Issue 2, 2022

GlyConnect-Ugi: site-selective, multi-component glycoprotein conjugations through GlycoDelete expressed glycans


Recently, the GlyConnect-oxime (GC) protein conjugation strategy was developed to provide a site-selective glycan-based conjugation strategy as an extension to the in-house developed GlycoDelete (GD) technology. GD gives access to glycoproteins with single GlcNAc, LacNAc, or LacNAc-Sia type glycans on their N-glycosylation sites. We have previously shown that these glycans provide a unique handle for site-selective conjugation as they provide a short, homogeneous and hydrophilic link to the protein backbone. GC focused on the use of chemical and chemo-enzymatic pathways for conjugation of a single molecule of interest via oxime formation or reductive amination. In the current work, we explore multicomponent reactions (MCR), namely Ugi and Passerini reactions, for GlycoDelete glycan directed, site-specific protein conjugation (MC-GC). The use of the Ugi and Passerini multicomponent reactions holds the potential of introducing multiple groups of interest in a single reaction step while creating a hydrophilic peptide-like linker.

Graphical abstract: GlyConnect-Ugi: site-selective, multi-component glycoprotein conjugations through GlycoDelete expressed glycans

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Article information

Article type
24 Nov 2021
09 Dec 2021
First published
09 Dec 2021

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022,20, 464-471

GlyConnect-Ugi: site-selective, multi-component glycoprotein conjugations through GlycoDelete expressed glycans

K. Thooft, W. Van Breedam, F. Santens, E. Wyseure, S. Vanmarcke, S. Devos, N. Callewaert and A. Madder, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022, 20, 464 DOI: 10.1039/D1OB02299G

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