b and
aChemical Metrology, Institute for National Measurement Standard, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1L 0R6. E-mail: zoltan.mester@nrc.ca
bInstitute of Biological Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1L 0R6
First published on 22nd November 2004
Selenium-enriched yeast has been commonly used as a nutritional supplement. Here we describe a protocol used to investigate the metabolic fate of inorganic selenium in yeast. We provide definitive, mass spectrometry based evidence for the non-specific incorporation of selenomethionine in the yeast proteome involving the replacement of about 30% of all methionine with selenomethionine.
The challenge of identifying low abundance Se-peptides in a complex matrix is demonstrated in Fig. 1. A comparison of a mass spectrum of a Met-containing peptide (Fig. 1(a)) shows that the most important molecular ion is about 4 times as intense as the equivalent SeMet-containing molecular ion (Fig. 1(b)) due to the ratio of Met to SeMet in the tissue and the effect of isotope distribution of S and Se on the molecular ion pattern. The initial approach adopted to find the Se-modified peptides was to employ conventional data dependent acquisitions (DDA). A tryptic digest of extracted proteins was divided into 7 fractions using preparative size exclusion chromatography (SEC). SEC fractions were concentrated and analyzed by LC MSn with DDA. MS/MS and high-resolution mass spectra acquisitions were triggered for the most intense molecular ion eluting in the LC run and the fragmentation spectra were subjected to a database search. However, a typical chromatogram is very complex and selenopeptides of low abundance relative to other peptides did not usually trigger the DDA. To overcome this problem, we customized our approach, using the DDA and database search to identify Met-containing peptides. The fraction in which a Met-containing peptide was identified was re-analyzed, this time with forced fragmentation of the molecular ion of the Met-containing peptide plus 48 mass units (the difference between the most abundant isotopes of S(32) and Se(80)). This forced fragmentation spectrum was compared with the initial fragmentation spectrum of the Met-containing peptide (e.g., Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 1(d)) and if ‘matching’ spectra were observed, the peptide was confirmed as containing SeMet in the place of Met.
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Fig. 1 MS spectra of a Met-containing and SeMet-containing peptide observed in a SEC fraction of yeast. (a) Mass spectrum of the singly charged ion of the peptide DLTQFPAFVTPMGK and (b) the triggered fragmentation spectrum of the most important molecular ion at m/z 1551.9. (c) Mass spectrum of the singly charged ion of the peptide DLTQFPAFVTPXGK (where X denotes SeMet) and (d) the forced fragmentation spectra of the most important molecular ion at m/z 1599.9. It can be observed that the mass difference between the most intense molecular ions of the Met-containing peptide in (a) and the SeMet-containing peptide in (b) is 48 mass units (the difference between the most important isotopes of S and Se). From the comparison of fragmentation spectra of the Met-containing peptide in (c) and the SeMet-containing peptide in (d) two sets of fragments are apparent: fragments with the same m/z in both spectra, which do not contain a Met or a SeMet residue, and fragments (highlighted in bold) observed in (c) with an m/z which is 48 mass units higher in the respective fragment ions in (d) and which contain a Met and a SeMet residue, respectively. |
By comparing each set of spectra in this fashion, the presence of SeMet in the peptide can be confirmed. Additionally, a manual search of the chromatogram for the characteristic selenium isotopic distribution permitted the identification of any peptides that were overlooked or incorrectly identified in the database search. Manually sequencing the fragmentation spectra and running partial sequences through BLAST (NCBI) reduced incidences of false positives. The employed 2D LC approach has limited characterization to the most abundant proteins in the proteome.12 A list of those proteins in which SeMet was found is shown in Table 1. Peptides identified by an alternative approach, based on 1D gel electrophoresis and identification by LC MSn are also listed in Table 1. The ratios of unmodified to modified peptide were estimated from the integrated molecular ion profiles and reflect the ratio determined in-house by LC-ID-MS. Despite the limited number of proteins, the results indicate that the non-specific incorporation of selenium is similar across the whole proteome.
Protein | m/z Met–peptide | m/z SeMet–peptide | Sequence of peptide indentifieda | Res # | Ratio Unmod/Modb | Biological processes | Cellular component |
a Peptides identified, which correspond to smaller fragments of peptides shown in this table, are not listed. b Ratio of unmodified to modified peptide, estimated from peak area of integrated molecular ion profiles. c Peptides identified by 1D gel-electrophoresis LC MSn. | |||||||
ADH1 | 597.3 | 645.3 | AMGYR | 219–224 | 2.1 | Glucose fermentation | Cytosol |
1387.8 | 1435.8 | ANGTTVLVGMPAGAK | 262–276 | 2.0 | |||
717.8 (2+) | ANGTTVLVGMPAGAKc | 262–276 | 10.0 | ||||
AHP1 | 890.4 | 938.4 | MPQTVEW | 33–39 | 1.5 | Regulation of cell redox homeostasis, response to metal ion | Cytoplasm |
DAK 2 | 761.2 | 809.2 | MDALVGR | 546–552 | 6.3 | Glycerol catabolism, response to stress | Cellular component unknown |
ENO1 | 1684.9 | 1732.8 | SIVPSGASTGVHEALEM | 32–48 | 2.5 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Cytoplasm, phosphopyruvate hydratase complex |
521.3 | 569.3 | WMGK | 56–59 | 2.8 | |||
ENO2 | 1684.9 | 1732.8 | SIVPSGASTGVHEALEM | 32–48 | 2.5 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Phosphopyruvate hydratase complex, soluble fraction |
521.3 | 569.3 | WMGK | 56–59 | 2.8 | |||
1297.3 | 1245.3 | WLTGVELADMY | 272–282 | 5.0 | |||
FBA1 | 1931.9 | 1979.9 | LPWFDGMLEADEAYFK | 116–131 | 2.0 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Cytoplasm, cytosol |
PDC1 | 1665.0 | 1713.0 | IDLTQFPAFVTPMGK | 235–249 | 2.5 | Ethanol fermentation, pyruvate metabolism | Cytoplasm, nucleus |
1356.9 | 1404.9 | NIVEFHSDHMK | 305–315 | 1.0 | |||
RPL11 | 1524.7 | 1572.7 | YDPSIGIFGMDFY | 115–127 | 4.5 | Protein biosynthesis, ribosomal large subunit assembly and maintenance | Cytosolic large ribosomal subunit |
SSA1 | 1607.9 | 1655.9 | NQAAMNPSNTVFDAK | 55–69 | 1.1 | SRP-dependent cotranslational membrance targeting and translocation, protein folding, protein-nucleus import and translocation | Cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuolar membrane |
1551.0 | 1599.0 | NFTPEQISSMVLGK | 111–124 | 1.2 | |||
1358.8 | 1406.8 | ELQDIANPMSK | 593–604 | 1.0 | |||
SSA2 | 1551.0 | 1599.0 | NFTPEQISSMVLGK | 111–124 | 1.2 | Protein folding | Cell wall, cytoplasm, vacuolar membrane |
G3PD | 1764.9 | 1812.9 | APSSTAPMFVMGVNEVK | 121–137 | 1.5 | Not found in SGD | |
1846.2 | 1894.2 | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVH | 161–177 | 1.8 | |||
874.7 (3+) | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVHSLTATQKc | 161–184 | 1.43 | ||||
TDH1 | 1729.0 | 1777.0 | APSSSAPMFVVGVNHTK | 121–137 | 1.3 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Cell wall, cytosol, lipid particle |
1846.2 | 1894.2 | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVH | 161–177 | 1.8 | |||
TDH2 | 1846.2 | 1894.2 | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVH | 160–176 | 1.8 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Cell wall, cytoplasm, cytosol, lipid particle |
TDH3 | 1846.2 | 1894.2 | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVH | 160–176 | 1.8 | Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis | Cell wall, cytoplasm, cytosol, lipid particle |
874.7 (3+) | VINDAFGIEEGLMTTVHSLTATQKc | 161–184 | 1.4 |
In summary, the analytical procedures allowed us to confirm that the yeast can support a high degree of SeMet incorporation, seemingly with no induced stress mechanisms. The approach has been restricted to higher abundance proteins with a relatively high Met content in the sequence.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 |