. These barriers are controlled by two valve control manifolds (green and purple) in layer 2. Cell lines are drawn from separate inlets (left) through a common outlet (right) to seed the device with rows of different reporters. Similarly, each stimulus is drawn from separate inlets (top) through a common stimulation outlet (bottom). Layer 2 seeding valves (green) are dead-end channels controlled by the pressure in a single inlet (top right) and stimulation valves (purple) are controlled by a single control line (bottom right). (b) Cross-sectional schematic of the reversible barriers. At rest or when positive pressure is applied to the control line, valves are closed. (c) When negative pressure is applied to the control line, the reversible barrier is elevated allowing fluidic communication. (d) Schematic of a typical experiment. 1. Devices are placed in “seeding configuration” with seeding valves open and stimulation valves closed. 2. Reporter cell lines are introduced from the left. 3. The array is placed in neutral configuration by closing seeding valves, and cells are allowed to attach. 4. Devices are then placed in “stimulation configuration” by opening stimulation valves and closing seeding valves. 5. Stimuli are drawn through each column of the array to stimulate each cell line with each stimulus and create a matrix of 64 stimulus–response experiments, each with 4 cell chambers or “replicates”. (e) Images of the dye-filled device in each of the three configurations—seeding (top), neutral (middle), stimulation (bottom). Open valves appear to have yellow centers when the floor and ceiling of the layer 2 control channel meet. Since the dye is squeezed away from that area, the color is dominated by the yellow dye in the underlying layer 1. |
To seed cells, arrays are first sterilized, coated with fibronectin, and placed in “seeding configuration” (Fig. 2d–e) by raising seeding valves and leaving stimulation valves closed. Once the array is separated into rows, tubing from each seeding inlet is immersed in a separate concentrated cell suspension (5–10 × 106 cells ml–1) containing a different reporter cell population (see movie in the Electronic Supplementary Information online).† Each reporter cell suspension is manually drawn into each row of the array using a 1 ml syringe (approximately 50 µl of each cell suspension) connected to the common seeding outlet. After seeding, the barriers are returned to their closed positions and cells are allowed to attach and spread inside the array. After 1–2 h, unattached cells are rinsed away and the adherent reporter cells are cultured using either discrete medium changes (2–3 per day) or continuous medium delivery. Discrete medium changes are performed by connecting a medium-filled syringe to the seeding outlet, opening the seeding valves, and advancing the syringe to deliver approximately 100 µl of the medium 2–3 times per day. Alternatively, a continuous flow of medium is delivered at 0.1 µl min–1 using a constant-flow syringe pump. After seeding and attachment (24 h), the microscale cultures are characterized by high viability (∼95% by calcein AM) and active proliferation. Cell density is highly uniform in each row with some variation between rows due to differences in cell suspension preparation. Inside the device, cells assume normal morphologies (Fig. 3a,b) and we routinely maintain cultures for several days until confluency is achieved.
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Fig. 3 Cell culture in the microfluidic array—(a) Phase contrast images of 8 representative wells in the array. (b) Enlarged phase contrast image of a single confluent cell-visualization chamber with cells exhibiting morphologies similar to those observed on conventional tissue culture plastic. (c) Fluorescence overlay of red- and green-labeled cells seeded in adjacent rows. Valves are closed to separate rows and columns during cell attachment. (d) Fluorescence overlay of calcein red and green being delivered through adjacent columns while the array is in stimulation configuration. |
Spatial encoding of multiple cell types is critical for seeding the reporter library in the array. To demonstrate isolation of rows during cell seeding and the prevention of row-to-row communication or “seeding cross-talk,” we labeled cells with red or green cell-tracker and loaded them in alternating rows. These experiments revealed no row-to-row communication (Fig. 3c) and we observed that cells retained their patterns throughout attachment and spreading, and over several days of culture.
To generate a two-dimensional matrix of experiments, the array must be converted from rows to columns to allow perpendicular delivery of soluble stimuli. Once cells are attached and spread, the array is placed in “stimulation configuration” by applying negative pressure to stimulation valves and positive pressure to seeding valves to ensure complete closure. Soluble stimuli are then drawn into the array in parallel using a constant flow syringe pump, either by drawing fluid from 8 stimulus-containing reservoirs into a single outlet syringe (0.8 µl min–1 total flow) or by delivering stimuli from the inlet using a multi-channel syringe pump (0.1 µl min–1 for each of 8 stimulus-containing syringes). To demonstrate isolation of soluble stimuli, we delivered green and red calcein dye through alternating channels. Despite varying inlet pressures to promote cross-talk, the fluorescent solutions remained isolated in columns with no measurable column-to-column communication or “stimulus cross-talk” (Fig. 3e). Taken together, these studies demonstrate that the microfluidic array provides a reliable and scalable method for creating dense two-dimensional arrays of dynamic stimulus–response experiments using living cells.
Response element/transcription factora | Consensus sequences | Reporter response element sequences | Inducers | Functions |
a Stable monoclone reporter cell lines for each transcription factor are referred to by the names in bold. | ||||
NFκB binding element/NFκB | GGGAMTNYCC26 | GGGAATTTCC | TNF-α | Proinflammatory, Anti-apoptotic |
AP-1 binding element/AP-1 | TGASTMA26 | TGAGTCA | IL-1 | Proinflammatory, Mitogenic |
STAT3 binding element/STAT3 | TT(N)4-5 AA27 | TTCCCGAA | IL-6 | Proinflammatory, Anti-apoptotic. |
ISRE/IRF | SAAA(N)2-3AAASY28 | GAAACTGAAACT | IFN-γ | Proinflammatory |
GRE/GR | AGAACANNNTGTTCT26 | AGAACAAAATGTTGT | Dexamethasone | Anti-inflammatory |
CMV-D4EGFP/D4G | — | — | Positive control | — |
Nontransfected/NT | — | — | Negative control | — |
We programmed an automated microscope to capture fluorescence images from each cell-containing-chamber at regular intervals, and we quantified the dynamic reporter responses using automated image processing and analysis routines written in MATLAB as described in the Methods section. To characterize the approach, we quantified dynamic responses of the Nuclear Factor κB (NFκB) reporter after exposure to Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) (25 ng ml–1), as well as the Glucocorticoid Response Element (GRE) reporter after exposure to Dexamethasone (Dex) (4 µM) using automated microscopy in microfluidic channels as well as the more labor intensive and destructive fluorescence flow cytometry. Comparisons of normalized fluorescence measured by cytometry and microscopy revealed that both techniques captured similar temporal trends and were able to distinguish the distinct dynamics of the two reporters (Fig. 4a–c). Furthermore, because automated time-lapse microscopy allows sampling frequency to be increased freely without requiring additional experiments, we were also able to sample cellular fluorescence at more regular intervals and higher temporal resolution than flow cytometry. In summary, the use of automated time-lapse fluorescence microscopy allows reproducible, high-sensitivity, and high-frequency measurements of cellular fluorescence, making it an ideal method for quantifying reporter dynamics in the microfluidic real-time gene expression array.
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Fig. 4 GFP reporter cell line dynamics—(a) Comparison of NFκB and GRE reporter dynamics quantification using FACS and microscopy with image analysis of cells in microfluidic channels. FACS analysis of (b) NFκB and (c) GRE reporter cell populations at 0, 5, 8, and 18 h after stimulation with 25 ng ml–1 TNF-α and 4 µM dexamethasone, respectively. Fluorescence time lapse images of (d) NFκB and (e) GRE reporters in microfluidic cell visualization chambers 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 h after stimulation. |
We seeded the eight cell lines in the microfluidic array, and stimulated the library with various pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators including endotoxin, inflammatory cytokines, a synthetic glucocorticoid, and combinations thereof. Each stimulus was drawn from a separate supply tube through a common outlet using a constant flow syringe pump. Stimulus outlet channels were designed with high resistance to avoid retrograde flow from one stimulus to another. In all experiments, flow rates were chosen to achieve cell surface shear stresses less than 0.1 dynes cm–2. During each experiment, fluorescence dynamics were continuously monitored using time-lapse imaging of each reporter–stimulus pair—192 locations (3 replicates for each of 64 stimulus–reporter pairs) sampled at 90 min intervals. For each reporter–stimulus pair, three of the four replicates were chosen for imaging. This allowed imaging of all locations to be comfortably completed within the 90 min sampling interval and provided us with the flexibility to exclude array elements that were likely to generate artifacts during automated image analysis, such as those containing cell aggregates, acellular debris, or other unintended sources of fluorescence background.
To obtain a global view of dynamic reporter responses to the panel of stimuli, each fluorescence image was quantified and normalized by the maximum and minimum fluorescence for that location as described in the Methods section. The results of a single experiment were then plotted as a heat map (Fig. 5a). Normalizing in this manner not only corrects for the number of cells in each well, but it also highlights temporal aspects of the responses rather than focusing on response magnitudes. One drawback of normalizing data in this manner is that unresponsive stimulus–reporter pairs are rescaled using very low fluorescence levels, which amplifies image noise and results in response dynamics characterized by rapid full-scale fluctuations (see responses to dexamethasone). Nevertheless, as expected, transcriptional reporters in each region of the array exhibited unique fluorescence levels. Negative control cells (NT) consistently exhibited the lowest absolute fluorescence levels while positive control cells (D4G) exhibited the most intense fluorescence for the duration of the experiment, indicating that cell seeding was well controlled. In contrast to NT and D4G responses, the fluorescence levels of the inducible clones were initially low, but increased and decreased in a stimulus-dependent fashion.
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Fig. 5 Profiling hepatocyte inflammatory gene expression dynamics (a) Heat map of a single microfluidic living cell array experiment. Each reporter was stimulated with bacterial endotoxin (LPS—25 µg ml–1), inflammatory cytokines(TNF-α—25 ng ml–1, IL-1—25 ng ml–1, IL-6—25 ng ml–1, and IFNγ—10 ng ml–1), a synthetic glucocorticoid hormone (dexamethasone, 4 µM), and combinations thereof (Cyts = TNF-α/IL-1/IL-6) or (Cyts+Dex = TNF-α/IL-1/IL-6/Dex). Cellular fluorescence was measured from 3 cell chambers for each of the 64 stimulus–response pairs every 90 min for 36 h to create the 192 time series comprised of 4608 single-time-point measurements. Data was normalized to initial and maximum levels to highlight the time course of the responses. (b) Responses of NFκB reporters to TNF-α, IL-1, (TNF-α/IL-1/IL-6), and (TNF-α/IL-1/IL-6/Dex). (c) Responses of NFκB, STAT3, and HSE reporters to TNF-α stimulation. |
We examined specific stimulus–response interactions using row-by-row analysis of each reporter and compared them to canonical signaling pathways. NFκB was strongly induced by LPS, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin 1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and by combinations of TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 (Fig. 5b). Interestingly, while the peak fluorescence varied between these stimuli, the dynamics of the NFκB reporter responses were strikingly stimulus-independent. Indeed, LPS, IL-1, and TNF-α are known to converge on a common signaling pathway involving inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK) phosphorylation and proteosome degradation of the NFκB inhibitor, IκBα.20 Responses were rapid, beginning at 2 h, and reaching a maximum by ∼10 h for each activating stimulus. In contrast, IL-6, a well-characterized protein product of NFκB-mediated transcription, did not cause induction of NFκB. This might be expected, as IL-6 is functionally downstream of NFκB activation in the cytokine signaling cascade. When we added the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (12 µM) to the cytokine mixture, we observed a significant reduction in NFκB reporter responses, consistent with its established anti-inflammatory properties and its known ability to antagonize NFκB-mediated gene expression. At lower doses of glucocorticoid (4 µM) however, TNF-α regained its ability to elicit a characteristic NFκB response. One surprising result of our experiment was that dexamethasone (Dex) did not elicit a strong GRE reporter response. We suspected that this was an artifact related to using late passage number cells, and after thawing new cells, found that the responsiveness to dexamethasone was restored. Therefore, taken together, our results agree with an extensive body of literature on activation and modulation of NFκB and they serve to validate the microfluidic real-time gene expression platform.
One can gain additional insight by analyzing the array in columns and investigating the coordinated response of multiple transcription factors to a single stimulus. For example, TNF-α resulted in activation of NFκB, Signal Transducer of Activated Transcription 3 (STAT3), and Heat Shock Element (HSE), however the kinetics were distinctly different, with response times (time to 50% of maximum induction) of approximately 5, 12, and 15 h respectively (Fig. 5c). Results such as these illustrate how the real-time gene expression array can paint a dynamic picture of the relative response dynamics of multiple inflammatory transcription factors in a single experiment.
While the majority of our results were in agreement with conventional signaling models, some results were unexpected. For example, when the HSE reporter was exposed to TNF-α, IL-1, or their combinations, we observed increases in fluorescence beginning at ∼8 h. We found only one report of such an effect in the literature,21 and to our knowledge, little is known about the underlying mechanism. At first glance, activation of HSE by TNF-α and IL-1 might suggest an NFκB-mediated mechanism; however we also found that the addition of dexamethasone, while able to attenuate NFκB activity, did not decrease TNF-α-induced activation of HSE. Unexpected effects such as these will be interesting topics for future investigations using more conventional assays. Nevertheless, they demonstrate the utility of the real-time gene expression array for detecting new interactions and instructing the design of additional experiments.
The activation of STAT3 by TNF-α was also unexpected. A possible explanation for this interaction might involve indirect activation through secreted IL-6. TNF-α is known to induce expression of IL-6, and IL-6 is a well-established activator of STAT3. To probe indirect effects that potentially depend on paracrine signaling, one might rearrange the order of the reporters and compare the responses of clones in upstream and downstream positions of the array. Alternatively, putative paracrine communication mechanisms can be studied by adjusting the stimulus flow rate, as this should modulate the balance between convective transport and secretion and thus affect the amount of paracrine signaling.
The microfluidic reporter array offers several advantages over conventional gene expression assays. First, sampling frequency can be freely increased, allowing cell responses to be measured at high temporal resolution and regular intervals. Second, the small channel height reduces fluorescence background associated with culture medium compared to conventional open-volume culture dishes, dramatically improving reporter signal detection. Third, the use of microscopy allows adherent cells to be monitored in their native configurations, retaining links between fluorescence measurements and other cell parameters such as morphology, location, and history, ultimately enabling single cell measurements and facilitating correlations between dynamic responses and endpoint measurements such as cell fate. The microfluidic arrays have significant scaling potential in both the number of cell lines that can be examined and the complexity of stimuli that can be delivered. A natural extension of the current design would involve addition of upstream microfluidic circuits to generate precise and controllable concentrations and combinations of stimuli from a limited number of inputs.
Despite the apparent complexity of the microfluidic arrays, they are remarkably straightforward to construct and operate. Once photolithographic masters are created, arrays can be fabricated, sterilized, and seeded with cells in a single day. Valve control of cell seeding and stimulation requires only two 1 ml syringes regardless of the array size, and continuous flow culture and stimulation can be performed using a single syringe pump. Together, these features make the array broadly accessible to cell biology labs that might not be equipped with specialized fabrication facilities or elaborate fluid control equipment.
Fluorescent protein reporters offer a non-destructive means of functionally characterizing gene regulatory sequences in real-time. In contrast to more proximal and destructive measurements such as DNA binding or mRNA abundance, reporter assays allow continuous measurement of the distal protein product and can distinguish between productive (mRNA producing) and unproductive transcription factor binding events. This is an important distinction for transcription factors such as glucocorticoid receptor, where DNA binding does not necessarily result in productive transcription. The microfluidic reporter array can also be used to study dynamics of specific genes by creating reporters with natural promoters. In summary, the use of fluorescent reporters to study transcriptional regulation provides an opportunity to observe the coordinated dynamics of many genes across time and create an integrated picture of gene expression programs.
Large temporally resolved stimulus–response data sets have previously been assembled using conventional techniques, however substantial investments in time and resources were required. For example, a recent study noted that 18 months were required for 4 investigators to assemble a compendium of stimulus–response dynamics (19 responses to 10 inputs at 10 time points measured in triplicate).22 Nevertheless, the results of these and other dynamic expression studies provide clear evidence that a well-orchestrated temporal order underlies cellular responses in the first 48 h following many experimental stimuli.23
In this work, we demonstrated the microfluidic dynamic gene expression platform using a well-characterized inducible pathway. Once validated however, the technology can be applied more generally to complex gene regulatory networks, such as those found in hepatocytes,24 pancreatic cells,24 and embryonic stem cells,25 where transcription factors are themselves, transcriptionally regulated. The microfluidic real-time gene expression array provides a powerful means of collecting large amounts of quantitative dynamic data from living cells in an internally consistent format, aiding development of mathematical models of gene regulatory networks and high-throughput investigations of signaling dynamics for systems biology. Furthermore, the unbiased nature of these experiments creates an opportunity to broadly characterize complex signaling networks and discover “off-target” effects of putative therapeutics. In the future, profiling tools such as the microfluidic real-time gene expression array have the potential to play an important role in revealing the systems dynamics of the cell, uncovering unexpected mechanisms of drug actions, and developing clinical fingerprints of disease.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Cell seeding movie. See DOI: 10.1039/b612516f |
‡ Authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 |