Tethered tracer in a mixture of hot and cold Brownian particles: can activity pacify fluctuations?
We study how an interacting mixture of components with differing levels of activity can affect the fluctuations of an embedded object such as a tracer. In particular, we consider a simple model of a tracer that is harmonically bound within a mixture of hot and cold Brownian particles, which, like a mixture of active and passive particles, can phase separate. By measuring the fluctuations of the tracer, we find that this collective behavior gives rise to an effective temperature for the tracer. Additionally, we find that there is an increased tendency for cold particles to accumulate on the surface of the tracer due to the hot particles, potentially dampening its fluctuations and decreasing its effective temperature. These results suggest that the phase separation of a mixture of hot/cold or active/passive particles may have strong effects on the fluctuations of an embedded object. We discuss potential implications of these results for experiments on fluctuations of nuclear envelope affected by the activity in the chromatin.