Issue 16, 2022

Silver-catalyzed [4 + 3] cycloaddition of 1,3-dienes with alkenyl-N-triftosylhydrazones: a practical approach to 1,4-cycloheptadienes


The first formal [4 + 3] cycloaddition of 1,3-dienes with alkenyl-N-sulfonylhydrazones has been achieved employing easily decomposable alkenyl-N-triftosylhydrazones in the presence of a silver catalyst. A series of acyclic and cyclic 1,3-dienes reacted effectively with silver(I) non-acceptor vinyl carbenes, including challenging alkyl- and alkenyl-substituted substrates, producing a broad spectrum of 1,4-cycloheptadienes with high yields and predictable stereochemistry. The products resulting from the transformation described herein include bridged and fused polycyclic systems, as well as the natural product dictyopterene C′ and its isomer ectocarpene. The reaction mechanism and the origin of stereoselectivity were investigated via experimental work and density functional theory calculations.

Graphical abstract: Silver-catalyzed [4 + 3] cycloaddition of 1,3-dienes with alkenyl-N-triftosylhydrazones: a practical approach to 1,4-cycloheptadienes

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
18 May 2022
04 Jul 2022
First published
06 Jul 2022

Org. Chem. Front., 2022,9, 4426-4434

Silver-catalyzed [4 + 3] cycloaddition of 1,3-dienes with alkenyl-N-triftosylhydrazones: a practical approach to 1,4-cycloheptadienes

Z. Fang, Y. Ma, S. Liu, H. Bai, S. Li, Y. Ning, G. Zanoni and Z. Liu, Org. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 4426 DOI: 10.1039/D2QO00806H

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