Issue 37, 2021

Multiple-mRNA-controlled and heat-driven drug release from gold nanocages in targeted chemo-photothermal therapy for tumors


Multifunctional drug delivery systems enabling effective drug delivery and comprehensive treatment are critical to successful cancer treatment. Overcoming nonspecific release and off-target effects remains challenging in precise drug delivery. Here, we design triple-interlocked drug delivery systems to perform specific cancer cell recognition, controlled drug release and effective comprehensive therapy. Gold nanocages (AuNCs) comprise a novel class of nanostructures possessing hollow interiors and porous walls. AuNCs are employed as a drug carrier and photothermal transducer due to their unique structure and photothermal properties. A smart triple-interlocked I-type DNA nanostructure is modified on the surface of the AuNCs, and molecules of the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) are loaded as molecular cargo and blocked. The triple-interlocked nanostructure can be unlocked by binding with three types of tumor-related mRNAs, which act as “keys” to the triple locks, sequentially, which leads to precise drug release. Additionally, fluorescence-imaging-oriented chemical–photothermal synergistic treatment is achieved under illumination with infrared light. This drug delivery system, which combines the advantages of AuNCs and interlocked I-type DNA, successfully demonstrates effective and precise imaging, drug release and photothermal therapy. This multifunctional triple-interlocked drug delivery system could be used as a potential carrier for effective cancer-targeting comprehensive chemotherapy and photothermal therapy treatments.

Graphical abstract: Multiple-mRNA-controlled and heat-driven drug release from gold nanocages in targeted chemo-photothermal therapy for tumors

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
12 Apr 2021
06 Aug 2021
First published
12 Aug 2021
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 12429-12436

Multiple-mRNA-controlled and heat-driven drug release from gold nanocages in targeted chemo-photothermal therapy for tumors

H. Zhang, Z. Gao, X. Li, L. Li, S. Ye and B. Tang, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 12429 DOI: 10.1039/D1SC02017J

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