Issue 2, 2024

Novel hollow MoS2@C@Cu2S heterostructures for high zinc storage performance


Heterostructured materials have great potential as cathodes for zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) because of their fast Zn2+ transport channels. Herein, hollow MoS2@C@Cu2S heterostructures are innovatively constructed using a template-engaged method. The carbon layer improves the electrical conductivity, provides a high in situ growth area, and effectively restricts volume expansion during the recycling process. MoS2 nanosheets are grown on the surfaces of hollow C@Cu2S nanocubes using the in situ template method, further expanding the specific surface area and exposing more active sites to enhance the electrical conductivity. As expected, an admirable reversible capacity of 197.2 mA h g−1 can be maintained after 1000 cycles with a coulombic efficiency of 91.1%. Therefore, we firmly believe that this work points the way forward for high-performance materials design and energy storage systems.

Graphical abstract: Novel hollow MoS2@C@Cu2S heterostructures for high zinc storage performance

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Article information

Article type
17 Oct 2023
17 Nov 2023
First published
20 Nov 2023

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 657-663

Novel hollow MoS2@C@Cu2S heterostructures for high zinc storage performance

Y. Li, J. Xu, X. Luo, F. Wang, Z. Dong, K. Huang, C. Hu, M. Hou and R. Cai, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 657 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR05231A

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