Issue 5, 2016

Formation of DPM ethers using O-diphenylmethyl trichloroacetimidate under thermal conditions


Alcohols are effectively converted to their corresponding diphenylmethyl (DPM) ethers by reaction with O-diphenylmethyl trichloroacetimidate in refluxing toluene without the requirement of a catalyst or other additives. A number of acid and base sensitive substrates were protected in excellent yield using this new method without disturbing the pre-existing functionality present in these molecules. This reaction is the first example of the formation of an ether from stoichiometric amounts of a trichloroacetimidate and an alcohol without the addition of a Brønsted or Lewis acid catalyst.

Graphical abstract: Formation of DPM ethers using O-diphenylmethyl trichloroacetimidate under thermal conditions

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Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2015
16 Dec 2015
First published
16 Dec 2015

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016,14, 1623-1628

Formation of DPM ethers using O-diphenylmethyl trichloroacetimidate under thermal conditions

K. T. Howard, B. C. Duffy, M. R. Linaburg and J. D. Chisholm, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016, 14, 1623 DOI: 10.1039/C5OB02455B

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