Issue 17, 2016

Spatial conservation studies of nucleobases in 10–23 DNAzyme by 2′-positioned isonucleotides and enantiomers for increased activity


2′-Positioned isonucleotides and enantiomers were used to evaluate the conservation of the spatial location of five adenines and two thymines in the catalytic core of 10–23 DNAzyme. The positive effect of isonucleotides at A15 and T8 along with inherent enzymatic resistance could be a tangible solution for the practical applications of 10–23 DNAzyme.

Graphical abstract: Spatial conservation studies of nucleobases in 10–23 DNAzyme by 2′-positioned isonucleotides and enantiomers for increased activity

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Article information

Article type
19 Feb 2016
09 Mar 2016
First published
09 Mar 2016

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016,14, 4032-4038

Spatial conservation studies of nucleobases in 10–23 DNAzyme by 2′-positioned isonucleotides and enantiomers for increased activity

X. Yang, Z. Xiao, J. Zhu, Z. Li, J. He, L. Zhang and Z. Yang, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016, 14, 4032 DOI: 10.1039/C6OB00390G

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