Issue 33, 2023

Co-doping of Ho–Yb ion pairs modulating the up-conversion luminescence properties of fluoride phosphors under 1550 nm excitation


In this study, up-conversion fluoride phosphors NaY1−x-ymnMxF4:Er3+y,Ho3+m,Yb3+n (M = Lu3+/Gd3+) were synthesized by a low-temperature combustion method. The optimal ionic ratios in the matrix lattice were also determined by a controlled variable method. It was confirmed that doping a small amount of Ho3+ ions and Yb3+ ions in the Er-doped sample matrix lattice can form a mutual sensitizer and a transient energy capture center to enhance the sample's up-conversion luminescence under excitation at the 1550 nm band, respectively. It was also found that the lanthanide ion introduced can modulate the red-to-green ratio of the up-conversion luminescence of the sample. The phase composition and morphology of phosphors were investigated using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The up-conversion luminescence mechanism of Er–Ho–Yb tri-doped samples excited at the 1550 nm band was also investigated. This work presents a novel approach for improving up-conversion luminescence with high color-purity phosphors for display lighting applications when excited at 1550 nm.

Graphical abstract: Co-doping of Ho–Yb ion pairs modulating the up-conversion luminescence properties of fluoride phosphors under 1550 nm excitation

Article information

Article type
08 Jun 2023
16 Jul 2023
First published
19 Jul 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 11489-11502

Co-doping of Ho–Yb ion pairs modulating the up-conversion luminescence properties of fluoride phosphors under 1550 nm excitation

B. Lei, L. Lu, H. Sun, X. Zhang, Z. Bai and X. Mi, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 11489 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT01603J

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