Measurement of 237Np in environmental water samples by accelerator mass spectrometry

Miranda J. Keith-Roach *a, J. Philip Day a, L. Keith Fifield b and Francis R. Livens a
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK M13 9PL
bDepartment of Nuclear Physics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

Received 15th September 2000 , Accepted 7th November 2000

First published on 18th December 2000


Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was used to measure 237Np in environmental water samples extracted from Irish Sea sediments. The samples were of limited volume (∼700 ml) and of low activity (0.06–0.79 mBq l−1; 2.30–30.3 pg l −1). AMS proved to have the required sensitivity for measuring these samples, and was in principle capable of measuring much smaller amounts, as low as 0.4 μBq (3.9 × 107 atoms). However, the background level in the procedural blanks showed that there was a systematic low level 237Np contamination of each sample, arising from the 239Np yield monitor used in the separations procedure, which effectively increased the detection limit of these analyses.


Neptunium is becoming an increasingly important component of nuclear waste as the nuclear fuel cycle develops.1 It has an extremely long half-life (2.14 × 106 years) and thus has a low specific activity, but because of this longevity and in-growth from its parent 241Am and grandparent 241Pu it will be one of the greatest dose-deliverers to humans over time.2 The low activities present in the environment have meant that it has been of less immediate concern to humans than the other transuranium elements, Pu and Am, and it has therefore been studied to a lesser extent. Moreover, it is difficult to measure typical environmental levels through conventional α-counting methods. However, the study of Np in the environment is now of increasing interest because of its relatively high mobility, its in-growth in the environment and the time-scales involved.

The activity of Np in the contaminated estuarine sediments close to Sellafield, UK, has been found to be fairly low, typically 10–100 Bq m−2,2,3 but these levels are still potentially high enough to measure the remobilisation of Np into the solution phase. This is of interest in terms of the mobility and redistribution of Np, especially as it is seen as the most mobile transuranic element. It has a relatively low distribution coefficient in the marine environment, approximately 103–104 l kg−1,4,5 and this is thought to be due to its existence in the oxidised V state, as the neptunyl ion (NpO2+).5

Until the development of double-focusing sector field ICP-MS, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was the only technique that had been shown to be capable of measuring microbecquerel activities of 237Np.6,7 In this study, AMS was used to measure the 237Np content of a series of interstitial water samples from the Esk Estuary, Cumbria, UK, and to assess the performance of the method. The samples were collected monthly for 13 months to measure changes in Np concentrations in solution over a yearly cycle.


Sampling and laboratory methods

The sampling technique was described in detail by Keith-Roach et al.8 Briefly, sediment porewater samples were collected from the same location in north-west England each month using in situ ceramic porous cup samplers. The samples were acidified in the field with concentrated HNO3 and stored in plastic bottles for transport to the laboratory, where they were maintained at 4 °C. Sub-samples (50 ml) were taken for stable element analysis, and the transuranics were sequentially separated from the remainder of the sample (∼700 ml). Analytical-reagent grade reagents were used at all times.

It has been demonstrated that samples with sufficiently high Pu and Np concentrations can be digested, diluted and measured directly by ICP-MS, using an on-line chromatographic column to separate the Pu and Np from U.9 However, low specific activity environmental samples require preconcentration of the actinides and removal of the bulk matrix elements prior to any form of mass spectrometry. The procedure used in this study is described below.

The Np yield monitor used was 239Np, which was freshly milked from its parent 243Am prior to each chemical separation. The method employed was based on that of Yamamoto et al.,1 using several kBq of 243Am (AEA Technology, Harwell, UK). The yield monitor was prepared in a laboratory designated as a Controlled Area under the UK Ionising Radiations Regulations because of the relatively high activity of the Am stock. The parent solution was passed through two consecutive anion-exchange columns to maximise the separation of the daughter from the parent isotope. The 239Np fraction was made up to a standard geometry and γ-counted for 30 min on a hyper-pure Ge detector (50% relative efficiency), shielded with Cu/Cd lined Pb to reduce the background. The absence of a signal at 74.7 keV indicated essentially complete 243Am removal.

The subsequent procedures, described below, were all carried out in a dedicated low-level laboratory. The 239Np solution was made up to volume in a 50 ml calibrated flask, and aliquots of accurately known activity (∼500 Bq) were added to the samples and procedural blank (one procedural blank was analysed with each batch of samples). The samples were heated down with HNO3 (d = 1.42; 10 ml per 100 ml of sample) to destroy any traces of organic matter. The residue was dissolved in the minimum volume of water and concentrated HNO3 was added to reduce the pH to <1; typically, final volumes were 150 ml. The transuranic elements were then removed from solution through an iron oxy-hydroxide coprecipitation in the presence of sulfite. The floc was isolated by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 10 min, and then dissolved in HCl (d = 1.18; 20 ml). This solution was taken to dryness over 2–3 h, and the residue was dissolved in 9 M HCl (30 ml).

Neptunium was separated from the matrix elements and other transuranic elements through an ion-exchange method adapted from Hursthouse.10 The Np fraction was reduced to <30 ml and made up to standard geometry for γ-counting. The chemical yield was assessed from the γ-counting rates before and after Np extraction, making allowance for decay of 239Np. The samples were then prepared for AMS by adding 242Pu internal standard (1.01 mBq; 1.73 × 1010 atoms; certified standard, NPL, UK), Fe (4 ml, 1000 ppm BDH certified AA standard) and HNO3 (d = 1.42; 5 ml) and taking to dryness on a hot-plate. The dry sample was dissolved in de-ionised water (10 ml) and HNO3 (d = 1.42; 5 ml) and again taken to dryness. When the samples were completely dry, the hot-plate was turned on to full power (∼350 °C) and the samples were heated very strongly for 30 min to oxidise the Fe. The samples were allowed to cool and then the Fe2O3, containing the Np and Pu internal standard, was transferred to a container. On two occasions, an aliquot of the yield monitor was prepared directly for AMS analysis to compare the amount of 237Np in the yield monitor with that in the associated procedural blank. Two standards, containing known amounts of Pu and Np, were also prepared to assess the relative formation efficiencies of Pu and Np ions in the AMS ion source, and an Fe2O3 blank was prepared to determine the matrix/machine background.

The samples were analysed by AMS at the Australian National University, Canberra, using the methodology described by Fifield et al.7 Prior to measurement, the samples were heated at 800 °C for 8 h in a porcelain crucible in a muffle furnace. Approximately 3 mg of Fe2O3 were then intimately mixed with about 1 mg of Al powder [Alfa (Johnson Matthey), Cat. No. 11067, <325 mesh, purity 99.5%], prior to compaction into standard copper sample holders for AMS. The holders were placed in a 32-position sample wheel for insertion into the ion source.11

The AMS technique

Negative NpO and PuO ions are produced by sputtering the sample with a Cs+ beam in a commercial ion source (MC_SNICS; Multi-Cathode Source of Negative Ions by Caesium Sputtering, National Electrostatics, Middleton, WI, USA). These ions are pre-accelerated to 130 keV before magnetic mass analysis, which is set to select mass 253 or 258 for 237NpO or 242PuO, respectively. The selected ions then enter the 14 UD accelerator, which further accelerates them to the high voltage terminal at 5 MV. Electrons are stripped from the ions in an 80 cm long canal containing oxygen gas at a pressure of ∼0.004 Torr. These high energy charge-changing collisions with the stripper gas also destroy any molecular interferences present in the beam.12 The now positively charged atomic ions are then accelerated back to ground potential where a large analysing magnet selects the 237Np or 242Pu ions in the 7+ charge state with energies of ∼40 MeV. These ions are then identified and counted individually in a longitudinal field ionisation chamber, operated with propane at a pressure of 100 Torr. The energy resolution of AMS for 40 MeV 237Np ions is 2.8%, which adequately resolves 237Np7+ from any molecular fragments in lower charge states which happen to pass the final magnetic analysis.7

Switching between 237Np and 242Pu is accomplished by changing the magnetic field in the first mass-analysis magnet, while at the same time changing the accelerating voltage in order to be able to pass both species around the final analysing magnet without changing its field. Samples are typically counted for 1 min at mass 242 (242Pu) and 5 min at mass 237 (237Np) for as many times as is necessary, always ending with a 242Pu measurement. Standards of known amounts of 237Np and 242Pu in Fe oxide were run periodically to give the relative counting efficiencies for Np and Pu, allowing quantitative measurement of the amount of Np in each sample.

Results and discussion

The relative counting efficiency of Np/Pu was found to be 0.74 ± 0.03 in this case, within the error of 0.77 ± 0.03 found in an earlier study.7

Results for the interstitial water samples are presented in Table 1. Table 1 includes results from the comparison of the two yield monitors and the associated procedural blanks. Note that the Np content of both the samples and the blanks has been corrected to a 100% chemical yield, and that the amount of Np in the procedural blank of each batch has been subtracted from the amount of Np in the samples. The latter is justified below.

Table 1 AMS resultsa
Batch Sample Np/counts min−1 Pu/counts min−1 Yield (%) Np in sample/ (×1010 atoms) Np in sample/ μBq Net Np in sample/μBq Np activity/ μBq l−1
a The net count-rate for a sample is calculated by subtracting the procedural blank associated with the relevant batch. Sample 5 had 1.48 × more yield monitor added, so 1.48 × the procedural blank value was subtracted.
Iron oxide blank  2.4  2.4
1 × 1010 atoms Np std.  221.8  522.5 1  103 ± 5
A Sample 1 2605 1980  70.3 4.38  450 249 350 ± 45
Sample 2  624.0  614.4  71.4 3.34  340 141 190 ± 25
Sample 3 1716 1034  71 5.46  560 359 560 ± 30
Procedural blank A  846.6  621.8  81 1.96  200 ± 10
B Sample 4 1259 1145  77.2 3.33  340 173 280 ± 20
Sample 5 1929 1418  77.6 4.09  420 171 230 ± 15
Sample 6 1017  901.5  73.8 3.58  370 199 230 ± 20
Procedural blank B  645.6 1124  81.2 1.64  170 ± 5
C Sample 7  463.2  966.9  70 1.6  160 139 150 ± 10
Sample 8  416.4  542.7  75.2 2.39  250 220 230 ± 10
Sample 9  558.6  870.9  68.3 2.19  230 199 220 ± 10
Procedural blank C 69.0  865.8  75.3 0.248 25 ± 2
D Sample 10  109.8  756.9  73.8 0.475 49  37 62 ± 5
Sample 11 1774  666.3  76.7 8.1  830 819 1200 ± 50
Procedural blank D 45.0 1029  79.4 0.118 12 ± 1
E Sample 12 1304  813.3  67.7 5.52 5700 533 790 ± 30
Sample 13  878.4  535.2  76.5 5.01  510 480 760 ± 35
Yield monitor 1  148.8 1225 100 0.28 29 ± 1
Procedural blank E 78.6  600.6  92.3 0.329 33 ± 2
Yield monitor 2  9.25  510.4 100 0.047 4.8 ± 1
F Procedural blank F 30.6  929.1  83.6 0.084 8.6 ± 1
Iron oxide blank  0.2   2

The uncertainties quoted are 1σ errors, including contributions from counting statistics, chemical yield and blank subtraction.

Table 1 shows that the average count rate from the 242Pu internal standard varies from sample to sample, ranging from 510 to 1980 counts min−1. Furthermore, the count rate from a given sample was not constant over time. It did, however, change linearly, since even when the count rate changed by 50% or more between successive 242Pu measurements, the Np/Pu ratio always agreed within error with the ratio obtained when the source output was more stable. This also demonstrates that the Pu and Np respond in the same way when there are any changes in the beam. It is an advantage of the AMS technique that samples can be analysed more than once, giving excellent confidence in the final set of results.

The iron oxide blanks gave 2.4 and 0.2 counts min−1 on two occasions, showing that the matrix contains negligible 237Np, and that there is minimal cross-contamination between samples in the AMS ion source.

The procedural blanks, however, which were prepared alongside each batch of three samples, contain significant and variable amounts of Np, which decreased 23-fold over the course of this study. It seemed unlikely that this was the result of random laboratory contamination during the extraction and purification of 237Np from the samples because these procedures were performed in a dedicated low activity laboratory. The 239Np yield monitor, on the other hand, was prepared in a radiochemical laboratory, and so contamination seemed more likely to occur in this part of the procedure. As shown in Table 1, the 237Np content of yield monitors 1 and 2 and the associated procedural blanks provide strong evidence that the contamination was being introduced through the yield monitor itself. In both cases the yield monitor is clearly providing the majority of the 237Np observed in the procedural blank, although there is a suggestion that the procedural blank may contain a small ∼4 μBq contribution from the remainder of the procedure. The first possibility was that the 237Np arose from the milking procedure, since the 243Am parent stock solution contains some 241Am (t½ = 433 years), which is the parent of 237Np. The amount, however, is far from sufficient to explain the levels of contamination observed, as can be seen from the following considerations.

The 241Am/243Am activity ratio of the 243Am parent solution as measured by γ-spectrometry was 0.018. Since the 243Am activity of the solution was 3 kBq, 237Np will build up in the solution at the rate of 4.7 × 106 atoms d−1. Before the initial milking, the stock solution had stood for over 1 year, but as can be seen from Table 2, even this would account for only 20 μBq, or 10%, of the 200 μBq of 237Np observed in the procedural blank A. Subsequent regular milking should have reduced the 237Np contribution to fewer than 107 atoms or 0.1 μBq. We therefore have to conclude that the 237Np contamination arises from preparing the yield monitor in the radiochemical laboratory rather than from the 243Am stock solution itself. The general decrease in contamination with time may be due to improved handling procedures or the increased time interval from when 237Np work was carried out in the laboratory. Supporting evidence for this conclusion was provided by an additional experiment in which a 243Am solution, which had not been milked for 5 months, was milked twice with an interval of 2 d between milkings. AMS samples were prepared from each of these and the 237Np was measured. It was found that the sample prepared from the earlier milking contained 40% less237Np than the later sample, a finding that is consistent with random laboratory contamination. The measured yields of 239Np from these milkings implied that at most 5% of any in-grown 237Np could have been washed into the second elution.

Table 2 Calculations of 237Np in-growth over time in the 243Am stock solution
Ageing time/d 237Np (atoms) 237Np/μBq
2 9.3 × 106 0.095
150 7.0 × 108 7.2
300 1.4 × 109 14.4
450 2.1 × 109 21.6

Knowing now that the radiochemical laboratory contributes a measurable 237Np background, it should be possible to refine the procedures for preparation of the 239Np yield monitor to reduce the 237Np contribution to suitably low levels. Nevertheless, when measuring at the microbecquerel level, it will be important to ensure that the 243Am stock solution has been decontaminated of Np a few days before the preparation of a yield monitor solution. It is worth noting that it would be possible to dispense with the 239Np yield monitor and with the 242Pu spike if suitably pure 236Np (t½ = 1.5 × 105 years) were available because it could fulfil the double role of chemical yield monitor and AMS normalisation isotope.

Although the contamination introduced via the yield monitor is significant, it will be the same for all samples and procedural blank in a given batch, since aliquots of the milked solution are used as the yield monitor. Further, the samples in this study have 237Np levels which are comfortably above the level of contamination and hence the 237Np content of each sample can be estimated reliably by subtracting the associated procedural blank value.

In the absence of yield monitor contamination, real samples prepared in our low-level laboratory should be quantifiable at activities around 10 μBq, using 3σ of the 4 μBq difference observed between yield monitors and procedural blanks. The detection limit of the AMS system itself is much lower than this; for example, the count rates for 237Np in analysing blank Fe2O3 targets were 2.4 and 0.2 counts min−1 (mean = 1.3 counts min−1). These counts were almost certainly due to real 237Np ions as the result of cross-contamination from much higher level samples in the same wheel since AMS is essentially a background-free technique, requiring positive identification of every ion. If, however, 3σ of the mean background is taken as the minimum detectable signal, then 3.3 counts min−1 above the 1.3 counts min−1 background constitutes a real signal. The variability in ion source output, as monitored by the count rate from the 242Pu internal standard, makes it difficult to put an absolute activity on this, but in the best case, sample 1, a 237Np count rate of 2605 counts min−1 was observed from a sample containing 3.08 × 1010 atoms of Np (316 μBq) before yield correction and so, here, 3.3 counts min−1 is equivalent to 3.9 × 107 atoms of Np, or 0.40 μBq. This is much lower than the detection limit of quadrupole ICP-MS (4 × 1010 atoms).13 Lower limits of detection have been demonstrated for ideal standard solutions with an optimised double-focusing sector field ICP-MS instrument,6 but have not yet been achieved for real samples, which may be subject to some interference from 238U at mass 237 in ICP-MS. There will be U even in low-level samples that have been subject to lengthy radiochemical separations, from trace contamination of laboratory reagents. As mentioned above, AMS measurement requires positive identification of every ion and is therefore much less vulnerable to interferences.

The ultimate sensitivity of AMS is controlled by ion source output and efficiency of sample utilisation. Using sample 1 again as a best case scenario, the 237Np counting rate would be 8.2 counts min−1 μBq−1, which corresponds to a sensitivity of 1 count per 0.024 μBq Np (2.34 × 106 atoms; 9.21 × 10−16 g) in a 5 min counting interval. Since a sample containing 4 mg of iron will run for at least 1 h, the ultimate sensitivity would be 1 count per 4 nBq Np (3.9 × 105 atoms; 1.5 × 10−16 g).

Procedural blank F can be used as an example of an accurate, low-level measurement. We saw a typical count-rate signal for the 242Pu internal standard, and could measure 7.2 μBq (before yield correction) with a 9% analytical error in 5 min. Therefore, these Np measurements were well within the capability of AMS. This method has the potential to analyse very low-level samples of limited volume, provided that the yield monitor can be prepared in a laboratory that is not used for other 237Np work.


We thank the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council for supporting the AMS facilities at the Australian National University and for studentship support to Miranda Keith-Roach.


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