Issue 19, 2020

Nitric oxide monooxygenation (NOM) reaction of cobalt-nitrosyl {Co(NO)}8 to CoII-nitrito {CoII(NO2)}: base induced hydrogen gas (H2) evolution


Here, we report the nitric oxide monooxygenation (NOM) reactions of a CoIII-nitrosyl complex (1, {Co-NO}8) in the presence of mono-oxygen reactive species, i.e., a base (OH, tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH) or NaOH/15-crown-5), an oxide (O2− or Na2O/15-crown-5) and water (H2O). The reaction of 1 with OH produces a CoII-nitrito complex {3, (CoII-NO2)} and hydrogen gas (H2), via the formation of a putative N-bound Co-nitrous acid intermediate (2, {Co-NOOH}+). The homolytic cleavage of the O–H bond of proposed [Co-NOOH]+ releases H2via a presumed CoIII-H intermediate. In another reaction, 1 generates CoII-NO2 when reacted with O2−via an expected CoI-nitro (4) intermediate. However, complex 1 is found to be unreactive towards H2O. Mechanistic investigations using 15N-labeled-15NO and 2H-labeled-NaO2H (NaOD) evidently revealed that the N-atom in CoII-NO2 and the H-atom in H2 gas are derived from the nitrosyl ligand and OH moiety, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Nitric oxide monooxygenation (NOM) reaction of cobalt-nitrosyl {Co(NO)}8 to CoII-nitrito {CoII(NO2−)}: base induced hydrogen gas (H2) evolution

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Article type
Edge Article
17 Mar 2020
24 Apr 2020
First published
24 Apr 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 5037-5042

Nitric oxide monooxygenation (NOM) reaction of cobalt-nitrosyl {Co(NO)}8 to CoII-nitrito {CoII(NO2)}: base induced hydrogen gas (H2) evolution

S. Das, Kulbir, S. Ghosh, S. Chandra Sahoo and P. Kumar, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 5037 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01572E

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