Issue 36, 2016

Photodissociation dynamics of dinitrite at 355 nm: initiation of a reactive pathway


Dinitrites are effective nitrosating reagents in preparative chemistry and their decomposition products are involved in the atmospheric reaction of volatile organic compounds with nitrogen oxides (NOx). In this work, photodissociation dynamics of five alkyl dinitrites were investigated by detecting the LIF spectra of the dissociation products and theoretical calculations. The results showed that the C–C bond connecting the two nitrosooxy (–ONO) functional groups was the weakest bond in vicinal dinitrites and aldehydes were the dissociation products. For dinitrites with two ONO groups separated by a CH2 group, vinoxy and 1-methylvinoxy radicals were detected as the fragments via photodissociation, indicating a different mechanism compared to thermal decomposition. This observation demonstrated that a new reactive pathway could be initiated by photolysis of dinitrites.

Graphical abstract: Photodissociation dynamics of dinitrite at 355 nm: initiation of a reactive pathway

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Article information

Article type
06 May 2016
13 Aug 2016
First published
17 Aug 2016

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016,18, 25249-25256

Photodissociation dynamics of dinitrite at 355 nm: initiation of a reactive pathway

L. Wang and L. Zu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 25249 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP03049A

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