Issue 22, 2021

Impact of exogenous metal ions on peri-implant bone metabolism: a review


The development of effective methods to promote the osseointegration of dental implants by surface modification is an area of intense research in dental materials science. Exogenous metal ions present in the implant and surface modifications are closely related to the bone metabolism around the implant. In the complex oral microenvironment, the release of metal ions caused by continuous corrosion of dental implants has an unfavorable impact on the surrounding tissue, and then affects osseointegration, leading to bad results such as loosening and falling off in the late stage of the implant. Besides, these ions can even be distributed in distant tissues and organs. Currently, surface modification techniques are being developed that involve different processing technologies including the introduction of exogenous metal ions with different properties onto the surface of implants to improve performance. However, most metal elements have some level of biological toxicity and can only be used within a safe concentration range to exert the optimum biological effects on recipients. In this paper, we review the adverse effects of metal ions on osseointegration and highlight the emerging applications for metal elements in improving the performance of dental implants.

Graphical abstract: Impact of exogenous metal ions on peri-implant bone metabolism: a review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 Nov 2020
25 Mar 2021
First published
07 Apr 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 13152-13163

Impact of exogenous metal ions on peri-implant bone metabolism: a review

W. Chen, W. Zhu and J. Qiu, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 13152 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA09395E

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