Issue 18, 2020

A covalently crosslinked silk fibroin hydrogel using enzymatic oxidation and chemoenzymatically synthesized copolypeptide crosslinkers consisting of a GPG tripeptide motif and tyrosine: control of gelation and resilience


A covalently crosslinked silk fibroin hydrogel (ChemSF) was successfully formed via an enzymatic crosslinking reaction using chemoenzymatically synthesized copolypeptides [poly(GPGn-r-Ym)], which consist of a glycine–proline–glycine (GPG) tripeptide motif and tyrosine (Y), as linker molecules. The gelation time of ChemSF was effectively shortened to less than 100 seconds without loss of toughness by adding poly(GPGn-r-Ym). In addition, the resilience of ChemSF was improved up to 86% at 66% strain, comparable to that of elastin, due to the flexible conformation of the poly(GPGn-r-Ym) crosslinker. The acceleration of the gelation and the improvement of the resilience of ChemSF were simultaneously achieved by using a multifunctional peptide crosslinker.

Graphical abstract: A covalently crosslinked silk fibroin hydrogel using enzymatic oxidation and chemoenzymatically synthesized copolypeptide crosslinkers consisting of a GPG tripeptide motif and tyrosine: control of gelation and resilience

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2020
08 Apr 2020
First published
08 Apr 2020

Polym. Chem., 2020,11, 3152-3161

Author version available

A covalently crosslinked silk fibroin hydrogel using enzymatic oxidation and chemoenzymatically synthesized copolypeptide crosslinkers consisting of a GPG tripeptide motif and tyrosine: control of gelation and resilience

H. Sogawa, T. Katashima and K. Numata, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 3152 DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00187B

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